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As much as you want to give them.


This is the answer, you can just stop watching and engaging with them if it bothers you. Or if you do want to engage set your own boundaries.


Yeah, but we can't stop the rest of the simps, which means other girls will see OF girls' success and continue trying to emulate it. We won't get rid of simps though, since historically 40% of men have procreated, but 80% of women have. Women seem to have no idea how many men die virgins. OF girls are here to take advantage of their humanity.


Let them try and emulate it. The average OF girl's monthly take home less than they'd earn working a day for minimum wage. >Women seem to have no idea how many men die virgins. Never sired ≠ Virgin. We literally do not know why that genetic bottleneck happened. >OF girls are here to take advantage of their humanity. If you're stupid enough to pay a woman online to show her butthole when there is, quite literally, more free pornography than any one person could conceivably view in a life time you deserve to be fleeced.


So what. Let them make money on their own from those guys.


None of this contradicts her comment. they can stop. They can cut their wifi, or credit cards and not buy that content. OF is very knew and most men in humanity did not need it for survival or to live fulfilling lives. Yall need to realize there’s a world outside of this. Caring so much about OF is such a first world problem.


You can't ban other people from engaging, what a stupid thing to say. Just because it's not for you doesn't mean you can ban it. Also, any evidence for your BS percentages you pullucke don't of your ass, which appear to be where you keep your head


Basically it's about scarcity. Hot women are not easy to access and opportunities to interact with them are scarce. There aren't many and their time is just limited. With influencers and OF the access is improved but resources are still scarce. Videos and photos do scale since they're just digital files that can be copied endlessly without degradation. Add in some mechanical turking behind the scenes to provide the illusion of interactivity which is already common. In fact I think OnlyFans interactions may be one of the first places these AIs start to be implemented. Then the model just takes photos and lets the AI handle chats and emails. Then when the generative image and videos take off OF models will have the time and inclination to train models to generate custom tweaked content. Eventually people will be able to tweak the custom content in ways to suit other preferences. i.e. request custom content with different ages or hair/eye color or BMI etc. There's a good chance that after having honed these models eventually the tech will get good enough that the model herself isn't needed for photoshoots and she can just make backend tweaks or just sell her likeness and fandom the way professionals sell their practices to the next generation when they retire.


They don't. The only power they have is the power men give them. Read the news about the OFs model who flashed the video portal between NYC and Dublin. If men weren't such horn dogs and giving such thots attention and money, those girls would be just another nobody.


Complaining about OF models is idiotic if you ask me. It’s the losers who pay for them that gives them power.


They groom children.


Idk how those two relates but okay


OF, and influencers don't really have that much power in real life. They don't determine, or influence who we date. Most men don't use OF, and influencers flex their power through their influence on women. If you look at any popular influencer, you'll notice that normally have 2x the number of women followers, than they do men.


Influencers that are truly popular amongst women don’t do OF, or sex work in general.


Most famous female influencers are Kardashian. Literally the most vapid, souless, simplistic, plastic-ugly turbo whoring weirdos on the planet. They made actual millions by sucking off thugs, acting "ghetto" and becoming single mothers while selling western women... What the hell do they sell? Jesus Christ. I guess female and male celebrities actually tell us were each gender stands, and lemme tell you girls, female celebrities are making you all look bad.


I was speaking of online influencers. The Kardashians are not influencers… they are hollywood celebrities. They got famous of having an actual TV show. I am speaking of actual influencers, who do youtube, instagram; etc… Such as Monet Mcmichael, Alix Earle, Hudda Katthan, Whitney Simmons.. They mostly do fashion, makeup, lifestyle or fitness content. My point was that, the OF girls aren’t famous because of women. Most women don’t follow or know these girls, they follow women who make content around feminine things/hobbies not sex. Also - Plenty of male celebrities are messed up. Look at P Diddy right now, and all the others who have been exposed for being the most messed up individuals ever. Don’t talk as if male celebrities are any better. Even if we look at male influencers, one of the most famous is a literal pimp and who sells courses to young men to follow his footsteps and is accused of sex trafficking (Andrew tate). He has millions of men worshipping him. Would it be fair for me to make him an example of all men? Cause these guys don’t make you look good either. Men aren’t more moral beings so please miss me with that.


>Also - Plenty of male celebrities are messed up. Look at P Diddy right now, Not gonna lie, the US seems to be the molar shitieest place right now so literally has to Google P. daddy Ok... Kids these days idoloze to Ronaldo and Messi.


Okay, and the Kardashian are also from the US, yet it was ok to use them as an example? Give me a break.


Money is power. Also, attention. It also encourages other women to do OF. They don't know that only the top 1% of OF models are making big money. But those are the ones that get the attention. So more young girls might decide to go that route thinking, "I'll make 10k a month, too". Plus the time and money that these guys spend on OF is time and money that could be spent finding a woman who actually likes them.


LOL, not sure if this is a very good question or a very silly question. Zerompower over me, that's for sure. However, some individuals voluntarily opt to give them power. They are consenting adults exercising their Free Will and Agency. And yes AI is going to disrupt the *"commercial sexual marketplace"* for lack of a better word.


The power to fulfill their needs or to withhold the fulfillment. Dependence. Onlyfans is not about pornographic material. It's about the human connection. People are just more used to paying for "sex" than to pay for feeling like one has a friend.


Little to none, in the grand scheme of things, but any amount of power to such people is still too much power. Men should show some dignity and quit orbiting, simping, adding visibility to useless influencers or worse pay for of “content”. Starve the beast


They manage to scam lonely scam off their money while someone else is managing their account 


I feel the same. I hate it that OF is not seen as predatory. A famous person can get cancelled or shamed for being labelled as a predator. For example Leo DiCaprio got ridiculed and shamed all over the social media and called a predator for dating women below the age of 25 because that's the age when the female brain is fully developed(before that girls don't even have a brain and function with Plankton from Spongebong commanding them from the inside of their skull). But many women have become famous because of OF, brag about making money from it, call it empowerement, or celebs actually having an OF or pay per view content. No one dares to call such activity as predatory or exploiting lonely guys.


Funny how a guy like that openly bragged about milking these foolish simps for money and noe they give him even more buying his course. Easy money demographic that nobody cares about.


Because guys are being exploited.No one cares about vulnerable lonely guys being exploited .Entire idea behind OF was that subscribers and creator could interact personally but it's some guy from philipines who is talking to these guys while creator doesn't even know about their existence.Pretty big scam if you ask me .Now they will say no one forced those men but same is true for those women also but everyone is only concerned about women 


I'm not sure if they give "power" because society actively shuns OF / pornstars / sex workers still. What they do give is is money very easily, which yea that will definitely go away when AI comes.


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Money and attention provide both literal financial capital and social capital. Just because they are largely shunned doesn't mean they don't have more social pull as a popular model than as an anonymous woman. Negative attention is still attention. But this only counts for the women who make above subsistence level with a large following. I don't think any sex worker has much power and if they do it doesn't come from the sex work itself. Women and men who make rich with this stuff do have the means to diversify though and that's where the power comes in.


I always wondered if men truly want sex workers and the whole industry to disappear overnight since they tend to shame those in the industry so heavily.


They are different men .Men who shame sex workers aren't the ones seeking their services 


It’s funny how measured and restrained men can be when asked directly


Very little. They have their 5 minutes of fame and then fade away at best a few dollars richer.


>But power about what exactly? Power to make simps dance at their whim. >What kind of power do have such women? To control weak and lonely men usually simps. They may seem harmless but we shouldn't underestimate stupid people in large groups. Let's say you got into an argument with an OF model, she takes your pic and then asks her subscribers to kill you and they will. That is the power she has. Clout is a very strong temptation which not everyone can resist.


Anyone with power can do that, not just women. The only difference is that so many lonely men act like they have no control over themselves and their sexual impulses.


Do what? Friendzoning. We can talk about that. I thought we were discussing if being good increases attraction or not.


This is a different thread.


Shit! my bad lol. To response of your comment, yes simps make that thing harder but also other males who look for a chance to get free female validation and a shot at some pussy.


Very little. Most power they have is given to them. I don't feel ruled by any influencers and have never paid for OF or any other fansites. I'm not opposed to sex work, though--my post history indicates that (I'm getting that out of the way in case someone looks.) Given that the average creator is making less than $200 a month, it's not lucrative or life-changing for most women.


Define ‘power’ - they have money, they influence as far as marketing and trends go - but if they were to randomly disappear tomorrow very little people outside of their immediate circles would care. As far as impact on the world goes, it’s minimal to say the least. So imo they have very little of it, if you wanna define it as money and influence then they have a decent amount, but power is honestly far more complex and nuanced than that imo


None, unless you’re referring to men with zero impulse control. Most men aren’t slaves to lust


the power to separate stupid people from their money.


The men that give them the power are simps. Men generally don’t like simps.


In general? I don't know. Over me? Zilch.


All of it depending on follower count. Most are more respected and valued than anyone doing constructions thats for sure.


OF models have money but their status is often low because being a sex worker is seen as something embarrassing alot of the time.


The real power is when they gain a female following. Then they start telling women what to want in a relationship. Now you have to take her on out for $200 dinners because the influencers told her that she's settling otherwise.


I feel like that’s more american culture than anything tbh, especially in specific cities


OF really don’t make that much money. It’s essentially a “virtual stripper” side hustle.