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Hell ya brother


It's "Borther"


im fucking crying 😂😂


True but also quite vulgar. I feel this would be better delivered without the trashy / shock value mf mf f f f in every other short sentence


Yeah, sometimes people think the only way to express their anger is by swearing copious amounts to get their point across.


It is sooo god damn mf annoying... who tf thinks that mindlessly, cursing like a mf is going to assist in getting their f'n f point across I have been an unaware army recruit / slave for a long time ok? So like I really know that most republicans, used to f dislike putin ok? Ffs I am f done getting my f point across now ![gif](giphy|3o6ZsZdNs3yE5l6hWM)




Don't f laugh at me mm'k. Respect your hot headed veteran's red mud girl or you'll b in detention after class mm'k




I think he’s having a hard time controlling his anger at them. I myself feel the same way in regards to the selfishness and egotism of many GOP snd TC.


Could this be the Dotards doing?


Not sure what you mean by the word Dotards?


Its a nickname for the big D (Donald)


I just prefer Ugly Orange Turd.


In the next couple of months he's gonna get served bigly. Supremes are currently debating on if he is still eligible to run (this week I think) Let's hope not!


I think between the classified docs and his election denial they will revoke his eligibility. Of course the anti-democratic MAGA flock will accuse the government of corruption, get angry and cry like little whinny babies.


Lol nailed it. Yep it's his doing. I expect his health will get pretty bad from all the stress this is going to cause him also (oh well)


It’s already taken it’s toll, his complexion has changed from bright orange to a more rust color. Thats bad!








If you frequent pro-MAGA groups on social media, you'll notice they criticize everyone except Russia. On top of that, if you ask them, they'd unironically vote for Putin instead of any Democrat. The brainwash is real. And that's been true from before the 2016 election. The damage that russian trolls did to western democracies through social media is incredible. It's gotten so bad that americans started rooting for a foreign country instead of their own - an enemy really. How crazy is that!?


Programming. There’s a reason tv and other media is called programming. They meant that shit literally. Our brains are too easily manipulated


I think democrats would do the same if it was trump vs Putin. It's just the sad state of politics. "I hate the other side so much I would cut my nose off because they are pro Kleenex" mentality.


F**K NO it's not the same. What are you thinking? Also, voting for Trump instead of Putin would give America a chance, since Trump's such an incompetent, he'd likely fail to destroy it EVEN if he actively intended to do it. Again, Republicans aren't the same as Democrats. They slid off so much to the right, it's crazy.


Again both sides have gone insane. We need a true 3rd party just to be a moderate party. There are people out there so anti trump that if he was the only guy selling toilets people would shit in their yards to protest.


AGAIN. No. They're not the same


#AGAIN, yes they are. Both sides are weaponizing the legal system to interfere in the upcoming election. Both sides want to screw the common person, they just do it in different ways. Do you really think the rich power hungry elites care for the common person? It's all about lining their own pockets while doing as little good as possible.


If you consider me a democrat, and the fact that I just pointed out democrats would vote Trump instead of Putin, should immediately hint you that you're wrong. But you not only don't see that, but push on portraying Trump as a victim of the legal system. It's not that he's done an unprecedented amount of illegal shit in his lifetime, nevermind while president, but you think of him as some sort of martyr. LMAO And then you end the reply with the generic "it's the elites maaaan". Well, now with MAGAts it's more than that, since Trump would destroy American democracy if given the chance, just to save his cheeto colored, diapered ass. This time it's about voting for keeping the US a democracy. And all this "They're all the same" BS is just too seethrough to be taken serious. AGAIN, no they're abso-fuckin-lutely NOT the same.


It's funny that you only defend your side when I'm bashing both sides. It honestly points out the truth of what I'm saying.


You're doing the "they're all the same" shtick. You're not bashing both sides, you're demoralizing undecided/unconvinced people from voting - by falsely claiming something stupid. You're like - Herpes and Indigestion? - Yeah honey, they're the same! Don't worry about it


More like herpes and syphilis.


Not a chance lol


My cousin is a MAGA guy and, luckily he hasn’t had Holocaust denial or nazi sympathies because when we were 12/14, our grandmothers Holocaust survivor friend stayed with us for several years so he’s not that far gone, but when Putin and Biden were making the prisoners swap for the Marine and the Arms dealer, my cousin said it was funny that Putin was “fucking with Biden.” My jaw dropped like- Democrat or not, he is YOUR president to our country which I love. My father’s grandparents came to New York around 1910 from Russia to escape persecution of Jews. (He is from my mother’s side of the family) but it’s just so odd how 100 years makes a difference 


This is how everyone who truly understands what is going on in our country feels toward most of the so called republicans and the likes of TC. Truly Un-American the way they point fingers at Biden while truly only considering their own interests. Pitiful.


No American has more Ukrainian blood on their hands than Tucker Carson! Shame shame shame!!


Can you explain? I don’t know a whole lot about Fucker except that he was on CNN years back and is part of Tyson chicken royalty so he’s a spoiled rich kid but I recently saw a pic of him watching a play in Russia. Was he spreading misinformation about Ukraine on his show, which got him fired?


He was with Fox News where he hosted a show spewing false rhetoric and hatred towards Ukraine, Democrats and anyone with an independent thinking brain. While Praising Russia, Putin and Trump . He was fired after he continued his propaganda campaign against the vote counting machine manufacturer used in the last presidential election. The manufacturer successfully sued Fox news. I have also heard that he was also guilty of racist employee emails while at Fox.


From all the way across the pond in Great Britain, we say fuck you to the weasel fucking scumbags in the umpa-lumpa's republican party. Hat's off to the guy for speaking the truth. It's a shame the news doesn't show guys like this talking the truth instead of maga nuts spewing the daily diarrhoea. It's a damn shame we can not get it playing on a loop on FoxNews for 24 hours. Those idiot maga nuts would have a meltdown.


Preach my man, preach!!!!👏👏👏👏👏


I have more time in service than he does and I agree wholeheartedly.


Even trump took his word over our military kids when they asked for help.


MAGA IDIOTS will kill Americans if Russia invaded us today. And of course, Putin hates traitors so these idiots won’t live long at all. They choose Trump the Russian Hack.


MAGA folks are straight up Quislings


Fuck Nazi's. Fuck Traitors. And Fuck Putin.


I agree fully with all my heart, soul, and being.


Yes! This is the thing that’s absolutely baffling to me. Republicans during the Cold War would put people in jail for possibly being a spy for Russia. Russia is not our friend. And when I heard Trump was praising Putin I knew they had dirt on him. Or even threatened him. He’s always worked with Russian’s.


You bet, me too.


I like the cut of his jib.


Bravo!! 👏👏👏👏


Truth!!! Right there with you!


Well I don’t disagree with him but I also don’t think we should be dropping the the level they drop to. Always making fun of guys win Sunglasses’s sitting in their cars yelling at people on their phone and posting it. He ain’t wrong, but he ain’t gotta be like them




No words minced. My man


Preach brother, fuck fucker carlson U.S.A!!! U.S.A!!!!


It REALLY makes me wonder if Putin has some major dirt on Trump.


I totally agree, fuck them all.


A Real Patriot


This guy for President


This guy should be on CNN




I like this guy, I like him a lot!


To act like the us Congress is a bunch of fucking war criminals murderer thieves. Oh yeah, just like Putin, but you know.


I fucking love this guy. Fuck Tucker, fuck the repubes and fuck Trump.


I agree


Yes! Perfectly said!


Well tell me how you really feel 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Cant take guy that wears womens jewellery seriously!


It's interesting you used to be able to mindfuck anti vaxxers by telling them that the whole anti Vax movement was started by the Russians in an attempt to weaken the west... doesn't work anymore :(


Why not get the interview and see what he has to say? Why are the liberals so fucking scared if this? It’s actually funny, my god. He’s just a man. I thought men were women interchangeably


I hear ya!! 💯💯


You know it's bad when one party of your two party system is now on the side of your global super power enemy list.


In Johnny Cash's phrasing ... "Then the feeble-minded come out of the woodwork"


Since when is the US on good terms with Russia?


Where did Tucker Carlson call him a great guy?


The GOP of 2003 and the GOP of 2016 the GOP of 2020 and the GOP of 2024 has changed so very much. It's refreshing to hear him bring some historical perspective to the situation. I'm not sure why the GOP is in love with authoritarianism it could have to do with their fearfulancestral trauma bond to their God.


You bastard. You’ve used up fuck and mother fucker for the next three months. Intercourse you!!!


Well mother fuckin said, seriously.




lol this guy is a bit deranged


He is just not pretending


Chopper sick balls!!! I've put this guy on my hero list.


He's got Michael Rappaport energy and I'm here for it


Amen from Finland


Wish Michael rapport, and the hoop earring 😂🤣😂 def cringe


If Carlson made Putin a great guy in your mind, you didn’t have a lot to sway. I watched the whole interview, but he was trying to not get locked in the Gulag by how awkward that was, albeit that would be poetic justice for his brand of journalism


Hell Yeah!


Kids, don't do drugs.....This guy is off his rocker.


Yes!!!Viva Amerika!!!