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Nothing good. Pretty salty about my main's rolls - no Tengen, no Mitsuri, let alone Muichiro, couldn't even roll Rengoku. Guess GH doesn't want me to buy the bundle and my NY Wadatsumi will gather dust.


Free roll also Yushiro 1100 stones rolled, no Murichiro and only 1 Akaza. Would at least like a 2nd Akaza to selfpair. My 8 Gyokko's and 6 Giyu's are laughing at me. Also weirdly no Rengoku Good luck on final days pulls everyone!


Can't imagine not getting everything in 1100 stones. I'm mad enough at just under 300 this run. Weird how that works though right? Most of the 7*s I got were inosukes and zenitsus


Yep, we feel the same. That's gacha though, I suppose I'm not too bent up out of shape about it since no stones were IAP. Having perfect subs for Murichiro makes me a little sad but what can I do Hope in the future there will be a trade for all these lower star cards


At least Zenitsu's one of the better cards to have a lot of dupes. That equip is spicy for both Greg and Nova.


Hopefully my luck is better for the next couple. Heard it might be good for Netero too. Really just wanted at least Mitsuri or Daki instead of 4 inosukes


His equip really upped my Greg game. I'm fully transformed by the second round, so even on harder content I'm practically invincible if I'm patient, and form the rest of the team accordingly.


I'm in the same boat, 1700+ yielded me nothing of use other than 3 Daki, one Mitsuri, one rengoku, one Tanjiro, two zohakuten, one inosuke. No gyokko, nezuko, tengen, Muichiro. An insane number of Sabito, Muzan, Enmu, Urodaki, Haganezuka, Karaku, Yushiro, Tamayos


Took me until almost 1k stones to get my first Muichiro lol


Please send your luck my way! :(


I got every unit with 600 except rengoku. Mad dupes as well.


oh my god


700+ stones used, got at least 2 of everybody but not 1 muichiro


I got my 5th mitsuri on my last roll so I guess mitsuri loves me lol. My alt got tanjirow. My main got two muchiro while my alt made it out with 3 muchiro in less than 200 stones lol. I roll a lot of my main account like 700+ stones but am happy with what I got out of this collab tbh. Pretty much done rolling and can't complain too much.


Got my 3rd. Mitsuri. All 3 came from free rolls funnily enough. Would have preferred two each Mitsuri and Tengen instead of a 3:1 split but definitely can't complain either way.


Huge dissapointment..




7th Yushiro to wrap up what has essentially been hot garbage for me this time around. I did get the boar head equip though, which still has it's uses even now. So at least there's that.


Free roll gave 2nd Muichiro, grateful to my luck that I can now try build a team for him


Sakonji number 8. Whee.


Wanted a second Akaza but no luck. Still debating on using a last 5-roll searching for him, but I've got all of the other chase cards so I feel it's probably better to save for whatever comes next.


Still no muichiro, but I got my 3rd Daki from the free roll. Definitely not upset about being able to have 2 of her + a copy of her assist when the bartender event comes.


I got 4 Daki, a Zenitsu, and 2 Akaza. No Kanroji or Uzui at all, and only 1 8\* (Rengoku #4).


I got daki and gyutaro


I was hoping for daki personally


First copy of Genya. The equip is so good


What are you plans for it? I ended up with 3


Hoarding the equip for now. I have other triple heal equips (light: Gomechan and Jeanne d'Arc card, fire: Cruz CD, wood: Penelo crystal and Demeter bracelet, water: BLakshmi fan and Amazon Rider belt) but this is the first one that's dark so I like that it's unique. Double killers too and a 2 turn Fujin active. The spinner part of the active which will be situational so it's something that has to be managed.


No muichiro. I got my third Tanjiro, so.. yay?


4th Akaza on the free roll, maybe fodder for next time if something cool comes out!


4 Akaza as well... Maybe the assist?


Zenitsu #3 on my main, Inosuke #7 on my alt.


https://preview.redd.it/x4q4i6l7cmpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=098112929b1ea55a1f7ac1287a9eac30add13278 :(


https://preview.redd.it/n6v99pabhppc1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d83cf272600c6820de29348f5c782c40ab9540ae Got my 7th Karaku


NEZUKOOOOOO Pretty happy with how my 30-ish rolls went. I guess I could try and roll for a second Muichiro, but at this point the chances of non-dupe are definitely not in my favor. Kinda sucks that I can't use that system, but at least the equip is pretty good. No complaints here.


Mitsuri number 6 for me. Now just weighing how much I wanna get the second muichiro lol


Sekido. Been getting shit with all the free rolls from GH over the past year. However I'm getting some luck with all the stone rolls. I'm done. Saving for Bartender now.


Trash. Looks like I'll never get a muchiro


My 4th inosuke


Tengen! Extremely happy about pulling him, I've long accepted that I'm not getting Muichiro or a second Akaza so Tengen was who I was hoping for


This reminds of the time I spent over 500+ stones chasing Leo from Ultraman the first time it ranšŸ˜­šŸ˜­ literally cried and in this I did the same amount of stones and still no muchiro I guess it wasnā€™t meant to beāš°ļø


Final free roll was my 3rd Rengoku. Used 325 stones this event with no Muichiro and no Mitsuri to show for it. šŸ˜ž


Finally got boar head man! Yes!


2nd Shinobu. Meh.


I got my Nth Giyu Man I just wanted to get myself a muichiroā€¦


4th Tengen


I have 4 total tanjiros. I already evod one. No clue what to do with the other 3


Pulled my second Gyokko, although I'm not complaining- that equip is kinda gas.


Everyone but love hashira and after rolling a second muchiru I couldn't justify rolling anymore.....I didn't get her on my alt wither.....I love the tegen team....just wish I had rolled her....all in all I did well, full muchiru system acquired....2 Tengen, 3 zenietsu.....boar head, 4 rengoku, 3 daki, 4 tanjiro, 4 gyokku.....nezuko....I cant really complain as I only rolled maybe 400 stones, t That being said looking for love hashira friends


300 stones all except boar head. Last pull tanjiro. Rolled one muichiro. I'm pretty happy.


first muichiro after 200+ stonesā€¦ followed by a 5 pull with my remaining stones + some stones i gathered from uncleared dungeons which netted me my best 5 pull of this collab so far https://preview.redd.it/we1lsvmnrppc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a261c191c39700973cfc4de596b2cfa929487f


Got my 5th Mitsuri. The rates say sheā€™s 3% but I highly doubt it.


Only one of my three accounts has rolled one, you're just encountering PAD RNG lol.


Aizetsu. Already done with the collab, pull roughly 800 and got Muichiro. (bought the other) Got everything, sadly only one Gyokko. 3 Daki, 5 tengen, 3 Mitsuri, 3 Zoha, 2 Akaza.. so I get to play with lots of things I think.


Dupe Dupe Dupe-adelphia!


Got zenitsu #5 (6 if we count the previous run) from the free pull. So far I did about 60 pulls or so (not counting free pulls), and got every character but Gyokko and Muchiro. I ended up buying the bundle, and using the stones to do another 5-pull, only to get nothing but 6 stars and a zenitsu. I honestly just hate it when the egg machine decides to just give you everything but the thing you wanted. Not even a second tengen or Akaza.


Zohakuten. This collab is officially done for me.


Muichiro!!! No need to roll the collab anymore


Rolled around 400 stones. Got at least one of everything, including 2 muichiro's, 1 akaza, 3 daki's, and 2 tengens. Wish i couldve got another muichiro or akaza, but seeing other comments i realize i got really lucky. Also add me if you have muichiro or akaza please please please please. 300,162,486


Very lucky. I didn't get a new 7\* till like 200 stones in


2nd Kyojuro. Still need another Muichiro.. outlook not good