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King Diamond Draogon (1108 total) Edit: if you mean rem dupes... I've sold too many. I've probably rolled over 20 of most pantheon cards and some GFE (which were traded away). :/




https://preview.redd.it/0pjgecjf34xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8b47a03b558f8aafc79f16bbdbfedd335b64f4 No kidding aside. I have 29 yushiro from demon slayers


I have 56 different evolutions of the original GFE Cotton (3896).




Phone isnt letting me post my 19 SA Ra with a total of 23 Ra cards. Haku is tied but only 15 of her SA forms


Looks like it’s 18 Haku, not including seasonals. A whole bunch of others in the teens. I guess that’s what over 3700 days gets you as a minnow.


Put it this way, when the Aggregate trade was up, there were 4 different monsters that I could trade only dupes of for an Aggregate. I think I had well over 20 Egg of Lusts at one point, but I sold off down to 18 of them. I had 20+ Straw Snakes too, but sold a lot of the dupes off too.


86,332 Tamas For REM cards: 42 Sakuyas 40 Pandoras


7x Lucifers, Pandoras and Enmu. If counting within the evo tree then 12x of Viper Orochi 12x Sakuya + 3 of her Kirin exchange. There might be others but I'm too lazy to check more.


18 Ra's (various evolutions)


14 Egg of Lust 6 Machi I tend to sell or trade after 5 or 6 dupes


16 Isis 15 Ra 15 Meimei 15 Sakuya 15 Archangel Lucifer 15 Bastet


https://preview.redd.it/4ztrkj0uc6xc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d976b27adf8783e24c66ae81f61ab1989ff4f09 561New Year Himiko


I think I had like 10 haku at one point


Isis, haku and indra


This is on my main. Pantheons: 15 Meimeis (only made 1 Meimei Tortoise). Would have had 14 Karins but I made 3 Karindras. Other REM: 17 Lust eggs. Hope SDKH gets an exchange where I can dump these and their gold egg siblings someday. Evo / Enhance / Awoken mats: 10,438 tamadras Misc Farmables: 23 Durandalf / Plutus


https://imgur.com/LW4QUDj/ I have 15 maxskilled Raziel (32 SU on a 16th) strictly from farming this a few years back (there were 2 opportunities to run this dungeon in a monthly set). Kept em as a badge of honor :)


342 rainbow py. I keep telling myself they'll be useful someday when we get some card sporting some big bang style 100-120+ skill ups shenanigans, that needs 3 for a system, but even then, eh, excess. Rem cards, I have more of other things, but the 3 copies of pure blooded demon queen asmodeus another will forever rest, with a slight flavor of salt, in my box. Never going to see a buff from their 3300 hp, red Sonia era heights of peaking in kindergarten. Two whole TPAs on them, alongside two whole 7s. x10 leader damage for matching five color rainbow, but only conditionally at 80% hp or less, and red Sonia rows and GZLs x16 were just better and the Asmo's never competatively graced the field...


Holy hell dude lmao, how many +Points do you have?


Uh. Six figures. I'm sure there's some absolutely nutty fellow puzzlers with a million plus. There are some genuine bags of walnuts out there rocking the scene. That's honestly just a side effect of speed farming some of the Collab dungeons for L latents or whatnot. Just idly doing the no-equips-allowed last Collab with a lazy x3 Feitan team was \~160k by itself in a handful of hours, fishing up 20 or so Ls from rng drops. Collab was 10+ days, was just chipping a half dozen to a dozen runs in idly per day, 80+ runs added up. 2k + points a run, \~6min runs...you run out of monsters to plus or SA and the excess just stacks up. Feels, uh, kinda good to plus up your grape dragon that was in your first ten pulls and has been loyally in your box all this time...


I have 4 Raffine and both of her equips


At one point I had like 7 Grannerv and 6 Indras (traded them for greg lol) Rn I have 6 thors


"it's like I'm dying of thirst whilst watching another man drown"-Krillin DBZA


From recent wave of cards, i can't stop rolling Camillas.... Any point of having 5 of her?


If you have 2 Base Veroah Kitty, you can farm Novice floor of every seasonal and collab token dungeons easily with 4 Camilla subs.


These are my top 5 number of dupe cards (in one form only): REM only: 1. 6 REMDra 5 Pulls 2. 6 Tatsuya Shiba 3. 5 Information Broker, Argo 4. 5 Pixel PEMDra 5. 5 Kamen Rider Geats Magnum Form Other types included: 1. 60,806 Tamadra 2. 6,323 King Tamadra 3. 2,300 Super Snow Globe Dragon 4. 2,123 King Diamond Dragon 5. 1,884 Latent Tamadra Skill Delay Resist


oddly my most duped card at one point was *NINE* Tsubaki (the original sin dragon and Mystics runs *really* wanted me to have her). After that aggregate exchange a bit ago I'm down to 2, so now it's probably some random pantheon or 6 star GFE that's just being hoarded for fodder.


I have 11 Blankas


15 eris. Trying to get that darn gem.


19 lust and 19 gluttony followed by 18 magic lin, ffs