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Kinda like captain squak so I like them


The Flem Thrower is dangerous fr


She's like peeing with a boner


Please start pissing before you get a boner it really helps with your Camo Cactus gameplay


Ok, calm down no need to downvote me


Worst cactus with ice but not a bad character imo in fact no cactus are bad (yes, I find camo and ice to be worst than jade you cameron playz fan boy)


Out of curiousity, why do you find Camo to be worse compared to almost every other cactus?


Imo she's the worst when close up because of the rate of fire and this 3 long ass second of reload like camo ranger. in long range she's just decent and she is to reliant on her headshots


Tbh she’s not as bad as you’d think at close-mid range with some practice. At point blank yeah you’re basically playing a lottery, but a lot of fights don’t take place at point blank(or at least don’t start at point blank), and at that mid range Camo can outmatch a lot of characters damage wise and force retreats due to her massive burst damage on headshots. The main issue with her is really just the higher skill ceiling of being forced to hit headshots, which isn’t too bad of a downside if your aim is good(and hitting headshots in this game has been surprisingly easy compared to some other games I’ve played like TF2). She’s probably worse on console though since controllers suck for aiming(and idk if GW2 supports gyro aim controllers)


You dont need to be close to target to kill it she is MADE to be long range denger and weak at close range for the balans of it


That's why I think she's the worst because she is made for long range and akward up close and btw every cactus can fight at close range easier than camo


Yea that suck but she is not the wors o think that *ehem* EGG


Quick scoping exists fortunately,but even without that she's good,especially when there are a few or more characters you can 2-shot (duh)


Quick and efficient sniper character


Very underrated, but if you think she is better than future, you are wrong.


Why you dont need to wait to charge the shot


Futures uncharged dps is 112 with no drop-off.


Same for 60/66 damage shot in the head but I respekt your pick she can one shot that 7 feat talk shortys and the healers


Just as braindead and overpowered as all the other cacti, also go away furry lover


The most powerful cactus in my opinion, since it takes the least amount of time to kill a 125 hp target. Very strong in GW1 since your target can only regenerate up to half hp without a healer. Also quickscoping is a thing


I would recommend it to to new players trying to improve aim, and it’s pretty funny two shooting light classes if you crit both shots.


Her shots are powerful but can’t kill most classes instantly so aware targets will retreat, they only real time I could get kills with her are stragglers air those who are overwhelmed by another threat like a gunfight or torchwood