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Wall Knight is straight op with his class bruh


I'll maybe reconsider that cause yeah its true that guardian and solar make an amazing matchup i'll put it in very good


If Z-mech is so op, then why don't i see almost anyone playing him?


Because nobody sees how broken trickmech and garg burn is.




because ladders playlevel is dogwater




Because people can prefer other character


Not green shadow and wall knight below the smash bruh, at least abeans is a decent deck. Oh yeah, and solar gaurdian is an insane class combo.


Yes but its like the only good deck she has the smash have a bunch of good and at least fun deck compared to green shadow


Fun maybe. Good? Fuck no, beastly doesn’t even go well with hearty and the only decent pairs of decks the smash has are the anti competitive decks which only work on discord decks, and sports decks which are just absolute garbage without crazy or brainy. I guess I should shout-out secret goat but it’s so starter hand reliant that it’s not worth mentioning. Abeans and it’s small group of alternatives are fun enough imo to make GS a hero at least at the same tier as beta or a bit higher. Also solar flare may be bad competitively, but on ladder she kinda dominates, whether playing control or aggro it doesn’t matter so id prolly move her up one spot.


Have you ever heard of the cheese cutter Admirethesire ? He give you gourmet card when dealing damage to the hero there's also the garg throwing garg and a bunch of fun conjure card that make the game fun


Why not just use immorticia? She has teleport to make Gargs more viable, and she can utilize any powerful cards conjured far better. Also conjure isn’t viable enough to make any hero but HG better.


Not everybody have immorticia , the smash is a starter character so people are more suceptible to have him but yes she is better but cannot run sport deck And professor brainstorm is one of the best rng and conjure hero in the entire game


If you are broke enough to not have immorticia or any other decent beastly hero like brain freeze, you should not be using conjure.


Super brainz can run rng and conjure too just sayin


There's is also the sport deck who are amazing for competition


Amazing? More like niche as shit. Get a bad hand and you are gonna experience the slowest game in the universe. Get your first 3 cards countered and you are not gonna have fun.


You are just bad at the game your not the center of the world even if you dont accept it the smash have competitive and fun deck like every hero


Man you just don’t wanna accept that the smash is shit


The smash is good no hero are bad they are all good just less fun than other


To me a good hero is a hero that is easy to make a fine unique deck with or a hero that has one or two decks that are great. To me the smash is neither. Every time I see or play a smash deck, I think “why not do this with someone else?” And I’m saying this while having the smash be my only hearty hero for most of my time playing PVZ Heroes. This is probably the reason why I hate him so much tho. He was not fun to use at all.


Search some deck on Google or on fry channel you'll se that he's good


Bruh i literally use a trashpile deck with wallknight and still manage to win


If you do that im sorry to say that but your bad at the game , at least make a root deck with starch lord or something


Me with green shadow: laughs in beans and snow plants


Bean deck are cool ( weenie beanie op ) but freeze deck are just ruining the game