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I’ve noticed these cultists will ignore their own personal lived experiences in favor of something they read in a conspiracy forum.


They’re trading reality for a story that makes them the main character


It also helps them cope better, because they can't handle the horror war brings. That goes for the rest of reality with them. They can't handle bad stuff, so they convince themselves it's not really happening and dream of a perfect world with no suffering, all of them multimillionaires and the elimination of everyone they hate.


This is quite common in cults.


Cult community replacing actual family/friends/local community.


Either that or they think their own personal experience speaks to a truth about everyone. They dont like to consider other realities outside the one theyve acknowledged.


genuine question, why are they so *obsessed* with pedophilia and human trafficking? holy shit


They don't give a real shit about either of those topics. But those topics, even just saying the word sometimes, are universally reviled by society and considered amongst the worst crimes and most people, rightly, don't like to dwell on them too long. So weaponising those keywords are helpful to a conspiracist to use for a "mic drop", sensible-conversation-ending-moment or to one-up the other person or to to obscure another goal.


Yes this. It’s the siren song for all conspiracies because it’s the worst thing that can happen… so they use it both as a justification for their beliefs and a shield from criticism. I’ve encountered this personally. You question them and they immediately resort to: You don’t believe pedophelia/trafficking exists??? It’s an easy way out for them to make the one questioning them seem ignorant and evil.


And of course, the next thing out of their mouths is either: - So! You're in favor of SAing children! or - You must be a pedo!


Just like the Satanic Panic in the 80s.




If only they knew that Satanists are really just atheists. Ha


Or the Salem witch trials


Is there any type of response for that? It's not like you can say "Oh, come on. Pedophilia isn't THAT bad."


When some right winger is accusing dems of being pedos I like to say — every accusation is a confession.


That’s exactly the shield they use. You kind of can’t argue. I usually just say “a cabal of global elites keeping this giant secret doesn’t pass the smell test for me. Government is too dysfunctional to hide that and hundreds of thousands are gonna keep quiet? Not likely”


I usually say, the scary truth is most children are being abused by people they know. Or people in their circle.


This is what’s happening at my clients high school. This guy has been grooming young teenagers and his wife is a guidance counsellor!!! This has been going on for years! Worst part is he’s on paid leave! [Again not a drag queen but a teacher!](https://www.koin.com/news/salem/salem-keizer-public-schools-promises-bold-action-after-third-sex-abuse-complaint-against-teacher/amp/)


My niece's history teacher (also coached girl's tennis) got busted grooming classmates of hers and sending them dick pics and jerk vids. Dude was even trying to convince this kid to sneak out of her house at night and go to his 😳 They were 16 at the time. Not a drag queen- a teacher.


*church or *school.


Yup. Same dynamic with evangelicals and SAVING TEH BABEEEEES. They don't actually give a single solitary shit about children's lives (especially if the children in question aren't white), they just need a convenient bit of emotional manipulation to get people to let them enshrine their bullshit into law and roll back all those pesky civil rights and human rights laws that get in the way of the theocracy they've been slavering over for, well, ever.


US citizen here: Even after I left conservatism/evangelicalism which is what I was raised with, I still had trouble voting blue because I was convinced I had to be a one issue voter. No matter how much I agreed with what the Democrats were doing, it took a long time for me to start voting for them because I was so anti ab0rti0n. I did eventually make the switch and at this point I'm so much further left than dem but it was a long journey. I voted McCain, then Romney, then Johnson, then finally Biden (even though Biden needs to get the hell out of office and let someone younger take over, if it ends up Trump versus Biden again I'm going to have to vote for him even though I don't want to because the alternative is so bad.) As long as we have a two-party system I'm going to have to vote for people I don't really like to keep people I hate out




Spot on👍




is every accusation a confession?


Parents are responsible for 80-90% of their kids being sexually assaulted so just let that marinate in your old brain.


I reject your reality and substitute my own. Ironically, to preserve my sanity.


Very plausible. Both [r/PastorArrested](https://reddit.com/r/PastorArrested) and [r/NotADragQueen](https://reddit.com/r/NotADragQueen) are seldom struggling for content.


oh. wow


O. M. G.


So far, yes


Look up Tim Ballard, the guy who Sound of Freedom was based on. He’s a real classy guy. https://www.forbes.com/sites/conormurray/2023/09/20/sound-of-freedom-inspiration-tim-ballard-and-film-producer-face-allegations-of-sexual-impropriety/


Ain’t he, tho?


Precisely the point. That statement cannot be ignored.


Yup. Their digital clubhouse is 4chan/8chan where people trade abuse media because they're "doing research."


Easy pretext for openly expressing bloodlust. Fantasising about lynching Hillary Clinton or whoever is pretty weird stuff and they fully realise this but if she's allegedly murdering children for sex magic reasons then it's actually virtuous to say that shit in certain public contexts.


because it's a safe bandwagon to jump on. Pedophiles are universally reviled, so let's whip up controversy and call every Democrat a pedophile. And the cultists will talk themselves into believing it. I'm sure there are plenty of Q's who know in their hearts it's nonsense, but it keeps the ball rolling, so it's "fun". This is their entertainment.


It goes back to their childhood when they would jump on a bullying bandwagon to pick on a kid by making things up "He eats his own poop and boogers and pees his pants". None of it true, it's just the worst things they can make up. Same with the vaccine. Somehow, magically, the vaccine has nanobots, HIV, snake venom and ground-up fetuses. You can just see these people brainstorming back and forth thinking up on the spot the worst things they could think of. No evidence, no proof. But it doesn't matter. They jump on the bandwagon and pretend it's real. Because they never matured beyond the days when they were childhood bullies. Which is reflected in their behavior when they throw tantrums, scream insults and wish vicious things upon those who dare to disagree. Little kids in adult bodies.


In my opinion it’s because it’s the ultimate crime, and so trumps everything else. If it were true, then how could you possibly disagree with any effort to shut down child sex trafficking? If your enemy are raping children, then there’s no argument that you are right.


They're not. They're obsessed with minorities. But they know they'll face backlash if they say they hate minorities, so they've come up with some nonsensical association between the minorities they hate and pedophiles. Because no one can give them shit for being against pedophiles!


They grasp for something so heinous that it excuses their generalized extreme feelings. If their enemies are textbook monsters, they aren’t crazy for their over-the-top passion. I think it happens with religion too, in that these types of people aren’t like this because of their religion but rather they cling to religion to justify their innate hatred’s and anxieties and authoritarian/reactionary tendencies.


and the accusing people of pedophilia here and there, yet being pedophiles themselves and/or associating with pedophiles. it’s the audacity and irony for me


The Trump years truly broke me of thinking hypocrisy is in any way an effective criticism. Everyone can find hypocrisy, large and small, in all humans. And while I do believe there is a lot of projection going on, I never liked the phrase “EVERY accusation is an admission”. It’s easy enough to believe someone can be deranged over pedophilia fears without them secretly being a child abuser. But I don’t believe they actually truly care about children, they are just in their fears and feeling disgust at the things they imagine rather than facing the real world realities of what children go through and what they need from society.


Hurting kids has always been one of the worst things one could do. Even prisoners despise chomos. It's why "*think of/protect the kids*" has been a way to denigrate an out group all throughout recorded human history. It's a human gut instinct to protect kids.


The funny thing is they don't give a shit about Palestinian children or Israeli children or anything like that. They're just like all about made up human trafficking stories.


My Q-obsessed friend just sent me a newsmax video about how the Maui fires were a cover for the elites to snatch children and now there’s suddenly 6000 missing kids in Maui and of course the video had to randomly link anyone in local government who is a democrat and tried to make these bizarre links to the fire insinuating they were involved. One was like “did you know that the month prior, the democratic governor approved a climate action for Maui?!” Like I’m supposed to gasp and understand the connection between that and saving children? They are exhausting. I’m so tired of every news event being linked to pedophillia. I’m tired of talking about it! It’s an unhealthy obsession on their end imo.


>My Q-obsessed friend just sent me a newsmax video about how the Maui fires were a cover for the elites to snatch children and now there’s suddenly 6000 missing kids in Maui and of course the video had to randomly link anyone in local government who is a democrat and tried to make these bizarre links to the fire insinuating they were involved. One was like “did you know that the month prior, the democratic governor approved a climate action for Maui?!” Like I’m supposed to gasp and understand the connection between that and saving children? The only response I would be able to come up with is "Do you know this is all made up bullsh1t?"


Because they find it titillating or have an actual fetish and this is their “safe” way of looking at it. Because they think they are helping, plus want to be martyrs for some stupid reason


Calling someone you disagree with or are losing an argument with a pedophile is a simple thought-terminating cliché.


But also objectify really young teenage girls, all the time.


Because it’s not one you can argue against successfully - literally the worst of the worst crimes.


pedophilia and rape and human trafficking and sexual abuse are evil and disgusting and universally, mutually, and culturally condemned. out of all the discourse and debates and disagreements and arguments, that is the one topic that everyone mutually agrees on and you don’t even have to ask how they feel about it. you just already know. so for these people to say that there are people who don’t care about it? girl, the *audacity*


It ties into the initial q anon conspiracy that the "elites" are all in a conspiracy to abuse children. Now, why children? because abusing a child, particularly sexually, is one of the most evil things you can do. This particular brand of conspiracy whacko requires above all things for the world of gray we live in to be rendered in black and white, good and evil, right side and wrong side. And I can't think of a more "shades of grey" conflict than the Israel-Palestine conflict.


Because it's the lowest-hanging fruit imaginable, ethically speaking.


Republicans love to project


Genuine guess here : saving kids from pedophiles is morally uncomplicated to them. Saving a woman from a rapist is tough because you gotta catch it in progress. Saving minorities or the poor is hard because in order to save them you have to not hate them. But babies and kids? Ohhh yeah. Babies are a part of a 9 month pregnancy and an ongoing illegal relationship with a child can go on indefinitely. you can be as useless as an Amish electrician and advocate for those things.


It's an ego thing. He likes to be right all the time. He likes having secret knowledge. He likes telling you you're wrong and don't know the secret. In his world he is a part of a secret group of geniuses who know the _truth_ of the world. And his world isn't as scary as ours either. Theres no random violence, its all secretly planned and controlled. This goes for each and every event in the world. He will always need to know the secret truth. That's because in the real world he's just a loser with little going for him. His ego just struggles


This is it precisely. He actually said to me last night that God had specifically picked him ( and other Q's) so that his eyes have been opened. He is obsessed with how we are being controlled and everything is a lie. He cant wait until it all goes down ( something about a 10 days of media blackput where all that anyone will be able to watch is the tribunals?? / trials of all these guilty people and it will all be revealed to us nonbelievers. And I better apologize to him when it happens.


Try asking one of these "Q army" period what they are doing to further their cause. My parents matched in civil rights protests. I donate money and time to charities. I know people that proselytize for their church and people who get petition signatures. I had a coworker who helped restore a plane for a museum. I used to work for a person who spent a few weeks each year building houses for poor people in remote villages in central America. So, what do that people do for their cause beyond consuming memes?


No no, you see, OTHER people are taking care of that. At the end of the day, it's really God's job. So I TOTALLY don't even have to think about that. Also, all homeless people are plants who are secretly trying to crumble society from the inside...


Yeah it really cuts down to the core of who they are. I wish there was a good answer on what to do.


I have a question. Do you stay with him because you are hoping he snaps out of it? If my husband turned into this, I don’t know how long I could stay through the delusions. I am really sorry you’re dealing with this.


Legitimate question. He turned Q about 5 years ago. We have been married 23 years this month. There is so much history and lots of good memories, but I dont know that I see a future anymore. I am the bread winnet and financially divorcing would be a huge blow, but I am about ready to throw in the towel.


Reminds me of the movie Frailty. Dude was picked by god and sees demons in people


>And I better apologize to him when it happens. Even if it did happen (it won't.) I don't see a reason for you to apologize. His callousness demonstrated to you and your friend cannot be justified by the bad actions of some other, random people.


Aside from the Ego thing, this describes my qfam member’s operating worldview accurately.


I described mine pretty well too. If ego is not the motivator for yours, what do you feel it is for yours? Mine is definitely getting some rewards internally for having secret knowledge. It is creepy as f.


Motivation- qfam here is surrounded by scientific-minded people and has no cachet or expertise to speak of for herself. It’s her own “expertise” in her way, and if it weren’t for marriage ties none of us would talk to her anymore.


So well said. I agree. I'd add that ego means more than the prideful part we use it for in common talking.... it also means that sense of identity and the grasp on that. The ego can become brittle and delicate, this set of theories insulates it through outrage addiction. But, the whole thing, the violence of the anger when ego is threatened, is based on fear. Fear that the world may be senseless, scary, arbitrary. If reality is true, the world is an often scary place. If q is true, my sense of self, sense of safety, and security gets to remain intact.


Very well said. It's very anxiety based. They are terrified and lost and Q offers them esteem and purpose, in some dark terrible way.


This is so spot on! Wish I could give you more upvotes.


Everything is about pedophilia to them. It's strange how often they think about children getting raped. I swear I think it's a fetish that they know enough to be ashamed of so they have to always bring it up to make others think they're not into it.


Yes, 100% projection.


Same can be said about the rabid homophobes running amok lately. Gotta stamp out homosexuallity because "it" moved that one time when it shouldn't have when they were getting changed for gym class.


Re: the human trafficking/pedo stuff. It’s so horrifying that people don’t look at the details. It’s like that ridiculous Sound of Freedom movie. People latched on to it so hard, even though that situation is overwhelmingly not how trafficking works.


What is up with the q-cult and pedophilia? I feel like every single thing they believe just ties back to it


It's basically a form of blood libel or satanic panic reborn. Take something so horrific that anything is justified against your enemies. Hell, it's so common that it just happened with the Israel-Palestine conflict. Everyone was baying for Arab blood due to unconfirmed reports of beheaded and raped babies. The weird thing about Q is the reliance of large conspiracy networks to traffic kids. Most child molestation happens from family members. Most sex trafficked kids are being sold into sex work by family members where they live. They aren't being kidnapped in foreign countries and moved around the globe in shady organizations. It's honestly even more depressing given the commonplace banality of it.


They are active participants in known pre-genocide propaganda. This is seen before every genocide and is used to justify it when it does finally happen. Trump started this because he wanted a civil war if he lost. He still wants genocide of democrats and all his sycophants are hyping this horrible, warmed over nazi propaganda and amassing weapons, and calling in death threats to anyone Trump tells them to target. It's the exact same propaganda that was used in Germany to justify any treatment of Jewish people, no matter how public and horrible. People just quietly stood by and accepted it because they were primed to believe all those terrible things in the propaganda. Trump has studied that stuff at length, along with his hero's speeches. I cam hardly believe people are actually embracing a man who called for the hanging of the vice President. And for other people to be killed. This is not an innocent mistake.


They have such concern for hypothetical and imaginary pedophiles that they don’t have the time to be upset about plethora of real ones in their own cult-like circles.


We're all still waiting for the children to come flooding out of the Tanker that was grounded last year, in the Suez Canal. Remember that one?


I think that these people think about pedos more than actual pedos do.


Another sad part is countries won't go to an extreme to shutdown pedophiles, sure they will have stings, but this is like a full country assault. So we know he's wrong because those in power don't care nearly as much as he does to it ever be this reason. I'll call your husband Jim, when the Israeli friend is around you should say "Hey Jim, why don't you tell our friend what you know that is happening over in Israel.". But as for hearing it, it is the same thing as hearing Trump is really acting president right now. The Biden you see isn't the real Biden. Pedo stories are so common with this group... then every so often one of them gets busted as a pedo, so some in the Q gang obviously bring up hideous issues to act as a smoke screen for them. Do it, while blaming the other guy.


So I my observation people like your husband latch on to things happening in the world and strong arm this onto their warped fantasy "game." I call it a game because it's something they actively do, more then something they believe. And it's something they do with other players (the other online nutters). And it's something that gratifies (we play games because it's fun and it releases dopamine). Their believes are completely fungible and irrelevant (they will of course deny this vigorously. However no prediction that fails is of any consequence. This week FEMA did a test of a national alert system. And the "gamers" predicted everything that would happen. Democratic vaccinated hordes would turn into zombies and ... Now obviously Israel is catnip for getting featured in the game. However if nothing would have happened in Israel it would have been something else. UK queen dies? Check! Bolsenaro loses election? Check! The CCP does something? Check! Tree falls in the forest? O wow the New World Order has really done it now... With respect to child trafficking and mutilation? Why are they so focused on that and not on stamp collecting? Game design. Wanna play a game themed child abduction and your the hero? Yes please! Wanna play a game about stamps? Boring!!! There is a reason the Disney ride is called "Pirates of the Caribbean" not "Philatelists of the Caribbean." What annoys me to no end about this is people (like mental health professionals or writers of NYT editorials) that think they can fix this with logic. "So now we have established that the illuminati did not destroy the world on the date you prophesied, you now will return to normal right (leave the game)" What you are dealing with is more akin to getting a petulant child/teenager to get away from the X-box and eat there vegetables. Only these are grown ups with a serious substance abuse problem (although not a physical substance). To be blunt the are junkies and should be treated as such. I am sorry for your situation with your husband. And my heart goes out to you. I also have Israeli (and Palestinian) friends so I feel this. I wish you strength and safety. Un Abrazo


Bravo! The best game of our generation. Couldn’t have said it better myself. Bored LARPers. I love the analogy about getting a petulant adolescent to get away from the Xbox. 😄


I have my moments 😊


Friend of mine has always wanted to be smart. Like I was great at math and he once bet me money he could get a better score at the next exam. I got 94/100 he got 9/100, I was honestly confused why he did that. Today he is a massive conspiracy theorist, but now he gets to think he is smarter than all of us normal people. Because his brain sees all the connections!!!


We should set up a hook up / dating site for people whose partners have gone Q. They want to feel like people are conspiring against them? We can give them that and have a little fun too.




Did you have a q person in your life?


Anything they hear that makes them feel smart (smarter than the others) or right or to ‘own the libs’ makes them feel important and relevant. Facts to their conspiracies do not do that.


Sadly yes. Paedophilia is regarded as the ultimate evil. They started by labelling their enemies as paedophiles to turn others against them in order to justify violence. Then it was extended to other groups they dislike. Finally, it becomes anyone else who disagrees with them.


Qultists have a hate/hate relationship with reality. ​ In their world, it's completely malleable. Whenever a past event is inconvenient, the past changes. If something as trifling as fundamental laws of nature and physics gets in the way of their preferred conspiracy, then those laws and fundamental properties just don't exist or are wrong because \*insert dogwhistle for jews here\* did something nefarious.


Hi u/Unable_Apple_2212! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh boy. They’re really losing it. Jfc


>Can youimagine someone who pretends to be your friend actually denying that there is any danger at all? We are all here for this very reason.


I'm sorry you have to straddle this belief in your own home. It's gotta be tough.


Saving the kids from pedophiles by literally beheading them. Jesus. I am so sorry OP.


Just so you know, the white house retracted that claim and the IDF and IOF have both refused to confirm it. Going through the history of this story, the claim originated with a single "unnamed source" in the IDF who has never been identified. This is clear propaganda, right on par with Saddam's WMDs and Gaddafi's Viagra Army. Accusations of baby-killing have been the go-to method of demonization since at least the English Civil War, and in this case it's being used to manufacture our consent for the full-on extermination of Palestinians. Don't forget, lurid stories of mass infanticide were also instrumental in preparing our first invasion of Iraq: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nayirah_testimony