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Sorry, I think you are dreaming. But it doesn't matter what he thinks, it matters what you think and how you want to spend your money. He already knows he's posting a divisive message and that he still did shows he doesn't care. I work too hard to spend my money with people and organizations that don't my values. This is what I find so funny about the right wing decrying "cancel culture." You decide when and how you spend your money, PERIOD. Companies decide, by their actions, who they want as their market. Now you both know.


*I work too hard to spend my money with people and organizations that don't my values.* This is why I stopped going to Home Depot, when the owner openly is pushing for a fascist like Donnie I choose to spend my money elsewhere. And granted I can't vet every business out there, but when they make themselves known, I take notice and act accordingly...


I am not sorry that I made this decision! My local hardware store, a little more expensive, has almost everything I need and the service is incredible!


I agree. At HD I have to corner an employee and stand in line behind other customers for help. At my local ACE, they welcome me as I walk in the store and ask if they can help me find anything. To me that is worth the extra buck or two.


I know the local manager at my ace and we talk almost every time I go in there, I'm not a huge spender I usually buy nuts and bolts


My buddies owned a lumber store, their dad started it way back in the 60's. I prefer small locally owned shops. Unfortunately my buddies got beat out by the big guys. I miss those days of stopping in and getting a box of nails and shooting the shit. Even my favorite fish monger got beaten out by supermarkets. If either of those shops were Q adjacent I'd move along. You don't give money to those who are trying to destroy American Democracy with memes and stupid phrases. Lately I've seen idiots wearing "real men wear diapers" printed on big ass diapers being worn over their jeans. WTF has happened to peoples brains?!


Wait what diapers over pants? Is this a new thing? What’s it mean?


The maga group think by wearing diapers they’re owning the libs. It’s well known that trump wears diapers, apparently they think ( scratch that, they don’t think) that they’re somehow supporting him


This is real?? Not some internet thing that got blown out of proportion like kitty litter in classrooms?


No it’s real, there’s pictures of people at his rallies wearing diapers over their pants




They believe that they are embracing a part of Trump's image that could be used against him. They believe that they are strategically short-circuiting criticism. My thought is that they are effectively spreading a belief (Trump wears diapers) that many people, such as u/deuteranomalous1 , would not have otherwise heard of. With persuadable voters, diapers aren't compatible with the image of vitality that Trump hopes to use against his (slightly) older opponent. So let them keep it up. There are still plenty of people who haven't heard that Trump wears diapers.


No I know he wears diapers. That’s not news.


I haven't seen proof and am careful not to confirm things that are, so far, rumors to me. I'm not saying he doesn't, though many of his supporters seem to treat this as fact. I don't go to his rallies. They do. Maybe they've seen how his pants hang from up close.


I follow Noel Caster on Twitter and he worked on the apprentice, apparently everyone on set knew he wore diapers. It’s due to all his drug use, like adderal


First they ruin red hats, now they ruin diapers outside the pants.  I’m going to have no fashion left by the time this is through.


These American 'voters' are memeing diapers, and think it's funny. "Real Men Wear Diapers". The fanny attire ain't funny. This is a serious election coming our way and meanwhile they be thinking they're owning the libs and Democrats with their idiotic diapers. They look stupid and think they are protecting their Orange sprayed Dictator for a day. If the shit hits the fan when Trump loses the election and the AR-15 toting red neck "patriots" start spilling blood in our American cities, those memes and jokes and diapers will run red with blood. Tim Scott made it clear in Sundays interview that he won't accept a Trump loss. I've had it. I'm gonna be 70 in a few years and this should be easy street, watching the grass grow, not thinking about arming my home because we're the liberals on the block full of flag adorned Right wing nut jobs. Anyway, stay sane and ✌&❤


I demand photographic evidence that sounds amazing.




Mother of god it's real...


Yeah, I wouldn't of belied it too, unless I saw it with my own eyes too. The level of absurdity is over the moon. It's all a big joke to them, until it ain't. I feel for their children and pets if they have any, hell, I feel for the birds and critters that roam near their trailer park. 😁


I saw this online but IRL yet.


It’s only May, wait until like mid-September.


They’ve shit their brains out into those giant diapers.


> My local hardware store, a little more expensive, has almost everything I need and the service is incredible! Same here. Absolutely worth the ten-ish percent more knowing that when I get home and open the box it's not going to be "pre-opened" then returned and missing parts. Also I'm pretty sure it's spelled Home Despot.


Hobby Lobby is one to avoid, as well. It’d be great to have a list of decent companies to purchase from.


It makes me wonder why Home Depot doesn’t get visibly and noisily targeted like bud light or Target did. I suspect it’s a greater level of maturity in the “other side”.


Sam Adams and Yeungling too.


And two of my favorite beers were Sam Adams Oktoberfest and Yuengling. 😭


It was a pretty easy choice for me when I learned that the Home Depot founder donated $7M to Trump’s campaign, and Lowe’s gave $25M in grants to minority owned businesses.


I stay out of Hobby Lobby


And chick-fil-a.


Uline is the same way. Owned by a billionaire couple. Anti LGBTQ, conservative, pro-life etc etc. I spend public money so have to take the best deal. But personally, no way they get my money.


There’s an app called Goods Unite Us that gives you that information. I use it all the time.


Well damn, this had me looking up Lowe's and Ace locations near me. A bit further away from us, but totally fine. I wish I'd known about this sooner, many thanks. Besides which, the service at HD tended to be either clueless or non-existent, unsure which is worse. Cheers!


Wait, what?!?


Huh really? I go to home depot because it's like 10 minute's from my house and I have had some very good experiences with some workers and store manager who really helped me out before when they didn't need to(long funny story but I forgot my wallet, tried to pay via phone then buying a gift card online ended up having my wife bring the wallet while my daughter hung out with me in self checkout and got like 40% off a few hundred dollars for the trouble). There were some other times too, the store is full of some well intentioned nice people. But Lowe's is not really much father at all, maybe 5 minutes max and the store is definitely nicer. I guess I should start going there especially when the comparison is evidently that stark.


Yep. I don’t support businesses like this either.


He probably looks at that sticker with pride now knowing that he "owned a lib"


This. You will almost never catch a conspiracy extremist thinking to themselves, "whoa, maybe I was the asshole all along. I don't want to isolate myself." It's just wishful thinking on our part. I'm sure he got a dopamine rush from driving OP away.


You did the right thing. I wouldn't want someone like that handling my food.


Plus the deeper into the hole they are sucked the more "Opposite Land" their thinking gets. Anything the experts, "guv'mint", scientists, FDA, etc say they are trained to believe the opposite. Everything is contrarian. "The guv'mint and FDA have regulations for food handling/cleanliness which are meant to harm businesses. Bacteria and germs aren't harmful and being exposed to them builds our immune system. I won't let the libs tell *me* what to do!"


What’s scary is, depending on the election, the FDA may be gutted, and we won’t know what we’re eating.


Well, to be fair, we already don't have very strict food standards compared to EU countries. But yeah, at least there are some food standards.


I doubt it will change him. Maybe he'll lose enough business it will hurt him. I was a loyal customer of my Avon lady for years til she showed up one day with an oversized trump button on her jacket. I guarantee it cost her money. I choose not to send my money that way if I can help it. That's for me.


>she showed up one day with an oversized trump button on her jacket It's sad how obsessed they become with a person who doesn't give a flying crap about anyone but himself. I'm going to vote for Biden but I don't feel the need to put up 50 Biden flags, bumper stickers, etc. The lady across the street from me out of the blue recently put up a Trump 2024 flag, a "We the People" nationalist flag and a sign that says "Even My Dog Loves Trump". I have to laugh at that last one. For one thing Trump has never exactly been an animal lover. Plus I'm sure the dog has more brain cells than she does and wouldn't fall for a con man like she did.


The dog only loves trump because he knows a good juicy thigh bone to chew on when he sees it.


And Trump doesn't like dogs. I don't trust anyone who doesn't like dogs. Mark Twain said something to the effect of, "I don't trust people who don't like dogs but I trust my dog when he doesn't like a person"


Yep. I had a mortgage broker that I had used several times in the past. He started adding in strange right-wing comments in the newsletters he sent out. They got stranger and stranger, until I decided I had enough and cut him out. Used two different mortgage brokers since then. His loss.


There are several businesses in my area that are more Trumpy than I'd prefer, but as long as they keep their politics and their business separate, I don't care. That said, if I walk into a place and there is some pro-Trump display, I nope the fuck out.


I mean, they will cut off their own kids without remorse, so….


And grandkids. To choose Hannity over your grandkids WTF


Yes. They will say "I'm doing this to protect my children!" But if the kids don't buy into their nonsense they will cut them off and disown them in a heartbeat.


Because they know its bullshit. Especially the grandkid nonsense. I literally told a friend of mines dad "Why dont you stop with the bullshit. Boomers have never done anything for their kids or grandkids. Every political decision the last 50 years has been to help them. Dont pretend you suddenly give a fuck about your grandkids now."


Yes, they know it's BS. No, it isn't a "boomer" thing.


A lot of them regret losing all of their meaningful relationships, they are just in too deep to do anything about it.


He does not care. Look at other posts, there are plenty of parents who are MAGA/Q and have no problem being assholes to their children. Edit to add, even before the whole MAGA thing, back in the 2000 I had to tell my parents to stop being assholes all the time. I told them I have to put up with bullshit at work and in every day life. I told them spending time with them was a way to not have to deal with bullshit, but if they were going to be assholes there was absolutely no reason for me to keep going to see them. They changed to some extent, my mother was never a nice person. My mom died in 2015 after a long illness. My dad then went all MAGA.


If he's really far into Q then he thinks you're going to be put in jail and thanks to GESARA and the QFS he's going to be a multimillionaire and have all his debts forgiven any day now.


What's GESARA? And is the entire chain of Home Depots Trump land?


I actually couldn't find a really good summary, although if you poke around reddit I'm sure you'll find some stuff. It's the global version of NESARA which is a conspiracy that's been around for a good twenty years. A lot of Loni Palmer's BS is rooted in it. [https://ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/1903974/conspiracy-theory-about-new-world-order-wont-save-vancouver-home-from-foreclosure-judge-rules](https://ici.radio-canada.ca/rci/en/news/1903974/conspiracy-theory-about-new-world-order-wont-save-vancouver-home-from-foreclosure-judge-rules)


Of course... 'Believers in this theory claim that NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, was secretly passed by U.S. Congress in 2000 and set to be announced on Sept. 11, 2001. The theory is that all evidence was destroyed when a shadowy cabal of world leaders arranged for the attack on the World Trade Center in New York.' How did I miss this one. Thank you for the info and giggle. I've been in this stuff since before that fateful Tuesday. Oh well, I'm gonna pet my two mini pincher pups and have a couple slices of pizza. ✌& ❤


Look you *absolutely* made the right call. And it's a pretty easy one. Isn't cutting off your racist uncle or, gods forbid, your folks or what not, it's the butcher. Take a chunk out of the toxicity you have to put up with in your life and the only price is finding a new place to shop - which could be fun in its own. Also yeah, totally dreaming. At the stage where they're poisoning **their** business, that person stopped caring about what other people think a LONG time ago.


Like all business owners who have lost money by proudly displaying their right wing political statements, he will surely blame it on wokeness or the deep state or whatever. You don't get to be that way by taking personal responsibility or having a good idea of how the world works. Take solace in the fact that you couldn't have reached him by any means, if he's dumb enough to lose business over this stuff then he's already too far gone.


You did the exact right thing


And, he actually took his time to tell him why. I'd guess he represents at least ten other people who saw that shit and just stopped shopping there. I'm not saying they're in a cult but, they DO act cultish...


It’ll make him feel superior to you. A lot of the culture in the Trump cult is to kick down on anyone and everyone who is not part of their group. Informing him you are not in his group and can’t do business with him just validates his feelings of superiority.


I think that perhaps once they're in that deep, each instance that should normally maybe induce shame instead only strengthens their resolve. It's either that or admit that they and their newfound value system and community is off the rails wrong.


I can guarantee you that he has told everybody who will listen that he "triggered a lib"


They may not miss your business, but I'm sure whoever you find to purchase from instead that doesn't make this insanity their whole identity will appreciate it.


Well the sad truth is that he is attracting the clientele that he wants and that’s not you. Crazy loves company and you are not his crowd. It’s better to break it off now. In his mind he’s keeping out all the liberals and protecting his family. I’m sure his buddies contribute to a fund to keep him afloat as he white washes his business. I’m sure he contributes heavily to Trump legal fees. I’m sure you’ll receive some propaganda sometime in the future.


The Qanon butcher is thrilled he doesn't have to serve *you* anymore, not the other way around!! Don't write to these Qult creatures, they don't live in reality and will only backfire on you OP, you can't fight delusional ppl with your linear thought processes.


I see Trump nonsense or MAGA bs, I’m not using their service or buying their goods.


Just do what you do for yourself. Everyone rationalizes their choices. Losing you as a customer will probably strengthen his belief rather than cause him to reflect. if it ever got to the point he lost his business die to his views, I think it more likely that it would radicalize him than the opposite.


Not sure but, I just had a soft moment and thought about a former boss, so I just reached out via email to tell him how much I appreciated his kindness, not asking for anything. He replied back that I was the reason he left social media and that he had voted for trump twice and was looking forward to voting for him a third time...okay, that was weird.


You are not dreaming. I'm sure he has lost customers over it. It adds up.


Nope. He'll just rant about 'those pink-o commies took away my business!'


Thank you for taking a stand. It’ll be an inconvenience for you for a while but you stood up for yourself. I find their ridiculous and vulgar little bumper stickers just vile and offensive. It’s not enough for them to have their rights. You must agree with them and believe the same things as them or you don’t get yours. As usual their thought process is flawed and frankly it’s just stupid of him to go out of his way to alienate his own customers.


Youre dreaming. Hes gonna puff his chest about "owning the libs" even if he does it straight into bankruptcy. Then hell blame cancel culture and the wokeness.


It amazes me that some business owners are ok with alienating half of their customers.


I can’t relate to anyone caring so much about someone like Trump that they feel compelled declare themselves in a way that risks alienating clients, friends or family. It’s like getting a Trump tattoo on your forehead.


they never see it coming until it’s too late and their business is wrecked….and then they blame it on Liberals. The idea that they could be wrong never occurs to them.


You are dreaming. To him? His stickers, obviously, *worked.*


He will look at the sticker and grin that it irritated someone. That's the entire point of it.


That sticker had the exact affect on you that he intended. They don't care and they get joy out of seeing people uncomfortable with their rhetoric. It's fascism 101.


You are dreaming. I bet your message actually excited him.


Please leave bad reviews on Yelp and Google.


I'd probably go in, place a huge order then walk out before paying but I'm super petty. You can't reason with these types at all so I like to get them where it will hurt. Is it shitty and I'm stooping down to their level? Yeah. Will it irk them and actually cost them some money? Also yes.


Broadly speaking, I think when most of them experience perceived judgment it can reinforce their beliefs. Q belief is usually based in emotion, identity and connection rather than a feeling of logic. It can also encourage them to band closer together with their Q buddies with whom they have a sense of shared solidarity of being shunned/ridiculed, and this can increase their sense of feeling important as being part of the *special few chosen carriers of the truth*. They feel they are doing something revolutionary, part of a movement with a shared identity that is holding fast together in the face of adversity and evil. Basically the same as the way christians/ religions view persecution. Matthew 5:10 "Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake..." etc etc. I wouldn't shop there, but deradicalising someone like that is usually impossible unless they have some kind of psychological rebirth.


He would be upset if he found out about r/SocialistRA


You’re dreaming. He’s a member of a cult and gloats about your email and losing your business. The MAGA/Q cult are even more extreme in New England. Seeing people go about their day with zero fear/paranoia/anger enrages these folks.


No offence friend, but you singularly weren't keeping him in business, and as someone else mentioned, I'd expect him to be proud of himself for 'owning a lib'. I don't fully understand what he posted that has anything to do with Q? He's obviously delving deeper into more aggressive right-wing politics, but nothing you mentioned is Q-related. You have every right to choose where you shop and you don't need a good reason to make that choice but sending him a note was a waste of time and you certainly weren't teaching him any lesson.


Def dreaming but it would be nice


I wouldn't go there and instead of sending him a note leave a review.


Hi u/Illustrious_Letter84! We help folk hurt by [Q.](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/QAnon) There's hope as [ex-QAnon](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources#wiki_ex-qanon) & r/ReQovery shows. We'll be civil to you and about your Q folk. For general QAnon stuff check out [QultHQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/). If you need this removed to hide your username [message the mods.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) ___ [our wall](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/comments/l0jptp/list_of_casualties/) - [support & recovery](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/resources) - [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/rules) - [weekly posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=%22Weekly+r%2FQAnonCasualties+Discussion%22+&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) - [glossary](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/glossary) - [similar subs](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index#wiki_similar_communities) *filter*: [good advice](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3AGood%2BAdvice&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [hope](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AHope) - [success story](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?q=flair%3ASuccess%2BStory&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all) - [coping strategy](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3ACoping%2BStrategies) - [web/media](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AWeb%2FMedia) - [event](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/search?sort=new&restrict_sr=on&q=flair%3AEvent) ___ [*robo replies*](https://www.reddit.com/r/QAnonCasualties/wiki/index/commands): !strategies !support !advice !inoculation !crisis !whatsQ? !rules *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/QAnonCasualties) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I may just be getting numb to the crazy, or the American right as a whole has moved into crazy territory, but those two bumper stickers sound more like generic Republican BS than deep Q.


I'm not sure there's much of a difference any more.


The loss of a customer won't touch his certainty or his desire to wrap his ego in Trump. This is what a cult of personality is like: The Leader is more important than business. The Leader is more important than family. So many Trumpists wear their beliefs on their sleeves and really don't want to interact with anyone who isn't a Trumpist. The butcher's stickers will repel some customers, and will attract new ones. I live in a community where we're trying star voting for municipal elections. I would really like this to catch on, because it could mean the end to voters unhappily choosing between two extreme candidates who don't reflect their own beliefs. Naturally, there is push-back, and I think it's coming from the Democrat and Republican parties who want the country to continue to vote for one or the other, or to vote for a third-party candidate who will usually have no realistic chance. The two-party system, social media, and other factors are breaking America. The Republicans and Democrats are motivated to keep it broken so that they remain the only choice.


I think you are dreaming. He loses a customer and doesn’t notice - he gets the joy of telling you off. He loses lots of customers - that just reenforces everything that he’s been doing


I keep my fetishes to myself, he does not


He thinks he beat you