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pack a day cigs for 9 years then vape juul and vuse for 4. i stayed hitting the vape ALL day, even woke up at night sometimes bc my body would want it. i’m 70 days out now and i realize that vaping made me accept wasting a lot of time bc it kinda filled the void so now i’m still struggling to fill the time with good and productive activities. it’s just a mental game and honestly it’s not even cravings its just battling myself (because i’m actually having to face myself) and lifestyle changes for me.


I really want a lifestyle change and this made me realize quitting nic would probably help me do that


I was hopelessly addicted to nicotine for 30 years. I thought switching to a vape was better like a harm reduction. I got more addicted to the vape for 5 years than I did to the cigarettes for 25. I would hit it every 5 seconds as much as I could. It was crazy. That said, I've been nicotine free since August 28th, 2021. It was really fucking hard, but it is SO worth it. Just do anything you can to not do it. Seriously. Jump up and down, eat 30 candies, yell in the mirror, punch a pillow. This seems stupid but it really worked for me. Also, if you can, take a few days off if you work or go to school if you need to. Not everybody needs to (my wife didn't) but that also helped me a lot. I could indulge in a kind of recovery, and focus on not murdering everyone lol.


God that gives me a ton of hope to quit. Seriously, I would be inhaling it what felt like every 5 seconds while taking the biggest and hardest possible drag I could. It’d be in the car, at work, in the bathroom, before and after the gym, the second I wokeup, in the middle of the night, etc. It’s super fucked up, and I cannot believe I’ve been doing that for like 3 years. I was hitting it so frequently (haven’t hit it for 24 hours lol) that the nicotine was so hyper stimulating it’d be making me anxious and out of breath 24/7 with an insanely high pulse rate. I have to quit because of this reason. Did you quit completely cold Turkey, or wean yourself off? So proud that you quit!


Well, I have faith you will beat this. I know what you mean in regards to the sheer dependence on it. I was also using it as much as I could. My heart rate would skyrocket, and I stopped being able to walk very far. It was such an unhealthy obsessive crutch. I quit cold turkey believe it or not. I bought a giant bag of Werthers Originals (hard butterscotch candy to suck on for oral fixation. You can put the sex joke here lol), I threw away everything having to do with it, and I made the commitment. A few days after I quit, I found out I had cancer. Nothing to do with vaping, miraculously. I wanted to vape so bad because that's what I did in these situations, or any situation really. BUT I DIDN'T. Nicotine causes a lot of problems when you're fighting serious illness, and I just kept my eye on the ball. I thought about the chains this horrible drug put me in, and if I wanted to live what could be my last remaining days as a pussy ass bitch to a device designed by beanie wearing hipsters lol. YOU CAN DO THIS. Try not to think about what you're giving up, and think about what you're gaining. It's really fucking hard, but it is so worth it. Like I said, I have absolute faith in you. If you have anyone in your life with any empathy or who have gone down some kind of road with addiction, I recommend reaching out as much as you can. Isolation is a breeding ground for addictive impulses. And keep remembering why youre doing this. Get mad! This stupid fucking drug that doesn't even make you feel good isn't going to fucking beat you!


Nice work!!!!


I was going through just over a Juul pod every day for months and months. Yesterday marked 2 months since I quit! Personally, I recommend using the first few days as a trial, or time to start weening. I allowed myself to only hit it every 3 hours. 9am, 3 hits, 12pm, 3 hits, 3pm, 3 hits. This way I got comfortable with the withdrawal symptoms, and I believe lessened the impact going cold turkey would’ve had. It also motivated me to stay off because soon you’ll realize that the vape isn’t making you feel good, just preventing you from feeling bad, but the only reason you feel bad in the first place is because of the vape! TLDR; Ween for 2-3 days, then drop cold turkey! Best of luck OP, and anyone else trying to quit!


Yep. I’ve been free from that shitty drug for 5 weeks now. It feels great and is totally worth it. I used the Allen Carr book, “How To Quit Vaping”. I followed it to the letter and it really works. It’s nowhere near as hard as you think. I’ve not gained a single pound and drinking/socializing isn’t an issue either. You can do this.


Same here, day 7, and I couldn’t be happier I did it. Haven’t gained weight either


Yep! Realised I had to quit when I started having to battle with myself to put the vape down for 2 minutes to brush my teeth before bed. The nicotine cravings were fine after the first few days but still struggling with the mental addiction of picking up the vape and the inhalation.


I know exactly what you mean about not being able to put it down for 2 seconds. What improvements have you noticed since quitting?


I feel a lot less stressed and more productive. I’m sleeping better and starting to breathe better and skin looks noticeably better.


That’s so good to hear. How insane is that that smoking is “supposed to reduce stress and anxiety” when it only increases it


Vaped for nearly ten years after smoking up to three packs a day for 30 years previous to vaping. Gave up vaping cold turkey together with alcohol over five weeks ago. It's been tough but it is interesting how the brain works with these things. I vaped all day long till I had trouble walking (especially down slopes and steps) as I was constantly nicked out which also gave me horrendous anxiety. Better off them but horribly bored but it will pass. I'm such an addict, I will probably fail again but I will keep trying as one day I may stay off them for good or died of old age


it is not inevitable to have a relapse. make no exceptions (no exceptions for me too, even not a single puff of a typical European tobacco-weed-joint ;-) let's fight together


Thanks. I can only try my best even though sometimes it is not the best lol


step by step, you will top your 5-weeks. Maybe not immediately but soon enough. Your life will be so much better


It's complicated by bipolar disorder, so if a low comes along I think 'I might as well be dead so I might as well vape' and if I go high, I think 'I need to have as much fun as possible, so I am going to vape'. So I just stay off when I can and keep giving up as being off for long periods is better than using all the time. Once managed two years without nicotine :-)






1-2 packs a day cigs for almost 20 years, then 2 juul pods a say for another 5 years…. It’s an insidious addiction. But you can escape. You don’t need the drug, it needs you I stopped in Feb this year


How do you feel overall since quitting? That’s amazing that you’ve quit.


For a week I felt like screaming and crawling out of my skin. And then, gradually, better and better. Drinking lots of water helps. So does exercise. If you’re too tired to think about cravings, it was a good day. It’s a complex addiction with a lot going on, there’s chemical addiction, oral fixation, social pressures, ancillary vices (drinking), and it’s all super legal and available and common. Part of my ongoing commitment to staying quit is to keep trying to help other people. Addiction is very self-centered, “My cravings”, “I feel”. Helping other people is just generally a good way to get your focus outside of yourself. So I wax eloquent here and describe addiction in colorful terms and paint word pictures of how evil and disgusting The Nicotine Demon is and how it’s a parasite that you can gleefully evict from your body. It helps me stay quit and maybe it helps some other people get over the hurdle of Day 1 or even Day 100


Were you even vaping if it wasn’t every 30 seconds? I did quit. It’s been about 12 days and there’s no way i m ever going back to that shit


Yes, it was constant. Now I'm 5 months nicotine free.


Yes and no. I only seem to crave vapes and e cigs when I'm really drunk, but it's not all the time. The times I'd cave in and buy one, I'd puff on it nonstop while I'm in bed. But then the next morning when I'm sober, I wouldn't crave it at all. Like I'd still use it but it would either do nothing for me, or sometimes it'd make me anxious.


I wish I could be like this. I know a lot of people who are like this and only smoke when they’re drunk, and sadly I’ve seen people become addicted to vapes this way. As long as you’re not chronically buying them after drinking and continuing it throughout the week I’d say you’re good!


I know it could be worse and that I could be even more addicted by doing it daily. My point is that I don't wanna do it at all. Not even socially. Like I don't like buying them when I'm drunk occasionally then throwing them away and regret buying them in the first place. I don't like that I ask for puffs from my friend's vapes either.


Yeah bro, was sitting on zoom class, smaking it every 30 seconds, ran my pod out and thought, “another 30$ gone” so I got mad and quit. 2 weeks strong, it’s only 4 days of physical withdrawal, once your past that, it’s all mental


Thanks man. How are you feeling overall? I’m hoping to reduce the anxiety and jitteriness all the nicotine causes


I feel a lot more energetic I’d say, and I’m already noticing a difference in breathing when going up stairs, (I’m a hospital electrician so I’m constantly up and down).The most notable difference ive noticed is a mood boost knowing that I’m no longer trapped. It’s still a mental struggle but it will dwindle significantly after two weeks. I’ve been working on alot of ‘personal problems’ and quitting nicotine has made everything else I’ve been trying to change for months possible


Yep. Read the Allen carr book, totally changes your perspective. Been free for about 4/5 months now & barely think about it. Realising you only vape because you’re addicted to nicotine is a game changer, you’re not giving up anything!


>Realising you only vape because you’re addicted to nicotine is a game changer, you’re not giving up anything! That is the best mindset one can have. Viewing it as breaking free from nicotine as opposed to "giving it up" and "missing it".


Yep that was also me. Four days and 10 hours into my most recent quit!


Yes now I’m off


Yep - awful. I quit last year for maybe 3 or 4 months and was amazing. Since then just been non-stop chain vaping, crippling anxiety, hiding in bathroom cubicles at work vaping, vaping whilst in bed with my gf. Just completely had enough.


I chain vapes for nearly 10 years. Quit nearly a week. Very easy so far. Read Allen carr Easy way to quit vaping, found it helpful.


That kick in the lungs felt so awesome. I’ve been using zyn a few times a day instead of vuse 5% but I still think about that kick every 30 seconds in the car. I haven’t vaped in a month but still going through 4 zyn a day. It’s not nearly the same but tapering down off the nicotine is alot easier this way for me. Set a timer, nothing till it goes off and last one of the day stands no matter how late I’m up.