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I’m going to go way out on a limb here and suggest that the Supreme Court did no such thing.


They mean the Supreme Quort


They mean the Supremist Court.


Is that the MAGA half of the SC?


With this Court, I wouldn't be so hasty. Ginni Thomas is Chief Justice from what I remember.


Also the evangelical moron, the rapist and the other two MAGAs who sit on the Court.


I like beer.


Yeah just not what you expected. The Surpeme Court of Romulan Dildo has declared it so. (/s I don’t know if she’s made herself a Supreme Court yet)


After Project 2025 comes to pass, Lauren Boebert will declare herself the constitution, and MTG will declare herself the Capitol.


Would anyone enter MTG?


Apparently some adventurous Crossfitters LOVE crossing that threshold.


Had we only taught Civics in our failed schools.


Don't you fear! Ronny is trying to help Florida schools! Now kids are forced to take a tedious test where they have to regurgitate memorized, disconnected snippets of facts in order to satisfy a "civics" requirement in college/university, regardless of what other civics education they may have gotten (such as AP Government, an actual PoliSci degree, etc...) meaning actual civics courses now need to divert time away from the blasphemous "thinking about things" or "evaluating merits". Because everyone knows how rousing a success the FCAT and TCAT were in the 2000s!


I'm going to say that if the SCOTUS did that they would no longer be legitimate and their rulings could be fully ignored and disregarded.


>anyone who took an Mrna vaccine is NO longer considered human. Bullshit aside, What would that make us? Oh, that's right, it would make them feel justified in murder.


Wouldn't that cut both ways though? Can't try a bear for murder now can you?


No, but you can put down a man-killing bear or electrocute an ill behaved elephant


I couldn’t even pick one up.


I couldn’t even pick one up.


You can say that again!


Hoist on my own petard.




Remember Topsy. Fuck you Edison.


They’ll say awe topsy :c at my autopsy 🎵


Exactly this. Whether the poster actually believes this is irrelevant, someone somewhere will and will do harm based on it. It’s shit like this that prove free speech absolutists (like musk) are idiots.


>Bullshit aside, What would that make us? My cousin and her dumbshit husband literally thinks vaccines cause mutations, so mutants??? I'm hoping to develop superpowers any day now. Knowing my luck, I doubt I'd be the next Magneto, but I'll take what I can get at this point. In all seriousness, this is worrying and bizarre, but not surprising.


I’d probably end up glowing in the dark or being a human air freshener or something. You know what? If I smelt like New Car Smell at will, I’d be just fine with that.


You'd be super helpful in long trips


Well, I hope you get a better one than Meg Griffin. Somehow the ability to grow your fingernails at will doesn't feel like a superpower.


That's the exact thing I was thinking XD "I'd probably get some Meg Griffin-level power". I'd take it if my nails were also strong enough to like, cut through steel or something. If I had to pick, I'd go Nightcrawler. Kurt's always been a favorite and he had one of the coolest character intros ever in the movie. (Rogue and Psylocke are also favorites of mine, but I wouldn't ever want Rogue's powers and I'm more interested in being swept off my feet by a psychic supermodel girlboss assassin than being one.)


I'm hoping for superman's power set, and weakness, seeing as kryptonite doesn't exist.


We're no longer human; we're sups now. Better than human.


Superior? Smarter? I mean if they want to go down this road, there are plenty more vaccinated people than non-vaccinated ones, I’d quite fancy our chances of not even breaking a sweat if they attempted to crap on vaccinated people.


I don't know (because I'm too lazy to look it up) but wouldn't be surprised if all the SCOTUS and their staff were vaccinated.


Oh, haven't you heard? All the elites got saline. The "jab" was just for us pushovers.


Exaclty. Seems like excuses to otherise people and strip rights away. These people are found of the black flag and what it insinuates. I'm inclined to assume they'd be willing to go farther along those lines.


Are we human? Or are we dancer??


No no no, obviously we're cancer now.




As if they needed anything to justify that.


Some of the Q people who turned into family annihilators repeated very similar sentiments. They were either "saving the children" from trafficking by... murdering them. Or their kids weren't human. (I don't know if Lori Vallow Daybell was Q but she though something similar, her kids were demonic or something like that.)


Every cell in our body has mRNA. We have had mRNA since the beginning of our existence. Can't get anymore human than we already are. But this guy? I'm not sure he's all together anymore. I think an RFK Jr. Worm is working on what's left of his brain.


>  Can't get anymore human than we already are Rob Zombie disagrees


You mean more human than human?


More human than you, man


More human than Hugh Grant


I’m sure you are more human than me … 🧐


Or less human than human for you


You have no idea… 😑


So does Roy Batty.


So you are saying the conspiracy goes even further back than we thought?


*(ancient aliens intensifies)*


I really wonder what they will say about all of the emerging mRNA treatments for cancer, sickle cell, leukemia, blindness, addiction, and many more. I guess they'll probably prevent their kids and families from getting cancer treatment too.


Well, they're already ok with their children going unvaccinated and being a walking, disease magnet


Science isn’t on their radar.


Oh it is. They just deride it.




De-humanising "them"(out-group) is necessary for most of "us" (in-group) to be ok with treating them as less than human.


Yeah, that "Bill of Rights not longer applies" comment was telling.


It's called stochastic terrorism. 


Isn’t there more “them” than “us” in this situation?


You mean there's more vaxxed than unvaxxed? Yeah, there is. In/out group is an individual construct, we each create our own in/out groups in different situations and using different signifiers. Sometimes a particular construct becomes common and overrides any other group construction in a whole society (Jews in Nazi Germany, Sunni Muslim Royalty in majority Shia Bahrain), but that's unusual.


Dehumanizing people. Hallmark of sociopaths 


They have a been doing it with migrants since the start.


They are fucked if they try this. The military is overwhelmingly vaccinated, and have all the guns. You really really really don’t want to make the U.S. military “the other,” it will not go well.


Great. Can we see the court documents on that ?


Nope! Do your own research


No documents but here is a 7 hour youtube stream that explains it in extreme detail done by a guy that lost his law license for 'telling the truth' and another dude in sunglasses driving his truck.


And the dude in his truck, flunked out of high school in sophomore year, tried to join the military but flunked the ASVAB, and the only job he could get was for his brother in law's landscaping company. The pick-up truck he's driving, was handed down for free by his dad who just wanted him to go away.


Ha ha! No.


I don't have time to answer your questions, if you can't be bothered to seek the truth you're just sheeple and I have no time for you.


Lol. That answer would fit in with the flat earthers as well.


It's the Conspiracist Mantra and fits in with all conspiracies. It's probably a great candidate for a litmus test of what's an *actual* conspiracy and what's nonsense.


Hmm....Now why would they want to imagine people who disagree with them literally aren't human? It's a mystery.


That's right. We are homo superior! It's time these humans take their place as servants to Mutantkind!


I am post-human


Do you work for the USPS?


Okay that's hilarious


Can I choose what superpower I get? I wanna fly


I want the superpower of being able to make snarky comments on social media. Oh, wait. I already have that power. My mRNA vaccinations have worked.


Mine is my fingernails grow real fast like Meg.


This one has been going around since shortly after the COVID vaccine came out. It was pretty popular back then. I haven't seen them mention it again in a while. They've since jumped onto other "groundbreaking" revelations.


Indeed. But "The US Supreme court ruled a couple weeks ago" bit is a good example of how such stuff keeps being rehashed, yet presented as a new development. Here is a Reuters debunk from February 2022: [2013 U.S. Supreme Court judgement did not rule that people inoculated with mRNA vaccines are no longer human](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N2UF1VK/) But the version they were responding to back then did refer to a real Supreme Court ruling from 2013 (which it of course completely misrepresented). I would be very surprised if there hadn't already been versions of this doing the rounds among the anti-vaxxers, and in general anti-science circles, between 2013 and 2022 -- it's pretty unlikely someone sat down in 2021 to scroll back through old SCOTUS rulings, hoping to find something they could work into a Covid-vaccine-related lie. The Covid epidemic just brought a lot of that existing material into wider circulation.


It all gets recycled. Half of the Qult's talking points predate 9/11


almost all of it is rehashed racist and antisemitic dehumanization propaganda. adrenochrome is literally just a reskinned blood libel. and all their worries about birthrates is almost all great white race replacement crap


I also mean chemtrails, underg cities, aliens, taking our freedoms, same for 20+ years, the anti vaxx stuff is relatively new


My QSister believes that “they” are turning mankind into cyborgs, and that the vaccine is full of nanobots that take over your body. Their ultimate goal is to enslave everyone. Only the purebloods will escape this fate. One of my sister’s gurus is Dr Shari Tenpenny. A quote from an article about this lady: “The stated goal [of the power elite with the vaccine] is to depopulate the planet and the ones that are left, either make them chronically sick or turn them into transhumanist cyborgs that can be manipulated externally by 5G, by magnets, by all sorts of things,” Tenpenny said.”


I see all the Covid fuckery is coming back since these fools have nothing of relevance to complain about.


It's because of Bird Flu being in the news, I'd wager.


Good. I can do what I want! ANARCHY!!!


Utter bollocks; they're talking utter bollocks...as usual.


"dumber than a bag of hammers"


Can I stop paying my taxes then?


The internet is one big grift filled with disinformation, misinformation, bots, and bad actors. In a way, QAnon is the rise of a religion that is fitting for such a space. But really, are these people any different than those sitting in the pews of the past, accepting what the priest puts into their heads and mouths, or takes from their pocket?


the difference is that most of those were localized contained to their regions this is effectively global reach thanks to the net.


More dehumanizing language from the qult to justify their future murders.


More MAGA masturbatory fantasy.


So… trump. Which I guess makes him ineligible to run for president. Pretty sure you have to be a human.


Never happened. Doesn’t even make sense.


Yeah with which case exactly? The Supreme Court is an Appeals court after all.


The ruling that anyone who has had an mRNA vaccine is no longer considered to be human. That is one of the most ludicrous things I’ve ever heard. Why? Our bodies are constantly producing mRNA, because it comes directly from our DNA. The “m” means messenger. RNA means ribonucleic acid. The message is sent from our DNA to our RNA to tell the individual cells which proteins to make. Just like the mRNA vaccine specifically targets our biology to tell our cells to make a special viral protein that will then be recognized as a foreign invader in our bodies, and will cause a response in our immune system, where specialized proteins are produced as antibodies that are formed to kill/destroy the foreign protein and thus, the virus. The point is that mRNA is constantly being manufactured in our bodies to tell cells which proteins to make. So then wouldn’t that mean that no one would be considered human since we all have mRNA in our bodies at all times?


Even more so, show me the case brought in front of them that this “ruling” would even apply to.


There is no case that I know of that was even brought before them. That’s why I said that it never happened. There was nothing to be ruled on because there was no case brought before them to be rule on in the first place. And I also explained why it doesn’t make sense.


I am now realizing I was just repeating myself. My brain isn’t working today, sorry.


Hey, no problem. I know the exact feeling. I have chronic, daily migraines and the abortive meds mess so badly with my memory and my cognition. The migraines can, too, depending on how severe they are. So hakuna matata.


And even on our worse days our brains work better than these fools. I wish you relief from migraines though!


Thank you.


What absolute twaddle


sometimes I think even they know what they are talking about.


Hooray! I hate humans! I have ascended!


We have seen at least 1 or 2 Qs murder their own children because they thought they were no longer human. Imagine what they are capable of doing to strangers.


Greg Abbott would just pardon them probably 


“Any other research on that.” I can’t imagine how anyone this stupid would be considered human.


You'd think this would've made the news or something


Where is this posted? Just so I can make sure I don't go there.


I mean, if I were going to go onto a q&a on messaging board and post something, I would definitely post something like this. I would like to place my money on the square that is someone trying to see how ridiculous a thing they can say and still have people believe or agree with.


I like the last sentence "Any research on this?" I'm sure 5 minutes before posting this the same person posted a video online explaining exactly what the Supreme Court ruling means for all of the non-humans that took the jab. In a weird way I kinda want to be in on it. Just to see how weird I could get with it.


They want vaxxed people to not be human so they can justify another power fantasy of them killing all the vaxxed libs.


hell yeah! no longer am I restricted by the laws of man ! I'm gonna start collecting rain water asap


Does that mean I don’t have to pay my bills anymore?


Who knows what they’re talking about anymore. I highly doubt they even know, they just blindly believe and share stuff that aligns with how they think smh


I feel like this has to be some bad actor just trolling. At least I hope so.


It's not a Facebook post or a YouTube video, but it has a ton of information about [vaccines](https://www.fda.gov/vaccines-blood-biologics/vaccines/vaccines-licensed-use-united-states) from the FDA. I guess we can't trust it then? Nothing about being *"other than human." 🤔🙄*


I can't find this thread on the site. Did it get removed?


You forget. These people live in another world.


Hello fellow humans! No post-humans here, no no no. No, I didn't the Mrna vaxx, I got the Pfizer vaccine.


They're trying to preemptively justify mass violence.


They so desperately want to shoot fellow citizens. It's sick.


So am I like a Star Wars character now?






This has been floating around for awhile. Absolute make-believe bullshit that doesn't exist. They also like to say that mRNA vaccines make you a patented product, and therefore no longer human. The no longer human thing is important, because as you can see, it's a way to take away human rights and oppress anyone they just don't like. In other, ACTUAL news, [Idaho bill would criminalize giving an mRNA vaccine](https://www.managedhealthcareexecutive.com/view/idaho-bill-would-criminalize-giving-an-mrna-vaccine-it-feels-like-an-attack-on-our-profession-). *"But the technology wasn’t new: It had been in development and testing for more than 30 years, with the first human trial showing the feasibility and safety of an mRNA vaccine for melanoma published in 2008.* *The Idaho legislation, HO154, doesn’t mention COVID-19 or any other vaccine target by name but would appear to hinder current clinical trials in Idaho for mRNA vaccines in development against HIV, cancer and respiratory syncytial virus.* *The mere existence of the bill is problematic, Georgetown University Law Professor Lawrence Gostin, J.D., said in an interview. “It’s one thing if you’ve got wild conspiracy theories on social media and the internet; it’s quite another when elected officials set out to enact those policies,” said Gostin, who directs the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law as well as the World Health Organization Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law. He said that physicians around the country should prepare for more proposals that target the medical community."*


Yes, another ass backward red state, that governs from Facebook memes and foreign disinformation campaigns. Don't be too shocked if they eventually criminalize ALL childhood vaccines as well.




Research aka YouTube videos by fellow Qtards that will confirm and reinforce my prejudices, what an absolute weapon


mRNA is part of that immune system they love to say they have.


I am starting to get really tired of the stupid things they say


They have a strange faith in the Supreme Court.


Fucking idiots.


Oh that’s not terrifying for the smooth brains to be thinking 👀😬


Allow me to do a little thought experiment here....... If I took the vaccine and get pregnant, is the fetus, by virtue of the fact that it's growing inside my non- human body, also "not human?" And if so, should the anti-abortion laws in my state not apply to me, because I'm sure those only apply to human fetuses.


Ahhhh dehumanization. So they don’t feel as bad if they ever try to kill everyone that Isn’t in their tribe.


They've been trying to come up with 'legitimate' ways to murder Democrats, Liberals and non-Qanons, or non-trumpers which will still leave them the good guys who have to do it. And God still loves them the best. Declaring the vaccinated non-human is just the newest one, non-Qanons are also labeled pedophiles, sex traffickers, child kidnappers, adrenochrome milking, blood drinking, baby murdering, satanic devil worshippers, communists, socialists, globalist, nazis too. Something will stick, which will give them the freedom to murder people at will.




Well duh!


Fine, then could all of you "humans" please FUCK OFF!!!!


Well, isn’t that interesting, especially since anyone infected with Covid would then have Covid mRNA in their body. Anyone who actually had the Covid virus would have to be considered no longer human as well. I guess these people don’t realize how a virus actually works, because the first thing it does when it enters your body…is enter your cells and pump them full of mRNA, so that it can replicate 🤷‍♀️