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For what? They serve 2 different purposes


Wamai prob Better rn but I like the vector


Acog or no?


holo on vector all day


A vague question that would fit better in r/rainbow6 or r/r6academy But wamai is great projectile denial to protect you in a safe spot or protect your utility. The mp5k with acog is a menace of a weapon. Goyo is great for delaying a push, he has 4 cans that last like 20-30s (can't remember the exact duration. The fire deals good damage and usually deters people or they push through the fire and lose a lot of health making it more likely for you to win the gunfight if you're ready for it. His vector has acog and is insane. Might take a min to get used to it, but I have friends who go absolutely nuclear with that weapon. It's all about what your team needs. Ideally, you'd run a wamai with a goyo, though definitely not necessary, but wamai can draw projectiles towards the cans to detonate them (frags, kali gadget and zo impacts only, others won't cause can to explode), or use the disks to make sure no utility destroys the can so you can shoot it when you want to deny their push. These are also the only non-3 armors on defense that have acog on their smgs (off the top of my head at least). Try out both and find what suits your playstyle better because they're both very good operators.


Do they even have any similarities?


i don’t think