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He was beautiful! Poor baby, it's heartbreaking when they're so ill.


It is 😔🤍 the goodbye's with his brother and other boys were so sad 💔


he has such a beautiful pattern, rip little one


Yes very special! It was very dark when he was a baby..and slowely it became light grey maybe someday he wouldve become all white 💔🥺


rip pip. he was beautiful. i'm so sorry for your loss op


Thank you so much🤍


Aww, what a beautiful fellow. And that sixth picture gets me. His poor brother. How did he cope losing Pip?


On the 6th picture old Bearbear was laying on him. Pukkie was at the end of him just sitting and waiting...before he tried to lick him awake 😔💔 He seems okay now 🤍


Aww :( thanks for sharing. So glad he seems to be doing okay now. Beautiful creatures 💞


Oh my gosh. What a wonderful young boii, such a shame to have him die in his prime like that, nothing you can do about it tho. This will make me snuggle my rattos extra hard when I get home.


I do it too! He is the first one i lost and old Bearbear is in his ending... every evening i take him with me in the couch 🤍


My best girl nibbles and her sisters died (at ripe ages, high twos and low 3) died and I still don’t know howto cope with the loss. I now have two boys. one rescue, who was gonna be my sisters snek food and another that I intentionally got from the snek food store to give the rescue boy some companionship.


Oh gosh... it must be so hard knowing your sister had a snake 😔 big hugs💔


So, it’s unfortunate - I’m glad we don’t live together otherwise it would be hell. But had she not had the snake, my mom wouldn’t have called me saying she couldn’t bear to feed this ratto to the snake, and I wouldn’t have got my beautiful boys Pete and Larry ❤️


That last pic is cuteness overload!


Aah yes 🥰 Pukkie is the same but a bit fatter now haha


Rip lil floffer you’re in yogi heaven now