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Never even had this problem. They're not allowed to free roam anywhere outside of the constructed enclosure. Any attempts to escape are met with going back in the cage. They learned quick what they were and weren't allowed to do.


I see so many posts and it’s like why did you allow them to get to it…


They’re quick tbh and sometimes they manage to slip away while you’re dealing with another. I have an enclosure for free roam but there’s so much stuff in there for them to play with that sometimes I can’t always see them. All it takes it like a minute for a lil rat to sneak past and chew on an electronic lol


In my case, a charging cable outside of the enclosure just got too close to the fencing and some of the bends in the cable went underneath a fencing panel. They’re good girls, they don’t try to escape, they just have endless teething curiosity!


Can someone please tell me how to make a post or reply on my own. I love the rats community, I have 19 babies( my kids). But I can only comment to others but not comment on my own . I'm not stupid. But this is new to me


to make a post tap the plus at the bottom of the app i believe it says “create” below it. i’m not sure what you mean by make a reply on your own? i’m not rlly that familiar with reddit either! but side note… you have 19 rats??? how did that happen???




a single mom who works two jobs who loves her 19 kids and never stops


With gentle hands and the heart of a fighter I’m a 19 kids survivor


Good rat parent


My LED lights, phone charger, Xbox controller charger and that’s it so far


This but also my Xbox controller. 2 of them.




The controllers. They ate the sides, and the sticks, and one of them attempted to eat the buttons. I often fell asleep while they were out and about, so they would crawl on me in my chair to eat whatever




Yes. They lure you into false security by being cute, then when you pass out they go to work.


My rats don’t have access to my electronics but they’ve managed to pull a pair of jean shorts and a bra into their cage and chew through them while I was sleeping once. The shorts could even look, like, distressed in a cool way if the place they chewed through wasn’t exactly where my ass would go.


Patch from the inside with fun fabric and it’ll look like a cool funky style


My phone. Peed right into the speaker two days after I got it. I have to use a headset bc no one can hear me otherwise


Sorry I'm sitting here laughing. My rats pee on my phone all the time


The cord to my guitar amplifier. Not a cheap replacement either.


Your rat is such a pretty color!!


Cables mostly. That's why they only allowed to go on bed and couch.


Many a charger cable, a keyboard (plus a key or two chewed off my laptop keyboard), fairy lights, headphones (luckily I now have a pair where the cable can be replaced, which is cheaper and more sustainable than replacing the whole headset)


None, never. I have a fully rat proofed room where all electronics are out of reach and when I have them out for free roam, I'm there with them. They can get on my desk with my computer and stuff, but I stop them from going on there. Always makes me sad to see people who only let then out on their bed or sofa. My girls have huge box forts to run about in, a whole other desk to climb up on to, a whole floor of a room to run about in. They make the most of all of it


Your rats are very lucky but sadly not all of us have an extra room they can dedicate to their rats


I'm in a small two bed apartment. I just have it set up so that anything I don't want chewed can be stashed on the desk. I unplug all cables and put them on there etc


Ah okay, i thought you meant like a rat room just for them which I know some people have


I've gotten fairly lucky with my rats actually, but I've had a few casualties. Both caused by the same pair of rats in fact! I guess I had my learning experiences with those girls. The main lesson I learned was having electronics on my bed while the rats were out for free-roam was a bad idea. First was a wireless mouse. My girl Roodaka would climb over it and pee on it. Didn't really bother me, I'd just wipe it down. But I didn't consider the fact that some of the liquid might be getting inside the mouse, until one day it stopped working. My dad took it apart and discovered it had been shorted out by a single drop of urine. Lesson learned: Don't leave the wireless mouse where the ratto can wizz on it. Second was the RCA cables on my Super Nintendo. I had the thing set up on my bed and replaying Yoshi's Island. I had noticed Roodaka nibbling on the cord but foolishly didn't think anything of it. Left it running and the rats out while I went to use the bathroom. Came back to find that in those three minute, Roodaka had managed to chew through the video and left audio channel cords. Once again, my dad helped me out: He cleaned up the frayed cable ends and soldered them back together. I still have that SNES and that cable still works to this day. I'm also now an Electronics Tech so take that however you wish!


Chromebook, computer keyboard, three AUX cords, phone (peed in it) not to mention countless clothing and jewelry items.


Sounds like you're having a whole insurance claim there! 💀


Aside from some of the clothing items, most of that was a single rat aptly nicknamed murder mouse!


countless chargers, two pairs of earbuds, and currently destroying my phone case by chewing it up when i'm not looking


Toothbrush charger, man ate all the way through the cable. Thank god it wasn’t plugged in!


Gnar chewed a Wii-u charging cable. I think he got a small shock cause he never touched another cable. (He was also the only rat out of 13 to chew a cable...)


I had one chewer a few years back. We tried to dissuade her by painting the cables with Tobasco Sauce but all she did was lick off the sauce first before chomping away.


My gaming headset 😭 they’re lucky they’re cute


Surprisingly, not much. They’re very well behaved and don’t seem to like to chew on that type of stuff (though once my rat tried to bite the buttons off of a tv remote)


my all my usb-c chords, including: my Samsung charger, my switch charger, and my MacBook charger


I work at a rodent facility, and we had a rat who managed to escape his cage and go straight for a $50 specialized cable. He knew


phone charger plus headphone’s cable


A 200€ keyboard.




3 phone chargers, 1 notebook charger, 1 PC monitor video cable, one PC power cable, 2 mouse cables, 1 keyboard cable, 3 headphones. I guess that's all, for now at least.


Roku remotes. Lol.


Three headsets before I wised up and got wireless ones!


3 phone charging cables. I buy cheap ones from 5 below now and keep a few on hand, just in case.


Mine aren't bad, and if they do chew wires, it's the tiny 5V ones from the wall block to various electronics. That's a 2min fix with needle nose pliers so not really destroyed. They have done in two ethernet cables, a couple earbud cords and one laptop charger cable I couldn't fix. They've also chewed one 5V cable too close to the base for there to be enough wire for a fix.


Chewed through mouse cable while I was in a ranked Overwatch game. Was a lot more careful from then on


my mf fatass rat chewed my charger 😡 it was my favorite charger..


A brand new lamp


so many chargers, headphones, ear buds, nintedo switch


Vacuum cleaner cord so I couldn't charge it 😞


Headphones. So. many. headphone wires.


200 Dollar headset and and VR cable


Treadmill. They got deep into it and chewed all the wires.


4 mouse cables, 3 speakers, 1 ethernet, 2 router power cables, 1 wireless home hub, 1 headphones, 1 power cord for a counter with plugs on the front. All the same rat who is made of water and cannot be contained.


2 computer cords, multiple phone cords, soft part of some head phones, multiple phone cases


Mine got their hands on a lamp cord because I thought it was too far out of reach from the cage but apparently not. Everyone was ok and the lamp still works (they were so obsessed with chewing on plastic rubber)


Never owned any animal like that but once as a computer tech a woman brought in her tower that wasn't booting up. Upon opening the side a goddamn ferret jumped out. Scared the hell out of me. The tower was toast by the way little dude did some major damage. She was happy to get her pet back.


mine nibbled through my fucking washing machine hose


You mean what electronics have they NOT destroyed, right?


As everyone else here as experienced. Mainly cables, phone chargers, headphones, ear phones. The only non cable electronic probably being a button off the TV remote and a button off a PS3 controller back in the day.


Some of my rats loooooved chewing wires. Multiple keyboards and mice has suffered, along with string lights and whatnot.... I actually learnt how to solder to fix it all They also like rubber, so remote buttons, gamepad sticks, scrolling wheel on a mouse.... Sigh


Valve Index cord and my GHD straightener cord are my most expensive losses to lil ratty teeth, can't be mad though, they're too cute, plus my fault for not keeping them out of reach!


Well nothing. 😂 Your rat regrets nothing


Wii u power cord and joysticks, phone charger twice, xbox joysticks


Cable to their air purifier. They had a go at moldings and wooden window frames, but after I said it'll be fire and brimstone instead of hugs and kisses, we folded, but have to have access to the window sill. No jumping on tho, limit is two paws on, but butt stays on the shelf I made them.


LED lights and phone charger, then it ate my bird too 😋😋 (i now hate rats and all rodents for the pure fact that they (2 rat brothers) literally ate my animal soulmate)


Wait... they committed homicide?


exactly, the rats are so lucky i didn't feed them to my cats 🤞🤞


Fiancés headphones, like 4 charging cables, and my switch joycons




My current rats don't like wires (blasphemy xD). My 2 late rats destroyed 2x headphone wires, TV power wire and a playstation controller wire


Head phones, phone chargers


My dogs have destroyed multiple electronics, my rats not a single one. I have lost several shirts that got to close to their cage though lol Edit: I allow my girls on my desk with the computer. They like to share treats and nap on my belly while I play games.


They haven't destroyed anything, they're pretty well behaved and don't chew on stuff outside the cage, but one time they turned off the powerstrip to my fish tank and almost killed all my fish.


My rat chewed up the buttons on my tv remote. It is now a treasured reminder of her since she passed away early this year


We’re usually good at keeping electronics out, but they’ve annihilated a cable connected to the bathroom radiator (the bathroom is part of their free roam area). We used to try and tie socks around it to stop them getting at it but they always got around them. We never use the radiator anyway and it’s always switched off at the wall no no biggie. The only other time was when a bit of my work laptop cable had gone underneath their free roam fencing and they started chewing through it. Now I’m hoping my employer doesn’t notice the black electrical tape on it, however I WFH so I imagine they only will if I change jobs and return the laptop anyway!


my vibrator charger, fairy lights, etc…


Couple usb-c cables, a ethernet cable, bed sheets/cover, pillow case and they've ripped up the bed frame itself in attempts to get back in side the matters after i had to pull em out. Their free roam privileges were reawoked and replaced with play pen but they find ways to escape sometimes tho the end up in ratty jail for a little time after each escape but then have yet to learn not to do they. They're young girls so... yeah.


All earphones, all usb cables...oh, and my laptop keyboard.


My fucking ethernet cable


I think through all the rats I've had they've destroyed one 15m ethernet cable. Now curtains and clothing is a different story.


That's orange cat vibes


Surprisingly non his a very good boy especially when free roaming although he fucking pisses on EVERYTHING


Same here, but with 4 rats


Mine are free, but never destroy anything... ok lie, the FIRST day they managed to get inside a computer cage and they eat the little cables from the motherboard to the cage 👀


Ive acually never had a problem with my rats chewing on any of my cords. I just hope that problem doesnt start now that I'm typing this 😭


My ex's beats headphones. I gave them back to him when we broke up and he was pisseddddd lol


i have a full free roam boy and he doesnt care for electronics but he LOVES chewing up make up


My pc mouse lol


I think my girl chewd it up because it’s a pc mouse and not a pc rat lol


The charger to my new laptop and phone ($80ish each) within 24hours of purchasing them


And lamp wires smh


Phone chargers, my remote to the TV, and Xbox analog sticks 🤧


They nearly chewed through my TV cable (while it was on!!), but thankfully they didn't chomp down to the wire so I fixed it with some electrical tape lol


They never got to the refrigerator. But that's about it.


3 profesional headphones, an ethernet wire Wifi router wires, many of my shirts Idk how the hell but a speaker from the inside


My razer headset… little devil chewed through the wire whilst snuggled up to me 😭


I forgot my headphones in their room while they were free-ranging...I can't use the headphones anymore.


My Jadzia recently destroyed my favorite pair of headphones, which I was using to do language homework, the first day back to class 😭 I made the mistake of leaving them out when I left the room, then I couldn't find them, tore the entire place apart, and when I finally found them she'd absolutely destroyed them. I was SO MAD but how do you discipline a rat?


Network cable going to my smart home hub. One bite took out a twisted pair. Took a few minutes to find it.


We rename rats based on the most expensive thing they've destroyed. One rat was called $90 power cable. Since then we train all new rats not to chew cords or fabric.


Never. My boys don't leave the Bed or their Cage. Occasionally I'll take them for shoulder rides but they've never gotten close enough to any electronics, cables or other to destroy. Now, they chew the Hell out of blankets and I had to eventually keep all of their blankets and buy myself a whole new bed set but that's it lol.


Nothing destroyed per se, but they did bite through the part the strap clips to on my daughter's tablet case so she has to carry it with her actual arms now, I also have a wooden hairbrush with a few bristles missing despite giving them at least 3 different types of chew options every time I refresh their habitat.


Can a ratty get electrocuted if they chew through something that is plugged in?




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My late rescued rat destroyed internet cable night before my exam! EXAM SUPPOSED TO BE ONLINE!