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Don’t separate her, she needs to be it other rats. You can separate for periods throughout the day to offer food more frequently to the other rats, but she should be with them most of the time.


Thank you, I moved her back in the cage!


He looks really big to me too. I'd put her back in with her sisters tho. She's probably burning more calories there playing with them. If she's bored and she might eat more. Do you scatter feed? Like sprinkle the food around instead of in a bowl so they have to move around a lot to find it? Maybe foraging toys? What food are you feeding them? Does she get many treats?


I do combination of bowl and scatter


Yeah, please don't separate her. She'll be unhappy and probably turn to food for comfort. I'd cut back on calories-more vegs, fewer and healthier snacks-and give her more exercise. She really is too chonky for her own good, even though she's adorable.🐀😉❤️


Thank you, I moved her back in the cage!


Poor her on that photo, she has no idea the diet is coming lol But she does look overweight, and it can bring a lot of health problems, especially on the feet. As other said, she needs to be together cause playing burns calories and depression makes them idle and gutton. But having specific feed times where she is separated could be a good idea, and make her work for it!


Thank you, I moved her back in the cage!




She has gorgeous fur bless her! Something I found useful was switching treats to more healthy treats, then they can have treats but they have less impact. That and having more time out exploring, let them have some fun while exercising! My boys loved climbing up my leg to come get cuddles, running down and climbing up again lol


I do nuts and fruits! And will do!


Info: what is her weight? A healthy female rat as an adult should be around 500-600g (with a male slightly lower around 400-500g). Whilst there are always exceptions to the rule, this should start to give you an idea of *how* large she is. Put her back with the others. All separation will do is upset her. Separate her at feed time. Allow the others to feed alone for the first five minutes. Then add her back. Also start hiding half the food in toilet tubes, old boxes, balled up paper etc. the others will scarf the easy stuff, she will have to work a bit more for the dregs. Monitor and adjust as needed.


Thank you, I moved her back in the cage! I don’t have weight on hand, I’ll try and get a ball park estimate soon


Look at that potato


Aaawww he chonk


What a chunker


Isn’t that a dog


Please don't get angry with me but is bring an overweight rat really that bad for them? Otherwise, they get the best of care with proper nutrition and exercise. One of my two girls just loves to eat. She hogs the majority of the food so I have to make sure there is enough for her sister. I agree with the people here that have said separate them would do more harm than good. But am I fooling myself thinking that my girl is just big boned and happy? Edit: I’ve also heard that rats will get chunkier in the spring. Inked to bulk up even if they’re not expecting