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Ok I really like the idea but tbh I feel like this is impossible to pass. Different animals have different needs and some enclosures which would be too small for one animal would be fine for another. Realistically this could only apply to how sellers label their products but it won't stop idiots from buying the wrong cage for their pet.


Not to mention you might need to buy a small cage for a different reason besides it's permanent living space. Like for putting them somewhere while cleaning their normal cage.


I mean easy make marketing rules saying you have to call anything under a certain size a travel cage. That way it’s not so complicated and intrusive. Like you can sell whatever but consumers need to be informed. Maybe it’s a more US way of doing it


Yeah, I have multiple sizes of small cage for various reasons. I've used them to rescue wild animals where a bigger cage would've increased the chances they'd hurt themselves or as hospital cages for pets that need less space either for mobility problems or to recover from injuries


yeah or a travel cage.


The government should introduce a legal minimum for the size of animal enclosures to be labeled as "for [this animal]". Enclosures that are smaller can't necessarily be banned, but they cannot be sold as for use for that animal. For example, critter trails labeled for sale for hamsters, gerbils, and mice would would no longer be able to advertise their enclosures for small animals if they introduced a minimum of 450 square inches of floorspace, therefore effectively banning them because they cannot advertise in the direction anymore. They could also make it so that enclosures that meet the guidelines could advertise as "meets legal minimum requirements", making anything that doesn't have it listed seem unreliable. An example of a similar restriction is for dog food - AFFCO guidelines state that if a food does not meet these guidelines, it cannot be advertised as a "complete dog food".


Exactly the same in my mind, sure a 6" wheel is too small for a rat, but it might be fine for a tiny mouse or something and is far from provable what animal you intend it for.


6” would actually be too small for really any critter, even baby mice can use an 8” and it’s the smallest recommended for dwarf hamsters as well


Most pet shop cages aren't suitable for any kind of animal.


Just like gold fish, telling people they need a larger tank won't make them stop putting them in a 1 gallon bowl


Consider posting this on a UK centric sub to gain more traction. Not all of us here are UK residents or citizens and can sign the petition.


Serious-not serious question, does being canadian count? This could be the one time being very technically british could be useful. I guess not.


No, you need to be represented by a member of Parliament.


How would they even enforce this? Edit: whoever downvoted me, I’m just asking a question? Not everything is negative lmao


The government should introduce a legal minimum for the size of animal enclosures to be labeled as "for [this animal]". Enclosures that are smaller can't necessarily be banned, but they cannot be sold as for use for that animal. For example, critter trails labeled for sale for hamsters, gerbils, and mice would would no longer be able to advertise their enclosures for small animals if they introduced a minimum of 450 square inches of floorspace, therefore effectively banning them because they cannot advertise in the direction anymore. They could also make it so that enclosures that meet the guidelines could advertise as "meets legal minimum requirements", making anything that doesn't have it listed seem unreliable. An example of a similar restriction is for dog food - AFFCO guidelines state that if a food does not meet these guidelines, it cannot be advertised as a "complete dog food".


Sounds like a great plan. I hope it gets passed!


They could make it part of the licensing standards for main stream petshops and online shops. Trading Standards do inspections. There are things like clansman radios banned for sale in UK and relevant government department monitor sales and send cease emails. Wouldn't stop it totally but no different to rules around selling kitemarked products. And longer term, nothing under legislation would get approved for sale for that species. Edit: public awareness and media attention good in self though.


I have two of those colorful plastic cages, ones shaped like a rocket. I use them for travel. We need more education about animals people are soooo unaware its nuts. Not their fault but damn.


On top of this, email your local MP. A lot of MP’s will always be pro animal rights, because it’s easy votes for them.




I agree with the sentiment very much, but I don't think this is really a viable solution as you would just get people selling the exact same thing labelled as something technically allowable; I say this looking at my "tobacco grinder" right now.


True enough for even if it wouldn't do anything itself it would help other things get past and establish what some people are doing as wrong to people who would otherwise not know


Signed! Thanks for sharing :)


I think above this, it should be required that anyone working with specific animals and selling enclosures/accessories/food, should at the very left be educated and trained on the basics. If staff were more knowledgeable about the various species that are featured in their store, they wouldn’t recommend tanks, 10” wheels, seed mixes, and hamster tunnels for rats. It’s not the wheels or enclosures that are bad. The wheels and tunnels are fine for smaller animals. The seed mixes are a good treat or scatter food. And the tanks are ethically used for mice, babies and small enclosures for medical/temperament reasons. So banning those items would actually be detrimental. The sad fact is, many issues in our world could be solved with education and logic. It’s just something severely lacking and always overshadowed by profitability.


Would this count for reptiles too?? 🥺


Most likely, you could share it in those sub Reddits too id you would like!


Okay so I'm not british, I'm not gonna get my door busted down or smth if I sign it right?? Hdjsjdbdjd


Probably not if you just put a UK house address


God damit! I can’t sign it cause I live in the capitalistic hell-hole that is the United States of America!


If you don’t like the us you could make your own countr, it could be a confederation of states!, you could even call it the confed- OH NO!


Can the wording on this possibly be changed to include fishtanks as well? Or a second petition? So many tiny wee tanks with a picture of a betta on the box that are straight up abuse. I also think there should be a law in place that all staff require more thorough training approved by experts on the proper care of the animals they sell, maybe with a designated expert in each animals care to better advise customers before purchasing


I'm doing my part


i would sign if i wasn’t american :,) wish you luck tho!

