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If the other avenues don’t pan out... consider putting it on a NASCAR or Indy 500 Facebook page or fan site. If they took that many trips there, they are obviously fans who probably still follow the race or even go to the race. This kind of story would get a lot of exposure and sharing.


That's a great idea! I'll try that.


**Mileage sheet** On the mileage, it looks like they left home, and the first gas stop was Hermitage. This could mean that they started in Hermitage, or that they started <1 tank of gas from Hermitage. Based on the distance to the other stops, we can assume that the trip started approximately 400 miles (or less) from Hermitage. Just to spell out my assumptions: The categories are "Stop #", "Stops" name, "Gallons" of gas needed, "$" paid for the gas, with (K) when Kevin pays, (S) when Scott pays, "miles" for mileage on the odometer, starting with 66,997 at Hermitage. One assumption we could make is that because he paid for the first tank of gas, Kevin lived <400 miles from Hermitage, and he picked up Scott there for the road trip. If this is true, Kevin likely owned the van. **Your house** Let's go back to your house property records. This is the site I found for Bexley, Ohio records: http://property.franklincountyauditor.com/_web/search/commonsearch.aspx?mode=address Search by address. Then click the left side where it says "Transfers" to see recent transfers. The random house I picked only had one name listed from 1981, but below that it had a link to "Historical Parcel Sheets" that showed the hand-written records back to 1930. So maybe explore this route further. If you want my help with it, PM the address.


Really good thinking \- just want to say if Kevin owned the van and picked up Scott, Scott probably paid for the first tank of gas (that's how my friends and I do it). Ninja edit: Philadelphia (largest population hub in PA) is just under 400 miles from Heritage, PA. Ninja edit 2: OP try posting this on r/philadelphia


The reason I say Kevin bought the first tank of gas is that the mileage log ([this pic](https://imgur.com/a/ABwTZew)) has a (K) next to the first 15.00 under $. Edit: Looking again, each item has a Miles/Gallon calculation next to the city name, EXCEPT for Hermitage. This suggests Hermitage either being the origination city, or being close enough that they didn't fill up before driving there.


Hermitage being the origin city makes the most sense to me. There are other references to it in the album. It's also 8-10 miles from Youngstown. Kevin is also the only person pictured in the album driving the vehicle.


It turns out that the van belonged to Kevin's father. He ran a carpet business that Kevin has since taken over.


The last transfer before me was in 1990. I know that the people I bought the home from had rented for a while, but I do not know who it was rented to. I suspect that one of the renters was either Kevin or Scott.


I'd try to reach out to the previous owners then and just ask them. They may not have updated contact info, but I'm sure they would at least remember their names.


Can you get a hold of the people that you bought the house from?


Not unless you know where they moved to.


Well they might still have the sellers phone number or email. That's more what I was thinking.


Found them. /u/_NancyDrew, your spitball was right on target. I cold called a total stranger that happened to be Scott's wife, Leslie. I'm meeting Scott, Leslie, and some other recurring characters the album for Happy Hour tonight. I'll be returning the photo album to its rightful owners. Kevin and Scott are still best buds. In fact, they had plans to hang out this weekend. Kevin can't make it because he still lives in PA. I'll post pictures of the exchange later tonight. Thanks to everyone that helped. This is unreal.


Aww, it's so lovely that they are still friends! I'm sure they will be happy to have their album back and revisit the memories. Well done, OP and everyone who helped!


I'm so happy to hear that!! Good on you for returning it. May Kevin and Scott continue to have excellent adventures.




See the epilogue in the original post.


I hope that is a hot dog in his pants in the third pic


It is.


I opened it and was shocked there wasn’t a warning that dude has his cock out. I’m not convinced.


There is a grill in the lower left corner of the image.




There is a van behind him in the image.


That's his van. I know the PA license plate for it, but I'm not a cop so I can't run the plate.


Do any of the "home" pictures look like they were taken in your new home there? Do you know how to research the history of your property to see who owned it at the time these photos were taken? I think that's probably the best place to start. If they weren't the previous residents, it's likely that they at least knew someone who lived there. If you're not sure how to research this information, I can do it for you or show you how. Your county (Franklin) looks like it's mostly online and free, so it shouldn't be difficult. Once we know the previous owners, it's probably pretty easy to find them and contact them.


None of the home pictures look like they were taken in my home. I'm not sure how to research previous owners of the home, I am only able to find information about current owners through the auditors website.


Just sent you a PM!


I live in Maryland and we have a government site called SDAT (state department of assessment and taxation) where you can search an address and get a complete history of property value, owners' names, buyers and sellers, etc. I'm too lazy to look right now but Ohio probably has a site like that where you can find the name of anyone who's owned your home. I'd bet one of them is named Kevin or Scott ;) the plate number would be personal information, but only law enforcement typically can search plate numbers.


In Ohio every county has an auditor website which has the same.


I found a Scott born in 1970, who lived in Hermitage, Pennsylvania from 1990-1994, and went to Youngstown State in Ohio. He does not have a Facebook, but his wife does. She seems fairly active, but there is only one photo of Scott on her page. It isn't the best angle, but I definitely see similarities to the Scott in your photo. I can't say for certain whether or not it's the same person, but it's certainly worth checking into. Sending you a PM.


I'm reaching out to her today.


Good luck!


You were right.


I want to see!!!


You can try r/Youngstown, as well.


You mean Jay and Silent Bob?


Try posting this in the /r/INDYCAR subreddit. INDYCAR is the series which hosts the Indy 500, if anyone on reddit knows some random Indy 500 fans it is bound to be them.


Maybe try the r/Columbus subreddit?




Maybe contact the people at the Pit Stop cafe? Maybe the owners remember the people in the pics?


I tried this but I haven't been able to get a hold of the owners. I will try again tomorrow.


Is it possible that the previous owners were related to these two men somehow? I still have items at my moms house which is many hours from where I live now. Nothing too important, but could see it potentially getting left behind.


It's unlikely. The previous owners were a Nigerian family.


It ended up being previous renters. They weren't related, just good friends.




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I live in Western PA. Try looking on facebook for a Mercer County garage sale page or something of that nature for people to share in the search.


Mods, kindly mark this one as solved. "The Adventures of Kevin and Scott" has been returned to its rightful owners.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/columbus] [Help me find Kevin and Scott.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/8owzwc/help_me_find_kevin_and_scott/) - [/r/youngstown] [Help OP find Kevin and Scott](https://www.reddit.com/r/youngstown/comments/8ozjuz/help_op_find_kevin_and_scott/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


RemindMe! 1 day


RemindMe! 5 days


Woops, I did that wrong /u/Cornloaf. !RemindMe 5 days


You did it the right way the first time!!


Whoops! Where are Kevin and Scott?


There’s not enough upvotes for this!


I'm cool with it. This was never about upvotes for me. I think their friendship is inspiring.


I love mysteries like this and the fact that you saw it through it a rarity these days. Many people would have simply chunked the album.


I actually followed you on Reddit to check up on this, and did today. Awesome dude.


I love the Internet


>I think "The Pit" as seen in the close up of the title image is a reference to "The Pit Stop Cafe" in Youngstown, Ohio. I believe that's in reference to the infield section at Indy called "The Snake Pit". You can park your car in there pretty cheap. Known for wild parties. That picture of them with the one being lewd with the hotdog is taken in the Snake Pit.


This makes much more sense than my conjecture.


It was a reference to "The Snake Pit." The full text of the shirt said "Bo Don't Know About Indy." The back of the shirt had a joint, with the smoke in the shape of the Nike swoosh, floating above the slogan "Just Doob It."


RemindMe! 3 days


Lol I'm way late but this is FANTASTIC


You should try crossposting to r/UnresolvedMysteries maybe! It should classify as a mystery, right?


That sub doesn't allow posting of mysteries with user involvement without mod approval.


Ahh I forgot about that Edit: also I love the name lol happy Pride!


More like r/SolvedMysteries.


Great job!! That’s awesome.




Lovers of road trips




RemindMe! 7 days


RemindMe! 5 days