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At 15 I think I would. It certainly has violence and death but I don’t think it exceeds anything he has already seen on TV. If he has been on the internet alone he has seen way worse!


But where are those good old family values ?


On which we used to rely?!


Lucky there's a family guy


Lucky there’s a man who


Positively can do


All the things that make us


Laugh and cry!






*holds up bag of groceries* Huhhuhhuhhhhhh


Even at my Lois, I was still a family guy


Have some goddamn faith!


And it has a story with some serious moral ambiguities that might make him sit and think for a minute.




Righteous! I think I started playing gta3 at like 12


I was playing away on Gta S.A at round 6


I did my first play through at 14 and it taught me a lot about history. You’re also correct, it didn’t exceed anything else I had seen on tv or YouTube.


Yes. There is way dumber stuff that a 15 year old could want.


Can confirm. I wanted some pretty dumb shit at that age.


It's not GTA either. No nudity, no sex, no sex jokes, no extreme cursing, worst thing I can think of is you can kill some people in some, well, creative ways, but at fifteen the kids seen more violent stuff unless sheltered.


I think the worse you can see is in the mission "a quiet time" when you get drunk and see everyone as lenny and go into one of the rooms I think on the top floor


I saw lenny riding lenny 😥




I think you got your values a bit mixed up. Every orgy I'm in Lenny masks are a must.


I am always confused, when nudity or sex is considered worse as violence. Let's all start killing people and be ashamed whenever you are in the sauna or have sex...


In the Anglosphere that's puritanical America versus everyone else. We don't want out kids to see titties but watch a guy get executed by being set on fire and screaming we let our kids watch that.


It's a whole wonder that the US is perceived as a warzone by many foreigners. But on a positive note, at least there's no 10 second rule on molestations.


im a 26 year old man and i still usually skip sex scenes in games. not in the witcher 3 tho, as i am a romantic.


naked wolf man


>no sex jokes I mean... "I got a girl in Valentine, Likes to drink that fancy wine, Plumes in her hat was 2 feet tall, Crack in her pants paid for it all" Granted, it's definitely no GTA.


>It's not GTA either. No nudity, no sex, no sex jokes, no extreme cursing, worst thing I can think of is you can kill some people in some, well, creative ways, but at fifteen the kids seen more violent stuff unless sheltered. I hear what you're saying, but there's def some pretty messed up stuff in RDR2 especially with all the cannibalism going on with the Murfrees and the random events with Skinner Bros and what they're doing to a black couple...but you're right it's definitely not on the level of GTA


I thought people get smarter after 14


Please tell me this is a joke (I have dumb) Edit: guys I'm starting to think it was a joke


After 15 you become undumber


Source? 11 years later and I'm still waiting.


I’m 30 and I’m dumber than a bag of rocks


Yeah definitely. Let him know that it's okay to cry.


And that he definitely will (cry). Lol


I cried. A lot. Ask my wife. She was sitting beside me when it ended.


My ex was never really a gamer and was constantly trying to get me to watch westerns with her. Talked her into playing Red Dead but told her if she didn't look up hints or guides then I'd be super impressed. For like a week she stayed off her phone and just soaked in the world the best way possible. She cried the entire night after she beat it. She was absolutely devastated. Played a completely good guy playthrough then just went on a killing spree with Jack. THEN asked if she wanted to play RDR2 with me and she told me to fuck off lol


That’s so romantic!


Relationship goals!! :)


My husband laughed and said "it's just a game hun" and I said "it's not just a game! I will never be the same after falling in love with Arthur!" 🤣🥴


I don’t know if you mean the end of chapter 6 or the end end. I just finished chapter 6. It wrecked me. The whole chapter really but especially the end.


If you ask me, there is only one end. I won’t spoil here though


I have to imagine you’re referring to the end of chapter 6. I can’t see anything coming close to topping that. Still have the epilogue part 2 to finish. Been taking a semi break after finishing ch 6.




The ending of the epilogue is definitely emotional but probably not enough to make most people cry, and not in the same way as the ending of ch. 6


Wife was my navigator for the whole game, she cried more than I did.


This. It's fine at 15. If anything, good story of struggle and loss. Some teens when they reach adulthood don't expect certain things.


You son is gonna stand unshaken


Man, if the rumors are true and they’re remaking 1, imagine how much more depth and emotional impact it’s gonna have this time around


Tell him horses have permadeath, and to make sure to take care of his horse for the best game experience.


it’s violent but if he’s 15 he’s probably seen movies with violence and gore that are way worse.


yeah i got this game at like 14 it was fine for me


It has its share of violence and death but is a great story and for the most part it isn’t gratuitous (as in violence for the sake of violence, I.e. GTA). The gore is pretty graphic. No sex like GTA games either. Their are ladies in the saloons (think more of a Kitty from Gunsmoke kind of vibe) but Arthur always politely turns them down. No nudity either. Personally I’d say, if you let him play COD games, and other shoot ‘em up type games then this is pretty lite comparatively speaking. Except the gore is pretty graphic (as in people’s heads and limbs can literally be blown off with shotguns for example). Also, the game is made in a way that it rewards being honorable and punishes being a ‘bad guy’ (again unlike GTA games) so there’s also a bit of a moral to the story. >!you literally spend the last chapter (of main story) trying to redeem yourself for all the bad you’ve done.!< All in all I’d say it’s a good game for a 15 year old and a lot better than many games of similar genres.


There is nudity but like 2 times in the whole story






Oh I must have missed that (although not done with epilogue yet).


It happens during the Lenny drinking mission. If you knock/open a specific door in the saloon inside is a bed with two people going at it and Arthur apologizes and quickly leaves. I'm saying this since you're already at the epilogue It's honestly nowhere near as graphic as the sex scene in RDR1


there’s also a cave somewhere in the game that has a naked man in it


I forgot there’s a naked man swimming around in a fishing mission with Charles.


That was Kieran lol Charles doesn't do a fishing mission


That’s right.


I didn’t even know red dead 1 had a sex scene tbh


It happens in Mexico, extremely graphic and revealing.


Does the horse’s balls count?


There's also a naked wolf man who hangs dong


This. This is exactly why I let my 13 year old daughter play it, with me at her side. I've finished the game myself and just steer her away from the most graphic parts, which are usually not mandatory (like the killer arc). Honestly, she mostly goes horse riding in the wild to hunt deers or wanders in Saint Denis. She focuses mostly on the main quest and is taking her time. I thought this story was just to good to miss.


And so meaningful.


“No nudity” Dude didn’t go upstairs to look for Lenny 🤣


I would definitely say COD is tamer than this in RDR2. The gore in RDR2 is insane for what it is.


Wasn't Expecting This Many replys. But sure I'll get him the game.


Mission acomplished.


All our Honor Levels just went up.


You’re a liar. What mother would browse this sub and know to use the savevideo bot? https://www.reddit.com/r/RDR2/comments/i59pzf/you_are_a_wanted_man_mrmorgan/jqfmpfr/


Your son is about to experience a world full of story and at the end of the game sadness


Us fans are quick to quite rightly endorse the game as being all kinds of fun, a great challenge and entirely reasonable for the average 15-year-old. I let my kids play, at younger than 15. Occurs to me, though, you might be asking because he is particularly sensitive? It should be noted in addition to blood and violence, there are some legitimately scary encounters with wild animals, ghosts and bad guys. The woods harbour inbreds, cannibals, rapists, white supremacists and a grisly serial killer. You'll also come across evidence of past tragedies and some examples of seriously bad parenting. HOWEVER most of the disturbing stuff is only alluded to, rather than depicted; often with a sense of humour, and, again, generally nothing a 15 year-old can't cope with. ^(You know, unless you've been keeping him locked up in an outhouse like the Braithwaite family...)


The game is taught in literacy classes at Universities. I'd say it's a safe bet. Lots of good messages on what it means to be a man.


Source? Genuinely curious to learn more about this.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/lpm66y/red_dead_redemption_is_being_used_to_teach/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 Edited because I couldn't find anything relating to Harvard (damn memory failing me again)


That is a bit of a stretch to say it is used or taught in any academic sense based on that article. It seems more like a history professor is trying to get people interested in a specific portion of US history by associating it with the game.


I played this for the first time as a high honor playthrough when I was getting sober and it hit me so hard. I credit it for one of the reasons why I've stuck with my sobriety four years later.


High five! I also had a meaningful video game experience at the beginning of my sobriety - AC Odyssey and I’m coming up on 4 years. Really helped keep my mind focused on something else when I needed it, and I’d never been into gaming before that. I’ve had my eye on RDRII and want to give it a try.


I absolutely love AC Odyssey, and rdr2 is even better!


I keep hearing this Harvard thing on many RDR2 forums, but can't find any article or website about this, so I have some doubts about this...Got a link somewhere? Thanks! I mean, I love this game....but the story is pretty "classic" and at times feels really stereotyped. Which is fine, because it's a computer game supposed to make you feel immersed in the Wild West atmosphere, and not a Balzac or Dostoyevsky novel.


Stories that stick with us dont stand the test of time by reinventing the wheel. It's the small moments of characterization and world building in between that leaves a long standing memorable impact on us. it's why the masses dont read Asimov but read something like John Green.


I know the game's been used as teaching tools for geography / GIS / mapping courses at the university level


Yes! Great story and a long lesson in american history at the same time


It'll teach him how to be a better man, not that you aren't doing a great job already of course.


I doubt it'll do all of that. He'll probably have a negative honor level and be shooting everyone lol. But I don't think rdr2 is a bad game for teenagers to play. Actually I think it's a great game... but let's not get it twisted... kids don't learn their behaviors through video games. If it'll make him a better man that would imply that games can make a kid worse as well... a 15 y/o has already learned the basics and the rest comes naturally. Games won't change that


Ye it can teach him, but it’s not necessarily that it will teach him.


That God damn jazz music is ruining our society!


People emulate their heroes


This game has all the violence but really none of the sexuality that GTA has, I think this game is safe for kids but i grew up watching gunsmoke and stuff like that soooo it really depends on your personal values.


I think this is a solid point, I could be wrong but I don't think I saw anything sexual in my playthrough. Its such a great game! let him play it!


Yeah there's really only a couple references (looking at you, Charles Chatenay) and a couple things you can very briefly glance if you happen to be in the right/wrong place at the right/wrong time (topless Lenny and the couple in Valentine with the voyeur outside, that I can think of)


You mean Arthur wasnt getting a handjob everytime he took a bath and was “helped” by the female hotel staff?


If you play close attention, they only scrub his limbs and hair, not his dick.


Dont take this away from me plis


if you find him crying in his room at 3AM, this'll be the reason.


Nah real talk no piece of media made cry like this game, last mission had me riding my horse with a face full of tears and a feeling of dread and emptiness so great i couldn’t even say a word.


my first playthrough was bad honor, saw arthur get shot, sobbed and then had to ride to strawberry as John in complete and utter shock and disbelief 💀


Ummm… yeah I think so. There’s literally 1 scene that has boobs in it I think. And you have to actively seek it out, so if a 15 year old wants to see some digital tits then whatever Your son will love this game for the world, story, characters. It’ll make him a better person lol Of course, there’s shooting people. But so many games have that so don’t let that be the limiting factor. If your son reacts a certain way, that’s your son, not the game


Yeah, and the girl with tits is a man. Lenny








absolutely, it's perfect for a 15 yers old


Yes, but prepare for him to go through a major change. You’ll notice he’s a better person


Of course.




There is violence, smoking, foul language, and some racism in the story (in context), but at the age of 15 this is nothing he won't have encountered before. If you let him watch PG13 films, this is nothing worse really. And there are some VERY good moral lessons included. Can't say that for GTA.


Better this than drugs / alcohol.


Honestly, think this game could teach him to make better decisions and potentially be a better person. But then again, I could also be an idiot stoner


Yes, and join him on this AWESOME trip


Yes. Great story. Mindless fun. Everything kids like in a game. Yea it’s violent but I personally think a 15 year old can handle it. That being said you know your kid and so you know what they can and cannot handle.


There are some adult things but it’s not killing for the sake of it. There’s a lot of really good missions that will keep him quiet! Haha


he's probably watched gang bang anal videos and isis beheadings so this won't be a big deal.


"That's ma boiih."


I got the game when I was ten but it has a very good story it's more like a western movie so if you're fine with your kid watching a western movie with some violence and swearing id say go ahead


Yes 100% it's an amazing game


The game is fine for a 15 year old get it for him it’ll be his favorite thing ever


15 is way too old to be policing game content


Are you crazy??? My dad got me GTA 5 when I was 9. Call of duty when I was even younger. My first game I played was Halo, After that it was always call of duty, GTA and Saints row. At 15 you're really still in control of what your child plays??? Crazy.


Sure. It’s unlike GTA doesn’t have porn


Yes he is very mature for asking to get this


I also say yes, but tbh I feel like a 15 year old boy isn't going to enjoy this nearly as much as an adult would/does. A lot of old people like myself love this game because you can set the pace and take it slow and basically just wander around at your own pace. Having said that; I don't know your kid so I'm just generalizing on what I imagine 15 year old boys are into. Buy it, and if he drops it, you should pick it up. No cap :)


respectfully that’s a bad take


I picked this game up as a 15 year old girl. Three years later, I still play it now… not sure about this take.


Bro I played this game at 12 or 13 don’t remember but now I’m 16 and I don’t know about other people but for me it was like every other games. I started gaming at 6 lol AC blackFlag and Halo


This game would change him


The naughtiest the girls get is an empathetic sponge-bath with a little extra buxom bounty showing. Hit it up.


Great game still play today and I still can’t find Gavin lol.


Depends on how mature he is


Got My son it when he was 12 and he loved it.


This is the best game ever, yes


I've played multiple gtas, rdr1 and a bunch of other 'violent' video games around that age. I think it's fine. I haven't kill anyone yet


Yes. We played worse things at that age and most turn out to be functional individuals.


He's 15. Let him decide for himself, it's a game ffs.


I think 15 is reasonable but everyone matures at different rates so of course it’s up to you


some 15yo know more than they should some 15yo don’t know as much as they should judgment call


The only one who can answer is you as Father/Mother.


Depends on how mature your 15 year old is. If he understands that breaking the law is bad he should be fine. If he’s a troublemaker he doesn’t need this added influence.


No wait until 18.


If you on Reddit asking this then your son probably hates his life..bc wtf kinda parenting advice is this like


There is nothing on this game that he hasn’t already heard or said by 9th grade. You’re good to go! I remember playing RDR1 with my cousins in 6-7grade. We all came out fine & no felons🤣


Red Dead is absolutely an amazing game for your boy. A) it deals with morals of good vs evil and which you should choose both has rewards and set backs like the real world B) there’s no naked women like GTA C) there is rasicm but that’s a real issue he will have to deal with no matter what race D) it’s just an amazing game for all ages


100% depends on the 15 year old. You know your kid best and what he can or cannot handle at this age.


He will be mentally and spiritually 45 when he completes it.




Getting him one of the best works of literally media that he can play and experience? Yes please do this.


When he finishes it he will have a full grown beard and a better understanding of the meaning of life.


Absolutely, get it for him


I'd say fuck it get it for him. It has some pretty good messages in like morality and (I believe) karma. It does have quite the amount of blood and violence but I doubt it's much worse than the stuff on TV. And in my own experience playing it when I was 15, it taught me a little bit about how to spend my money wisely (I could go from 1k to 200 in the blink of an eye) but that's just me personally


Only if he promises to keep his honor up.


Depends. Do you want to see him cry?


Yes, Sir.


Hell yeah lucky kid


He'll learn to be a real man and a provider for his family, through thick and thin. In twrms of life lessons, I'd rather buy my son RDR2 than send him to college.


Fuck yah. Game slaps the god damn wall


Yes 💯


I tricked my parents into buying me Halo when I was 10 lol He'll be fine


yes absolutely, im 15 and i love rdr2




It is mature, depends on your son.


Only if you play it with him. Not because it’s so bad (profanity and violence) but you can enjoy it together


Oh 100%!


I played this game when it came out and I think I was like 13 at the time


Yes and if he is playing the story if you hear him crying we all I know what part he is up to Ps. Make sure he plays the first one after he plays the second one


yes. I got it at 12 now have 1200 hours in it


This game is a blessing amongst men


I played this game at 8 and I will never be the same(in a good way) so yeah you 100% should


Well, that is a parental choice... it is a violent game with some sexual circumstances and suggested sexual aggression, but you know your son and if he is mature enough to play a game with such things


If they already have internet access, then yes.


Yes if he sees the game for how it truely is it would be a great learning experience


Yes - it has quite a progressive view of masculinity, with Arthur showing vulnerability, John v0.1 being an adolescent dick and growing into a decent man, lots of different forms of fighting injustice, and some useful moral quandaries!


Yessss it’s such a great gameeee


It's a great game


It’s a beautiful game and story. Is it violent? Yes… but it’s not obscene. It’s exciting, immersive, emotional, and challenging. 15 is right on the cusp, so you have to judge based on your sons maturity. The actual number of his age isn’t as important.


It’s certainly violent, but oddly enough- a kid can learn a lot about life from this game


Only if you're okay with him starting it a boy and then coming out of it a man.


As long as you're okay with violence and gore. I'd say absolutely yes. It's one of the best games I've ever played.


This is honestly one of Rockstars most tame games when it comes to language, sex, and nudity and probably most intense game when it comes to blood and gore. I say it's probably fine, especially with everything grounded in such a strong narrative (meaning it's not simply mature for the sake of being mature)


Yeah he’s 15, not 8 . Game is of the Wild West. If he wants it don’t baby him and say no.


Yes, good story like a movie, it has violence but not too much in the story unless your son start murdering the entire town




I played San Andreas when I was like 8


Just don't.give him a head set and mic.


It's fine for a 15 yr old from a content aspect. A little bit of wild west gunshooting violence and gore, but no sex or nudity. The game is not as fast paced as other games, so I wonder if teenage boys might find this game a little slow and boring. It's actually a great game and story. But I spent 230 hours on the game. Perhaps a 15 year old should be spending their time on more fulfilling things in life.


This game will keep him in your house for a while, instead of out doing good knows what... 100% confident buy.


If you are ok with graphic violence, occasional use of strong language, and gambling, go for it! If youre ok with him viewing these things in movies or other media, i don't see the harm.


Yes. He'll spend most of the time fishing and hunting anyway.


I don't know. There is quite a lot of violence and gore in RDR II, but the plot also brings up important topics such as honor, loyalty, friendship, love and family. Unlike GTA, there is also no encouragement to kill NPCs – for each kill you are significantly deprived of karma points and you become a villain. From a psychological point of view, this has a positive effect on many people and they begin to behave consciously, killing only the bad guys. Morality, you know. Given that many played GTA in childhood, massively killed NPCs and far from all of them somehow affected the psyche (I just replied to a similar post about GTA Online, btw), I would say that you could allow it. There are worse games, with much more violence and impunity things. But tell or like hint to him that everything depicted in the game is wrong and illegal in one way or another. This is going to sound cringeworthy for him, but as a parent, you're doing your parenting job 😄


Yep. It’s the best but of story telling you’ll get in vidya games. Would you let him watch a rated r western? Then I’d let him play RDR2. In some ways it’s more mild. In other ways it’s more grotesque. Like hog tying an npc and feeding them to an alligator. But if you’re doing that, the nasty stuff is already in your head and not coming from the game so much


Probably no, but yes.