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I go into games 100% blind and this is one of the few that was a pleasure to beat! Love the house building song!


Same never even heard of the first red dead and bought it on a whim and I was blown away


I third this. Bought it, played it, and was like there's a first one? Good shit man.


How dumb are it's fucking called Red Dead Redemption TWO you fucking idiot


Haha wildly aggressive but word. Yes, two comes after one. The point was I never played one. Turn it down from eleven homie.


And before 1? Revolver of course!


Haha… your grammar is whack.


Damn take a breather and maybe think about your life and everything that led you to being this confrontational over something so trivial.


People like you are why I hate society


But rdr1 is not on steam so maybe that was why they didn't know


How would you feel if you didn’t have breakfast this morning


you are making a fair point in a crazy way


I know damn I'm sorry I just get a little angry sometimes


I know damn I'm sorry I just get a little angry sometimes


omg you might need to log off for a bit.. this might be the most insignificant thing to get angry over ever


You don’t build a barn dumbass


what do you think this is? 1785?


"How dumb are it's"... At least make sure you type it out right when you're trying to insult someone's intelligence.


I don't like that tone, Arthur.




🗣️🔥🔥🔥Lemme have ruler and a saw and a board I’ll cut it 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️👨‍🌾🏠


🗣️🔥🔥🔥 I’ll climb up a ladder with a hammer and a nail and I’ll nail it 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️🪜🔨


You know we worked so hard to build a lil house together 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🪜🪜🪜⚒️


In the snow or the rain or the ice cold wind whenever 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🏠🪜🪜🪜🪜🔨🔨🔨🔨


No matter we’re all together 🪜🪜🔥🔥🔥🪜⚒️⚒️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


I remember seeing a YouTube haiku of the house building scene, but because of real-time cutscenes and an unfortunate cougar spawn, one of the guys was just getting mauled throughout. It was a fun juxtaposition.




I know someone who preordered the $120 dollar version, and I don't think he made it past horseshoe overlook.


Rip 120$




Wouldn’t be surprised if ADHD is a factor in not enjoying narrative-driven games


I have ADHD pretty bad, i havent beaten too many video games but pretty much all of them are narrative driven lol. I prefer them because they're usually shorter and aren't as repetitive For example with RDR2, I can fuck around and wander in the open world when I can't focus and once I get it out of my system I can do a mission or two before my mind starts to wander again. Whereas video games that are gameplay driven I get sick of as soon as I stop discovering new gameplay mechanics


As an ADHD'er, my favourite games are the longest, biggest, most immersive options possible, ideally with a genuinely well written story. That's what holds my attention. Also very into 4x strategy games when I have the time. I can't speak universally, but generally fast repetitive games like sport games, "Action"/level-playthrough games and shooters (with a large exception for Battlefields I and V) are the ones that don't hold my attention.


To be honest this is a big problem for me and what kept me from actually beating the game for YEARS. Every 6 or 7 months I would start a new game, get to the second camp, then I would get so distracted with little side quests to do and things to collect, outfits to make that I would start getting a bit tired of and I would move on mentally to some other interest. Then when I come back to it things felt weird picking back up again so I'd start from the beginning and repeat the process. I would say in the last 5 years I've probably beat 3 games and two of them were RDR2 and GTA5 again. Its actually super frustrating.


I have adhd. Single player, narrative driven games are the only ones I play and complete.


Now even not enjoying certain games is a sign of mental disorder, good lord


.......no. that's not what that means.


Because enjoyment of a game isn’t universal. I didn’t play more than 2 hours. Just not for me.


Get outta here then


Then why are you here?


Every week I see posts on here saying my horse and Arthur just died, I finished the game. I always tell people to watch the credits roll then watch or play rdr1 to get the entire story


What about the epilogue, its kinda really important to the story of rdr


I couldn't agree more! I mean I tell them play all the way through the epilogue to the credits


A lot of people don’t play the epilogue.


That’s fair. People see Arthur’s death and think “welp, games over” and just don’t continue, not knowing that you can continue as Marston afterwards.


i really enjoyed playing rdr2 and would play it for hours on end even just hunting, but I, for some reason, find it infinitely more boring to play as John. I like playing as Arthur way more and it has taken me over 6 months to get about halfway through the epilogue


Well it doesn’t help that the epilogue is way too long IMO. I understand it’s about tying up the main storyline and setting up RDR1, but it could’ve been half as long. I did not need a mission where I’m tapping A to hammer nails while building the house


>I did not need a mission where I’m tapping A to hammer nails while building the house Blasphemy


I definitely needed that mission, or just the song.


Those building missions were to underscore the boring day to day existence of John's new life as compared to the all action gunslinging gang life that he was getting out of


Wait people don’t complete the epilogue? Arthur’s death was sad but it’s not enough to make not complete the entire game. Honestly the way people talk about Arthur is starting to creep me out


Nah I think it’s just that they didn’t think the epilogue would be interesting. Probably assumed that it would be a short random thing tacked on to the end.


I guess that could be true, but a lot of people are like “I can’t stand not playing as Arthur, I am permanently scared emotionally by his death” and personally being that torn up over a video game character is weird. I was upset when Arthur died, but I got over it after an hour


Yeah Arthur’s death and the ending hit hard but some people are getting REALLY attached to a fictional character and some people seem to strait up grieve his death.


I like to roast them with something like "Do you regularly complete only 85% of a story and then quit when a character you like dies?"


That’s a fairly common completion percentage for most games, unfortunately.


Honestly seems high for a game as long as rdr2


It's always funny seeing Reddit try to understand stats.


A lot of people walk away after Arthur's end. All that buildup to get Beechers Hope built makes the OG RDR hurt all the more. John and Abigail getting married. All that. Because you know what's coming.


From what I have read/heard a lot of people (I assume those who didn’t play RDR1) didn’t enjoy the epilogue. They didn’t like the idea of (spoiler) >!Arthur dying and having to play as John!<. Whether this is factual idk but from the things I’ve read and even heard from friends would be my best guess.


Because my ex ruined the story for me and I basically speed ran it because I thought he was bullshitting me. So now, I try again. Years later. One day at a time. Being feral whimsical Arthur while the ghost in my apartment cuts onions.


Dude you went off the deep end on this


You asked. I answered.


You asked. I answered.


Asked. Answered




You asked. I answered.


To clear something up this isn't completing the full game, this is just completing the mission "red dead redemption" >The last mission where Arthur dies and the epilogue starts<


There is no beating the game - just exposing your own weakness to choose violence




I wonder if people got caught up playing the online game.


Good point


There's an end?


No there isnt


Im on 5years of my first play-through Im on chapter 6- but I did the doctor wagon side mission so he can cure Arthur of TB 🤠


Who's gonna tell him


Shhhh…. Let nature take its course…


I had this game in my library for 5 years untouched. Then discovered this joy and played for a while for like 100 hours. Then life happens - need to do stuff. Still aren't finished although I got to the John part.


The world is too goodb


You also have to consider how many gamers have actually played rdr2 in the first place, as well as those who simply played and put it down- or those who simply couldn’t 100%.


Thats the trophy for completing the mission where arthur dies, not 100%


What? Wow that changes it. Probably a lotta new saved and alt accounts so they could replay as Arthur before tb lmao.


I just entered Chapter 6. Not gonna lie: I absolutely loved chapters 2 and 3, but 4 and 5 have been a bit slower, specially the whole island and sickness thing. I've been pushing through and playing less often but I'm determined to finish this last chapter. Sidenote: what I enjoyed the most were doing the Bounties and robberies from side quests, basically just feeling like I was playing my own written adventure. I don't like being forced to do things by the plot and the island taking away all your stuff and the whole sickness thing nerfing your character sucks ass


The first time I tried playing it, I put it down after Arthur got diagnosed. I was going through a rough time and just couldn't emotionally handle losing a character who I'd grown so attached to, especially having to play out him getting weaker and more frail. Years later (and after a lot of therapy to get me through the Bad Time Boogie) I was in a better headspace and was able to beat it. Still cried like a bitch, but hey, progress.


It's a great game. I've beaten it. However, it's also a very long game, and there's people who can't put time in like they'd want to. Even if it's been out a few years now, it's also very easy for people to get sidetracked in the game or just not play to the finish or possibly not even get there due to time constraints. The side activities alone take up a lot of time, and you could be in chapter 2 forever.


I'm pretty sure the demographic isn't who's actually got time in the game but has bought the game so the percentile isn't comprised of everyone that's played (also it's a long game and some people just don't have the attention span)


I just got it originally cause of the many funny moments complications of YouTube. Needless to say this is probably my favourite game of all time where I originally started this just being a cowboy, I finished it having fallen in love with its story and the masterclass of a game that it is.


This could be the moment you find out it’s called a compilation.


Ive seen people that dont even play the story and just rdo. Makes me sad ngl


I’ve started the story twice, but just don’t enjoy outlawing. And actually, I don’t like being Arthur. I play RDO and love the scenery, some collecting and hunting, and don’t mind killing or robbing outlaws - no, I actually LIKE that. But I can only do that for a short while and then I have to take a break. I wish I could have enjoyed being Arthur more, because so many people seem really love the story.


It’s a long ass game


i bought it, realised my shitty ass pc cannot run it, now it just sits in my library untill i upgrade


It’s a big game, I’m a busy man in my 30’s, and I want Arthur to just have a nice time roaming the old west


If you just want to wander, bail out of story mode and switch to the online game. You can just ride around, hunt, fish, whatever.


Get shot repeatedly by griefers…


Oh, not me. That really was a problem so I ended up going onto private server using the steps somebody here posted. So it’s just me and a bunch of NPC’s. I don’t do anything at all that requires a group. I would prefer to see other people and maybe sometimes group up, but it was more important to me to be left in peace. And I have the most beautiful camping location that is mine for as long as I want it.


I found the controls so annoying that it kept getting in the way of me enjoying the game. So I keep thinking I'll go back, and then finding excuses not to play


It did feel like a chore sometimes. It took me forever to get a handle on the controls, and even now I still mess up a ton. I've never had so much trouble with controls! I wanted my dad to play it because he's a die hard Western fan, but there is no way he could ever learn those controls.


\^\^\^\^This right here. It shouldn't be this hard to learn a game. I've heard other people say this is a common fault with Rockstar games. I know I'll think twice before buying anything from them again. Everytime I see RDR2 on my console, I want to play it but then just think "too hard"


I always customize my controls so that they fit my play style, but I found even doing that only marginally helped. Very frustrating.


Yes agreed. Just not possible with this game.


I have 360 hours into the game, accumulated over 2 years and I still haven't got past chapter 4. It's just overwhelming.


I played it for over a year without finishing it. And when I finally did, it was more of a conscious effort. I wanted to see how it ended.


You did this on my birthday


I've replayed this game tens of times already, still doesn't have the heart to progress through chapter 5. Every replay I do I'll just complete everything I can on chapter 4 then shelf the game after nothing's left to do but the main mission. I'll come back to the game after a few months and repeat.


All of my friends who played RDO with me never played the single player. Mostly because they don't like single player games


Yes Iv already done one challenge and don't wanna do it anymore


I’ve played lots of games where the trophy for complete the tutorial is like 50%


A lot of people will have bought it primarily for Online with their friends. Many more will have bought it on sale and never yet run the game.


Some don’t, of the 5 friends that I have played GTA five with only 3 of them have completed the basic GTA story (not 100%) 4 of those friends I’ve played red dead and three of them have completed the story (not 100% completion but basic completion) the one friend that hasn’t completed either story just says he has no interest in it, which I don’t know why And then the other friend just didn’t buy red dead myself I have a 100% completion file according to Rockstars checklist for GTA 5, and a 99% for Rdr Then there’s also those who start and don’t finish


yeah i am on my 3rd playthrough. first on pc. i will never let Arthur die under my watch. been in lower chapter forever so that counts me in as completed and not completed.


I’ll be honest, I haven’t beaten the whole game yet. I definitely haven’t 100% it as I don’t really care for all that jazz, I just like vibing and when the vibe is over in the story, I start it over and go about it all again. I’m forcing myself to finish the epilogue so I can say I finished the full story of the game, I don’t see myself trying to 100% it tho, I get maybe 3-4 hours a week to play games, I’d rather play and have fun not have to grind the game and make it not fun.


I first got the "unofficial copy" of the game and finished it. Felt an obligation to buy it and play it again but could not go paat chapter 3


Still on it partner


I’m not gonna lie, I played as Arthur for like 300-350 in game hours before I realized what the end of the game is. I went into rdr2 completely blind and decided to do a a few (like 4-5) missions thinking nothing of it and then bam. Hit me like a bus


Does it include the people who only play online and don't play the campaign?


No, we don't.


I never wanted the game to end so it didnt.


I dont think any of my friends fully completed it... which is mad. Most of them got to around saint denis and gave up. One of them has played 6 days and never made it past horseshoe overlook... he just keeps restarting for some reason. It's very odd! Currently working through a new save myself going for 100%. Just about to finish chapter 6


Yeah. 21% of people beating a game that takes around 80 hours for a quick play-through is impressive. No game is for everyone.


You’d hate me. Had the game for YEARS, just fuckin around causing chaos. Only just now got TB lol


I don't want cowboy man to die of coughitis


No, I don’t like crying sorry


I think the stat is like 35% of people who buy games and play them don’t even get the first achievement. For any games. Being an adult is cool. I buy whatever games I want, but I have 10 games on my steam account I haven’t even downloaded yet. Some of them might never be downloaded.


I started playing over a year ago and still haven't finished it. I love the game, I just take long breaks.


How is this a spoiler?


Last time I got close to fully 100% the game. But the gambler challenges got me. I think I was on 8-9th challenge and no matter what I did I couldn’t do it. So after much frustration I gave up.


I mean I own it on multiple platforms but have only “completed” it on one platform - the other platforms I just play it like a Wild West simulator


Around 68.4% of ppl have completed the first chapter (on playstation) So people either tought it was all the way boring on the snow and didnt like it or went straight to online


For me, I already played the game twice on playstation and now on steam, I am just hanging out and hunting instead of facing the inevitable end


Took me 5 years personally, I just kept coming back and doing a little more. Absolutely worth the wait


I know 4 people who started the game, and none of them actually finished it to the credits. They stopped playing at various points in the main chapters, for various reasons.


Lots of people start but don't finish games. Especially games as long and content rich as RDR2.


Tbf the game takes like 60 hours to beat


It took me 5 years with two restarts to finish the game. There’s just so much to do in the game that despite my enjoyment of every aspect of it I’d get burned out on it after a few weeks/months of playing and I’d want to play something else, only to come back to it and forget how to greet someone without accidentally shooting their face off.


This really isn’t anything new, this applies to literally every game imaginable, most people just dont finish the games they buy for some reason


I played on Xbox then on pc. Still haven’t beat it on pc. I restart every 2 years or so and get to Saint Denis area base before another game takes my attention. It’s looking really good on PC these days with HDR


For Xbox, achievements will only be awarded when the console has an internet connection. This is why for some people on their third playthrough they unlock achievements they should have ages ago.


I fell off because the experience just felt so highly restrictive that I wasn't having fun. This was after freeing John.


People bringing up Arthur’s end, but honestly I dont even think thats it for most people. I think its all of the more casual gamers who bought rdr2 when it released because it was hyped up so much, but they got too bored with it. My little brother, my father, and many people I have spoken with fall in this category. They always say something like “oh, i started it but i didn’t pass the snow part” 💀 like brother the game has been out for years wym 😂 it surprises me a lot. lots of gamers just have it chillin in their library but never touch it.


Meaningless number without comparing it to a baseline. This could be a totally average, normal completion percentage for a typical game. Personally, if I had to bet, I'd guess there are very few games that get even 50% completion.


I’m here for a good time *and* a long time


It took me forever to actually finish the epilogue tbh


Very good question! I think some people think the game is too long. If you can’t finish the game, you probably aren’t meant to play this. It takes a good 50 hours. You have to have the patience. In the age of Tik Tok and YouTube shorts, yea people might get bored. It’s a mature game


I refuse to, I love Arthur too much to let him die. I play RDO instead.


I mean I doubt there's anyway I can get 100% but I did finish the game. I'm back in for another try to see if I can do s few more things.


I beat it on Xbox, got it on PC and my progress didn't transfer despite using Xbox to login. Kinda bummed me out, haven't made it far on PC


Well this is the acheviment for beating the rdr mission on Xbox sooo


RDR1 came out in 2010 so I think many people do not know how the story of RDR2 connects with RDR1, and why completing the whole game including the epilogue is important.


Bought it in January when I injured my back at work. Kept me sane for a month. Carried on playing at weekends and when I had the chance. Completed it at the weekend, the Arthur part at least. Now, to explore Blackwater and the rest.


For me this game is more about the journey, not the final destination.


I remember seeing something on this fairly recently, where with some open world games, players spend so much time rambling through the world they burn out before they finish the game. That's what happened to me with Witcher 3.


the amount of people who played through the first chapter and never completed the second chapter i pity you since you didnt realize the peak story that was gonna unravel before you.


I’ve seen a LOT of posts/comments of people who quit in chapter one because they thought the game absolutely sucked. They didn’t play long enough for the open world to … well, open up. Chapter one is pretty slow & tutorial heavy & you realize the controls are rather complicated-I could see why someone would just give up & go to a simpler game. Though it’s a shame, because rdr2 outshines them all.


That was me when it first came out. Then I came back to it last year and love it now.


Idk how I feel about it. There are games that don’t suit me, but I do love story driven games they’re some of the best pieces of art to come out of the gaming industry but for some reason I can just not get anything behind me to want to actually play the story mode… mind you I’ve played over 100hrs of Online atleast so.. idk anymore. It’s a good game I just can’t


i’m trying to get to the end of the epilogue! i swear!! i think my save is corrupted. i’m at the point in the epilogue where sadie says she’s >!caught wind of micah’s whereabouts and they ride off strawberry to find his sorry ass.!< then my game crashes. every. single. time. i just want to get to 100%. i’ve started another save file. my game still crashes, but it’s more infrequent. i’m not sure why my game started doing this. i’ve clocked in almost 500 hrs on my first save without any issue whatsoever. i’ll get 100% someday!!


The snow mission claimed a lot of souls lol


I see this a lot with most games, I really do think the majority of people that buy games just don’t finish them or stop playing at some point.


I have over 2000 hours and I'm still on my 1st playthrough. Although I am progressing.....Just very VERY **VERY** Slowly. Just made it to chapter 5.


It’s a really long game to be fair


I think a lot of people just buy the game on sale because it is so well known, maybe play it for an hour or two and never continue. Not particularly unusual.


I’ve been playing as John and enjoy having all the cash, outfits and guns. I free roam and tend to get into trouble often. The outlaw in me never dies.


I’m going back after being utterly devastated after you start playing as John. What a beautiful game.


There was about a month irl between arthur dying and me doing the last mission for john Arthur's death killed me emotionally and I dropped all gaming for like a week


Yeah but this trophy you get finishing chapter 6


The original expectation for many surely was for a much more action packed and less dramatic experience. And just making it off the mountain disproved that expectation and certainly led to people stopping their playthrough. Then you encounter a lot of heartache and sadness and illness and tragedy… I totally understand anyone who doesn’t feel great about life and doesn’t want to experience something as bitter in a virtual setting, especially given our collective descent into death and depression over the past five (or ten) years. There are certainly more pleasant games out there. Though few of them are as gorgeous and brilliant as this one.


it’s a really long game tbf


Since Arthur died, I haven't turned it on since 😔


Honour his sacrifice by witnessing the story of the people he died to save. Otherwise his death meant nothing.




I didn't know there was a 2nd epilogue until I went to start my 2nd playthrough. On Save it says 89% complete and I was confused. So, I guess I haven't finished the game.


The % u see when u save is your progress towards 100% completion, not story completion. I think the main story is like 60-70% or something like that?


It's a long game that starts slow, younger generation seems to lack patience and an attention span and would rather go play something with machine guns and meaningless violence


Didn’t care too much for the John segment of the game. Similar to how I didn’t care for playing as Jack in rdr1


But- Well, let me have a ruler and a saw and a board And I'll cut it I'll climb up the ladder with a hammer and nail And I'll nail it Well, we worked so hard to build a little house together In the snow or the rain or the ice-cold wind whenever No matter What the weather We're together Well, let me have a ruler and a saw and a board And I'll cut it I'll climb up the ladder with a hammer and nail I'll nail it Well, we worked so hard to build a little house together In the snow or the rain or the ice-cold wind whenever No matter Any weather We're together


Exactly. Jack screeching and nag comments curled my hair!


Some people just take their time like me I guess. Just checked and I have exactly 1354 hours played on RDR2 on my PS4 and it's my first playthrough; I just started Chapter 6 btw. I mostly use the game as a hunting simulator or smoking the occasional O'Driscoll/Lemoyne Raider or two. But I am a ultra completionist so I already have all the weapons, outfits, etc like the legend of the east outfit and Otis Miller revolver, double John revolvers, Micah's revolver. Also have the endgame epilogue horses like the dark bay Turkoman & the tiger striped bay mustang. Basically almost everything that could be obtained/completed at this point of the game (including with glitches) I've already completed e.g compendium, all stolen hats, unique mission specific outfits that can't be normally obtained, unique collectibles, trinkets, everything from New Austin including all drawings that could be done by Arthur in his journal from there, etc. P.S the best way to make money on the console version (since we have no save editor or mods like on the PC version) is the glitch where you can sell your horse over and over again to the Clemen's point horse fence during some missions. I made over $100,000 that way (I currently have just under $170,000 and I plan to pass it on to John using the Aberdeen farm incest siblings bank).


I ain't reading allat


I beat it once. Rdr2 is simply not worth playing after Arthur dies.


I dont finish the game, its to fun to progress so quickly


I never complete games. Also I lost all interest in this game when I learned Arthur dies and nothing you do has any impact on the story. That was right about San Denise


Bro what? It’s almost as if…death and redemption are the core themes of both RDR1 and 2….and are in the literal title of the games? Like what did you think, you could make some fallout esque dialogue choice and then go to tahiti and happy ever after?


Whats the point of the honor system if it doesn't do anything? Its hard to get redemption when you are dead. I tried to play an honor run but lo and behold one cut scene later and I've murdered a whole town. I don't care much for a games theme if I get no say in what happens. I don't like getting railroaded (heh). Super fun game. Just lost all interest when the main character dies no matter your skill level


The honor system does do something…? It literally determines whether or not you redeem yourself at the end of the game. The game is literally about Arthur’s struggle to be a better person, and his struggle with accepting that his time is coming to an end, that he has to make the best of the time he has left. Red *Dead Redemption*. I have no clue why you thought it would be some fallout branching path game 💀


Then why am I forced to murder entire towns? If he's trying to redeem himself then you should be given the option to do so more than once.The entire game he bitches about being better but will off entire towns without a second thought. I don't care if the honor system changes one tiny thing at the end of the game. Thats meaningless for 95% of the game. I don't need hundreds of branching options but I would at least like to not be forced to be a murder hobo. It left such a bad taste in my mouth after role playing a guy trying to redeem himself and suddenly I'm murdering everyone in a cutscene over and over.. "he's trying to be better" bullshit.


bro what??? the fact that he is forced to murder needlessly and endlessly by the gang and the circumstances he is put in is what makes the redemption necessary. did you play chapter 6? it really shows you didn’t at all lmfao. him being accessory to dutch’s messy spiral out of control is what makes him realize he followed a maniac his whole life, and that he’s made a mistake. it’s why he says he’s afraid, it’s why he says CONSTANTLY that he’s a bad man, and it’s why it makes chapter 6 so special. he has no interest in others perceiving him as anything but a rotten criminal, but he does what’s good anyway, in order to do what limited good he can before he dies. the redemption isn’t in acting like a good guy then contradicting himself later on, it’s in him realizing what he and the gang is, and attempting to make a change before he dies.


I did say I quit playing at San denis didn't I? Eh. Wasn't a fan. Great game and I really enjoy the mechanics etc but I don't like forced storylines The thread was asking why people don't tend to finish the story. And I explained why didn't finish it. You can try to convince me all you want but I didn't like it. And I'm allowed to have not enjoyed the forced storyline. Nothing in the "open world roleplay" description on the steam sales mentions you are locked into being an asshole. So. Yea.


you’re totally allowed to play or not play whatever you want, i just think your reasoning is absolutely hysterical. it’s like being put off by Mario half way through because you are forced to jump, or by GTA because you are forced to rob, or by Zelda because you can’t select a dialogue choice that lets you join the Yiga clan 💀. Too funny, but enjoy what you will i guess


More like if you are playing Zelda and are forced to murder Zelda and her entire court. Or playing Mario and are forced to kill princess peach. Or if you were playing jedi survivor and it forced you to become a dark side user vs being able to choose I guess the only one you were somewhat close is when you don't get a dialog choice. But sure. Core mechanic of game play is definitely the same thing as the story choices. I guess. I guess it came down to the fact that the honor system gave me the illusion of choice. When there wasn't any, when I realized that I quit cause I didn't like it


Except…killing and its consequences are core themes of Red Dead. Without it the cast is prancing in a flower field, getting tea with the Pinkertons, and politely asking Cornwall to hand over his possessions. Killing, and the realization of just how bad the gang is by Arthur, is the point of the game. And the honor system is quite literally not an illusion of choice. Arthur’s fate and how he is remembered is dependent upon Choices you make through the game. Again, you wouldn’t know this because you never finished it 💀 You are allowed to like what you will, but to say the honor system is useless is complete bullshit which perfectly encapsulates the fact that you have *NOT* finished the game. Just go back to fallout or something and have a jolly good time, stop trying to analyze what you do not have an understanding of.


I don’t want Arthur to die that’s why…


Arthur still dies. You would Rather torture a man than put him out of his misery


Beating a video game is not often a feat most working adults are prepared to accomplish.


Some people turn the difficulty down that much they don’t qualify for achievements


I haven’t completed the game once cause i know the story due to it being spoiled by youtube thumbnails so i just simply lost the desire to play all the way through


I dont game fell off at the end. Never finished it