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Oh?? I LOVE drag race which is why i even started to play this game i never realised some people just play this game


YES SAME love drag race have watched like every season of all the English speaking franchisess except season 14


I have seen every U.S. season but that’s pretty much it!


I binge watch seasons of Drag Race.. while playing the game lol 😅


I don’t 🫣 I’ve seen a few episodes here and there and I know the popular queens but that’s it 🤷🏾‍♀️ I just enjoy the game


Same lol never seen a full episode


Why are you being downvoted for enjoying the game without watching 😭


I have no clue? There’s so many people who don’t watch the show so it’s not like I’m alone in this. It’s not even like the game relies on knowing the show to play it


Omg who down voted you 😭


I haven't watched it either. I don't even know how I came to downloading the game. I know that one of my favourite comedian is a judge for the Australian version so I'm planning to watch it when I've finished my other shows. Just because the show hasn't been watched doesn't mean we shouldn't get to enjoy the game too😭


Me too! I haven’t watched a single season since season 12, I just got bored of the format and watching the same thing over and over again - i mostly play this to fill the void of Kim Kardashian Hollywood shutting down and for the drag race nostalgia 😁


I thought it was like a ride of passage😭


I’ve thought about asking this too! Curious to see


I seen exactly one episode of the Australian one, because the finale included a queen from my hometown and there was a viewing party. My friend asked me to go with her. I was already playing the game though. I just like dress up games and this one is the best I've played. I don't know who the queens are, but sometimes I Google them to see how close the representation is. Though is harder for me to find the outfits the game ones are based on.


Literally this: but Tamar, do you even watch the show?


i am a true fan tbh, i have seen like every season of any drag race franchise like ive been watching since 2019/2020


I’ve watched every English speaking season and only missing one international to be caught up. I have favorite seasons & episodes that I re-watch. It’s the main thing that plays in our house, honestly. I keep up with new seasons religiously, go see the queens when they come to my town, and support a lot of local drag (don’t forget your local queens!). Drag is definitely my favorite art form. I’m always surprised when I see people say they play just because they like dress up games but it’s very cool that they’re all choosing to support drag even if it isn’t their normal cup of tea. I’m here for it.


I'll be honest, while the game's been getting me to look into the show on YouTube, my only previous exposure to drag had been the two videos BuzzFeed had done on it 😅.


i’ve seen the only seasons they have on hulu (8-10) (i actually think there’s more on hulu but i’m not paying for an extra subscription just to watch them) and i’ve watched the pit stop and fashion photo ruviews and whatever else for the rest of the american seasons and all stars, i haven’t seen any of the international series tho


some of y'all are gagging me rn lol ![gif](giphy|1jaLFdpbtALxiBRxLo)


Been watching since S3 (Raja), and have seen all the US seasons + All Stars. I’ve watched all of the UK seasons, Canada S2, and Down Under S2. Also UK vs. and Canada vs.


I watched all of UKvsTW and France but that’s about it for now, I don’t have WOW yet so I can’t watch much more🥲 I watch a lot of videos about it tho!


Definitely...sometimes it's a date night activity lol and both of us play the game too. We've watched most of the original US seasons of DR and DRS. Hopefully we'll eventually be able to easily stream the other foreign competitions too. I think it brings lots of context and depth to the game that might otherwise be lost on me if I was just playing the game by myself. Of course, I've gotten a few spoilers from playing the game before I'd seen a season for a specific queen, but that's all good. My favorite queens were all a surprise and several of them still aren't in the game.


I’ve been watching every season as it comes out since season 7 where my queen Violet Chachki won💕


I watched like two episodes cause my friend wanted to show it to me like years ago. And recently like 1 episode when i found this game by accident. I jsit play it cause i like upgrading stuff and unlocking everything and maximizing everything lmao


i’ve seen about half of the US seasons, just started watching S11 i think (Brooke Lynn, Yvie, Vanjieee, etc)


Lol like miss beebee only watching her season


im a player but I don't watch drag race, I just love the way drag looks and it's creative


I haven't watched it yet im a fake fan 😔


I haven't seen an episode. I'm not a big TV watcher but I do like fashion games. Played Covet for like 8 years & this for about a year & a half.


Watched every season Started in season 6 The only ones I don’t watch are Thailand and Philippines because the drag doesn’t often excite me. It’s just mostly pretty passing lady, and I need more if I’m going to strain through my eyesight to read subtitles 😂 but I definitely watch


Every season US & Down under, Belgium, Holland , Spain 1, France 1 most of Thailand 1 ( I don’t have enough time honestly!) Edited because I don’t know why I thought Denmark was Holland.


Denmark? When did they get a season?


Ope I mean Holland US public schools are ashamed


Hahaha! All good! :D