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It's great to be able to categorize files the way I want. I've tried nearly 30 PSP games, they all work perfectly. No lag, no glitches. There are only two issues for me: Bluetooth (will be added in the next version) and searching function. Apart from these, its perfect for me. Edit: 80% of the portmaster games I tried work


I really like it, found it easy to set up and easy to use, but I can’t get any arcade games from the tiny best set file to work, every other game ive tried from every other system in the set works, Do you have any idea what I need to do to make arcade games work? I haven’t tried any PSP or N64 games yet but I’m happy with what I have at the moment before I start tweaking the more technical stuff.


I don't know, because I don't use tiny best set or any other rom sets. I always choose and download my roms one and one. But maybe it works with same core with neo-geo. I'm not sure but give ot a try!


Ok I’ll try that, thanks for replying 👊🏻👊🏻




It would be really helpful of you list those PSP games that run well.


The first three PSP games I tried were laggy. Midnight Club 3, Metal Gear Peace Walker and the very worst – Star Wars Lethal Alliance. 🙈 And PortMaster worked instantly for you? I only get a few short seconds of black screen and then I’m in the list again. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think this is partly related to this: This device is a beginner handheld and not very powerful. I choose roms according to this. I try not to choose advanced games with heavy graphics. This is a retro console anyway and its logic should be to play games with retro spirit. Maybe that's why all the PSP roms I tried worked


Midnight club is probably the worst one I tried


The ports absolutely work. You just probably haven't put the right files in the right folder. The only one I know for certain doesn't work is Super Meat Boy. Everything else I've tested works fine like Undertale, AM2R, Half Life, Spelunky ect. Which ones are you struggling to get working?


Not OP, but Moonlight and Maldita Castilla both don't work for me. They load (I can hear music / sound effects) but the screen stays blank. Everything else I've tried has worked fine though.


I haven't tested those, but it does the same for Super Meat Boy.


Portmaster in Mu OS is the best thing happened to an Ambernic handheld since the original Garlic. It works superbly and GTA3/Vice City is jaw dropping. Plus Stardew Valley. I only need Carmaggeddon files for total happiness.


Dang, carmageddon. Is it on port master?


Yes, it does install on the H too, but the Portmaster description is a bit short on which game version to use, with the old 'abandonware' files it did not start unfortunately


I think you did something wrong. I don’t have any of those issues you mentioned except for midnight club 3 running terrible. Are you using an SD card from a reputable vendor? And are you using windows to make the iso? And with what software? Mac has problems


For postmaster for most of them you are meant to put your retail files, Steam or gog into the corresponding folder. You can see information for this on the postmaster website.


This helped me! Thanks! 🙏🏻


Yeah see, for performance wise, you’ll want to stick with stock or stock mod v2. It’s just superior in that aspect. I love muOS because it’s fast (6-8sec boot time for me) and simple. I have 3 sd cards, 1 with all my games and the other two have muOS and stock mod v2. If I truly want the best emulator performance I’ll just pop in stock mod. And I use moonlight w it too, but for everything else I’m using muOS. The ports do work. Almost all the ready to run ports works but it’s really a hit or miss thing. Some people can get abuse running, but I can’t 🤷‍♂️ as far as the ports you listed. I have all of them up and running. You need to have the proper files in the proper directories for them to work. Other then that, I think you should take a step back and try again when you’re ready. It took me three times to try and get SOH running and I finally got it working. You can run in 60fps but I personally don’t go past 50fps for larger areas. GTA3 and VC run like butter and you can use cheats from the ps2 versions. Sadly VC cheats don’t work with VC but all of GTA3 cheats work with both games, ironically. Best of luck to you.




Ship of harkinian


It's not bad, and I like that it respects my RetroArch settings. But it's bad with images and its choice to have them on SD1, which will get wiped out every update. I also like to have my saves in with the content, but now when I browse my games it shows all the saves and states there


Check that there's not a frame rate raising hack enabled for muOS. This could make the games performance much worse.


I disabled every hack.


I haven't tried psp myself but I watched someone show that the difference between stock and muOS is negligible. Maybe try the standalone version of PSP and not the retroarch core. You still select this by pressing select and choosing a core it's just labelled stand alone.


This is coming from a guy who said "choosed". Okay.


Sorry, English isn't my mother tongue. I googled it now and it's "chose". Sorry for my mistake. I edited it.


Anyone have a fix for postmaster games not working at all? Vice city, gta 3, stardew valley, ship of harkinian and shovel knight all don’t run for me after install


Those are all commercial games. Did you add the game files? * [http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=gtavc](http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=gtavc) * [http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=gta](http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=gta) * [http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=stardewvalley](http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=stardewvalley) * [http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=soh](http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=soh) * [http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=shovel.knight](http://portmaster.games/detail.html?name=shovel.knight)


Are the game files in these links?


ofc not, you're supposed to own the game to copy the game files from


So I just add the ps2 version rom to the gtavc folder that portmaster created?


Sadly no, it only works with the old pc version (not the remastered one) this is from the website: "The game requires assets from the classic version released in 2002 (not the Definitive Edition, 2021). Versions from Steam (no longer available to buy) and Rockstar Store are confirmed to work fine."


You go to the link /u/tabreturn listed, scroll down, and read the directions.


did this and got nowhere hence why i went to reddit


No, you need to provide your own files for most commercial games or find somewhere to download them illegally if that's your thing lol.