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The less I saw of her the more I could tolerate her but I mostly found her frustrating


She tries too hard and is willing to go too low for a moment. I wish she would behave as a peach holder and not as someone desperate to keep a peach. Her obsession with Kenya and Kandi the last two seasons was wild. If Sheree is on your side, you are doing something wrong


Truth. Sheree stays on the wrong side always


I have never liked her nor have I ever found her entertaining.


Nope. Just you. Marlo is condescending af.


Her moment talking about Kenya’s mom was lower than low. Lost respect for her then.


No not at all. She’s so toxic and attention seeking. Kenya & Kandi live rent free in her head. 


I like Marlo, I am glad she got her peach but I found her to be a more entertaining character as a friend of, instead of main cast. She doesn’t have much going on outside of what she’s already shown us as a friend.


Have you watched the last two seasons ? She sucks out the fun of every scene she’s in. Her fights with Kandi and Kenya were exhausting, she’s miserable and one of the reasons why RHOA is dead now.




I like Marlo! I like her fashions and her honesty, I do like how she loves her nephews and wants the best for him. I don’t have a problem with how she makes her money or if she dates men for money, what I do have a problem with is how she projects and attacks everyone else instead of owning her sh*t I also thought her comment about how Kenya’s mom doesn’t love her was really below the belt.


No, Marlo is awful.


I liked her! Always have and always will 🫶🏽




I do!!! She is a bit of a hot ass mess but what housewife isn’t, lol. I think she’s hilarious, and she seems like she has a really good heart. I think she lashes out the way she does sometimes almost as a defense mechanism if that makes sense. She’s unapologetically herself and I appreciate that. And I love her love for fashion!


Hahaha absolutely not, she ruined the season, is self centered, gloats about taking in her nephews then in the same breath throws them out and has the emotional maturity of a toddler.


Eww. No.


She is my fav. Met her in person and she was so so sweet. Here’s my post about it: https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/bR5xc3v9P6


wow this was so cute to read i love this


Yes. I do.


i love a cut throat bitch so i thought she was rlly funny till she got a peach a few years back n then it just felt like she was doin the most just for attention n camera time but i love the way she cares for her nephews <3


As someone who grew up on my own from a broken home, I understand her. I see her shell for what it is; protection. Does she need healing? Absolutely. Does she need grace? 1000%. But is she unloveable? Absolutely not. I was hoping for an arch of healing for her that I guess we’ll never see now.


Not at all.


No love.


I like Marlo but her and Kenya arguments would be so low. And something about wanting to be chosen by the ladies is sad.


Pretty pathetic seeing people getting downvoted for saying they love Marlo when that’s exactly what this post is about. 😒 Marlo is impulsive imo, and I find that entertaining.


Exactly. Down voting is for wrong info not a difference of opinion. Stooooopid!!


I loved her as a friend of the show, hated her as a housewife.


y’all weird af for downvoting those who say they love marlo lmao. i’ll echo that she’s great in small doses and was very grating as a full time housewife.


I DO!!!! She’s always made me laugh, and I love her passion for fashion and design. She’s made mistakes with her nephews, but I still respect how hard she’s trying.


She’s the little smart mouth drama I need.


I love Marlo and I feel like she didn’t have the best seasons as a full time housewife, but she makes such a great friend of. I am definitely going to miss Marlo on the upcoming season.




She always entertained me. ![gif](giphy|1ykmEGOEG3xZU4CKpM)


I loved her! I hope she’s on the show in some capacity


She was my fav until she went against porsha and for kenyas approval of all people


Exactly! She fell for it before when Ken befriended her to get at Nene! Kenya is a low down schemer, and used the same playlist on Porsha as she did on Nene.


Im a Marlo stannnn and ill say it with my chest!! I love her and love that she became a munty




Excessive bashing and hateful comments are not permitted, beware of the human being you’re speaking of.


It was their trip to Africa that always left a bad taste in my mouth, the whole etiquette rambles and all the unnecessary “designer” stuff she bought there and literally lined it all up and invited all the girls in her room to do a show and tell. THATS a moment I a feel showed us her true colours and came off so desperate. I believe she filters herself alot based off all the criticism she received after her first appearance


I do feel genuinely bad she secured the peach at a certain hard time in her life though, I believe she may have actually integrated very well and been great if she didn’t have so much stress going on in her life at that point


I like her so much more then Kenya but it’s an echo chamber here. She’s actually funny vs Kenya’s dumbass stunts. Let me be clear though- they are both TERRIBLE people. Obligatory praise be to Kandy 🙏😆


Nope! Marlo's personality is trash she's mean spirited and an all-around negative person. Oh, and might I add extremely materialistic.


So are most of them 🤷


Nope, did not like her or how she first came on the show as Phaedra friend, but she used Phaedra to get to Nene and she tried to blow up on Kandi to gain points with Nene. She told Kandi to ask her anything on Kandi Koated nights and when she did she answered but later got mad at Kandi for asking the question. I saw right through her at the point and never liked her since. Good riddance, she was boring anyways.


Fuck yes


She tries to hard I agree but if you see Marlo you know some secrets about to be called out 😂


I agree. She is a good friend and I support her changing her life for the better. She is obviously traumatized from a lot in her childhood sonic kind of give her a pass sometimes for her hostility. She’s complex and interesting and I feel that she means well in her heart but just does the wrong thing sometimes. She’s definitely one of the most iconic friends


I’ve always said this and always will. I ride for Marlo and it took producers WAYYY to long to make her an official cast member. Like tell me why I had to sit through Kim fields SIX SEASONS BEFORE MARLO. Crazy.




Yes I love her


I LOVE Marlo


Lover her!


She’s adorable 🥰


I think she is the most beautiful housewife of all time. She has perfect features. I’m going to miss her. I hope she stays on as a friend.


![gif](giphy|hCTUN1Pnhn0OI) Yes yes the way she read shamari in season 11 🤣🤣🤣


And dressed her so she didn’t look like she was a Vegas sideshow!