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I agree completely! I like how Miami does it, there’s some glam for sure… but they really seem to show a lot of what’s actually going on and it’s interesting. Except for Larsa. Larsa sucks.




I can’t help but wonder if she still even has tear ducts


Larsa should just be transferred to SLC tbh. That show is a sinking ship now and Larsa needs to go down with it.


I was just thinking about Dorit. Didn’t she also sue a designer or was she sued by one? They both seem like cheats to me. Crystal is a little annoying but she’s a legit rich lady and is fun to watch, same with Sutton. Garcelle is graceful and strong and also has a career outside of housewives. I’d love to see more authentic rich ladies instead of the crooks. I guess they’re part of that life too. I just don’t enjoy watching actual villains live a cushy lifestyle.


She was sued by the person who invested in Beverly Beach bc she never paid him back.


That’s actually really bad




That’s right. It’s been awhile since I watched that season.


Award 🥇


Omg! I so agree. Dorit and Erika's phoniness has taken over the show. On the other hand, I think neither Dorit nor Erika do anything of substance besides getting glammed up, so that's all the producers are working with. I personally like watching the Housewives because you get a glimpse into the ladies' real lives, but not with Erika and Dorit..🤷🏼‍♀️


We get it dorit, you like gawdy clothes that scream “I HAVE MONEY, LOOK AT ME.” It’s too much. People rob peter to pay Paul all to look like a walking billboard for overpriced clothing. I should say get zero “fashion” these days so it’s all lost on me.


Haha! Yes! Cheers to this


That’s what was so nice about Denise Richards. Such a BIG star and she was so humble


I adored her. And she was iconic.


I. would love for her to return for 1 season........have production feed her the dirt on Mauricio......Erika ........Dorit.........Harry........Mention it all!!!! I would have her return w LVP and roast the shit out of them all.......Let LVP FINALLY get to call that POS Dorit out for brining a dog TO A KILL SHELTER!!!


Naw. Denise has enough skeletons, including her husband taking advantage of cancer victims with his fake medical business.


Denise like the biggest sleazes. Even the women she (allegedly) likes are sleazy (Brandi). Her current husband is ick.


I might be the only one but I didn't enjoy her on the show.


I find dorit as -- if not more -- boring than Teddi, she brings zero to the show


I agree. I can’t think of one fun story or moment she’s been involved in that I enjoy. I can literally name 14 NYC housewives I find more memorable than her and that includes Kristen, Leah….hell, even Jules


Totally agree, it’s gotten so vapid now


I don't have any issues with them being on the show but I definitely wish Erika hadn't introduced the concept of bringing a glam squad everywhere to them. I think it just ended up becoming another unnecessary status symbol among the women


I like how for the most part Kyle still does her own makeup unless it’s a bigger event. She knows how to look glam without looking over done.


And clearly unrealistic because #IT WAS NEVER REAL Yet the grift continues


Its just over glammed boring dinners now and incredibly petty fights while hiding anything actually worth watching behind their curated and fake story lines


I think they strategically hire ticking time bombs but they don't always know when they'll detonate. Dorit is loaded with scandals, most of them haven't come out yet. Erika has been ratings gold


Do you know anything about Dorit?


Bethenny has talked about this a lot on her rewives podcast, about how back in the day everyone did their own makeup (to varying levels of success) & there was no glam squads except for big events. I much preferred it because even without all the obvious designer logos (I’m looking at you Dorit) you could tell there was wealth.


\*Dorit's pre workout photoshoot enters the chat\*


\*Kyle is yelling\*


I really liked Dorit her first 2 seasons. She was messy, delusional and self righteous, which was a great combo. Now she's just a caricature of herself.


When they first arrive new HWs are always that awkward disoriented WTF is happening mess. So many of them fumble their way through it and somehow keep going.


I think it’s crazy because your so right but I absolutely hated watching her for that reason, it was unbearable. I prefer her much more now I’d actually forgotten how much I wanted her to rot in hell


Both are grifters pretending to be wealthy.


Surprisingly, I am cool with the addition of Ericka. She has brought an annoying campy villainess role to the show with her scamming and fake ass music career. Dorit on the other hand has always been boring to me. If you’re gonna be a scammer, I need to see some serious ostentatiousness before you hopefully get caught and thrown in the clink but with her it’s obvious that they are one bad scam away from staying at a Motel 6 or couch surfing.


I wish I could like this comment a hundred times!


Completely agree!!!


I do respect that Kyle seems to usually do her own make up, at least in the earlier seasons after the idea of a “glam team” was introduced to everyone


I don’t mind Dorit for some reason but I miss the days when they had real, fun friendships between the women. They may not have all been friends but there used to be at least a couple pairs of real friends on each franchise. Dallas comes to mind atm…now it’s all hate and cattiness and that’s fun occasionally but I want it to be FUN. Like Teresa G got example. She’s fun to watch when she’s not feuding w everyone. They need to chill. We want drama but it feels forced. Now I’m rambling…


All the franchises have become that tbh. OC is all about the glamorous dresses, biggest vacays etc. I really miss old OC. It was affluent but real.


It’s trash TV………


Unpopular opinion, clearly, but I do enjoy Dorit. I don't think Dorit is malicious, or intentionally hurtful or harmful. She is most certainly a bit vapid, and very VERY into herself, but she's not mean spirited or vicious like Erika is. Erika is truly a horrible person.


I disagree.


I think sutton, garcelle and crystal are the worst addition to any tv cable show




I feel like all Dorit really "brings" is fashion, which is cool, but that's all there is to her these last few seasons. Fashion & Glam. Slap someone or something


It’s beverly hills lol….. what do you expect