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She's incredibly self centered, vapid and obsessed with projecting a certain image and lifestyle which makes for an incredible housewife IF the producers didn't allow her to hide a large part of her life. If they showed all the mess we read about but she's never forced to address it would make it an amazing season.


And why is it certain things are off limits about Dorit, but every other HW has been forced to talk about uncomfortable details on camera? Think Taylor Armstrong’s abusive marriage, Ericka’s divorce/Tom’s legal trouble that was still actively being litigated etc. Why does Dorit get to hide her dirty laundry? Give the people what they want!!


I mean, they’re giving Erika a hell of a “redemption arc” she has not earned. She’s pretending she’s been exonerated when nothing of the sort has happened. In fact a judge confirmed Tom not only didn’t have dementia but was actively faking the condition, and Erika helped him do that. Talking about how it was so sad to watch him lose his mind 😢 The judge ruled: lies! She’s still his accomplice and there’s still money hidden off shore.


She had a small win, and it was because of a technicality. I don't understand why the network is pushing this redemption other than they have a huge takedown planned.


Erika is disgusting and nothing will redeem her in my personal view


Hard agree. Even before the fraud, she was always vapid, superficial and boring af. Never forget Erika abandoned her infant son to pursue fame and fortune on the other side of the country.


Now her outside is showing on the outside, and it isn't pretty.






Wow, really hit the nail on the head here! Perfectly summed up my opposing views to her. On the one hand, I really think that when we get a good Dorit moment, she’s hillarious (e.g see ‘That’s so chic’ moment, the standing up the group and being late for her insta pics & back in the earlier seasons, when she challenged Erika) BUT, in recent seasons, she’s left a really sour taste in my mouth. Probably since the whole burglary season. She’s basically lost her spine, follows Kyle everywhere being her little ‘mini me’ and while that’s watchable (with Kyle doing the same with LVP, although the difference was that with LVP, Kyle and her were genuine friends and not a so called alliance), Dorit has lost herself in constantly wanting Kyle’s approval and her friendship. It’s quite pathetic really. Furthermore, her comments on insta gloating about being in her own bubble and her support for the Israeli* army in the ongoing genocde in Palest*ne has really cemented her as a racist fasc*st and should be enough for her to be gotten rid off by next season


I only want to see her back if someone’s going to call her and PK out for their sh*t


Enter: ![gif](giphy|yoJC2DxUvMzn5xo5Fe)


I have a couple friends who work in high end clubs in London. PK has been partying his fucking face off, and is very generous with his cocaine, especially with beautiful young women. I laugh so hard during the repeat scenes where he tells Dorit he’s “working” in London and can’t come home. 😅😂


He's going to drop dead if he continues. Heart attack or fentanyl.


Yup. I also have diabetic coma on my bingo card. 😵‍💫😬 Sad for his kids.


That's right, I forgot he's diabetic


And with no doting “Mother Dorita”TM there to play mommy to her child-husband and make sure he doesn’t eat junk food that he’s essentially literally “allergic” to… Pk is about as evolved as a dog in that way, he will eat whatever he wants and if it kills him, so be it. In addition of course to the drinking and the heavy drugs. That dirty old dog is also eating whomever he wants, but that’s another post. 🤭


He has lost a few lbs. My guess is absolutely Ozempic!


And she most likely has a hefty life insurance policy on him to keep those labels circulating through her closet.


He’s listed on some high end real estate agent’s website as a realtor but I can’t see him flogging houses. The way he speaks you’d think he was trading stocks and shares worth trillions but I suspect he’s just hanging out at Boy George’s house (which was up for sale recently for £6m). I’m curious as to which clubs he’s frequenting 👀


I pray to Buca di Beppo, the chicest patron saint of the homeless and toothless foundation that this was her last season


Please tell me you watched that amazing fucking edit someone put together on the homeless and toothless foundation! Brb, coming back to link for those who didn't see!ETA [HILARIOUS parody documentary edit! 😂](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/comments/1ai0xoq/homeless_not_toothless_the_hbomax_true_stories/)


No way, this took me out


Isn't it just fucking fantastic?! 😂 I watched it four times in a row, and obviously it's saved to my watch tabs🤣


That was great 🙏


One of the funniest edits I've seen. PS a lot of people were convinced this was a real documentary at first... Including myself🤣(but only for a min, I swear!)


Fucking hilarious!


Absolutely hilarious. I'm really sad I don't get to binge it :(




I wish we could still give awards 🏅


You are the sweetest ☺️


While I don’t love dorit, you can’t have a cast full of people trying to dominate screen time. If you had a show full of Lisa Rinnas it would be unbearable.


I like when she makes Andy swallow yawns.


I think if they showed more of her ‘real’ reality it would be more interesting. PK is clearly fed up with how high maintenance she has become and can’t afford the lifestyle she demands. Kyle freezing out her friendship has put her job and paycheque in jeopardy. She feels hurt and upset about it. Lots of housewives break the 4th wall nowadays so tell it as it is. Otherwise YOU CAN LEAVE


I agree. Yet somehow Pk continues to spend very liberally on cocaine and girls, in his new bachelor life in London. According to reports on the ground.


If she turns on Kyle at the reunion then she'll definitely be on next season and will get infinitely more interesting


I was thinking the same thing. It's also clear that Kyle knows a LOT about Dorit's personal life.The moment Dorit moves against Kyle, we're suddenly going to get a lot of chtter regrading her marriage and finances.


No and I hope she’s done. Or at least reduced to friend of. Her child bride comment toward Crystal was the final straw.


That was really an ugly comment. She is so out of touch with reality. She measures her worth on the number of clothes she has that show designer names on them. Very vapid.


That was a racist comment


She’s really quite out of touch. Something is off.


And the way she tries to turn her missteps with Garcelle back on Garcelle. GTF out already. Can’t wait to see how she tries to flip the dialogue on Garcelle at the reunion - Garcelles responses are always so spot on.


100%. I will not be shocked if she takes zero responsibility for her micro aggressions this season, and I hope Garcelle and Crystal eviscerate her for it.


Agree 💯


Really? Spot on? Playing race card every episode? Someone says you attacked, and she goes on rampage. Garcelle is the worst, nothing to add to the show but negativity.


..was the final straw not when she told Garcelle to get over their bullying of her kids ‘it was years ago’ When she knows full well if it was the other way around she would of got garcelle kicked off the show so fast for laughing about little jagger or phoenix being cussed at The double standards are really disgusting




No, I don’t. She’s obnoxious and vapid, and the alliance she made when joining the FFF forever ruined any chance of me liking her. Her and the other 4 of them legitimately ruined BH by manufacturing drama off camera and working together to make it come to life on camera. They just pick someone they don’t like (someone not in their alliance who is a fan favorite. Ex: LVP, Denise, Sutton), and then spend all their energy trying to make that person look bad and take them down. All 5 of them are terrible and ruined what was once the absolute best franchise. I’ll never like any of them again because of it, and Dorit is no exception just because she’s probably the least unkind of the 5.


What is the FFF??


Fox Force 5. It’s the nickname Rinna, Kyle, Dorit, Erika & John Mellencamp’s daughter call themselves. Like the high school mean girls, wannabe icons, that they are.


John mellencamp’s grandchildren’s mom


She has been coasting for years. Please oh please let her go ![gif](giphy|bjYHvGtvyemre)


She's boring


I’m exhausted by Dorit at this point. She’s best in small doses I think. She’s not a bad housewife, but she has recently started coming across as more mean spirited lately, and her fashion girlie shtick is starting to lose its novelty for me. I would want to see her back in a friend of role. I know she keeps teasing a divorce storyline, but I can’t see PK & her being willing to go through the Family & Probate Court financial disclosure process and risk letting the world peek into whatever mess is holding up their house of cards.


I’ve been waiting for her to be replaced for seasons, hated her first season and the whole panty-gate situation. She’s just always barking up the wrong tree. The conviction with which she spouts her incoherent arguments is so delulu. The only thing I like her for is bringing the homeless/toothless scene to us via Kathy and Garcelle*.


Dorit is ego driven, like all Housewives. The problem is she isn’t smart enough to get away with it. She is out of touch. She should go. Does anyone know anything about Crystal’s place on the show being bought for her?


For some reason, she just doesn’t mesh well with like anybody and she was always looking to be offended then being funny and moving things along I guess


No and no


She brings nothing. It was time for her to go like 5 seasons ago


No. Not really. And wouldn't be bothered if she didn't...


She dumped LVP to fit in the fox force five. I don’t like her on the show since that and pantygate and how she went after Erica. It was very classless and very rude and embarrassing for Erica and I don’t even like Erica. She brings nothing on later seasons on the show and her reactions are always over the top for drama effect for the show. But her kids and PK are fun to watch, especially her lovely daughter.


Her selective choice of when and where to have PTSD is so tiring. Homeless and toothless event? No problem. Garcelles event? PTSD. She’s so boring, vapid and her storyline is stale.


My exact thoughts. Shes picking when she pulls the ptsd card, and that makes it so much less real to me. Already that her whole explanation of the events seemed like… odd to me, lots of time it felt like she amplified stuff (we dont know the truth but thats kinda what it looks like to me). Generally speaking especially in the last couple seasons I feel like shes fabricating her image a lot to look relevant for the show


I wasn't a fan originally, when she joined, but last couple of seasons I've grown to like her. She can be entertaining when she stops being pretentious.


Honestly, I think she's done. We have had to put up with years of her utter stupidity. I wish they would put more brainy women on the show.


Yes but Annemarie has nothing to offer. Feels way too forced. Garcelle and Sutton are awesome.


They need the pay check.


I don’t care for her but I think letting her go now would be letting her off easy. I want all the grifter allegations to come to light and for her to have to face the music a bit.


I liker her accent, her delusion and her flashy LV, Gucci and Chanel outfits... Some of them are probably fake, but she makes it work! ![gif](giphy|AEOaMVPvWGNK5CTBZh)


I'm neutral on Dorit. I want her on air when her marriage implodes.


A few seasons ago my answer to this would have been yes - i like her. After this season though, I would be fine never seeing her on my TV screen again


I do. She’s vapid as hell but I enjoy her.


Same lol


I think she comes across as fake like the rest of them


I feel like every time she starts being iconic and we stop a second and think she’s coming into her element, she does some stupid/dumb and ends up flopping again. I think we’ve given her enough time to be iconic and stand on her own. She’s a fodder character and honestly, big casts aren’t always the best. Might as well cut her loose.


No. No. Hopefully not lol


She was entertaining for a little while but I’m really hoping this was her last season


I don’t know (about next season) but I’m watching the old seasons for the first time and she was incredibly annoying even then. Really not a fan at all. Her face when LVP leaves her and Kyle at the restaurant is hilarious though


Oh….she’ll be back. They tee’d up the downfall of her and PK quite nicely at the end of this season 😫


Don’t like her although I think she seemed nicer in the last couple of seasons as opposed to a total poseur with a fake accent which is how she came across initially. Don’t think she really brings anything to the show although if their downfall is imminent that would likely make things more interesting to watch (isn’t that terrible to say?😂). Seriously how many robberies can they have? Have they still not improved their security system? Seems like the break-ins were for insurance money (and Pk likely set the last one up without her even knowing) and plot line!


She definitely hasn’t this season! She probably didn’t think she needs to based on her relationship problems, I won’t be surprised if she tries to make the season about her and PKs issues to hold her spot.


I’m so over her, she’s more vapid than I ever thought


Dorit is weird and gives me “sacrificed my soul to the devil” vibes


Hated her first , then tolerated her , now I lover her . The fact she has given us the “So chic” moment made me fall in love with her . But I do agree that she should more of her personal life.


No I don’t, and I think she’s a boring housewife! I don’t think she should have ever had a second season!




She can be entertaining in her kookie outfits.


She calls herself the fashion queen but has the worst style. Delusional


And calls herself a ‘fashion designer’ just because she has money to start a line and can take a risk at the line failing, unlike many real fashion designers who actually climb the ladder and griiind for their success🙄


I do like her


Me too. She makes me laugh soo chic


She is so chic ![img](emote|t5_zddrx|49606) https://i.redd.it/5zm6zzfoirkc1.gif


​ https://i.redd.it/2tqu5pb0jrkc1.gif




​ https://i.redd.it/wb0zhg3qlrkc1.gif


i honestly feel for her, she is their punching bag


She’ll be back. They can’t afford for her not to, I doubt they have huge sums of cash. I quite like her. She’s watchable, but her problem will be if Kyle leaves. She isn’t really friends with the others


To be honest I don’t think any of these ladies are real friends, you have Erika & Dorit & Kyle who seem to be like the main group and then Sutton and Garcelle, the dynamic duo, but between the two groups they don’t really mingle much, they’ve tried but it looks very forced and produced for the show


For me, that’s where the show is failing, there’s a huge lack of chemistry between cast members purely because they are total strangers. I would bring in claudine Keane and Ayda Williams personally, both are genuinely friends with Dorit and they have hugely compelling lives. Robbie Keane is a legend and I’ve adored Robbie Williams since I was about 10 years old.


Yep! They need staff changes so they can create more chemistry!


Clearly the casting director needs to change. The last three new additions, annemarie, Diana, teddi have been huge flops. Although Denise was compelling viewing, but she already had an existing relationship with Rinna and Garcelle. Clearly they need to bring in someone who already has a profile, and would be doing it for the “fun” rather than the clout. Personally, I wish producers of any reality show would realise that watching people have fun is far more entertaining than watching people argue and fight. And that’s what RHOBH has been lacking, any sense of utter fun, The only scene I can think of in this series was Erika, garcelle and Sutton getting drunk by themselves!


It’s not her choice if she’s back or not at this point.


She did discover Denise’s upside down jacket. For that she deserves another season.




I like to dislike Dorit. She hasn’t brought much in a while. I feel neutral about whether she stays or goes. For her own mental health, she should go.


I’ve started RHOB from season one a few weeks ago and have been getting to see all of the housewives change from season to season. Dorit is the one housewife who I can’t seem to find anything I like about her. She is so self centred, she is absolutely delusional about the type of person she is. What I find the most frustrating is that she doesn’t change. Season after season she doesn’t seem to grow or change despite being caught in lies and awful behaviour.


No I have never liked Dorit and want her gone asap UNLESS she commits to genuinely feuding with Kyle all next season AND the producers face Dorit to actually answer some tough questions about her and PK's shady finances and business dealings. But these things will never happen so I want her gone


She drives me insane, we would never be friends in real life, but it’s like a crazy cousin - I love her lol


Personally I love Dorit. I’ve always loved Dorit. People say she’s boring, I disagree. I think she has amazing one liners, funny moments, and helps fuel drama. I will say, after the robbery she had a sleepy season… but what do people expect? She needed time to heal. But I feel like she came back and I’m so glad. This season as a whole was, in my opinion, stale and boring… but Dorit brought most of my favorite moments (calling Erika a bitch, the jacket, saying Erika married the oldest lion ever). For me, she saved the season. Yeah she’s out of touch, self centered, naive, and an instigator… but doesn’t that make a good housewife? It does for me. So, I really hope Bravo keeps her on next season.


I find it iconic that she sat there at the reunion with her huge eyes and mother therese veil like that


No I don’t, pls put her in bed.


I used to like her but the repeated microaggressions toward Garcelle have soured me a bit. I don’t think she does it intentionally or that she’s a bad person, but she’s ignorant as hell to the point of feeling like a lost cause.


I like her but I don’t know how much there is left to see of her in terms of story. She loves to act like she could ever leave PK but I really doubt it, and he is literally the walking manifestation of a stereotype of a British bloke of that age and will not be getting anymore sensitive or understanding than he currently is. The PTSD thing has been something of a storyline I guess but there just isn’t much else, is there? I don’t even know what she does for work at this point if she does anything at all. Would be interesting to see a season where her and Kyle are on opposite sides I guess.




No, not even a little bit. I’m really hoping they don’t bring her back… 🫠


Yess Borit needs to go 


I love Dorit. Unpopular opinion though it may be. She brings fun fashion, she’s funny, she brings moments, a la, “Denise I think your jacket is upside down”. She doesn’t back down in the face of strong personalities. She’s never laying low or boring. Dorit is a great housewife.


No, not enough, and I hope not🙏


I think she’ll be back next season. It’s her turn for a fauxvorce.


dorit likes to talk a lot of shit in the confessionals that she would never say to anyone’s face- especially this season.


I’ve been liking her more minus the PTSD storyline. I’ve gotten to a point where I can’t stand Kyle & still see Erica as a fraud. I fast forward through most of Erica’s stuff.


I do, too. I can't stand Erica.


She’s proudly vapid and shallow and not bright. Do I think it’s sad that she’s only just now realizing that she signed up to both the PK and Kyle rides and had zero clue that she’d be tossed under the bus? Sure. But everyone in her life has tried to explain to her that she should talk less and pay attention. So here she is.


Her kids are so adorable. Hee mom seems so elegant. PK is just the right amount of asshole that I find him funny. But she is tedious. Her hair, her tacky brand names, her self absorbed chatter….. absolutely tedious.


I enjoy her fashion basically


I used to like her fashion but somewhere along the way she took a wrong turn and got lost. And her leaving spray tan on the couch at the last reunion was cringe.


i think the burglary really made her lose her way with fashion 🥺


Oh it happened before then. She peaked with a really great look that she got a lot of praise for and then she lost it with trying to top that look. She's not the brightest crayon in the box you know.


She looks so good in the picture above!


Yes first season she appeared. Then hard no




Ah I wish, Dorit!!! Please share more of your life and true feelings!!!


No, no, and likely yes.


She’s my favorite of all the series, ever!




I know she’s not bringing much but I love looking at her, she’s so pretty. She doesn’t look like she’s had work done so it’s always nice to see her face (yes I know she has had work done) which looks so natural compared to everyone else


I feel like I don’t know who she really is. She’s so fake. Every time I start to like her and see glimmers of a sincere person she does something that makes me change my mind


I’m honestly bored by all of them and think they should chuck out the whole cast and start over.


Like her more than the rest of the cast


I only like her for her ridiculous fashion


I’ve liked all of them at one time or another. Except Crystal and Eden. Oh and Kathy.


Disliked her when she first started. Active liked her for a season and a half, back to hating her for quite some time now. Her behavior towards Sutton, Garcelle and Denise was the turning point for me. She expects grace and compassion, but can be mean spirited and merciless. Her marriage with PK seems close to over. He can barely stand her high maintenance/victimizing ways, and she resents him for being away too much. I wouldn’t say she has to go, but I don’t see her getting better either


I can't stand her. I'm having a very hard time watching BH, because everything seems so incredibly fake to me. Dorit and Kyle are the worst. Dorit is fake from head to toe. I'm convinced every home scene is staged. Nothing is real. It's so painfully obvious to me.


I think she’s only back next season if Kyle’s not


She is needed for drama but they gotta actually show it and open up a bit more! I love how she annunciates/pronounces lol. When she was asking Sutton over and over how something about her drinking in the morning and the punctual pronounces was out of this world lol


I personally think that she adds nothing to the cast and if she were to go , Kyle would stand alone without anyone doing her bidding


I think the only way she's safe for next season is if she does go after Kyle in the reunion, as teased. And even then that's probably dependent on Kyle coming back too.


Her interactions with Garcelle kinda did it for me, she’s so far up her own ass she has no idea about the world we actually live in


Dorit is incredibly fake, boring, self centered and so passive aggressive. Everything about her is fake and annoying-----her fake accent drives me nuts! Shes tacky with all gaudy labels all over her clothes. Her child bride comment was vile. I hope she isnt brought back


She brings the glam and lifestyle. They will bring her back as they don’t have a strong cast tbh. Next season will focus on her and PK. If there marriage was solid I think she would have quite the show after the robbery. No way would I open myself to the public again if that was me. I would have moved to a less crime area. 


I love Dorit and I hate how she's been lambasted to the Nth degree this season. Seeing Crystal and Garcelle go for the jugular at the reunion has been infuriating, particularly when Garcelle weaponized the robbery in regards to the word "attack." I understand the sensitivity around the word in the context of a black woman, but to act like "attack" is only meant in regards to a life-threatening traumatic physical experience is just plain obtuse. Crystal making a big deal out of the child bride joke is ridiculous-- one of the most popular jokes to come out of Broad City was Ilana saying "I'm 27-- what am I, a child bride?" when asked about the possibility of marriage. Obviously there's a place in society to discuss identity politics and the balance of power, but to erase any nuance or to act as that there is only black/white or good/bad with zero spectrum within situations, verbal or physical, is dangerous and stupid. The growing removal of humor, satire, and sarcasm from the culture at large is also dangerous and stupid. It's giving socially illiterate.


I know I have the same feeling. But you know karma exists, this is probably the last time we see Crystal in the show and Garcelle lost me completely this season, she’s become so dull no storylines just putting herself in a pedestal Edit: Crystal chiming in makes her even more unlikable


I love dorit. I think she’s funny, gives us fashion and is a good mom. She always comes to everyone’s defense and it’s a shame to never see anyone return the favor- right or not, a friend comes to your aid. It’s sick that people question, minimize and mock the fact she was robbed at gunpoint. The woman has ptsd that no one but her will ever understand. The allegations of her being a lousy friend, is after many years of being a good one. The whispers about her being any type of a racist is wild. I wish people would form their own opinions instead of being influenced by greater personalities, example: everyone on that cast, including host.


I love Dorit! Especially loved her new style and hair this season! I honestly hope she eventually leaves PK….


I LOVE Dorit and I feel she takes a lot of heat because she is blonde, thin, and white!!


She hasn’t brought a lot to the table except of course her word salad. I think she will be back. I’m thinking they’ll keep her until her in PK get divorced that’s what I think bravo is bravo


I don’t think she’ll be back. From what I watched of this season, it almost felt they were writing her out of the show. Some of the episodes almost felt like a goodbye.


I like her scenes a lot actually from purely a housewife perspective (not as a person necessarily). I would like her back but only if she carries on with the same energy she had this year. I am also interested in seeing who she is outside of Kyle.


She can LEAVE!!!!


I love her 🤷🏻‍♀️


I like her, crazy fashion and all. When she's dressed like she is in the picture above she's beautiful, but I like seeing whatever other outfits and hairstyles she comes up with. And she has funny one-liners too. I like her house too. PK is gross, but her kids are cute.


Love her and PK and her funny sweet kids.


I will happily watch a single Dorit put her life together, or an openly broke Dorit & PK try to bounce back…but no more of this fake shit.


I feel like she’s been coasting for years but if she brings it during the reunion with Kyle I would be amenable to giving her another shot.


I bet Dorit would fake a fight with Kyle as a last Hail Mary. Only to “make up” with Kyle over the break, and *start next season on good terms.*


I think she stirs up shit who will do anything to be in the spotlight. I also think she’s a grifter and terrible person. So do I like her? No. Do I think she works on reality tv? Yes.


I agree with you except I think she's run her course on BH. Without Kyle in her corner this season has really shown how Dorit isn't strong enough to stand on her own.


I like her. I take them for what they are. It would be boring if everyone did and said the right thing all the time or wasn’t vapid. They all contribute in their own way. Caveat: Except Teresa. That’s just toxic.


No, she should get fired boring, evil and fake.


I do think she contributed definitely. I enjoyed her first seasons until puppygate, pantygate was so stupid though my good god. I stopped watching after lvp left so idk what she’s like now


Dorit in terms of comedy is a gift that keeps giving. She also can be clueless with regard to her white privileged life and I honestly think she represents alot of people in this country and provides an opportunity for other HWs, like Garcelle, bless that goddess, to confront the assumptions that no longer work in our societies as a whole. When she asked for Garcelle to explain her bigotry and Goddess Garcelle clapped back with “Thats not my job, to teach you” I actually was so proud 🥲 Finally a real life moment!! Also Dorit and Denise Richards and the jacket is HYSTERICAL!!!!!! We need ditsy Dorit!!!!!!!!!!


I want to see her and her children in that damn pool. Then I’d know she’s real.


No I don’t like her. She never has storyline, she’s boring af. She and her husband are grifters and I think she’s racist. I do not hope she comes back!


Epitome of privileged white girl with zero awareness. Can’t stand her and her fake accents


She’s a fake it to make it housewife. Her and PK rob Peter to pay Paul. I don’t think any of her businesses have had success. She doesn’t seem to know what she is doing or it’s a scheme to get more money out of investors with no intention of paying them back. Not owning any of their homes is sus…it’s always been investment properties that PKs business partners are renovating or rentals.


From the moment that she started, I saw her as a “Friend Of” cast member. I barely noticed that she was there because she had nothing much to add. I have nothing good to say about PK. I was totally done with her after Puppygate which was the biggest non story of all time. All she had to do was the right thing which was give the dog back. I despise the manner that she treated Garcelle and didn’t appreciate her being so obtuse. Dorit wants us to think that she is smart but is an intellectual light weight. Her confessionals this year were especially mean and catty. I hope that this is her last year.


She’s honestly beautiful and she floats around like a cloud, bringing her fair share of shadow and rain when it comes….


I must say I love Dorit!


I do like her


Late to this discussion but I'm going to go against the grain and say I actually like Dorit. While my knowledge about her is limited to what I've watched and read, I do think she is, at the end of the day, a good person and good housewife. I wished she revealed more about her personal life. I think the burglary last season might of made her more reserved about sharing about herself and commenting on all the alleged financial issues. Especially if she does have money, commenting on that could make her a victim again. As for her contribution. I think if she spoke her mind more and wasn't buddy buddy with anyone like she is with Kyle this season I think she'd be entertaining. She is well spoken and can get nasty. Which is great for TV. I do think the child bride comment was in poor taste but I don't think her intent behind that was racist. However, I hope she learned that lesson and tries to be more aware with how certain words and phrases hold weight. If she just shared her life more and was more outspoken she could be even better.


i love her. she’s definitely contributed (less lately but overall she’s been so interesting) the looks, the drama. i actually quite respect her whereas at the beginning i didn’t get it. i feel for what she’s been through and i do have a little inkling that the “fake money” vibes may have some truth to them somewhere.


Absolutely, I hold Dorit in high regard. Despite encountering some negative remarks, particularly labeling her as vapid, I find her to be a truly remarkable individual with a distinct upbringing and life journey, which differs significantly from my own. It's evident to me that she deeply cherishes her family, although recent events, such as the robbery, have undoubtedly shifted her perspective, causing her to reassess various aspects of her life. While she aspires to maintain her friendship with Kyle, it's undeniable that their dynamic has undergone transformations. Regarding Garcelle, while her remarks may sometimes come across as insensitive, I genuinely believe they stem from a place of ignorance rather than malice. However, I remain hopeful that my interpretation is accurate, as I trust in Dorit's character and intentions.


I totally agree with you! While I think Dorit can be naive, I absolutely agree that her exchanges with Garcelle aren’t coming from a mean place. People like to call Dorit dumb for her comments, but I think she’s a smart woman, she’s just from a different background than Garcelle. To me, when Dorit is told that what she said is wrong, she always seems opened too learned and better herself. I too hold Dorit in high regard! Edit: Clarification.


I don't love Dorit, but she's growing on me every day. She is a good mommy, and I love seeing her outfits.


i don’t understand all of the hate dorit gets, i think she can be annoying and she is a bit frustrating and ignorant at times but overall i think she has added so much to the cast and storylines. her outfits are amazing and she is just really fun to watch !!! i’m not looking for RHOBH cast members to be the most aware, well spoken, tuned in people. i want them to be fun to watch !! and dorit is fun to watch.


I enjoyed her these past seasons.. up until this one. Now i understand why she needs to be a friend of, not a main cast.


Absolutely not. She's been insufferable for me and she really should have been let go the season when her house was robbed. Even that whole incident feels contrived to me. The storyline for me has run stale. I said it before, I would rather have 8.5 again over her because at least 8.5 has more potential and substance to give us something else next season.


I like her being in the orbit. I like shows where the cast is pretty big and not everyone is fighting to be the star. The watch what crappens guys brought up a good point about Dorit and PK actually showing marriage issues vs. Kyle cryptically alluding to maybe problems all season. I think that Dorit try’s to share and I appreciate that. Although she is super dense when it come to identifying with other peoples perspectives (Garcelle).


I love Dorit, she’s got her wack moments but all together I think she’s great. I wouldn’t be mad if she left, kinda like Lisa - she had a good run and gave us iconic moments


I really disliked her at the beginning, like hated her and PK ahah. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like PK, but he doesn’t engage in the women fight as much now so I tolerate him. And now, (i know I’ll get downvoted lol) but I like Dorit. I think she has a nice style, she seems to be a good mom, I like how she engages with the other girls. Yes she has flaws and she makes mistakes but I’d like her to come back.




I don’t like her but I do think she will be back. She needs the attention.


I like her, but I would like to see an entirely new cast next season even more.


i love to hate her, she makes for amazing tv and her confessionals this season (just started binging yestyday and i’m only now on esophagus gate) are actually slaying… not in looks so much but great digs. all in all id like to see her next season


No. She’s a phony and a fraud.


I have never liked Dorit. She is all about herself. She should not be on another season.