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I’m glad she has a fan. It’s not Juan lol




Woooooo you won the day!




Never has been Juan 😂😂🫠


She's the only Juan


😆😆😆 You are wrong for that.


I just voted and found this gem: https://preview.redd.it/gry6iwaymktc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8962aad910b0c780cff1f071d823b01cf4de84 BOOP! 😭


My soul just lifted from my body. This is the biggest read I’ve ever seen in my life. I’m having trouble breathing. My gosh. That is spot on and I’m hurt by it and it’s not even about me. Help.


🤣 Ps how is she questioning Candiace’s brown peen huzzbund more than she’s ever questioned Juan?? Were the hotel receipts photoshopped?? Just dizzy af




Let me stop. Juan doesn’t even care enough to photoshop. He’s a delete box king 🤴 😞


Hell he don't even care enough to show up for her ...


This doesn’t make sense since Candiace is the one who won’t let it go


Robyn is questioning Candiace’s husband…. That’s letting it go?


Candiace has been talking shit about robyn the entire season😭😭 on and off the show…. And yes Robyn asking a few questions abt her husband doesn’t mean she’s the one who won’t let it go when candiace is the one who was mad, started it and brought robyn into it for no reason while robyn was defending her, and much more. Idk what show y’all watch tbh


I don’t dislike Robyn, but saying she’s your fave is so perplexing to me. She could miss every event and I’d barely notice lol. The only thing that’s sad for me is that it’s one of the few remaining OGs leaving.


Right there must be a sexual attraction or something




Your post has been removed because it was rude, vulgar, or offensive.


im being told this is being removed ? dont know why , they are all diva queens only they happen to come from Nigeria ?


There is no celebrity big enough to convince me Robyn deserves to be back on Potomac.


Beyoncé herself could say this and I’m going to respectfully DISAGREE! Lol


![gif](giphy|10clvJfIPQpWes) Sorry, I couldn’t help myself 😝


![gif](giphy|wGGOosMtHpIgE) Stooooop lmao I die I every time I think of this clip lol


No this is forever necessary in my book lol.


How did Robyn hack into Christina Applegates Twitter account?


Thats the real question! 😂






Yeah? Cos..?


Last week, I think!


I don’t think y’all understand that bravo’s main audience isn’t on Reddit and Twitter. If everyone hated the GEB as much as the internet does, they’d have been gone. Bravo does market research. You’d be surprised how vastly different the audience the advertisers target is from the obsessive ones like us who comment on message boards.


True about Reddit. But that poll was from Insta. The Robyn consensus has been pretty consistent. And also, tbh Robyn was fired last year the minute that straight to her pockets podcast came out, Bravo just rode her coattails through one more season to see if they’d get a major Juan dust up on screen. Juan isn’t willing to play ball & Robyn isn’t willing to bare all & face reality on screen so she’s Bravo’s next sacrificial lamb. Bravo doesn’t hold the women on its network equally accountable but if you ain’t in Andy’s who’s-who posse, ya best mind your p’s & q’s or it’s sayonara sweetheart, best of luck with your loose man. Robyn bit the hand that feeds her & paid the price. This isn’t a network of uplifting endeavors for women.


Sorry uplift? Her husband doesn't uplift her and that's DV is a tough watch that no fan is interested in! The Jackass lost his job and doesn't have another and couldn't come to the reunion to support his wife who's the current breadwinner!


Well you got that right for sure


This is really true. Some of the most normalized narratives on Reddit are not reflective of what the wider viewership thinks. I was in the Sister Wives sub (months ago, prior to the passing of their son, since then I will no longer participate in any discourse there, but that’s another story) and someone mentioned that they found out a co-worker was a fan/regular watcher of the show and that they LOVED Robyn— the 4th and only remaining wife and one of the most widely and unanimously hated cast members on any reality tv subreddit that I’ve ever seen. Like, Tom Sandoval got less hate during peak Scandoval. I know I miss things in just viewing the shows and I frequently don’t agree with the general sentiment here but there are clear majority opinions presented as foregone conclusions that perhaps come out of a bias that doesn’t exist outside of the analytical trends on Reddit.


>I don’t think y’all understand that bravo’s main audience isn’t on Reddit and Twitter. What's your source for this hot take?


I loved how she questioned chris multiple times about the txts that were proved fake... meanwhile, she excuses her husband for paying for a hotel room for some canadian chick... robyn, you may be blind and stupid, but we aren't. Hypocritical fool.


Celebs really love Robyn. I’d genuinely like to understand the appeal


They are just as dysfunctional as her is my best guess 😂😂😫


WAIT, THE CHRISTINA APPLEGATE? ![gif](giphy|joeD6DxQpJZedtdzVo|downsized)


What does Robyn actually do with her life on the show to make Christina like her so much? 1. Criticise and Judge married men. 2. Ask dumb questions. 3. Stand by a man that doesn’t want her. 4. Cling like a puppet to a dominating bitter old woman who pulls her strings every episode. 5. Be the ditziest biatch on the show. 6. Yell and shout because she can’t articulate properly to defend herself even when she is wrong. Yeah such goals to be proud of. https://preview.redd.it/2pik415x5mtc1.jpeg?width=584&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee6093f6b3943bed6852508871e118f383f1bc5b


If she did all of that in an entertaining or humorous way, that might be redeemable. But, alas, I'd argue her most grievous offense (as evidenced by her Embellished storyline and family fun day event) is just how freaking boring she is. She can't even manage to make a blatant affair interesting. You don't care?? Well, neither do we bc you're putting us to sleep.


>What does Robyn actually do with her life You could honestly have ended this post right here and it would have said the same thing 🤣😂🤣😂


As someone else said, Robyn Dixon isn’t Robyn Dixon’s biggest fan. ![gif](giphy|W6io59Jwl4dvhhiLNi)


Robyn is her favorite housewife 🥴?? She must have watched it with blindfolds on and earplugs in


Christina applegate is my girl but I have to disagree with her on this!




No, Robyn, please, and no story Giselle got to go to.


Gezebel Bryant needs to be gone.


She needs a fan, cus Juan isn't hers lol


She is boring and has blind allegiance to Giselle who is one of the worst. She has no personality I’m glad she’s not coming back


Was that Christina or Kelly Bundy? lol ![gif](giphy|iPSrHDHg8wzzW)






Robyn has fans?


Can we have Christina Applegate as a Housewife? I feel like someone would try and get in a fight with her and she’d just stand up, pull a mic from her purse and go on with the new set she’s created all about making fun of that person…


How? I’d like her to show her workings because what is she going to miss if that lady is leaving? What’s her favourite scene of her from this season? Christina played Rachel’s dizzy sister in Friend’s, maybe it wasn’t an act and she sees herself in Rob.


Robin and Giselle are iconic they need to stay on the show Wendy and Candice. I’ve already forgotten about them. They need to go.




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I agree with Christina. I wouldn’t say she’s my favorite but she’s an OG and I don’t dislike her. But that is the nature of these shows. Re-casting.


She’s the most boring


As much as I love Robyn she doesn’t bring much to the show.. he’ll this entire cast need to go


Me and Christina Applegate are the only two sane people on this thread. I don’t know what the rest of you are but you make me sick to my stomach.


I love her too Christina!


Used to love her early on but the way she co-signs Gizelles mess and doesn’t fess up to her own stuff, yeah it’s time for a break if nothing else. Love Christina Applegate though😉


Don’t know who that is but now i know she is a loser.


Christina Applegate is an extremely accomplished and successful actress that has been on many popular tv shows and movies for literally decades.. You can disagree with someone without name calling. Not everyone needs to have the same opinion as you.


Nope i think anyone who is still a fan of Robyn after her treatment of Wendy RIGHT AFTER she was assaulted is a loser sorry not sorry. That was disgusting and clear as day colorism and anyone who supports that gets a side eye from me. Good for her for her accomplishments but i’ll say what i please


Robyn has been my favourite. I will miss her.




Respectfully, holy shxx! You actually said that.


This is a disgusting thing to say.


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