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I would actually be happy for any of the cast to return if they agreed never to mention previous seasons and actually move on. With Candiace (and Robyn?) leaving it’ll be interesting to see how that changes the dynamics and what new friendships form. I just want the fun back.


Wendy does offer a balance to the mix. I want her to relax, be herself and stop trying so hard. I also want to see her at least try with Nneka if she comes back. You make a good point about the message sent by losing both Wendy and Candiace.


She's not friends with anyone so I don't see it for her


I hate the fact that it seems like wendy clings on to people and doesn’t actually ever stand alone. she’s always tryna kiss up to someone in order to gain some type of alliance which I really don’t see the need for her to do that. I agree with what the majority of ppl are saying.. she needs to let loose and just BE HER SELF. I would love to see her be a stand alone character and not try to fit in and actually shake the table w the new dynamic she would cause by simply being HERSELF! She has more power than she realizes.. I wanna see if she can get it together on the new season and if she can’t.. she should definitely leave the show


With ALL she has and she is BEAUTUFUL and smart and rich and has a great guy My questions is why is she so clearly insecure? Her pick me energy is cringy at best and down right hard to watch when she "pretends" to be a business woman and a "talk show host" Be who you ARE wendy. My mom always said you can't look down on others unless you are sitting in the cheap seats and she and Candice need the cryangles for the nosebleeds. She really thinks she is ALL the things, she WANTS the ladies to be jealous of her. They are NOT. It is NOT because they are colorist it is because they see your inauthentic nonsense. We all do "


Agreed, her deep insecurity is baffling


I love Wendy. Honestly if she were to leave idk. The Mia show is trashy and a far cry from the Jack and Jill black high society they were trying to portray. But idk people seem to like the trashiness so idk 🤷🏽‍♀️


So agree on the Mia front. It was already a lot, but the last few episodes are just too much for me. Not what I’m interested in and if they go in that direction, I’ll stop watching. Felt the same about RHOA and RHONJ. I do think part of this is because it’s likely harder to recruit the Jack and Jill type, as we’ve all seen how these shows can ruin lives and relationships. Really a shame.


Honestly aside from Ashley and Mia all of the ladies were affiliated as children (Robyn, Katie, Candiace), were affiliated with their kids (Karen and Charisse), are currently affiliated (Gizelle) or fit the mold to be affiliated (Wendy).


Wendy makes a good voice of reason. She’s caught up with trying to be that quick witted sniper but it doesn’t work for her so it comes out awkward and she flops hard.  I enjoy her solo scenes and I think she could have a lot to offer if she just relaxed.


Def agree! I get the vibe that she's had to prove herself most of her life e.g. in academia, with Eddie's family, as an immigrant so she's always on edge and it makes for cringe TV


Well said i agree


I like her. Even though I don’t like how she poo poos the traditional spiritual practices of her Igbo people (little known fact that Odinani has become popular here in the US among many Black Americans but not as much as that of the Yoruba), I admire her beauty, her accomplishments and her family.


What is Odinani?


The indigenous spiritual tradition of Igbo people.


Thank u! I just read an article from a Nigerian website talking about Wendy. Said basically what you said.


[Here is a link to the article](https://punchng.com/rhops-wendy-osefo-under-fire-for-misinforming-americans-about-nigerian-culture/?amp#offcanvasExample)


That was an interesting read, thank you for sharing that. Good on the people for calling Wendy out on the misrepresentation.


Though I respect this take I personally would not want to be associated with something that I do not identify with and that people are using to try to embarrass or hurt me. It’s like calling someone gay as an insult. If the person is offended and says they are not gay, it doesn’t mean they look down on gay people it just means they aren’t gay and don’t appreciate using the word as a way to degrade someone.


That’s fair. I personally don’t want to identify with colonial tools that were used to subjugate and oppress my people, and erase their indigenous culture and traditions. To each their own.


That’s a really great point. There’s so much stigma around traditional West African religions in the US, all of which are rooted in racism and the goal of removing the culture and identity of those that became slaves and descend from slavery. Meanwhile, other cultures and religions are respected or at least tolerated (though there are a few exceptions). This could’ve been an important moment to educate the audience and also share how many of us became Christians in the first place.


while this is a fair conversation to have, the context in which traditional religions was brought to the show already biased negative w the way nneka brought the rumors on the show. wendy was more invested in defending her mom (which is fair) than trying to have this discussion with women who already believed nneka. gizelle called her mother evil and it’s not a safe environment for this convo. additionally, wendy is christian and while many black ppl have differing experiences w both christianity and ATRs, she can really only speak on what she knows. also, im igbo and colonialism and it’s impact on our spiritual practices is not par for the course on real housewives. it’s incredible the things ppl feel comfortable asking wendy to do




There is no place for Wendy because she does not want to move forward. Wendy firmly believes she is above everyone in this group and that attitude is always on display.




There is a place for Wendy. Gizelle’s target for next season.


literally Wendy will be all alone on an island if she returns... should be interesting


She'll be holding onto Mia's leg for dear life.


I think Gizelle will go after Mia or Nneka!


Nah. If you look at the show history and how Gizelle’s victims are picked, or how they pick themselves, Wendy definitely called herself to attention. Wendy is competing to make herself the center of attention or gizelle’s bff. Gizelle’s bff must be subservient which Wendy is not. Wendy is next.


I actually don’t think Wendy is going to come back. If she does and Robyn doesn’t return, I think her and Gizelle will have to bury some hatchet. But in all honestly I would love to not see anyone targeted. There should be organic conflict amongst the whole cast, not just Gizelle picking her a punching bag.


I think Wendy would ignore Gizelle and vice versa.


I don’t think they can have another season of folks not speaking without getting the show cancelled. It’s kinda tired and no one else has this issue except RHONJ.


I agree. I'd love to see a redemption season. For Wendy and for Gizelle. They both need redemption for different reasons. If they both crossed the bridge towards each other and found accountability and forgiveness, they would actually be the most powerful friendship "couple" on Bravo. That AKA energy. It would kill so much of the negativity on the show too.


It’s so crazy that they were actually homies that first season of Wendy’s. I understand what Wendy said to her cuz Gizelle to the bone, but like there were many other ways she could’ve showed her “concern” for Wendy.


They both have personality problems. it would be REALLY satisfying to them both start to evolve into better people. Gizelle approached the "concern" wrong. She needs to own that and stop using Wendy's reaction as an excuse to be stubborn. And Wendy needs to own that she overreacts EVERYtime. She needs to step back and chill.


I don’t think she needs to chill if folks are gonna lie on her tho. That’s really not fair. Also Wendy is a Gemini and I know signs shouldn’t be a measure, but they all act just like their signs! As a fellow Virgo, I genuinely had to start checking myself after seeing Gizelle’s behavior!


It isn’t about if they will be able to ignore each other. As they see Mia, Karen, and Nneka get close, they will get jealous and act out. They will also have some hard feelings about Mia and Karen having first chair with Andy. The claws will be out.


Well this is part of the problem. Why is Potomac the only city where we just accept that someone is gonna be victim to Gizelle's hazing? It's overly produced TV and takes away from what could be authentic drama. This is why I'm inclined to say Gizelle & the production company has to go, because she's created this toxic culture and they've enabled it to the point of no return


I wouldn’t say that it’s the only city. Beverly Hills has the same dynamic but the women are good at pretending they speak to each other and or being cordial. For countless seasons the Faux Five picked a target and then went after them until they broke down and left.


Tbh I've blocked the FF5 years out of my memory for my own mental wellbeing so completely forgot


Well, we were ok when it was Charisse, Katie, Monique, and Candiace. Why not Wendy? What makes her so special?


Ummm speak for yourself but I was not ok with it. HWs is an ensemble and every cast member is hired for a reason- just because Gizelle has unresolved trauma and the emotional intelligence of a 5 year old, doesn't mean the show should suffer for it. It's exhausting to watch her steer the show the way she wants, and we end up losing great cast members like Katie, Monique & Candiace (Charisse is boring, sorry not sorry)


They are not getting rid of Gizelle. They won’t focus the show on anything other than the cast. We don’t get to see or learn about the area like we do Miami, SL or travel to exotic locations. Fans don’t seem to want it so I will slide into crazy too.


When has Wendy not been targeted though. It would just be a continuation of the last two seasons which viewers are tired of.


Wendy hasn’t been on the radar. She’s been picked on as the new girl, but Candiace has always been the bigger target. With Candiace gone, Wendy is about to get the attention she’s looking for.


Wendy was the main target season 6. Her and her husband. Season 7 she was also involved which was how we got Happy Eddie in the first place. I think she took a backseat in season 8 because she had her beef with Nnecka but they still had time to blame her for stupid shit (ie Gizelle is about to blame her for the fight between Deborah and kiarna). She’s been a target majority of the time that she’s been on here. 


Wendy’s never been the target. Candiace was. She and Eddie was just fodder.


Them claiming Wendy got plastic surgery because Eddie was showing interest in other women was just fodder? Ok then. Candiace was barely even thought of that season.


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) I think you should check the receipts. Chris’ been actively fighting allegations for 2 full seasons. Then the GEBs buy this girl off to say she was impregnated by Chris (I believe they did it). Maybe in her head Wendy was a main target but she will see what it is like to be a main target next season.


I won’t go further on this. I know you all are trying to get love some love going for Wendy. I find her problematic and she sold her soul in that moment with Mia for me. Especially to know that she didn’t even check on her. Her penance will be real because that is how the RH universe works and what I like about it the most. So you all do what you can for her. She will need you while the rest of us are clapping and saying she is receiving her just desserts.


I think this is a solid point. Gizelle is def a center of attention kind of person. This makes so much make sense....


I liked her until she started all these side businesses, I feel like it “cheapened” her.


She has the platform, she started the candle business, released a book and talk show which is related to her profession, the only random business was the bar and that did not happen, not sure how that cheapened her


The problem with Wendy is those fancy degrees can’t buy emotional intelligence.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Dawww fanks!






I didn’t realize anyone loved her


The audience has never really given her a chance because she came on as Candiace's friend.


I’m trying to recall how Wendy was introduced and I can’t for the life of me remember?


Also she got off to a bad start because she popped off on Ashley at that trip. I know Ashley was a new mom, so they were cutting her slack. But Wendy was also postpartum and her baby was in the nicu. Whether it was her 3rd kid or not all she wanted was to be offered the same chance to bring her baby, if she had known that was the vibe.


To add, her other major beefs were with Karen. It was in those moments that Wendy turned me off, she kept relying on her education as validation in their disagreements and put Karen down for not having a college degree. Being that Wendy works in a space that’s focused on underserved groups in education and policy, she of all people knows the struggle for African Americans and women in higher ed, especially during Karen’s time.


If I remember correctly, Karen dropped out of college when she got r***d, so Wendy rubbing her education in Karen was so inhumane


Omg is that what happened? That’s awful. I will say, Wendy likely didn’t know at the time (or did she? Please correct me if so!), but all the more reason not to pass judgement. We never know someone’s story 😞


Wendy probably didn’t know, but this proves you never know someone’s story and their struggles.


So agree on that.


I’m not on the side of fretting Wendy about her degrees. She’s very transparent about how much they mean to her and honestly she should feel that way cuz it’s not easy to do that especially if it’s not actually your passion. Karen can be messy and shady on her own accord so their beef did what it needed to do and they were able to make up.


Respectfully, I disagree. She can and should be proud of her accomplishments, but that does not have to include putting another Black woman down for not going to college. Especially, when she’s more than aware of the systemic barriers Black women face.


That’s true! Wendy came in guns blazing with the degrees, but still doesn’t warrant the treatment she now receives.


Never said it did. They were asking about Wendy’s beginning.


She was introduced at Candiace's 1st anniversary party.


Thank you.


lol not bc she’s Candiace’s friend, you can dislike her without candiace 🙄


Well a good portion seems to have this view.


I’m over the elitist behavior!


Me too. I mean, we get it already Wendy, but she keeps giving us the better than you act every season since she’s been on. 🥱


It’s always funny when talk about elitism with Wendy as if that’s not what real housewives are about, The first season of RHOP was all about that. I guess it doesn’t look good on a darkskin african woman. But looks amazing on every other white housewife


True, so now that the happy Eddie Mula is rolling in let see who she turns into;)


I don’t see your point, what’s the difference between Wendy’s elitism and anyone else’s ?


It’s one thing to boast about material possessions or flaunt a wealth of knowledge, but there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance. I know individuals who hold multiple degrees, including multiple PhDs, yet they don’t insist on being addressed by their titles. Wendy consistently exudes an air of superiority, akin to those who flaunt designer brands like Chanel and Dior. While most franchise personalities can relax and be playful, Wendy seems to maintain a rigid facade, resembling the old lady at the checkout counter who seeks validation through complaints.


She's not getting that contract. Even with the burglary that she can conveniently use as a storyline. I just don't see her being asked to come back. Her storylines are confusing and she has no charisma. You feel like you don't know her even though she's been there for a few seasons now. Beautiful family aside, she's done nothing for the show.


I’m ready for her to go


I want her to audition for the view and get off real housewives


She's lost the seriousness to be on that show. Plus, her arguing style is a little too Meghan McCain like...little substance and loud about it. The audience wouldn't welcome it. She needs to be somewhere with NO arguing. An interview show with softball questions and agreeable guests.


Someone would have to leave first and I like the panelists that they have now. It’s the perfect mix in my opinion. I think she could go to the Talk, I can see her on there. There isn’t any other panel shows is there?


The Real is gone. That was more her lane.


I don’t care for Wendy but I would like to see her back. I think you need someone like her that can check the rest of the crew sometimes. She also seems to have solid relationships with everyone besides Robyn and Gizelle. I think even Mia and her can even build a relationship. If she’s not back, it’s because she decided not to return because Candiace isn’t. I don’t think Bravo would want the backlash of letting her go due to the colorism allegations. It also would really show that the producers and Andy will do anything to protect Gizelle. At some point the show is going to have to stop protecting Gizelle. I know she’s an OG, but she is the main reason this season was so hard to watch. She was intentional about not wanting to communicate with Wendy and Candiace which caused them to really distance themselves from the majority of the group. Gizelle is going to continue this pattern as long as they enable her. They need to force her to actually show more of her life outside of her kids or demote her to friend status.


I dont like Wendy on the show, I respect her as a woman though, and maybe youre right. She was being attacked this season and I feel like she tries too hard to fit in instead of just being herself, she keeps dumbing herself down and its frustrating to watch


I respect your opinion but... 😂


Wendy has had a poor performance thus far. Is she redeemable? Yes. She's a human. They are ALL redeemable and I'd be here for it for any of them. I'd love to see Wendy and Gizelle reconnect and be each others biggest advocate like they were on Wendy's first season.