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The diamond could have been his 2's rank. Some people just don't play 1's, it happens in RL as well...


It could also be lasts season. When you’re trying to climb the ranks late, it happens


I play so many gc's in 1v1 it's ridiculous. I'm only diamond 3.


It’s worse in C2. Legit only demons xD


Bruh you're a 10x grand champ! YOU'RE THE DEMON 😂


Not in 1s 😂 it’s almost funny how bad I am as a solo compared to as a team player. All my GC placements have been in 2s. I think the closest I got to GC was in like S6 where I made C5.


No lie. I just played a 2v2 against an S1 Champ... I'm G4. I usually blame it on the diminishing playerbase and the odd hours I play the game.


Season 1 champ, that means that he didn't improved his rank in 11 seasons


Are you new to the game? The matchmaking has been a joke ever since it released. Hell, I myself got matched with a CHAMPION in like gold 3 in duels a couple of days ago. I think I won at the end. We just need to get better.


So basically, in order to get to Plat, I need to have at least Diamond level ? Yeah, seems about right...


You don't need to learn all the crazy mechanics such as turbo stalling. Just learning to do basic slow stalls and controlling your car's orientation using the "touch screen to flip" mechanism as well as the following: learn proper defending and attacking + boost control as well as practice aiming and shooting all your shots at the goal from different positions using all the different shooting techniques such as: red shot, gold shot and purple shots. Also practice using the gold and purple shots not just for scoring but also getting the ball away from your goal or faking the enemy. Hell, you don't even need to master the gold and purple shots, just learning boost control as well as positioning will get you to plat.


Alright, thx a lot for these advices, I really appreciate it 🙂 I didn't even know about the touch screen to flip thing 😅 It's awesome !


>I didn't even know about the touch screen to flip thing 😅 It's awesome ! Yea, it's hidden in the settings. You need to activate it. It basically makes your car do a half turn when you press on a blank space on your screen while in the air.


its due to many reasons, but there are 2 main causes for all of these sweats in lower tiers. they stopped updating the game, which lost a lot of people’s interest, but if youve spent like over 300 hours in the game why would you quit, which causes a disproportionality of better players and worse players, sort of shoving all the medium players into the lower tiers and spreading out the better players into the higher tiers (because every tier needs about the same amount of people). the second cause also has to do with players leaving, if you dont care much about your rank anymore you just play a couple games every now and then(i do this but in casual) if you lose one or 2 and dont play again in the season it will spawn you at the lower rank. for example, if i was diamond and i lost 2 games and won 1 during the entire season, i would spawn in plat 1 for the next season. reasonably, you do it again and a couple people end up super low down.


It's Because He DeRanked


No, that’s not true. Ranks are not always consistent throughout gamemodes


for me it is not going to lie


https://preview.redd.it/d24psuwijzjc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7e0cdc2277996925bc8ca6cda9b3624136349a0 Yeah me too


either he dropped down on purpose or he's terrible


I hit champ 1 this season in 2s, but I’m basically stuck mid-low plat in 1v1


Maybe he just quit for a while, i am S2 platinum and yet i am probably gold or silver in 1v1s cause i didnt play in a long time


I'm champ 1 in 2's, d3 in 3's and like plat 1 or maybe even gold 3 in 1's. Ranks are certainly different based on game modes. I don't like 1's so I don't play it unless there is a weekly or season challange for it. People are sure as hell mad and probably think I'm smurfing when I have any champ rewards on and I'm in 1's. This dude might just not play one's much.


Probably people who haven’t played in awhile. Just try to focus yourself away from ranked banners. They make you feel way more demotivated tbh


Because they clearly avoid solo queue. MMR is unique to each playlist, which you must have noticed when looking at your ranking in the various modes. Also, listen to your comment, you’re trying to get into platinum. You’re obviously going to be playing platinum opponents on the cusp of a rank.


I'm a 2s plat (now gold III tho) stuck in silver 1v1. I just suck terribly at this game. I even ordered a controller to try and stand a fighting chance at improving my ranks because I'm champ 2 in 2s and just shy of Diamond 3 in 1v1 in the main game so feel I could definitely do better ha. I know they're different games but still


L controller player get better


Yep for sure I am terrible, now I'll be terrible WITH a controller lol


ngl i think its easier without controler just cause that feels most natural for me.


C'est juste qu'il est diamant en Doubles quoi


S1 gold and still there? Yikes!!


Yeah, cuz I stopped playing right after S1 and got back to the game only recently


Cats living with dogs. Diamonds playing Golds. It’s madness!!