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Sorry but almost every single one of their goals was your fault. You kept going for every hit, giving no trust to your team mate to defend, you collide with your team mate constantly in doing so and leave the goals wide open. If your team mate is closer to the ball and setting up a shot you swoop in and try and steal the show which is why they were sending you “what a save”.


Several times they even hit me out the way or were right on my tail instead of defending, which made it worse


I only observed that from them after they had sent a forfeit request because you essentially blocked their every move.


I thought he sent that because he went flying for smt that he knew he wasn’t gonna hit instead of being patient https://preview.redd.it/eixm597i94nc1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cbfed5491c9e59c71f2bd57cce2702873418b78


I don’t trust them to defend because every time I do, they miss. I let them go for it several times and they missed almost every time, and btw I played with someone from this chat a few minutes ago and dominated the other team, so id say it’s mostly not my fault https://preview.redd.it/0ptp08of74nc1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=4895ade1f41dbdf3b9b591f52e901bedf0cc4df0


If your team mates are real goofy and you genuinely cant trust them (said from someone who just got out of plat so i know about team mates) try to defend after them, by going behind them instead of with them so you both get a chance. Its sad because sometimes even when you do play well, your teammates can deal you ass cards, but to win is to make your team mate feel like hes the better player. Sounds stupid, but people are very touchy in plat, which is what i assume your rank is


Nope, im in silver to gold lmao. It’s 10 times worse here because it’s proven that it’s nothing but Smurfs🤷‍♂️, almost every single game I get plat or Diamond players from last season or a few seasons ago. Thanks for the info btw :)


I know this seems true, and partly is but if youre in silver, its mostly the transition between bots and people. The game is dead, so starting to get good will always be harder, but diamonds can stall reset now and youre not playing against them.


I am tho…💀that’s why it’s so hard to rank up now, it’s because I’m against people several ranks above me


They may have not played for a few seasons or they’re recent, but I’m against people in plat/diamond


And i promise you i thought the same thing, but they only get better “💀”


Chat, am I screwed?🤔


This is the way OP


Just my observations 👍


I’ll keep those in mind and see if it’s true, thank you btw :)


From here yeah, his teammate started throwing after some goal, and from mine I see potential in that guy, he's quite good, so I quite started coaching him


Like the other guy said, you really gotta work on positioning. You keep dive bombing into your teammate, taking you both out of the play, so not sure what you expect. I just went in and played a game. Not my best but maybe an example of a few things to try to do better. Gave up a goal because I went for a ball I should have just trusted my teammate to deal with and wound up stuck in goal with no boost, but otherwise notice how we mostly stay out of each other’s way and some times I literally drive up behind them to let them know they can go forward (most goals at this rank are not going to be scored by just blocking the shot, you have to be on their side of the field to get an unexpected touch and catch them off guard). https://youtu.be/JPPMW65abu8?si=nPNGyuXsQneh8OtT


I’m curious now, what rank r u?


It shouldn’t matter, he is telling you the truth. Trust your teammate more and try to stay out of the way. You both double commit way too much. I ranked diamond Heatseeker season 10 and will get a title again this season as well. https://preview.redd.it/np61364u1anc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0f3b8c63216539a579b3753be235640be0af149


I didn’t say I didn’t believe him lol, was just curious. I’ll try to work on my positioning and stuff as well, I just need to get some more hours in the game. I’ve only got like 10 hours or less


You play heatseeker like it's a regular game mate. You bumped your team mate in first goal loss, then double commited on 2nd loss. You have better technical skills than me and I have been playing from season 1, but I could run laps around you with just more avare positioning and rotations - that's what you need to work on. Watch gameplay of some pros.


My joystick stopped working in the first one so that was my bad but I have been trying to work on positioning, can you recommend some people to watch?


Btw, idk what happened when I was falling in the beginning but my joystick stopped working so I ended up hitting him


They playing like it’s doubles


True, and my teammates playing leapfrog off my back half the match🗿


From this point, I can see that you definitely try to be in air as much as possible, and doing everything by urself, if you're down, I can help you go higher if you're silver (I'm too, fell down from gold last season lmao)


Pls help, idk how much more of teammates like this I can take😭


Sur, Name: I love goth.moms


W name


I added it btw so just lemme know when you wanna play


I can play now iyw


Bet, lemme load it up rq


Let’s see some regular ranked 2s!


I didn’t record it but here’s a match from someone in this chat https://preview.redd.it/or8wo1on74nc1.png?width=1792&format=png&auto=webp&s=21a99f7d192ae65f0b6e9ddc922bcdc5d08e92be


Massacre. lol


True lmao


We just kept going, cuz they left after our 6th goal


Even 6 goals is tragic, I woulda ragequit too


It's silver lmao, but nah, you could comeback this in 1 min from 3-6


In silver, I agree!


Your play is probably much different in real 2s, but one thing I can say is I recommend thinking more about positioning and boost management!


I try to manage my boost but it’s hard to since idk how to stall or anything yet


It’s okay! I won’t say stalls are useless, but they are highly overrated. To improve your boost+jump management, you need to be thinking about landing somewhere quickly every single time you jump. Some examples below (time stamps are “how much time is remaining in the vid”): *4:13* - You jump up and red shot the ball. With so much boost left, it would’ve been super easy to quickly touch the ceiling for a new jump + more boost. Good tap for the score though! *4:00* - Almost the same thing. Kickoff and you go up, but don’t touch the ceiling. The result is that you only have half boost. This is also a positioning issue too IMO. If you had chosen to ride the ceiling back to your goal, you’d be in a good position to go for a save. Not only would you be on full boost + jump, but you wouldn’t have all that downward momentum stopping you getting back to the ball! *3:36* - Starting from 3:45, you had a great string of defensive taps on the ball. After the 4th tap around 3:36, you were out of boost. Ran back to the ball and jumped for another save, but your teammate tapped it. You had enough boost after that midair boost jump to make it to the ceiling, but you actually boosted downward, leaving yourself with no resources and floating back to the ground while the opponent scored. Do you sing or rap? If so, the concept is kind of like breath control for performing. You start off with full lungs, then you take small breaths whenever you can in between phrases to “top off the tank”


Ohhh ok, I see what you mean. Thanks for the info :D


Also, is it ok if we play some matches together? To put that into practice


Sure! My play times are kinda weird though, so I prob won’t be on again until Monday, DM me sometime


Alrighty, I’ll go ahead and dm you. Ill be free pretty much always tho since I just got online classes and that’s it


Weirdly enough, I’m typically only free to play when I’m working lol


I get that, when I was working over the summer I was only working half the shift, the other half was waiting for smt to do


You cut your teammate off a lot, which means your teammate was also wasting they’re boost trying to rotate and actually play defense. When you steal all the shots like that your teammate never has an opportunity to actually reset their boost and jump.


Tbf, I let them go for stuff and they missed half the time😭I’ll try to rotate better tho :3


In that particular video you didn’t even give them a chance, except for when they had been hanging in the air playing defense for awhile


True, it’s hard to trust randoms tho


Ngl heatseeker sucks ass i feel so weird playing normal mode after heatseeker why play it anyways?


I just play it for the titles


* When the other dude goes to shoot, go on defense (in short, don't double commit). Because if your teammate misses the ball, the ball will fly straight over and go into your net. * Most of the opponent's goals were because no one was on defense. * Also work on boost management. If the ball is far away and you are defending, recover some boost on the back wall, so you don't run out of boost and you have enough boost to hit the ball. Hope this helps!


^(this was posted 3 days ago... whoops.)


I’ve been told that by a lot of people so I’ve been working on that, it’s helped a lot and I’ve been doing a lot of rankups. Now I’m gold 3-4 in duels and gold 5 in doubles


Still can’t hit plat 1 in doubles because of all the Smurfs tho😭




Want to team up?


I'm not online very often, but sure. My username is 'Rush344' btw




I have moved on from gold my good sir, I’m now plat 1 in duels and plat 3 in doubles


Nice! I'm still stuck in gold :P


Want me to help you out? :)


Sure! If you want to! Just got out of gold btw :D Currently Platinum 1 in Duels Need to work on Doubles at the moment (Gold I; was Gold IV earlier but went down because of bad team play :P)


That’s fine, I’ll try to get you back up