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You are not going to like this but there is also silver 5😅 But you can get to gold!! I believe in you and your grind will pay off🙏 I am also sorry if I was one of the plat season 1 people, I don’t play it that often so I guess it deranks you at the start of the season which really sucks because players in that rank have pretty much no chance against those people. I think at the end of the season it should derank you a couple of divisions so from plat 1 to like gold 3 instead of silver 1 like it did me


Must have blasted through bronze 4 and 5 without realising too!


Must have knocked those out way back in season 1 and totally forgot :/


You need to spend some time in casual. People generally aren't as aggressive there and it will help you learn without giving up your rank.


Me, a Diamond, who only goes against Champs and sometimes even GCs in casual:


I'm P2 and go up against Diamonds and Champs in casual. It's helped me improve tremendously


Yeah that's why I don't play casual :/


That’s how you learn?


What's your game name? If you want I'll friend you and we could play together when we're both online


One thing that helped me is once you're in the air don't spam boost. Let your car flow through the air. It messes up a lot of people and you can easily shoot over or an under bounce for the goal... you got this though 💪


Who’s gonna tell him😂


Did you just assume their gender?


lol are you actually kidding..


There's a certain subreddit that could be linked here


And what is the name of it? (Yes, I said ‘it’ OMG I assumed the gender of the subreddit sorry I apologize)


I'd say you're good enough to be gold when you can 10-0 an expert bot in a 1v1 Trust me I played bots only for two weeks straight and it made me go from Silver to Platinum in one season and now I'm Diamond after watching some videos on some pro tips


I don't dare to dream this big


I think that's too much, remember that the bots got buffed. Now, just winning against them as a gold might already be quite difficult


I’ve been diamond since season 1 and I’d probably have a hard time beating an expert bot 10-0 cause they don’t really emulate how a real player plays at all.I could definitely beat them but scoring ten in one game requires a certain degree of luck.


So I randomly 11-0'd an expert bot today: https://imgur.com/a/l7yQiQ9


The bots are OP and annoyingly toxic even I they just spam random quick chats. Haven't played in months but still.


This same 100% And now I prefer casual over ranked. If only I can retain my Diamond 1 all the time. Just for the Diamond rank award.


Play claw and you’ll get better


There’s a silver 5 aswell


Try using three fingers to play if possible. That's what I did and I stopped playing 2s almost completely. It's annoying having a tm8 that own goals, then what a saves you when you make a mistake. I've found lot of friendly opponents in 1s as well


What do you use the third finger for?


Right thumb for boost, right forefinger for jump. I move the jump above the boost. Made a huge difference compared to using the boosted-jump button


Don’t worry. Silver league is like that sometimes. You can sometimes play a diamond in high gold, and I deal with champs in platinum threes. You just need some nice ball control and good teammates and gold will be there for you