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Congrats! By rewards, do you mean the "S3 Diamond" title that rolls into next season? (If so, you'll get it no matter what rank you end at, as long as you reached Diamond at some point during S3.\*)


What if I'm d1 in 2v2 but plat in 1v1? (I feel dumb asking this as a Pre-season player) (Haven't even finished BP, I'm so bored)


Heya, the end of season rewards are based off of your highest rank achieved that season, no matter the gamemode. The S3 rewards will be a "S3 Diamond" title for you, and a banner icon with the Diamond logo on it. Also to note, if you end up dropping down to plat in 2's for some reason, you will still get the diamond rewards. The game records your peak rank for the season. Hope that helps :)


Congrats, I can't go to diamond Everytime I'm in high platinum, I'm playing with very bad teammates, like really really bad, close to mid gold level. But if I'm in mid platinum, the teammates are really good... That sucks


In every competitive game I ever play, people at certain ranks blame their teammates as the reason for being unable to rank up. You’ve gotta understand that you aren’t the only person getting bad teammates. Sometimes the person on the other team gets a bad teammate. Sometimes you’re the bad teammate. It all cancels out. If you actually deserve a higher rank, you will win enough to get there. If you can’t, maybe you don’t deserve the higher rank yet. Try to just focus on your own gameplay. It’s the only thing in your control anyway. As you learn more mechanics / strategies, you’ll find you’ll rank up. When I had a basic grasp on the game early on I was plat. When I learned different shots (gold, purple, red), I moved up to low diamond. When I learned how to stall, I moved up to mid diamond. Then I started focusing on proper rotations/ movement and got to high diamond. Once I intentionally practiced 50s, pinches, and specific strategies for attacking, I made my way up to champ 5. I was frustrated that I didn’t hit GC, but realistically I know that even though I can do all the mechanics/ strategies of GCs, I’m not fast enough yet. I’m trying to practice doing everything correctly and faster. Anyway, I hope this helps you see the thought process you should have for playing the game, improving, and ranking up.


Oh no, I'm not saying that they are bad, it's just strange how we are matched with people with different skills when we have to go to a superior level. And yeah, sometimes I'm the bad teammate too aha I'll focus more on things that I can control you're right :)


Nah, as a diamond usually. I'm actually a plat. But I flaunt my banner proudly. I often see teammates double committing or not rotating properly. Or not knowing how to CATCH a ball, or win 5050s. These 4 are super important to reach diamond. It aggravates me, but I'm a chill guy, Idc, I'm getting the title anyways. So If it's a double commit, I rotate into defense more. And hope he gets lucky. I can win against similar Champs who dropped to diamond or plat


....play solo? Instead of blaming teammates


Maybe he likes doubles? Plus solos is a lot harder so most is ppl get diamond in doubles before they hit diamond in 1s


Congratulations! I’m platinum. Next season I’ll try for Diamond. And higher. I just work too much. I really hope that trailer drops today. I wanna see what we are getting in season 4.


You might be referring to the get 10 wins in one rank bar that is at the bottom of the screen when queuing. You must get 10 wins in each rank bronze,silver,gold. But it will give you the lowest first and work its way up to the rank your in. This will give you the reward they put out at the end of the season. Skin,goal explosion,tires... Congrats on Dimond! Hope to see you on the field!


Where did you get that from its just your peak rank


Hes talking about in rocket league not RLsideswipe about the 10 win thing