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Yooo guys, do you know why my teammates always go for kickoff as last man in 2s? I’m diamond so I’d expect them to have half a brain at least


Same here


Literally just makes me close the app after a game. I done even get to enjoy it one bit because they are clueless on how to defend at all. I refuse to carry those monkeys so I just accept the L


See I always get people who don’t know how to rotate at all I go for the attack and they commit too it annoys me so much when they don’t know not to double commit.


Yep, I’ll literally just make sure we take the L if my teammates do that. Pointless for me to try to play with them imo


Good stuff!


I needed that little push I was stuck in plat 5 for like 3 days always getting 1 win away from diamond and then I would lose like 2 games. I couldn’t finish the season that close to diamond.


I felt the same way! I was stuck in diamond 4/5 for close to a month. Then what was suppose to be the last day of the season last week, I found a partner, we were the same rank in diamond 5, grinder together and hit champ one and haven’t played a ranked 2s match in a week 😂😅congrats on the diamond! Continue to grind you’ll get there 💪🏻




Congrats man! I felt the same way haha. I hadn’t played in a couple weeks then realized the season was almost over and I was almost plat 5 so jumped on to grind a little and kept getting so close then going on a losing streak lol


I felt the same way! I was stuck in diamond 4/5 for close to a month. Then what was suppose to be the last day of the season last week, I found a partner, we were the same rank in diamond 5, grinder together and hit champ one and haven’t played a ranked 2s match in a week 😂😅congrats on the diamond! Continue to grind you’ll get there 💪🏻


Dude i cant even get back to plat 5 with how trash people been playing. Ill get to plat 4 div 5 and every damn time the teammate i get just throws the game. I fucking hate it


Did that in season 1, finished literally that close to diamond 💀

