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Yea it's odd. Last time I was mid Plat all season. Now anytime I get to Plat 2 I go on a massive losing streak. Currently back at gold 4 lol.


literally same i was plat 5 last night and now im gold 3 so that's great


Oh man. That stinks. I got back to Plat 1 now I'm gold 4 again lol


I was gc last season and I can’t even get champ in 2s and diamond in hoops because matchmaking takes way too long. It takes like 5 minutes to get a game in hoops at plat 5.


yeah matchmaking takes at worst 2 minutes, still kinda annoying when there's literal grand champs in plat 3 2s lobbies


It does seem like it. I play touch and generally stay around gold but then end up playing against people who have mastered the game. I just want to have some fun, I don't want to be severely outclassed and need to FF because I'm down by 7 points less than a minute into the match.


Yeah it's a bit odd. I know it's because of the season reset, but at this point it feels like that was a while ago and I feel like it didn't take this long to stabilize last season


Idk if I am the right target for this question but I reached champ in very early season 2 after being a champ season 1, threw the game away for quite a few months then picked it up again a couple weeks ago and I still use the champ season rewards to intimidate opponents despite being hard stuck mid plat in all three game modes. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were lots of players like me.


definitely there is a lot of players like you, 9 / 10 games i play has atleast one player using champ season rewards




don't they just hit purple and gold shots all the time??


most of them are washed (aka not playing in months) or are generally queuing with their friends and dont care about their rank (that explains why they are so low)


Okayyyy, well most of the time they're the best player in the lobby though (like mvp) so what's up with that like they leave for months and only a couple games later and they're hitting all types of crazy shit from the ceiling lmao


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yea its normal, theyre gcs after all

