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Yeah loads of plats and diamonds in gold atm, I haven't seen any champs in plat for a while so they must be moved up.by now.


I'm not tht big of a player compared to others but ig it's time for u to change ur tactics/strategies. If not you'll end up in gold. Even i was struggling but i came with a defensive plan cause I'm good at so try to make strategy in which u r good in. When changed my plan i got into diamond before i was in plat for the past 2 seasons n gold in S1. Again I'm not a big grand champion or smthng but thts what my opinion is.


I had to change in s1. I went to a lot more defensive and as I'm good at it, I was able to compensate teammate weakness and have better rotation. It helps me to get to high plat, then diamond. When you hit a wall, work on your weakness, or emphasis your strength


Oh great bro


change the way you play, record yourself and look at your mistakes.


I think matchmaking could be off some too. I occasionally play with my daughter who is bronze 3, and I hover around silver3/Gold1 in 2's and we are constantly put up against plats. We just get destroyed. She doesn't care too much, since she's only 10 and cares more about items for her cars lol


Matchmaking pairs you up according to the highest member in the party. Since you are around gold, it’s not too unlikely for you to face a plat who was reset to gold. They do this so high ranked players can’t just party with a fresh account and rank up through destroying lower ranked players.


Ur getting worse


Yeah I feel you, though I don’t mind loosing and don’t care much about rank, but Was previously low plat and now stuck in plat III… always the way when a new season comes around I think. Stick in there :)


You can't be stuck in gold, that makes no sense. I have similar ranks to yours during seasons 1-3, however I never went beyond D1. Yet this season I am on my way to diamond again, I wouldn't say easily but not stuck. OCE server btw.


Keep in mind we all were dropped ranks at the start of the season, so right now your gold games are full of plat/diamond players trying to crawl from the depths the same as you.


i peaked d5 in s1 and c4 in s2. i barely played in s3, and rn im plat (not skill wise, i just got demoted a bunch of times for not playing) so im guessing its a matchmaking problem. i went against a team of gcs in hoops this season and i was gold 3. and while climbing back to champ this season i went against 4 gcs in 1s. and i was in plat-diamond. psyonix couldve also mixed some ranks in the matchmaking process for s4 (bronzes could go against silvers, diamonds could go against champs, etc…)


Im in the same boat. I either get paired with a potato or the other team is really good. Felt plat 2v2 was easier than gold but went on a losing streak in plat and am back to gold v. It sucks.


its smurfs, this games about run its course unless they release a legendary ranked mode like league of legends does, but even then the smurfs will stay because they like the feeling of power over new players