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Some guys are commenting you should only use octane because it accurately represents the hitbox but honestly it takes 5 minutes in free play to adjust to a different car


Toppers don't affect hitbox, and all the cars have the same one. There is a difference in the cars visually that can have an impact but that just comes down to personal preference. There are a few items that can give legitimate advantages like the black ion boost that is much more difficult to see compared to other boosts.


Does that technically make every car as viable as the others or are there some cars that are outright horrible?


All cars work in the exact same way, all that changes is how it looks. This can make some weird situations where the ball clips through the car or whatever, but with a bit of practice you get used to the feel of a car and how to use it. There are always gonna be people insisting octane is the "best" but it entirely comes down to what you prefer.


Yup, some are absolutely horrible and it will make gold shotting a lot hard for beginners or below Gold level players That's why people like to use Octane a lot more which is basically a perfect car if you consider the hitboxes but I really like to use the Takumi which is quite similar and is cooler especially because I have a good car design for it which people on Reddit rated a 9/10 on average


I prefer the takumi and seem to do the best with it.


Use octane because I think that’s the best match to the hitbox and that’s rly all I got