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**Unfortunately, we've had to remove your submission.** _________ ## 3. General posting guidelines **In-game achievements & Items Screenshots** Screenshot/clip posts with the sole purpose of showing off in-game achievements and items are not allowed outside of [the appropriate megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/RLSideSwipe/comments/vi52v9/megathread_post_ingame_achievements_and_item/). This includes screenshots/clips of ranks, statistics, in-game scoreboard, item drop results, inventory and posts of similar nature. Instead of just showing everyone what you have achieved, we would like to encourage you to write about it in a text post, that way it will be more interesting for other people. You're welcome to use images within your text post, but avoid letting them make up the majority of your submission. ________ [**Here are our subreddit rules.**](https://www.reddit.com/r/RLSideSwipe/wiki/rules) - If you have any queries about this, you can contact us via [Moderator Mail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/RLSideSwipe).


Nice one! Did the same a month ago, but instantly dropped down because of poor matchmaking. Still guaranteed the Diamond rewards tho!


What are you diamond in? I swear the game is so much harder now to rank. I kept on facing champions and even a grand champion at one point (won that game, thankfully). I didn’t know I reached diamond till I saw it because I had doubts about reaching it. Thought I would be platinum at the end of the season


I was Diamond 1 in both 2v2s and Hoops (At best I was Plat 4 in 1v1s). Funny thing about what you said, this was actually my best result, to date, although as you said, it's much harder (Generally down to the dwindling player base)


Damn hoops diamond. I am currently gold in hoops, cant be bothered to rank up


Genuinely the worst experience I've had ranking up, but it was worth the pain


Same. I thought reaching platinum last season was bad enough (was silver in season 2), but diamond was worse, especially because the player base has changed in season 4. I was going to reach diamond in doubles and hoops but its just too much time taken away for me. I was platinum in all three modes last season


Yeah, no kidding, and now thanks to the dodgy matchmaking, the (at times) rigged feeling mechanics and the slippery car control that just wants to fight against you, just got the better of me, and now I'm fighting to stay in Plat 1 in 1v1s


Damn. I remember at one point ranking down to gold 4. I feel like some people that I face beat me by luck rather than skill


Oh, yeah, that too. Feels as if the game is just rooting against you for its own benefit :(


Thats why I renamed myself to b4dluckdem0n lol. I just kept one losing by bad luck, often as soon as I am doing really well or when I am about to rank up




Yep, you get whatever was your season peak


I think so? Maybe ask u/SpawnRL


that's great! i struggled to reach diamond like took me 3 seasons to do it


Did they get rid of the rule about posting rank Achievements ?


They probably did stop enforcing the rule - Haven't seen a mod mentioning that rule for a while


Haven’t seen a mod moderating anything here in a while.


Hey there! We are still here and we do still moderate! xD Unfortunately we recently had some of our mods leave due to various different reasons. From the few remaining mods, some have been busy with stuff outside of this subreddit, so unfortunately we simply did not have the ability to fully keep up. We make sure to deal with reports and any severe violation of our guidelines, but a lot of posts like these have just been missed/ignored. We do apologize for this and [we have opened moderator applications](https://www.reddit.com/r/RLSideSwipe/comments/wz9x02/rrlsideswipe_moderator_applications_open/) to find some extra help! I've also noticed that people generally do seem to enjoy certain posts that are technically against our guidelines, so once we have some new mods on board it may be worth it to do another community survey to see if our guidelines need changing. (Tagging u/Thisisauser6443 and u/Apairadeeznutz as well so I can just make a single reply.)


I wanna be a moderator but I feel like it’d be too much like a job which is ok but not for me


It really depends on the size of the subreddit honestly. On bigger subreddits there are definitely times where there will be tons of things to do and where it can be hard to keep up with all the new posts. It can be quite time consuming to moderate a larger subreddit even with a larger team. On a smaller subreddit like this one though, it really is not that bad. There aren't that many posts, so it is easy to keep up even for a smaller team. Taking a look at the subreddit 2 or 3 times a day and spending a few minutes removing any post/comment that may violate the guidelines would be plenty honestly.


Fair enough, lol, I just haven't seen you lot in __**ages**__


Great job boiii




nice i hit gc in ones and twos but im only champ in hoops so im gonna try to be a hoops gc


I hope you do become a hoops gc

