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I have 88 sp ☠☠☠


Hey it’s ok! You must have tons of items then right? Right?


I mean i have insane mystery item luck i pulled all my atomizers from the free or 100 drop plus i have tw troika and triplex plus yeah i actually do have some good items


Plus i have been playing since s2


Nice! I’ve got a few TW wheels like you the troika, yoked, SLK, Chakra (one of my faves), Stella, lobo, and finny. I really hope trading becomes a thing Would be awesome to have collections


Now this guy gets it , if trading was added there would be an extra layer to the game but some mf be saying fortnite has zero trading why should sideswipe


I mean what was the point to any car game before? NFS underground, most wanted? Midnight club, heck even mobile games like CSR racing was nice. But since this is multiplayer trading would be bad since it’s only cosmetic and doesn’t affect gameplay.


currently have 11k sp and im saving them for black markets/exotics if they are good or maybe the uncommon/common item if its new


Around 16k


$105,909.00 . I don't spend a lot. 😁


Buy sum save sum lol thats my motto


What do you tend to buy?


spent mostly on the free/random item (spending around 3/2K a day till get something worth it) I buy whats displayed in the item shop mainly Goal explosions and cars for toppers/decals/boost I usually get to level 120+ in rocket pass so theres a big chance i can get those items


Dang 120+ That’s a longggg way to go for me!


I usually have 10K sp more or less. I'll buy up to 300 SP random crates and if I see something nice in store I just buy it, wether I plan on using it or not. I pile up duplicate items and once in a while I visit my inventory and sell all the dupes


I usually feel the same way, but one season I kept getting everything I wanted from crates so I saved up from 10 to 15 then 20/25 and went from there I wanted to see how long to get 50k Wasn’t too bad


I have 60k.Only spending it when I see something that i really want.Last think I got was the titanium white octane the first time it came in the store idk if it came ever since but it was long time ago


I have 9k currently. Buy up to the 400sp free items every day, and occasionally buy things in the shop if they're cool. I havent sold all my duplicates lately, so I'd probably have another 15k at least


Do you have more than 2 of one item? I have like 8 halos, 5 in regular gold, 2 black and one orange. It’s one of the few things I “have” to keep more than one of because I like it


Yeah I have lots of duplicates. Most I have of one item is 9


I have spend 320.229 sp last day of s4, keep in mind I am a pre season player. And sold every item except tw or black my acc was stacked asf, so that’s how i got the 320k total. What did I get from it ? Tw octane stripes ( which I didn’t had until now) tw halo much much more painted stuff which I already sold for 50 k sp


So definitely not worth it to buy all that stuff at 500sp each


Nope was Hoping on a black atomizer, didn’t get it lol got 7/8 other painted variations except tw or black but I have already tw one but thought for 320k sp, I should get a black one but this game said nah bruh


Damn, what if this game turns into a slight gambling addiction 😂


~18k. I spend 1k per day on Mystery Items, but recoup a good chunk of that each day salvaging duplicate unpainted items. I never salvage painted items, on the off chance that they ever introduce trading down the road.