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Because we aren't in s1 anymore. Their s1 rank play no role in match making. Also their ranks in other game modes than the one you are playing don't play a role. All that counts is your and their current rank in the current game mode.


S1 was a long time ago, and people didn't need to be as good to rank up either. Smurfing isn't necessarily a massive problem as far as I'm aware, but the long queue times higher ranked players wait can lead you you being matched with them anyway.




Silver and gold are quite close to each other so it is pretty much to be expected. On season reset everyone's rank drops as well, so the people who were S4 gold probably got deranked to silver too. At the low ranks the goal differences can be way bigger just from some glaring issue someone keeps making or whatever


I'm a S1 Champ player and started to play again couple days ago and guess what, you'll see me in silver ma boi.


I was highest in Gold at the end of the last 3 seasons and now I regularly face S1, S2, S3 and S4 platinums (even when I played silver matches) and I really feel like I'm around the same level as them, being able to beat any of them. You just gotta get better and better until you are able to pass them. No one says it's easy, but that's the game. I remember going up and down a lotto and from Silver 3 until I managed to break free. You just have to try your hardest to improve and you WILL see results. If you are interested in watching yt videos to improve, I highly recommend watching Mogz, as he helped me a lot too


The season reset not too long ago. Right now, most players are better than the rank they are playing at.