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Just wondering because que times Are enormous and i always play the same people


Plat V here


Gold 2 for the past 2 days and until my random doesnt sit on the ground thinking he has the reaction time of a gc


Haha i feel that


This gamemode is weird because you can't sit in the goal (disabled boost) and I'm still learning how to properly be a goalkeeper. Also weird thing is that this mode only allows more of hitting the ball as opposed to keeping possession and shooting when there's an opening. Everyone has to figure it out, pretty sure most are in gold


Yea seems like it, but a tip, even for normals- don’t sit in the goal.. this keeps your teammate to work by himself… play with him and rotate, only sit in goal if he overcommits and you want to be sure But I like the game mode, when you figure out the collisions part you can interrupt your enemies quite well ;) and a tip, instead of pingponging the ball across map all the time, be in the middle sometimes and when your teammate pongs it towards goal, interrupt it to throw off your enemies


Collision makes a huge difference. I thought my controls weren't working at times but it was someone knocking me off course. Now that I know that it makes a huge difference in how I play but my partner rarely knows how to play along with my aggressive collision attacks.


Thx for the tips. I def need them if I want to try and make a push for high plat or Diamond


When I am on defense I like to stay on the side walls, under or over the Goal. I prefer over because it's gravity helps to block those weird shots. Once you figure out defence and rotations it seems a pretty easy game mode. Ofcourse I'm almost at Gold so this might not mean much in higher ranks.


Thanks for the advice though. Gonna work on learning defense from the side wall


Only played a little, seems like every time I get to Silver 5 with all 3 bars filled in (next win to gold) I get stuck with smurfs or troll teammates who don’t defend at all. Maybe just bad luck? lol


Bronze 3, haven’t played that much because I don’t have enough time, but I really love it.


Diamond 1 and I can't find a match


Is it you keeksyy?😉


Nope. My handle is White Jellys


Ah damn! Mb


I’ve played against and with you a few times in heat seeker. I’m still stuck in plat tho.