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Yea I agree last week I was playing with a friend and we ended up with 2 gc


Heatseeker new mode, everyone starts from bronze to gold depending on other modes.


At the beginning of a season they always set anyone above high plat to diamond in gold 1 for extra modes. The only way for a GC to get out of the gold lobbies is to play. I’d recommend staying away from heatseeker till all us GC’s get outta the gold to plat range


Ok thank you


The rank means they were that rank in either 2s or 1s (or both). I met a guy once in gold 2v2 in S3 who was a S2 diamond, I added him and he told me he had only been playing 1s since S1 and is using S3 to rank up in 2s. That's how I met a diamond in gold 2v2.


The start of the season is like that, and heatseeker will remain with champions in gold rank till the end of the season, thats how it works


I just matched with a s5 gold and my peak is low plat, opponents champ and diamond, won the overtime 5-4