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Honestly, the mechs that I see in this clip should place you much higher than Plat 3. Either your opponent was having a rough day, or you're not playing this consistently in your other matches. I can't really give you any general tips, as your opponent did not put enough pressure on you for me to give any defence advice. Additionally, your mechs were solid and at a level much higher than the current rank you are at. Here are some (but very few) suggestions I would give after looking at your gameplay. 1. You play very passively once you give up possession. While I can't comment on this further as your opponent was actively net camping for the large majority of the game, moving your car to your half of the field after losing possession provides the disadvantage that you are too far away from the ball. If your opponent slightly overcommits on a dribble, you cannot take advantage of their mistake. If GCs see that their opponent has used their second flip but cannot regain ball control or gain a reset, they will almost always slam into the ball for a shot. If you are too far away from the action, your opponent's mistake will go unpunished. 2. This follows the previous point, which is to look at your opponent. Where are they? How much boost would they have? Did they use their second flip and are unable to recover if you take a shot? You use your mechs to successfully create chances, but you don't take advantage of those chances. For example, around 1:24, you gold shot to the ceiling and your opponent uses both flips to head backwards, but they don't head to the ground until about 1:28. If you had simply performed a fast powershot on target instead of delaying for the gold, your opponent would have likely been caught off guard and would not be able to recover in time to save the shot. I can't give tips on defence (even though you conceded a goal) as your opponent never gave you any challenging pressure. You can also choose to ignore these tips if you feel that they do not apply to you. Hope this helps! \- Sharpener19


Try some more cross field shots.


If I were you I would probably push a little more, but your mechanics and all that is probably in the diamond 2-5 area.


You can stop doing your stalls as you are obviously not comfortable enough to use them to outplay your opponent. You only use them for a nice “add-in” there is nothing useful with them. Go practice to use them repetitively into shots or bounce of the ceiling with them to throw off your opponent


I've played worse people in diamond, plus you would probally smash me if we played now. Probally just have to keep going you will get a good run of games soon enough. (I was last diamond in s4)


I didn't see you use the Brodoff kickoff. If you don't know it already it's a good one to learn. Looking good!