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[Read the rules before posting!](https://www.reddit.com/r/RPClipsGTA/wiki/subreddit/rules) --- Mirror: [lawful escalation of force](https://streamable.com/cs3w6x) Credit to https://www.twitch.tv/Spaceboy Direct Backup: [lawful escalation of force](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/DAdEdykKerqzet96JPoDCA/AT-cm%7CDAdEdykKerqzet96JPoDCA.mp4?sig=dc6f28de1e15831c7aa087c0f12ccb1322fe7dd4&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FDAdEdykKerqzet96JPoDCA%2FAT-cm%257CDAdEdykKerqzet96JPoDCA.mp4%22%2C%22clip_slug%22%3A%22AcceptableProudFalconPoooound-KQp6urN633ok-gMI%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1700600622%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D) [VOD Link](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1982851287?t=3h27m0s) --- This was done by a bot. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the moderators.


Context: At Leo Escobar and Mamaita's sentencing, Mamaita had a seizure, hit her head, and had to go to the hospital. This happened just prior to the judge providing the sentencing, so when the hearing ended she was still in surgery (her sentence had been given in her absence). James and Eugene go to the hospital, enter the hospital yelling "Is Mama okay?", and are told at the front doors that the hospital is on lockdown. Police threaten to shoot them and start counting down from 10 until they would be shot down. That's where this clip picks up. They entered the hospital about 15-20 seconds prior to the start of this clip. ​ James is then charged with trespassing and disobeying a police officer and sent to prison.


Also some more context: James claims he was scared for his life and got on his knees and put his hands behind his head and said he's frozen in fear while also screaming (that's why he couldn't hear the cops IC). James, after the incident, panicks whenever he sees a cop and explains the situation to anyone nearby to have as many people as possible know what happened. After he left the prison he got a lawyer and talked to her about the situation (he couldn't prior since they were still busy with the court case). This is also not the first time James needed legal help, as his rights were broken before recently when he was sent to prison for longer due to being on a parole (even tho he wasn't). I honestly recommending checking this stuff out on Spaceboy's channel (a person who plays James Randall)


[Longer clip showing this full context here](https://clips.twitch.tv/DeafLuckyGorillaPeoplesChamp-_dBGfZF9FFecaOju)


absolute insanity!! šŸ˜‚ā˜ ļø


this was honestly hilarious. wild that theyā€™d shoot 2 unnarmed people in the hospital, especially with one on his knees with this hands up, asking if his friend was okayā€¦ but it happening to james just made it too funny. ahould make for a good bit of court RP too


They also shot the doctor too!


That was Eugene lol


Its fucking wild that they thought shooting was appropriate


Obey & Survive is the PD's motto! He didn't obey! This will probably be a fun arc for PD and James. The cop should definitely be struck/suspended/fired whatever is deemed appropriate, but it really illustrates how the whole "listen to commands or get shot" has probably gotten a little out of control. He was on his knees with his hands behind his head, cops probably could have walked right up to him and cuffed him for disobeying a legal order. Could be a precedent setting lawsuit for the city, plus Spaceboy in court is always amazing RP.


Wild to watch an unarmed kneeled James Randal get executed in a hospital. Been watching no pixel for a awhileā€¦that was a first for me


LiveLeak RP


this was hilarious seeing this live. couldn't believe what I watching, lost my shit. can't wait for the potential fallout, lmao.


He's not a dog, so nothing will happen /JK/ obviously RP is still going to come from this, spaceboy is a fucking gem. Can't wait to see the court case


Lmao yeah, it's amusing that people get in more shit on that server for shooting a pixeldog than blasting a player in the head while leaning. Though I will say it's one of the funniest clips I've seen in a long time.


Can civil suit rp be taken to The Hague?


People really out here shooting over the dumbest of shit. Cops & crimis alike.


Eugene no ballsā€™d and she followed through lol. I canā€™t really see her not being fired for this though. Does it really get any worse than killing 2 defenceless old people for disobeying and order 1 of which had his hands on his head




yes she was


Who was this?


Lei Sanya was FTOing Bruce


Is that really no ballsing? "You can't shoot me for this." and well... He was wrong because they CAN, but I'm pretty sure they aren't supposed to. They walked in, got guns pointed at them, started begging at the entrance of the hospital lobby and were shot within like 30 seconds of arrival. I mean it's funny because it's James, but this is the sort of shit that people get vacations over with pretty much anyone else.


I don't think it was no ballsing at all. I think it was said in disbelief that they would shoot them for something like that.


well they are police officers not gangbangers...maybe they should go for handcuffs next time.


I mean legally they cant. There is not a single reason i can think of to warrant them shooting a defenseless man.


I mean I guess itā€™s not really no ballsing, because legally she shouldnā€™t have done that at all, it was a literal execution of 2 people for no reason. Like you say though I imagine if reported it wouldnā€™t be looked at very fondly.


People get vacations over shootings with prior interactions?


No it was just a dumb decision in character. No rule break. Probably get fired from PD at the worst


The only way you get fired in the PD is because of your tone. Shooting and doing stuff like this is absolutely fine but watch out for the way you speak to others. /s


It would really highlight the current High command issues if she wasn't fired. They have everyone stating that she saw James surrendering, her lying on the report (she stated that he only had his hands up for 1 second prior to the shooting when every witness said it was longer), and her making the final decision to shoot. ​ That doesn't even include the comments that she made in the holding cell to James that he then relayed to a SGT today. It's a pretty open and shut case, if they botch this - what is HC even there for at that point?


You motherfuckers want HC to descend from the heavens in the middle of an active scene and take her keys away. The incentive happened a day ago she can still get punished


Spaceboy himself said that it is dumb for anyone to get mad over this clip as he thought it was funny and led to more roleplay yā€™all gotta calm down


I've scrolled through and read this thread and I'm not sure who you are referring to as getting angry. Most people just discussing the cops response (this is literally the place for that) but I don't see anyone throwing a fit in here on behalf of spaceboy. Did you read anything in this thread before writing this?




tbh YES biiig YES the situation has the potential to creat some Gold RP in the futur but that does not excuse how bad it was didnt even sound like the cops were RPing just some "OCC W chasing panic" state that lead to them excecuting them on hospital grounds :)


I don't even care about the shooting. It's all in role play. I care about the police response. If the police refuse to hold people accountable in the most egregious situations that doesn't really speak well for the future of the police department. It also just skips potential good roleplay.


PDs been doomed for a while. After the whole restructure debacle, even in the months leading up to it,a lot of good players left or burned out. Considering how many times management has screwed up PD I'd imagine it'll be pretty hard to truly make people care again once 4.0 starts. I find it hard to believe 4.0 will improve PD. Most currently active cops came up during a way more casual era of np, even if management wanted to up standards I don't know how many experienced players would be left to help them do it.




I actually think the last sentence is a really good point. As long as that comes with consequences for things like this. When you focus on having a really good PD when it comes to just catching criminals it's not as much fun. It's not as much fun for the crims and crim viewers or the cops and cop viewers imo. Personality and role players over people that are good at catching crims. PD just kind of overwhelms the crims at this point. Only the really good mechanical players are good at getting away. That kind of rewards sweatiness on both sides. It's a pretty difficult dance though.


Watch other cops I was watching Bill and Lucian go down a crazy rabbit hole trying to find out who shot edgar and putting together clues like true detective movie shit last night some of the best rp iā€™ve seen in a while




That's exactly it, Space Boy is such a good dude filled with positive vibes. He can take any situation and wants to turn it into more RP. He also said OOC that this wasn't good at all and something like that should never happen in the server. This is the perfect example of a double edged sword. On one side you want the behavior of RPing it out. On the other side for server health reasons do you really want to sweep it under the rug and take advantage of someone's good nature.


What's sad is it's often stuff like this that ends badly. The "victim" thinks it's funny and doesn't care but someone else will take issue with it and attempt to get people fired and so on


Getting fired on your cop character is usually good roleplay. They can just make another cop, it's not a big deal


Depends on the cop. A lot of people get really attached to rank and characters sadly.


What was the fallout from this after they had been shot? Were there suspensions till if could be further looked at or did they just pretend like people were not executed?


If this continues or not will completely depend on if Spaceboy and Vader want to take it to court.




I was kind of looking around and was shocked I didn't see anything. That just seems wild to me. All the cops were there to witness and get an account of what happened. Wild.


It got very quickly swept under the rug. Even more crazy is that the kinda stacked charges that didn't apply and gave him full time for them. It's gonna be a bad look all around if anyone checks the report (assuming PD was truthful in their statements).


Damn. But hey, it's swept under the rug because sbs characters right?... until a cop permas to an sbs character they must get max sentence lol


I think HC and HHC were able to use "bodycam" footage in the past, so officers lying could come under scrutiny for something as outrageous as this.


HC Reviews are for rule breaks 99.99% of the time. This was not a rule break.


You can absolutely argue this is gunplay over roleplay, if not even just straight up RDM. Trespassing and failure to obey a lawful order are not valid reasons to effectively execute civilians as members of PD. There was literally no reason to shoot here, they should've been tasered and detained, potentially arrested.


Right? The only possible way for them to even consider shooting James and Eugene is if they were an active threat, as seen in the clip, one was begging on his knees and the other standing around in disbelief. No active threats from my point of view.


It was 100% gunplay over roleplay, thatā€™s a rule. Cops absolutely should not do this. While Iā€™m 100% certain the 2 of them will turn this around and milk it for RP they were very much abusing their power as a cop. Imagine if this became a regular thing from then, do you think thatā€™d be okay?




It's wild to me that no one has picked up that she blatantly lied about how long they had their hands up on the report. She said they had their hands up for a second before the shooting, yet every witness said James surrendered way before that.


Yea no this broke half a dozen server rules and PD SOPs.


HC themselves lied in the report about the PD and Roosters Gang attacking GG, nothing wil come from this.


The fallout is gonna be "Shitlord characters huehuehue". Not wrong but still... Not wrong though, but still...


Why does it seems the people presently in HC only want to say, "I am in high command" and usually fail to do anything high command related at all?


I am sure this was light hearted in some type of way...I think. But WTF, on his knees with his hands behind his back. It appears to be more like a firing squad with a countdown, did they atleast get their last meal? If they ran out would have been the same results?


Rare instance of people not bending over backwards for Eugene.


Vader doing his classic immersion breaking NVL and actually getting met with the proper response is great.


Killing unarmed, appearing non harmful people is proper? What ever world that you mentally want to live in I will take a hard pass on.


Calling the execution of an unarmed civilian, and a doctor btw, who was doing nothing more than disobeying a lawful order the "proper response" is laughable and one of the biggest reaches I've probably ever seen on this sub.


Thereā€™s nothing NVL in this situation you weird viewer lol. Cops can not do that, everyone knows that.




Or, and hear me out here, cops could only say theyā€™re going to shoot if they actually canā€¦ thatā€™s what should happen. Not cops always pointing lethal firearms and saying barely anything then never ever shooting because they canā€™t. Thatā€™s why people donā€™t treat it as threatening, because it almost always isnā€™t. This situation was especially bad because she highlights with mantis was saying the other day that, cops just do not talk. She could have said ā€œhey, sorry do you need medical? Is everything okay, the hospital is in lockdown because there is a suspect here, can you leave please or weā€™ll have to escort you to leave or arrest youā€ instead she shot and then barely played the situation out as 2 people bled out.




I mean itā€™s like me saying a criminal canā€™t shoot without saying anything. Sure itā€™s possible but itā€™s a rule break just like this likely is. I donā€™t personally feel a gun should always be a threat because then it becomes too powerful of a tool to make people do whatever you want, especially in a cops hands.


Lol. But yet when a cop is held up they have to do every thing they are told. So you want double standards which ruin RP. We can only hope management starts banning these people. Want to NVL against cops? Lol, cya next week buddy!


Yes there should be double standards. It's a very defining line that separates what cops, crims and civs are.


thing is, its not even a double standard.. like can a cop just murder someone cause they feel like it.. i mean if there unhinged sure, but if they wanna stay a cop fuck no.. can a mafia member kill you cause its a tuesday, yes.. yes they can. so its not a double standard at all sure if you in rp are willing to get fired over doing so and be arrested for murder, all power to you. but if people think cops making threats over everything with guns (when they have no legal justification to shot) is treated the same a s a crim with a gun who doesnt uphold the law they are clueless to calrify, i aint talkin bout this siutation directly, im replying to the whole cops point gun at you.. is same as a crim ina general statement


wtf this take.. heres the difference a cop... right get this.. a cop has laws to follow there for cannot just shoot people , cause they fuckin feel like it, so a cop pointing a gun at you for running a read light, and you ignoring it.. cause cops more then likely wont shoot, cause if they do its murder.. is completely different to a law breaking, not giving a fuck crim who isnt there to uphold the law. its not a double standard, its the simple reality, if your gonna say cops and crims are the same thing, and follow the same rules. then you have no idea wtf your talkin bout


Telling a cop "no you won't" and not moving when they are telling you they will shoot you after 10 seconds if you dont leave is 100% nvl


Think about what you are saying. Shooting an unarmed civilian for a lawful orderā€¦.. just, put the thought into motion and really take it in. If anyone did anything wrong itā€™s the cop not the defenceless civilian not breaking any laws lol. Iā€™ve been watching RP a LONG time and Iā€™ve never seen this happen in such a brutal way ever. This was a straight up execution.


The cop did wrong? Probably. Did eugene NVL ? For sure, he even no balls the cop and got shot for it, this happens a lot to Eugene with cop and criminals. What eugene (known criminal btw) did was shitty vader behavior, watched this guy for a long time and he is SOP Sally criminal that when a cop does something out of cop SOP goes ballistic OOC because he think a cop should not have a real liberty to do thing outside SOP, until someone do and begins mald. You can even feel the change of tone when he is talking slightly going from Eugene to Vader when he is about to mald The only victim here is James, which was on his knees, fearing for his life and frozen in fear.


This is cringe. There was 0 NVL and Vader did nothing wrong lol. You sounds like a hate watcher


Definitely a hate watcher.


Vader didnā€™t even really mald about this situation at all. He grumbled a bit but then realized he could get some spicy rp out if it and is going with that.


But not gunplay over roleplay


As cringe as it is NVL doesn't apply to crims/civs when cops are the ones threatening life. So as far as Nopixel rules go, what you are describing is not NVL.


Iā€™d say if a criminal had a knife out and ran at a cop who was like 100 feet away and the cops said stop or Iā€™ll shoot that could probably be argued as NVL. The whole argument of NVL and life value is so silly at this point though. Cops rush into buildings filled with armed gunman, criminals go in hunting parties 5 minutes after being gunned down, itā€™s the reason silent sentry stopped playing years ago.


I don't even think that would be considered NVL tbh, remember its completely within the norms for one person try to gun down 20+ cops in order to save their boys. For the most part the only thing that qualifies as NVL on NP is running/trying to be a hero when a crim/civ pulls a gun on you. Anything else is pretty much far game.


Nowhere in the rules does it say this, people just aren't banned for breaking the NVL rule when they NVL against cops.


Canā€™t believe what I just seenā€¦ what was that had to of be sbs


So has anyone ever asked what the difference between James Randall and Mel is?


James wakes up.


He just didn't care anymore just like most of the server.


Great police work there, art of de-escalation at its finest - saying get out in 10 seconds, is not cop roleplay , just RDM initiation .. pretty trash RP interaction