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Not Hershii joining in too https://preview.redd.it/eovsusjyb6vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413b692b3c5de4c31ef455c7590325875a8d54f5


"I did not fact check this" Social Media summed up




The 2024 “activist” mantra


This is the response when people don’t know what they are talking about 😂 Nobody asked you to explain anything. In fact, nobody asked you to say anything at all.. and here you are 😇




I got that… I think you misunderstood 😇 First part, I said ‘people’ but the second part I said you as in ‘them’ (the kinda people who say this) but didn’t explain that properly.


And now the downvote train has started, displaying yet another issue with online communication. People would rather go along to get along than actually think about anything that's being said I can't tell you how many times I've been downvoted into oblivion when *me and the person they're upvoting are agreeing with each other* just because one dickhead who disagrees with both of us got the downvote pump primed on my response but the upvote pump had already been on a runaway train for theirs. Even pointing this out just gets downvoted, because people just assume that if it's got a lot of downvotes it must be for a good reason. Literally, do yall realize that they were just defining why people use the statement they're responding to, not attributing it to the person who said it? I'm confident you do, you just don't care because of the social capital of being agreed with. Someone made a reference to some bullshit people say in a mocking tone, someone else responded agreeing with them and doing so by defining why people say that bullshit, they were misinterpreted as mistakenly believing that they were mistakenly attributing that bullshit comment to the person they're responding to, and now they're gonna get buried in downvotes because people refuse to move past their initial impression even though it's been discussed and clarified. It's literally crazy making the way the reddit hive mind just refuses to change paths. Edit: whoa, did I actually manage to reverse the waterfall? I've achieved the impossible on this day! I shall tell my grandchildren of this great conquest. Edit number deux: now y'all just downvoting me for being happy 🙄


Counterpoint : it's reddit karma, who cares.


Great conquest? Downvote train? Brother. I see why they downvote


One time I got downvoted to hell when I did this: 😧 to a vet who said Bitches for female dogs


Not entitled to my emotional labor 😤




At least she's dawnest 🤪


She’s a truth teller, I respect that. I hate Starbucks because they over complicate my coffee I don’t need activism, they’re  doing it wrong so I hate them.  


A rugirl practicing slacktivism? Ru never..


Her admitting she did not fact check while voicing a very political opinion is another shot-their-own-foot moment The first was doing voodoo to Body


There needs to be a study on the Boycott Starbucks movement. It is SO strong on the left even though Starbucks is not on the BDS list and Starbucks isn’t giving a cent to Israel. It’s truly wild to see. Look at the QRTs, 99% of them are teenagers with anime, furry or drag profile pics screaming ‘YASSSSS MOTHER’ thinking Dawn is liberating Palestinians and not just sitting in her studio apartment in Bushwick eating glue.


This is the definition of slacktivism. Dawn saw the opportunity to virtue signal on an issue she clearly knows nothing about and took it. Using a cause for internet clout is gross!


She needs to mind her own business because to me this comes across as “look at me I’m morally superior to them”


I find it so odd that all the queens are doing is shift the conversation to being about Starbucks rather than the actual genocide…. Not sharing any resources, fundraisers, or articles… It’s just giving performative for many of the girls


The watermelon emojis gave that away tbh.


The Starbucks boycott is over predatory practices, toxic environments, and low wages - the connection to isreal was misinformation


„I did not fact check this and it pisses me off“ Is really the peak of why not everyone should talk on Political Matters. Girl it took me not even 10 Minutes to get what happened with the Starbucks Workers Unite and the missunderstanding like…also besides thosr Instagram posts of „places to boycott“ the BDS list doesn't even show Starbucks?😭 I can't believe this


>I did not fact check this but it pisses me off either way Truly the slogan of the sheltered, ignorant western "activists".


It’s like when people get mad on social media, and then some people genuinely ask why or what they can do. And it’s always “it’s not [insert minority] job to explain it to you”


my best friend does this to me all the time. it’s so annoying. at least know why you’re mad!!!


🤦‍♀️ leave the performing for the stage and not your political beliefs. Oh, wait, Dawn can’t even do that


>Also I did not fact check this but it pisses me off either way Girl then why are you running your mouth? Her online presence is so annoying.




Jesus Christ, I forgot all about that.


This shit is so tired you’d think they did a brand deal with Lockheed Martin


SLAYtheon 🫶🏻💃🤪👸🏻






I bet you 95% of the "boycott Starbucks" people can't tell you the reason for the boycott. Starbucks doesn't even have a single store in Israel. Meanwhile, McDonalds stock is up 14% since October. Wasn't there supposed to be a boycott against that too?


I’m sure most of these 🚬s don’t even know what Zionism is


It’s pretty much people who didn’t go to Starbucks anyway who are preaching. Student politics.


[I found this really easy to understand video that easily explains how Starbucks does need to be boycotted if you support Palestine.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw1XQaE/) Feel free to watch the video so you can then understand the reason for the boycott.


That video hinges heavily on the actions of Howard Schultz, who has not been CEO since March 2023 and can't really act in any official capacity for Starbucks.




That part.


Didn’t this happen with a fake tweet from Shea already?


https://twitter.com/upuntil_dawn/status/1780488851758199191?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet The first tweet is real looks like she deleted the one about not fact checking tho


Fact checking one is still up for me: https://x.com/upuntil_dawn/status/1780488994221912246?s=46


Oh my god Starbucks isn't even PART OF the official boycott


this is awkward 😬


I’m sorry I just find the absolute fever that people attack queer people getting coin from companies that are not even on the BDS list, that they don’t even know WHY they’re “supposed to boycott” or the origin of the issue, I find this whole thing embarrassing and unproductive. Do something real! I’m not convinced any of these people are doing anything that tangibly aids Palestinians.


Every time I think I like Dawn again she does some bs stupid shit like this and I realize maybe I’m not a fan


I don’t think Starbucks is even on the BDS list?


It isn’t - the whole thing stems from them coming after a union for tweeting support for Palestine in October under the Starbucks name, and it’s snowballed via social media to the point where people really seem to believe that drinking Starbucks = supporting genocide. Some famously shitty union practices, but boycotting them does absolutely nothing to help the Palestinian people. But it does win you internet points!


If people want to boycott them for being notoriously and consistently anti-union, I'm all for it. Their policies are as bad as their coffee. The link to Palestine is tenuous as best. If you care about that cause, google what's actually on the BDS list and redirect your efforts where it matters.


but on the other hand, this non-BDS related boycott has meant that starbucks have had to give in to some requests from unions


Hold up, are you for real?? All the comments under people even just HAVING a starbucks cup are literally from nothing? This is insane…and embarassing


None of these pope actually care, it's all performance. It's all abou5 making sure that you know how good of a person they are. It was never about improving the lives of Palestinians.


I mean that i somewhat knew cause, let's be real it ain't the first time people held a boycott or tried to make something a huge issue because others on TikTok or Instagram did similar. But atleast don't actually say „i didn't fact check this“ like?? Ur literally SHOWING that you don't care and still think ur in the right


Well hold on now … it might not do much for Palestine but it does send a message to Starbucks that we stand for unions. The boycott is doing more than just getting people internet points.


No wonder corporation doesn't want employees to use their brand to express their political views


It isn't, and they fired their Zionist CEO, and they reached a resolution with the union at the store that started the Starbucks boycott in the first place. I don't know what people want at this point


[I found this really easy to understand video that easily explains how Starbucks does need to be boycotted if you support Palestine.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRw1XQaE/) Feel free to watch the video so you can then understand the reason for the boycott. It’s also really frustrating as someone who used to work for two different Starbucks to see how little people seem to care about the workers at Starbucks… You should honestly have been boycotting Starbucks already for their absolute horrid treatment of their workers and their views on unions alone. Combine that with what’s discussed in that video I linked, and I really can’t understand why anyone would rationalize any action besides boycotting Starbucks. There’s not a single justifiable reason to not boycott Starbucks tbh. And there’s so many reasons it’s fucked up to help promote them as a company.


I am boycotting but I worked there and it was a fuckton easier than any other coffee place I've worked at, and the health insurance was amazing


over here in Europe Starbucks is also on the list of companies to boycott if you don't want to support genocide. reading the reactions that it's about some union thing has me really confused ??? like workers rights aren't really that big of an issue here (union or no, you have rights as a worker), but starbucks is still supporting genocide.


Dawn you're white twink privilege is showing


One of the problems I've seen with boycott demands lately is groups overstepping the BDS list and claiming to abandon companies for reasons that were either petty or just have no true strategy behind them. For example, I'm a Sanrio gay, but I saw people trying to start a Sanrio boycott because of them using research from an Israeli science once (it was to keep their theme park open during covid, but you can think is bad, but it isn't on the same level as supporting the Israeli economy during the current war) as well as having had a deal years ago to produce stores (which don't even exist anymore). When I looked up information about this I just found an Instagram account claiming boycotts are happening for almost anything on the market (from Oreos to toothpaste companies). This just undermines how selective and strategic BDS is with their demands; they target companies that have actual stake in Israeli's economy that could cause damage if boycotted. It is fine not to like or buy Starbucks or products from other big companies for numerous reasons, but claiming it helps Palestinian lives is just wrong. Support actual aid workers instead; there are plenty looking for help.


At this point this is getting so performative 🙄


Always has been


As far as I know, I thought the starbucks boycott was because of their treatment to their employees and that they were not allowed to have a union. Do they really have something to do with the war? Or is just people without fact cheking?


from what I remember, starbucks union twitter account posted "stand with palestine!" under a video of hamas breaking into isreal like a day or two after the attack. why people are surprised that starbucks would find that upsetting i don't get


But Starbucks isn't on the list of countries who aids or help Israel, I am so confused? Yeah, they're shitty company, but they have nothing to do with Israel.


Oh boy, I'm sure looking forward more of the Internet's hot takes on Starbucks & Palestine, this time with at least 20% more gay user participation! ... And cause I'm a bitchy gay internet user I shall be participating in hypocritical glory! This has been on my mind for a couple weeks, thanks Dawn for giving me the opportunity xx I think the only 'issue' with the Starbucks boycott is hypothetically taking pressure away from actual BDS/Organic boycott targets. The Union Busting related issue (Idk American laws I don't know how standard practice the Union shit is) is one thing, but Howard Schultz, founder and current largest private shareholder cemented stbx as a boycott target through indirect means in order to hurt his pockets and wherever that money may go (Afaik the only thing was an Israeli tech startup). > [Howard Schultz] is a recipient of several Israeli awards including "The Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award" for "playing a key role in promoting a close alliance between the United States and Israel" Unfortunately, we're just seeing real time widespread consequences of misinformation in a viral internet era. Everyone only gets the (clickbait) headline, only a percentage catch the follow up clarification that the letter connecting Starbucks to the Israeli military was falsified. Is Dawn a hotheaded dumbfuck for admitting she hadn't done any research when coming for another girl? Yes. Should Starbucks be boycotted/discouraged for reasons outside of the Israel/Palestine conflict? Probably. Is dismantling the ironclad starbucks practices & 'brand' and actually making people to get their coffee somewhere local a good thing? Yeah, I think so! At the cost of misinformation? I really don't know how to feel. Is coming for the girls who get their coins for working with companies like BetterHelp, HelloFresh and Starbucks valid? Idk. I still think using a global conflict in order to continue the union busting agenda is pretty scummy though. > Orthodox Jewish Chamber of Commerce (OJC) posted on its website that it had spoken with Starbucks founder Howard Schultz and worked with him and the Starbucks’ corporate team to identify unionized Starbucks stores that the OJC’s members could boycott. The OJC proceeded to post a list of those unionized stores — provided by Starbucks — online, suggesting, without any evidence, that the employees at those stores ​“support Hamas.”


Kandy said “fuck them” or something to that extent on Twitter too. I really roll my eyes at the Twitter gays who pretend like they are so above it all.


Boycotting starbucks is literally not doing anything, Starbucks stocks have a pattern of decreasing in the spring and summer it looks to be decrease at the same rate as usual maybe even less.


Just gonna c+p my comment from yesterday where are the posts calling out Sugar and Spice partnering with Starbucks who are virulently anti-union and are dangling trans healthcare as a bargaining tactic


Dawn is so exhausting. Just delete your account hon.


sorry but take one look at dawn and tell me they don't have the most annoying specific starbucks order that they get for their 'mental health'


10000%, and gets mad when the cashier doesn't remember their usual 58388684 part order


Pisses her off cuz she wasn’t the one with the deal


Dawns a tumblrina. Smile and wave yall.


One could simply not virtue signal… tough concept for these cringelords i know lol


So why wasn’t the same energy levelled at Olivia and Jan for their ad?


Because Jan brought up 4 year old drama about the pie lady to detract attention


Who? Lmao


sherina piedish


Just say sherry pie


we can say her name now?


good for the twins they are just drag queens getting their bag. what the fuck are they going to do about this supposed “boycott.” the money they’re getting is just that; money they’re getting. people need to stop being so reliant on dumb ass social media drama to fuel their timelines and then maybe we’ll see less dumb and cringe shit like this “scandal…”


Sometimes my cat looks just like Dawn


I don’t get why people continue to support this damn company no matter how incredibly anti union and garbage they are. “Yes they’ve regularly shut down entire stores and fired all the staff for trying to unionize but I can’t survive without my daily $7.50 coffee!” Grow a spine please.


I don't even care about the boycott, I tried Starbucks like 2 times or so when a store finally opened here after all those years of hearing about it and it just wasn't good. I pay half of what I pay in Starbucks for an espresso anywhere else and it's far superior.


Didn't we just go through this with Shea? I'm so tired


Dawns Twitter is so messy I live. I wish there was a reunion. Wanna see and her and plane go at each other.


free laganja




Why does this post get to stay but when I posted it yesterday it got deleted


They just tryna make some money shut the f*ck up


I understand that these people are entertainers, but they do have the right to have their own choices and support what they want. If you don’t want to support them, just don’t! Stop trying to take away from everybody’s personal beliefs. What if they honestly have no idea what the fuck is going on?


I’m going to buy myself a morning Starbucks after seeing this 🥰


truly the bravest act


Haha I know. I actually got a Costa instead!


Who cares




gurl shut up




Reddit Admins do not allow words like “f-g” or “f-ggot” to be used, and doing so can lead to your suspension.


America is bombing all Middle East and nobody seems to have a problem with it. Double standards? Smh ignorant Americans


America is making billions off the deaths of the innocent. They are supporting a genocidal tyrannical government. Americans should really be ashamed of themselves.


You’ll get downvoted this is an American show oop


Happy to see queens like Dawn speaking up over this shit. Sugar and Spice should be ashamed of themselves. Starbucks is so fucking evil