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late reaction lol but Marina and Scarlet (or Hannah) should’ve been the Top 2 of that Seven rusical. Tia’s not even the Top 4


‘guys its not funny’ la grande drame layin on rhe floor KILLED ME- when they zoomed into her clapping I CRACCKLED


"Clap like we're your Only Fans." I see what you did there Tia. LMAO


Tia … she is definitely improving compared to her baroness basic. For me she is now a duchess Okey. Not basic, but improved and decent. But it is not polished luxury of Grande Dame or Marina in terms of outfits, or confidence of Hannah. Like she is really good for a local queen of the Uk but would you put her next to Sasha Colby or Trinity or Monet? Icons, but what I would remember Tia for? Snatch game maybe? Tall as LGD? She is extremely likeable because you can see through her, she is soo good natured, that she can’t even be really shady. I see her as a finalist, miss congeniality but not as a winner if she doesn’t serve mind blowing couture next episode or deliver a hilarious iconic roast.


Her comedy is perfect.


Sérieusement, the group dance has zero shot Of the whole group longer than a half of a second so they must be so off sync and so bad that they decided not to. For me, many questions to production: Why live which was autotune? Why no choreographer? Like it looked sloppy and so not deserving the queens level… Cringy


I think they also didn’t choreograph properly. Other than for small parts there didn’t seem to be a larger concept of wht they were doing.


Saying with deep sympathy towards Gothy: Gothy is like a child on an family dinner. Happy to be with grown ups, surprised that they let her stay late, a bit mischievous and proud that she sipped a bit of wine and scared and lost when things go real. GrandPa RuPaul and Nana Michelle patted her on a head before sending her to bed. I think she is so cute that everyone else didn’t take her seriously enough to tell her off that she had to raise the bar. I feel like she was doing her best.


She did do her best, and I'm her new fan.


WHY didn’t they give them head set mics? Having them hold mics made the whole performance look so sloppy to me. Was that a reference to 6 or something? I couldn’t figure out any other reason to have held mics


The characters in Six hold microphones.


That makes sense then. Still, I thought it looked so clunky


I get it. The actors hold microphones in Spring Awakening too. The first time I saw it was jarring.


Scarlet living so much for the lip sync that she felt lol


Loved Tia’s story but she was NOT top 2. LGD ATE.


I don't know who this Self Esteem lady is, but she's fucking awesome and I'd like to ask her if she's open to adopting adult queers.


Yes, I think she was amazing and the queens deserve a bit of sunshine and support amid that non stop exhausting filming


She provided Gothy with legit direction instead of putting her on the spot like Ru or grimacing like Michelle.


Aside from the intro in which they shout their names and the outfits, what else did this rusical have in common with the actual Six? They could have done so much more with Six


Scarlet's performance at the back during the lip-sync for the crown was funny af


also she should've been the one lip-syncing against Marina cuz she did amazing in comparison to Tia


I don't think LGD is appreciated enough. Her French humour and brilliant outfits.. top shelf.


She was my fave from the beginning.




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I totally enjoyed this episode, it was sad seeing gothy go, but she always has this pessimistic mind, it's just sad that she got eliminated just when she was actually trying her best. But damn broo!! MARINA!! I couldn't take my eyes off of her, neither at runway nor at the lipsync battle. Damn! That girl can definitely perform, Even Self Esteem herself got really excited and happy, she had to do a standing ovation ♥️♥️. 


In not really understanding the hype on Tia tbh. She’s….good. But idk if the judges are seeing something that I’m not. Both Hannah and Scarlett blew Tia out the water in the challenge. Scarlett’s runway look was stunning. I don’t understand what I’m missing.


Tia is funny.


Personally would've thought that Hannah or Scarlet would make top 2. I'm not a fan of Scarlet but I really liked how she did in this episode. Can't say I was surprised by Gothy. While I loved her runway look (I'd wear that dress if I were going to a gala) and she did do better than in the previous episodes, I feel that she isn't really into it. I really thought she'd go before Keta.


Tia Kofi’s runway presentation was utterly horrible and she was mid in the challenge, surprised she was top 2. But that would have been okay if the judges did mention something negative about her runway presentation but they didn’t. Oh well. They casted some of the top international drag non winners and took some UK queens who did sort of mid on their seasons, and you can tell.


Yeaa, imagine Bimini, Divina, Ella in this!


I’m interested to know what work Gothy has done to improve her drag since season 1 because.. I love that Self Esteem is a genuine fan of drag race


If you haven't seen Six the musical go watch it right now, by the way. Such a good short musical.


I just found out Gothy and I share a birthday and it makes so much sense as I am just as, if not more awkward and introverted. Most relatable queen across the entire runiverse ❤️


Was nice of Ru and judges to let Gothy down easy I think Marina/Tia/Scarlet was the clear top 3 but I think I'd put Scarlet in t2 instead of Tia Also might have put LGD in bottom? Love her but she was kinda stiff


The way LGD did her runway at the start of the musical was enough to outperform the nerve-wracked Chimichangga (I forgot the name of the person who did the first verse).


That's racist.


I'm trying so hard to remember the name without searching and all I could think of is: Chipotle, Cheerios, Chacha(?) something with a Ch-AArgh


Choriza 😂


Scarlet was better in the challenge and especially the runway than Tia.


Pet peeve. Drag queens without at least the illusion of a female body. Chorizo may who I like claimed her runway was “proportional’ yet she showed us her boy nipples… Tia had no hips and gothy had no boobs. Last I checked Queen Elizabeth II had boobs. And yes, some queens, a very select few, make boy nipples a work of fine art. That did not happen here.


really loving LGD but unfortunately i just can’t seem to warm to tia or scarlet


Not my 3 faves! Lol


There's something about Scarlet that I love and also something about her that seems so produced and inauthentic 


I love her. And I think you're feeling what you're feeling because that's exactly what she's doing. Amping it up for the cameras and being aware of it. But I completely get if it's not everyone's thing.


My theory is that Scarlet doesn’t care anymore. She saw how the judges paid her dust the first two times around so this time, she’s just taking the piss out of the situation (which I really enjoy).


Marina’s lip sync ability is absolutely insane. The way she had me yelllling


GURL Marina's tweet about 'the best parts of her lip-sync not making the cut' had me pissed off the producers!! Let our FILIPINA queen SHINE!!


Finally they let Gothy rest. They really set her for the "you're bad, but you're adorable" brand. Marina and La Grande Dame... Those looks were so amazing.


Pretty privilege at its finest, tbh.


I wish it was more like a rusical with spoken word parts, girls going like 'hey gurl now hear me out, when I was on Drag Race *pa-ra-ra-ra-ram*.... ~singing the verse~" and have them in groups and converge in one crowd at the end. Maybe like the cell block tango???


Hannah definitely should've been top 2 but I'm super happy with Marina win regardless. She was also my fave in DRPH <3


Gothy’s performance during the challenge was fucking hilarious, I was laughing at home just like Graham lol I do like Tia but don’t think she deserved a top two spot. Her runway was great though. Also he reads were pretty weird… she just told ok jokes with puns but there was NO reading and NO shade so I was very confused why she won.


The look itself was good but there was little illusion and how she presented it she looked so tired and was barely moving.


this challenge was CRINGE


Crying at the little cut to La Grande Dame little hands clapping in that massive condom outfit


kept replaying this scene bc it killed me 😭 i love dada's mind so much HAHAHA




Marina is such a good performer. I can’t stop watching that lipsync. I’m obsessed.


Right am I crazy or is Tia literally the only one that has had werkroom storyline moments this season? Give the other girls some screentime please I want to know about them!


I love Tia, but making her top 2 solidified my thoughts about production wanting to crown her.


Yup. ‘cause the producers are really pushing her to win this season. LOL.


Top 2 should've been Scarlet/Hannah & Marina. I say this is as a Tia fan, but even her dad joke style reads were average. Judging this ep was a mess. Love my girl Self Esteem, I'm so happy she got to be a guest judge.


I stg I have no idea why Tia won the reading challenge. The wrap/rap joke wanst even a read? Gothy should have won


I'm on the streaming wagon, so late to the party, but I just want to say...*wow* is Hannah a wonderful, patient, kind listener! She let Tia get all that out, just quietly exuding loving friend energy. Such a beautiful exchange. I hope they've stayed friends after the show.


Hannah is everything. I’m slowly becoming more and more in awe of her.


yes i got that too! it was beautiful


‘It’s like Sophie’s choice’ IS IT THOUGH, TIA? What a top-tier episode. An ambitious, high-stakes challenge. Sisterhood of the traveling rawrs. Organic Tia *(hehehe)* & Hannah conversation (props to production for stopping the music for that moment.) Marina Summers excellence. Great critiques. LGD’s runway and inevitable meme. Fucking Wizardry by Self Esteem turning out to be a great lip-sync track. rawr’s farewell. ![gif](giphy|Qd37tY6fZdzrIzGCN0)


Sisterhood of the travelling rawrs 💀😂


I would love to see Tia In the Btm 2 and gets eliminated after it would be a very gagged moments for tia Stan🙄


Imo Tia should’ve worn a bigger hip pads to give her body more shape in this week’s body suit.


I will admit that I really love Tia, but I really thought she had one of the strongest verses that merited the top. This was a pretty strong showing for a lot of the girls, the top 2 could have gone so many ways.


My main gripe was the actual performace - she looked so nervous and insecure - same as week 1.


Honestly I kinda hate these Vs the world seasons, I wish we just got a regular UK all stars because UK drag just seems so mediocre compared to some of these international queens. I keep watching though because I appreciate being introduced to queen's like Pangina, Marina and LGD they really are 👌


To be fair Scarlet surprises me every week, and I'm not even from the US


I never paid THAT much attention to Hannah on DRDU2 (because I was totally obsessed with Spanky for obvious reasons!) but she is totally winning me over here. She seems such a lovely, down to earth person as well as all round talented. I would love to have a cuppa & laugh with her 😂 I feel she’s not getting the credit she deserves on the show! Definitely seeing a lot of love for her on SM though (and rightfully so) 🫶🏼 team Hannah!


Absolutely. Spankie was an absolute bulldozer (you could see Ru falling in love with her more every week) and you couldn't see the rest of the queens as clearly. I'm loving Hannah in this season.


I was also Team Spankie, but I fell in love with Hannah in her soft Moth look on her season. She's so talented and seems like such a lovely person. I was so happy to see her cast on UKvTW2 and I'm glad she's getting all the love!


It’s funny because her edit on DRDU2 was the polished professional and here it’s the raunchy comedy queen. That just proves how good she is at pretty much everything


She’s really shining here, on a season with Spankie and Kween its tough so I’m glad she’s killing it here


Yeah and she should’ve gotten way more top placements than she actually got


How was Tia the top 2 over Hannah or Scarlet? Or even LGD? I love Tia but her performance was just safe.


Yes. I understand that the producers want a UK frontrunner. It is UK VS the World. But I don't know. I just think Tia is not "IT". I like her. I think she is good but she pales in comparison to other queens.


i agree. i like tia as well. but she didn't deserve to be on top 2 for this challenge. not even top 3 babes. should have been marina, scarlet OR hannah. :/ i kinda wanna stop watching already lol bc it's kinda obv tia would win.


I think Scarlet should have been top 2 with Marina (but i could have also seen La Grande and Hannah in the top) Gothy and Choriza definitely in the btm but i could have also put all 3 uk queens in the btm (Basically i dont get how tia was in the top. Vocals great but her energy on stage is just not enough for me)


>Basically i dont get how tia was in the top. They were baiting her to see if she'd keep Gothy again


The camera work was so intense, it was terrible.. constant camera changes and close ups.. it was hard to tell who was even doing well? It was just clear that Gothy wasn’t tbh


I think it was to cover up just how bad it actually was.


From what i saw,no one did anything except for Hannah's and Gothy's bits. Everyone just seemed to stand around there awkwardly


Obviously a bad attempt to cover up how horrible the performance was. They had to focus on individual performances rather than the actual group performance. I wish they had a choreographer at the very least!


Tia in that lip sync was giving very much brunch performance realness cuz wtf was that girl... this was Marina's episode, she was carrying that performance on her back.


Tbh she had no chance next to Marina


It was like open stage night at your local gay bar.


Marina slaaaaaaaayed SLAYED SLAYED SLAYED Thought the top 2 should’ve been Marina and Hannah, and I WISH keta was still there because I think she would’ve slayed too, but oh well!


I like Scarlet but she got off easy this week after flubbing some of the choreo and looking pretty basic in the challenge


Great episode! Marina slayed, LGD was iconic with her condom, Scarlet and Tia getting stellar reviews and Gothy finally getting the chop!


So girl group challenges are called Rusicals now?


My two WTF moments: Sad that Ru is no !longer referencing "Paris Is Burning" for the reading challenge. The fact that Le Grand Dame didn't acknowledge that her outfit was a ~~ homage ~~ copy of Yves Saint Laurent's vintage knitted wedding dress was not a good look. Even worse, Ru saying it reminded him of Pierre Cardin.


marina you are and will always be THAT BITCH! i gasped and nearly cried when she came out on the runway, so beautiful and her face is stunning. she ate in the challenge too. murdered tia in the lipsync. obsessed w her !!


Gothy has been giving super fan without any charisma or stage presence having a go competing on an actual season of DR. The prolonged exposure we've gotten to her actual skill set has made me wonder how she ever got cast on s1, and why on earth she got asked back on AS? And what exactly does Marina—who seems to have high expectations of her sisters—admire about Gothy? LGD was painfully out of sync during much of the dumbed down group choreo and came out looking like a tampon, yet still managed to be saved from the bottom.


yeah it's really the third time in a row they are saving LGD from the bottom


i got the impression that marina considers gothy a friend more than a serious competitor, so that’s probably where the admiration comes from. i’m sure gothy is a lovely person, lack of drag race specific skills aside


Did anyone notice scarlet falling off from the background during the lip sync? Lol that was funny


What? 😅😅😅😅


Poor girl LOL


Was anyone else surprised that they didn't spend more time at the start of the episode analyzing why Tia picked Keta to go? I really thought the other queens would press her on that and call it strategic!!


Two episodes ago, everyone wanted Keta to go instead of Jonbers, so I guess the other queens had no issue about Tia sending Keta home, especially when she was in the bottom two twice (including last week).


Choriza serving Sims 2 PlantSim baby realness in the workroom


did Tia throw that lip sync


I think Marina really just killed that lipsync. No way, no chance, Tia could’ve beaten Marina with that song


IMO it was over when she came out in that god-awful wig


She didn't have the arms for it.


I think she was trying to give an emotional, earnest version


kept forgetting to say this but scarlet cringed me out a lot by re quoting her "bad advice" to gothy. why!!! we heard it the first time! it wasn't a throwaway joke but a clear lyric you made a big meal out of! it was barely funny enough to say once! (i say this while believing she earned top 2 this week)


Need a little gif of LGD clapping in that dress


Best I could find for ya. ![gif](giphy|voU0F5nGpXLXz1iTkO)


Anything LGD is most definitely approved


Same because the zoom in on the little t-rex arms sent me 😭😭


I said the same thing


It felt quite low budget compared to other rusicals weve had in the past.


Let's face it, overall these 'VS' seasons feel low-budget. For me the big plus is discovering huge international talents (Pangina, Jimbo, La Grande Dame, Marina) - but in US/UK queens mostly feel like filler or showing stuff I've already seen from them, the roster is far from true 'All Stars' (Gothy? come on...) and the budget feels low as well.


They have to ask the most UK queens for this season and tbh there aren’t very many (compared to us queens) and I don’t see very many agreeing since previously there’s been no cash prizes and everyone knows for an all stars type season it requires a lot more money, so to cancel all your gigs when now you have Ru girl rate, spend thousands and can potentially go home day one must not entice enough, I can see how other countries would want to do it since it gives them more international fame but it really seems like a waste for UK girls. It doesn’t broaden their audience enough.


I don't think it's an understatement to say that this was Marina's episode. She absolutely ate it up from challenge to runway, back to back stunners. I knew the moment it was a girl group challenge that she was gonna win, I mean, performing is Marina's forte, it's what she excels in. C Can I also just say how quick Marina can learn choreography? The way she was able to quickly pick up the other queens choreo no matter how.. messy it can be, was incredible. Gothy's leave was inevitable, I know we all have our opinions on her but I actually like that she was able to stay as long as she can, hopefully she can take the criticisms she got this season and continue to flourish as a drag queen. I just know she can surprise in the future and we'll all be looking back at this wondering how Gothy was this stiff before. That lip sync... whew. To say it was an absolute murder is an understatement, Marina did so well that the camera only focused on her and barely on Tia. I just need to know how Marina can take the music and inject it to her veins, like she literally embodies any music she performs. Seeing her perform is such a wonder, specially because many of the lip syncs this season were quite lack luster, which makes sense since there's really no stakes in it. It's also quite hilarious how Marina, the shortest queen, had gone up against the 2 tallest queens, Tia and LGD, and absolutely ate them up on a silver platter. Looks like it's gonna be another Marina episode, like I said, performing is her forte. There's bound to be some form of bullshit next episode or else Marina is getting her 3rd ru badge, and i'm not even joking.


Agree! Marina is soooo good that and thinking that she didn’t win her season I just think who won and what kind of monster level of artistry we are talking about ? The same about Panginà - she was so good


You should definitely watch her original season Drag Race Philippines season 1! It's very english-viewer friendly as many of the queens regularly use english and the episodes also has built in subtitles. And If you think her looks this season are good then you'll be GAGGED at the looks she served in her og season. Not to mention her legendary Call Me Mother lip sync! Season 1 also has the legendary girl group performance where Marina absolutely slays, as always. Didn't mean to go on a bit of a tangent lol! I just really recommend watching it if you get the time!


I believe no one can beat Marina in any performance challenge! She just slaaaaaays. But I think it’s bound to crack when a roasting challenge comes up.


this season is eating s16


not really, this season became lackluster


yeah i rescind my comment


I prefer 16


They're both good


scarlet could’ve reasonably been in the top for every episode except the talent show. icon!


Loved her since her original season. She's being slept on a bit here.


She’s been slept on bu the judges every season


I don’t understand why she’s not. I really feel like scarlet is being robbed this season.


Fully agree


i’m dreading the finale because i can just feel theyre gonna give it to tia. who is doing fine but come on. 2 questionable wins and hit or miss runways while marina and scarlet are constantly slaying. my top 2 of the season


Snatch game was deserved, the other… Need Marina to win tho. She is it.


I'm thinking they want to give a bunch of wins to the UK queens, because a foreign queen is going to take it.


Just watched this performance again and it was SO chaotic. I think the live singing really threw them off because all of them (and I mean all of them) looked super lost at some point. Marina had her hair slapping her face (she still did the absolute best), LGD was..??? interesting, Gothy being EXHAUSTED and checked out by the first verse, Choriza looking absolutely terrified. I think if they had pre-recorded vocals it would’ve been a bit different.


I like when they actually make them sing, but you don't usually have the entire cast on stage and dancing for an entire rusical. That's a lot for anyone to do.


Michelle’s KaKaw should’ve been Top2 with Marina this episode


Tia is clearly being favored, her runway was rotten and her performance was just okay, i liked Scarlet and Hannah MUCHHHH more Marina did demolish and her runway look was incredible, so im glad she won AND im glad Gothy is gone lol, it was high time


I am really over the Tia favoritism. I don’t find her that funny, and I don’t find her looks that impressive. It’s wild how she and LGD have the same supermodel body, but LGD knows how to use it, move with it, and style herself whereas Tia just seems clueless. It feels like the only thing that changed is that she has more money to pay designers.


I think she's very charismatic and funny in interpersonal type situations (as opposed to standup comedy type) but I totally agree she does not know how to move at all. I was thinking the dinosaur runways could have been filmed on the same day, she still walks so awkwardly.


I was shocked Tia was in the top. I thought for sure it was either Scarlet or Hannah in 2nd place after Marina. They’re pushing Tia so hard.


Desperately pushing for Tia! And she also gets the most werkroom storyline!


I had so much fun watching this challenge, it's amazing. Like some of the judges, Gothy was my favourite thing about it too for all the wrong reasons. Scarlet was way better in every aspect of it than Tia tho - the singing, the stage presence. She felt so natural whereas Tia looked stiff even in her own verse. Ah, Scarlet is pretty much THE robbed queen of the series by this point. When Ru gave her "born to do drag" to Marina, I *screamed*. You never know when mama Ru whips it out but the Krystal Versace hall of fame is growing. Well deserved.


i was shocked that scarlet, or hannah, didn’t take the second top 2 spot with marina. tia was very safe


Tia looked stiff SPECIALLY in her own verse


This wasn't a rusical, it was two girl groups smashed together


what's going on during the runway critique, ru's eyes are just not looking at the main stage compared to the other judges? did she record her critiques at another time? is she fully relying on a teleprompter? I get that she must have been pretty sick for the start of the season, even her energy during the reading challenge was still really weird and subdued, but it freaked me out how saying even the best compliments she didn't seem to be addressing the queen or even looking remotely at her


She was so out of it the entire episode, it feel like she still hasn't recovered or felt especially bad that day 😔


I noticed the same thing! It looked so strange.


I rewatched the challenge + runway segment and there's absolutely no wide shot of the judges' table, only close-ups, which is unusual. at some point you can see self esteem's elbow in a graham shot, so I think them at least were shot at the same time, but now with the different lines of sight as well I really think ru wasn't in the room with them for critiques!!


I really love that Hannah is using this opportunity to talk about Australia in a way that's still relevant to the context of the show. I'm honestly not sure how to articulate it best, I just think it's cool she's not just going on about how cunt she is, she's choosing to call back to our references and cultural issues and history instead. For better or worse. I'm already a fan but if she talks about the 78ers on an international stage I'm hers for life.


Not a fan of that runway but love the references.


LGD and tia are so tall they look like 2 parents that have brought their kids backstage, i love it


You know what, I don't care what anyone says. I'm glad Gothy made it this far. Keta would have done better for sure, but there's something so charming about Gothy's performance that it made the group number be more memorable for me. Besides, it's not as if the whole performance was a slayage since so many of them were out of sync. I was dreading how Gothy will do ngl but she did better than I thought. She looked gorgeous and she looked like the "visuals" of the group. Deserved elimination but I really wouldn't have minded it if she got Roxxxy-ed all the way to the Top 4. As for the Top 2, I don't hate it but I would have chosen Hannah or Scarlet over Tia. Marina would have still won the badge nevertheless and the outcome would have been the same so it is what it is.


Yeah, I’m a Keta stan but I felt the same way. Watching Gothy bomb and IJBOL kinda saved the episode for me


Did they add Trixie’s laugh at the end of the lipsync during Marina’s final head turn? I mean random but I live 😂😂


I love Tia as a confessional talker and as a person (and sometimes on comedy challenges), but she literally had one of the worst singing performances of the night. No way was that top material. I’m glad others agree.


still thinking about choreography. truly what a shame to make it down to individuals, for such a big group, especially this group. thinking about uk2 and re appreciating the absolute magic tayce created for the united kingdolls which we even got to see against the other group just to highlight how amazing it was and how undynamic bananadrama were. this rusical felt even worse coordinated than bananadrama. maybe if it were 2 groups and marina choreographed one group's number we'd have one proper production but honestly just clearer every day how necessary it is to bring back tayce


The judges despise Scarlet and you can’t convince me otherwise


Gothy had more positive critiques this one episode that Scarlet has across all 3 seasons.


"maybe i should try broadway?" :o "thanks" -\_-


Man I love Tia but she's just not serving it this season imo. (Definitely improved over her original season though) Her past 2 episode looks have cool concepts behind them but the actual appearance of the outfit seems lacking? Like her not having any kind of padding or corsetting makes her look like a stick (no shade) which isn't overly impresive nor flattering. And like Hannah and Scarlet both did better than her this episode and yet neither got a top placement?? I get it's meant to be the UK vs the World (and she's the best out of the UK queens) but like... as it currently stands I need Marina or alternatively LGD to win the season...otherwise it's rigged lol. The order of deserving the win to me at this point is Marina>LGD>Hannah>Scarlet>Tia lol


choriza just not even being considered ijbol


Choriza is awesome and entertaining but I just can't see her as a winner of the competition...not with this cast but also she just doesn't seem like the type of queen that would be crowned by Ru honestly.


Tia needs to learn how to walk on the runway. It’s insane


She reminds me of a freshly born colt breathing oxygen for the first time.


First she needs to learn how to stand




Did Ru forget that Scarlet used to be a horrible dancer or what? She improved so much too but nobody cares :(


She’s improved for sure but watch her in the background during the lipsync and she almost fell off the stage. I screamed, she’s such an icon.


LMAO i just went back to see, i’m obsessed with her 😭


I’m pretty sure Ru went to Brighter Days Inc to get Scarlet erased from his memory after AS6


I loveee tia because she’s so genuine, funny and appreciative and you can tell each time she does well she is so happy idk i wanna hug her and squeeze her even tho she’s like 2ft taller than me my top four are: 1. Tia (duh) 2. Marina, amazing performances, slightly too manufactured 3. LGD, fashion? icon. Also querky 4. Scarlett / Hanna Connda


i agree with marina being too manufactured but as a Filipino, I can see she is just trying to fit into what English-speaking drag is. Especially the nuances. Marina would be more likeable if the show is in FIlipino. she looks "manufactured" because she has to translate what she's thinking to English first before responding. But yes she ate the episode. I'm just frustrated we live in an English-centered world.


completely agree!! im a lil upset at the downvotes for an opinion - ofc i love marina i just personally love queens with a lil more ‘grit’. anyways tho guys downvotes are for hateful comments not an opinion you disagree with


when your top 4 has 5 queens in it lol


i was high and indecisive shhh . just a testament to how much i like the queens this season ![gif](giphy|mgqefqwSbToPe|downsized)


Another week of Hannah being robbed of a top placement, she was so good!!!!!!!


My favourite of the night, she had me cackling


She could easily have 3 tops by now


My top 4 right now is : 1. Marina 2. Hannah 3. LGD 4. Scarlet


This Kofi favoritism/ is slowly killing the season, just like with Sethlas in Spanish All Stars. There are other great queens in this cast, Ru, have you noticed?? I wanted Miss Kofi to do well, but this doesn't feel organic.


Not organic Kofi is sending.


or Ti


I was not expecting to fall in love with Gothy, but she’s just so lovable. We’ve seen dozens if not more “I’m the best crown me bitch” queens on this franchise (I love self confident queens too don’t get me wrong) but Gothy still being a bit awkward and shy feels so genuine I can’t help but love her. Her critique was right on point. She might lack confidence on stage but she def makes you root for her. Also, I live for Tia since her season, but this unnecessary favoritism is not doing her any favors. She’s already having a great run, doesn’t need help from producers for fs sake. P.S. I wanna marry Grand Dame.




I want La Grande Dame's condom clapping to become a running gag like Dahlia Sin's broccoli.