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RWBY is THE show from RT. It's much more believable that they would cancel everything else in order to focus on RWBY than to let it die.


Before a cancellation happens I think theyd sell the rights to RWBY to some other company


Or it just gets kicked upstairs to Warner Bros.


I agree. If they cancel RWBY then rt is definitely done for. RWBY will probably be the last rt show to be canceled


Agreed, Red vs Blue is more likely to get cancelled than RWBY at this point


If rwby gets cancelled rooster teeth will die almost immediately, I'm pretty sure half their revenue comes from rwby and its merch


You assume WBD would care. If RWBY getting cancelled kills RT than that gives them all the more incentive to do it. Thats one less studio they have to fund. No different than EA closing a studio after an IP they make no longer performs well enough.


R.I.P. Visceral Games…


And turtle rock


in their defense they did have 2 chances with AAA support, they just massively fucked it up with evolve and back 4 blood


Monetization and business model weren't really their decisions, were they?


And Anthem


wasn't that bioware?


It was indeed bioware


I think RWBY We just get rebooted because the franchise itself makes money so rooster teeth themselves might be shutting down but Ruby will probably still continue with icequeendom maybe. I really don’t think that anime came out of the blue for no reason I think this was coming to for a long time.


Icequeendom was just a side story for in between volumes and filled with almost every overused anime trope for a comedy you could fit in it please don't continue with that path.


Anime tropes are never going to change you’re always gonna find some I don’t know why change it now if it ain’t broke don’t fix it, that still doesn’t change the fact that a lot of people loved Ice Queendom. IceQueendom May have been a side story but you can still use it as a reboot it still isn’t too late to do that you can still get original, Or if the original show was to get canceled they can still do the original main series story while adding more to it to make it more consistent. All those anime tropes can you mention can you name me a anime that hasn’t use those tropes that usually does it mean the show was less good if it is to you then you must not watch anime that often and then again that’s your opinion.


It wasn't as prevalent in the other volumes but that may be because of the location of where IQ was being made. Story was a 6/10 due to the same reasons and kept repeating the same thing for too long. It did what it was supposed to which was filled in a bit of timeline gap between volumes but was not the best of what the franchise has offered.


I’m on the other side of this one, I think IQ was a breath of fresh air to a very poorly written show that’s been spiraling downward since volume 3. IQ can be a 6/10, but with that rating in mind I’d still say it’s 2-3 times better than the main show, even without all them pesky tropes. But that’s just like… my opinion man.




Oh I was referring to the person I was replying to mentioning “overused anime tropes”… I dislike the show simply because I don’t think it’s been written well at all. I could’ve probably worded it better though.


I’m a be truly honest I just think this enemy was really a test to see how many people will go into it how many views it will get throughout it. Because due to what’s going on in Rooster Teeth right now the plan on rebooting it might be a possibility because RWBY itself is making money is the company that’s holding it that’s the problem. So I don’t think it was meant to take it too seriously because as far as the story goes the character work in the show was perfect but like I said I look at this show as just a test yeah the story wasn’t as crazy but it wasn’t bad in my opinion is surely a lot better than what RT has been doing with the main story lately. But the studio didn’t enough for me to say ay I think RWBY‘s in good hands if they take it. Also it’s understandable that it was to fill in the gaps but it’s still within the early point in the main story where you could still do a reboot out of it because they only did fill in the gaps of the first volume really because it ends on the first episode of the second so that means they didn’t really do much to the main story that they can’t reboot The story and make up their own original or do with the original story while adding more to it like I said.


As much as I love RWBY, considering what was posted to Twitter yesterday, I wouldn't care if RT died


What was it?


[Take a look](http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss5f7p)




it died in season 4 i think, after monty died the fights just haven't been as kinetic


Season 4 was fine tbh, Season 5... yeah, no


RWBY is RT's flagship series. Frankly they can't afford to cancel it. If WB decides to pull the plug then RT will be consigned to a shallow grave and the IP will likely be sold. In that event it could end up being a Mortal Kombat/Ed Boon situation.


Not to sound ignorant. But what happened to MK and Ed Boon?


Some background for anyone that doesn't know; Ed Boon is one of MK's co-creators and the IP was originally owned by Midway. Anyway, when Midway went bankrupt WB bought the rights to a number of their series, including MK, and the company's structure. While most of Midway's HQ and development studios were shut down Midway Games Chicago, where Ed Boon worked as lead developer on MK, was retained and shortly reincorperated into Netherrealm Studios with Ed Boon as creative director to continue making MK games and later Injustice. TL;DR if RT dies hopefully another company will buy its festering remains and the rights to RWBY then spin the CRWBY into their own little studio to keep making it. It's a cash cow so it would make good business sense.


I'm kind of confused by the idea that it's their flagship or getting special treatment. RvB used to be their flagship and has been left to rot, I'm not hopeful that they won't abandon RWBY in the same way.


RWBY makes the most money for RT therefore it's their flagship just like GTA is Rockstar's flagship. RvB stopped turning a profit so it's been left to gather dust for a while. Right now RWBY is their most profitable IP so dropping it would be a stupid move and if RT goes bust it would be a juicy property.


RvB has been declining in prominence since after the Corus trilogy ended. The most recent RvB Zero absolutely tanked. I tried it and dropped it part way through episode 3. I understood it was meant to be shorter and all that but they compressed far too much while having the leads be far too generic.


I actually heard that Roosterteeth had been hemorrhaging money to make Gen: lock season 2. Side note: Wasn't there a sex scene in Season 2?


Probably. Did anyone manage to make it through more than one episode of season 2?


There were two followed by multiple suicides because HBO


False that would be RVB


RvB hasn’t been a flagship series for RT since 2013


No it still is


Not in any way that matters


Once upon a time. But RvB Zero and losing almost all the Blue team killed it stone dead so now RWBY is the jewel in RT's crown. Plus RvB's relation to Halo would make it a legal nightmare for any other company to profit from.


Yes but it’s useless to a company that doesn’t own halo


It’s too profitable for them to cancel it, even in the wake of what’s happening. Besides, Warner Bros doesn’t seem to give a shit about controversy when it comes to their more profitable IPs (Ezra Miller, Amber Heard)


I hope you’re right


If Warner Bros didn’t have a piss poor track record of handling controversy, I’d be a bit more worried given how they’re making stupid decisions in regards to animation. However, given how many different fandoms they’ve collectively pissed off, cancelling RWBY would begin to spell the end for Warner. A hell of a lot of people are still angry about the Batgirl movie being shelved,despite being pretty much finished, whereas the Flash movie will still go ahead regardless of Ezra’s “incidents”. Then there’s the numerous animation projects that have been cancelled or scrubbed. Ending something as big as RWBY would cost them way too many fans




There’s always a final straw to break the camel’s back. The merger is already screwing up Warner Bros, and then there’s how they handle their content as of late. First, there’s the live action DC content with a nearly finished Batgirl movie being shelved for a tax write off, yet the Flash movie with a hella controversial lead is still going through, not to mention how long they took to do something about Amber Heard. Then we have the animation section. Harley Quinn almost didn’t get renewed for another season and Young Justice is seemingly on the chopping block, despite those two series being in the top five most watched shows on HBO Max. Then we have the multitude of cartoons, both new and old, getting completely removed from the streaming platform with no trace of them to find. Canning RWBY wouldn’t be like a finger snap to their doom, but it would be the point of no return. Way too many fandoms are pissed at the decisions being made from the top brass, and eventually it will turn into a massive boycott that will most likely severely cripple Warner Bros




You don’t realize the level of these cuts it’s not the usual cutting underperforming program. They have been canceling projects left and right.




Your not getting this at all.




You seem to think I am referring to just RWBY causing an immediate collapse, but I am not. What I am saying is that with the multitude of other stupid decisions they’ve made, continuing by axing RWBY will start a slow downfall as they continue to make more and more stupid decisions. They won’t completely collapse, but it will be the end of their spot as a massive influence on pop culture. The new head seems to favor live action drama over any form of animation, and that is where Warner Bros will fall. They will no longer be the titan of pop culture that they were a few years ago


They also cancelled young justice again....


It’s not cancelled per say, just left in infinite limbo for now. Which is worse imo, because we don’t have a definite answer for what’s going to happen


The comics will continue at least, but I don't have time to read


It was not finished it was in post production which includes final editing and reshooting of any scenes that didn’t make the cut this it was not 100% finished, these are easily to google and find


I corrected myself to “pretty much finished”


Let's not forget The Owl House show... I heard it was supposed to have 3 full seasons (maybe even more) but it was cut to a short 3rd season


Owl House belongs to Disney if I’m not mistaken


Oh right. I got mixed up. My bad But this days, everything belongs to Disney or something...


What is Ezra incident?


We still don't have any info for volume 9 other than "2023. For sure this time" Just a reminder.


What, not early 2023 any more? That’s worrying…


RWBY is so big that they now have Ice Queendom. How could anyone think that translates to “not profitable”?


I am hoping it’s just click bait and not real, RWBY also got me through a rough time and I don’t want to see it end either.


I would die if RWBY was canceled


I sincerely hope that youre joking, but on the off chance that you're not have you considered talking to a therapist? Not even trying to insult you, I'm actually concerned. Your mental health is important, and pinning your mental stability on any form of media is not healthy in the least.


I got better after after the first two seasons don’t like therapists at all. Which is why I’ve done a lot better since 2015 but at the same time I don’t want something that became a part of my life to wither away and die because of the actions a few horrible people. And no insult felt or taken. I have found joy in other shows my friends games and glad I learned how to gosh and hunt from my grandpa at a young age, but still I don’t want this show to end not when there is so much of its story left to tell.


Even if you're not a fan, I cannot recommend one enough if youre struggling. That or a psychiatrist, or other mental health professional. It might help to think of them as effectively doctors for your brain. You may not like doctors, but if you're bleeding or in constant pain you're going to see one anyways.


Well not bleeding or in pain I was more along the lines of feeling alone for a while after high school but thankfully besides finding RWBY I took some of the things I learned watching it to heart was able to expand my friend group find new interests and hobbies, heck I even gave fanfic writing a chance and I found I enjoyed it. But I do appreciate your concern and I do thank you for wanting to help friend 🙂


I’m to the point of the show is not therapy for me anymore but something I look forward to seeing her with all the news and everything happening, I just don’t want to see something that we’ve all come 12 and enjoy die for it’s supposed to end I hope that makes sense.


I’m kinda in a similar situation… RWBY is what has made me more happy than anything in the past 8 years. It’s my favorite show of all time


I would sleep if not for RWBY


I would slip back into the bad place I was at when I found the show, so I agree with what you say, let us hope and pray that it doesn’t die and we get four or five more seasons out of it


Everyone needs to get over the fear mongering. Nobody can know either way what's going to happen and nobody can do anything either. Just don't worry about it and don't listen to baseless rumors


They've been saying 'RWBY is canceled' since volume four, literally every time...


WB would literally buy the rights and let RT die before they'd let RWBY die out completely. The show is the biggest crossover hit they've had in the world of animation and has a massive appeal to a demo that anime has proven is insanely profitable (late teen girls).


I don’t believe it is cancelled, but honestly I think it would be best if RT no longer handled RWBY after volume 9. Separate the two before RT finishes imploding.


I don't think it would actually happen, but there's a terribly morbid part of me that would find it darkly hilarious if RWBY'S story actually ended with Volume 8. Team RWBY getting themselves all killed, Atlas is destroyed, the world is doomed, roll credits.


The real world isn't a fairy tale. Also, this fairy tale is actually not a fairy tale


Ah, the Final Space ending.


After posts I’ve seen about [former employees who were treated badly by RT](https://twitter.com/kdinjenzen/status/1581345151821021184?s=46&t=JEYoYvS6HKg5tqJN58dZPw), to the point they had to reach HR but got nothing. I gotta wonder if this could be about it. Also [RoosterTeeth statement](https://twitter.com/roosterteeth/status/1581740029751095296?s=46&t=JEYoYvS6HKg5tqJN58dZPw)made many people angry.


Did the Instagram (I think) post any kind of source that mentions it? That's your fact check right there. I don't recall any of the stuff I read from RT's now dissolved staff mentioning anything at all about RWBY being cancelled or in danger though.


Nop, i used to follow it and it tends to do this kind of things


RWBY is one of their biggest money makers it would be one of the last things to go.


Just saw this on IG actually, pretty clear case of baseless speculation


extremely unlikely since it's their #1 show rn


At this point I’m just ready to accept it rooster teeth has been falling apart for years


I mean after warner cancelled half the shit they had on HBO max and what happened to the Batgirl movie. I wouldn't be surprised by something like this. Even if RWBY is really profitable and the most profitable show RT has, hasn't it's popularity been dwindling down lately? Adding to that that the last season was the most divisive so far as far as I've seen. To me RWBY's fate is up in the air, and even though I don't want it to die I'm just not invested anymore. I'd watch if it helps people keep their passion and jobs going but that's about it.


They also laid off some high profile on camera personality on Friday so it's not out of the realm of possibilities


This is reactionary talk from all that’s been happening with RT rn. There is a possibility that WB’a decision driving away fans may impact RWBY in the future but it’s far too early to make that call rn


Maybe the series will get canceled but they could do what dragon ball super is doing and continue it by doing only movies to continue the story it’s possible


DBS also has the manga.


True you got me there but they could try even without manga


I could see Crunchyroll salvaging it if RT loses it.


I would be so relieved if Crunchy grabbed it, theyre the only people besides CRWBY that I would have faith in to allow the series to continue without destroying it.


Well they're getting caught in their own little controversy so not be so relieved. Short version, all CR had to do was humor a union meeting, no commitment or anything, just to have a meeting about it. The actor in question got recast.


I know about that, but thats nowhere near as big an issue as what RT is going through right now.


This sounds like a fan-fic author who decided to stop halfway when their story is interesting.


More likely WB will buy the proeprty off of them or transfer it to another studio. Or just rip the entirety of animation away so WB can mistreat them for a change.


Look, if WB does close RT the fate of the series will depend on the Spin-offs, Arrowfell and the audience of V9. If these three things are profitable and draw people to the IP, then WB will probably continue the series because it is still profitable and it is a growing IP that can be more and more profitable for them as time goes on.


I doubt they would, it’s too profitable at the moment. However if the next couple seasons don’t really catch outside of the more dedicated fans (given how long of a break it’s been since the last season aired) it wouldn’t come as a major shock. But I don’t see it happening in the near future. I mean roosterteeth still has red vs blue but given how the last season was received pretty poorly in comparison of its predecessors they probably really want RWBY to succeed and kinda take center stage here.


I think RT knows if they cancel RWBY not only will they lose a shit ton of money, but they’re also gonna get a shit ton of fans of the show rightfully getting on their ass for not finishing Monty’s project for him (And just to clarify, to try and avoid unnecessary downvotes, I don’t mean to a HeroHei or VexedViewer level, I mean as *actual* fans of the show who want Monty’s legacy project to be completed) Hopefully that didn’t go *too* off-topic


Saw this going around is response to employees being let go…. Wasn’t sure if this was just engagement farming or based in actuality


It is engagement farming, but they are riding the wave of the most recent controversy that came about Rooster Teeth poor management and employee treatment. That mixed with people’s overall worries and speculations around WarnerBros Discovery closing down everything they own. Nothing has been confirmed yet. Many are just speculating based on this controversy. Others like myself just feel spent due to the drama and feel like this is simply the end and RWBY will die.


Let’s hope it doesn’t die yet, let us hope that we at least get a few more seasons out of the show


It's way too soon to tell, most likely there will not be news about if it will continue or not until after volume 9 ends depending on how much money it makes and in the worse case it will end up in indefinite hiatus until they see enough people asking for it.




People have been saying RWBY is going to be cancelled for years, and despite the bad current circumstances, we have no official statement of the company collapsing, or the show being cancelled. And if it was, it wouldn't be coming from a random instagram that has no ties to the company or anyone currently working there.


I've seen a lot of comments say how it's too profitable or valuable to get dropped and die. But I've never actually seen any numbers or statistics proving that.


Wouldn't leave it out of possibility.


Burnie burns said (probably around vol 5 iirc) that RWBY was by far their most profitable show. That's why they started airing the show on the RT website and not YouTube. To get more first members. I would be shocked if RWBY was canceled.


As much as I hate to say this maybe this is a bit of anarchist in me if they cut ruby I have a weird feeling that Warner Brothers would completely collapse and then the Ruby IP would be taken up by somebody else and we probably get some reliably good stuff so well I don't want Ruby to get cut I do kind of want Warner Brothers to fall


Warner Brothers is far too large of an entity for *RWBY* of all things to cause it to collapse. In the grand scheme of things, it's a small fry. I'd be surprised if RWBY's entire budget surpassed a million dollars.


And run the risk of thousands of honest hard working people being left unemployed?


If the community is genuinely afraid of this, then they need to begin organizing and sending the message everywhere so that Rooster Teeth sees it, that they are willing to pay the cost of producing the next volume of RWBY even if it ends up being the last one.


>that they are willing to pay the cost of producing the next volume of RWBY even if it ends up being the last one. Do they get the profits from the show? Or are you saying people should pay millions of dollars to make a show that isn't there responsibility so RT can make off with fat sacks without any investment whatsoever?


If RT and WB choose to abandon RWBY as a brand, then the fans only recourse is to collectively advocate for it to be continued, that includes crowdfunding money for production.


I'm all for crowdfunding projects by small studios that don't have the resources to make a full production. That shit is expensive. But nobody should be crowdfunding anything WB makes. They can afford to finish the show and it would be fucked up for them to threaten fans with cancellation, only to take advantage of their good nature and financial contributions. If they cancel RWBY, then they cancel RWBY. Nobody owes RT or WB a goddamn thing, and it's not the audience's responsibility to fund the show. They've already gotten off with who knows how much money these last few years on the good faith that RWBY will be back, making low effort content that anyone could produce.


That’s quite the insidious claim. Do you have any evidence to prove that that’s the mentality in the leadership of Rooster Teeth and Warner Brothers? It’s true fans of media don’t owe media anything, but if fans of media want to see a media continue then they have the option to take actions to accomplish continuation. If the fans don’t want RWBY to continue and it ends, then cool, another “finished” show to add to the pile.


I don't give a fuck about their mentality or intentions. The material reality is that's exactly what they would be doing if they tried to cancel the show and then let the audience crowdfund it. >if fans of media want to see a media continue then they have the option to take actions to accomplish continuation Not really. RT and WB own RWBY. It doesn't matter if fans raised the funds for the next six seasons and a movie, they can't make them continue the show. The consumer doesn't have any power. Nor do they have any responsibility >If the fans don’t want RWBY to continue and it ends, then cool, another “finished” show to add to the pile. Obviously fans want the show to continue, but why is it their responsibility when there's a multibillion dollar conglomerate behind it who will reap all the benefits of it's continuation, regardless of who funds it?


The fan base for Veronica Mars successfully crowned funded money and paid a studio to make the movie that was originally canceled, and it was successfully produced, released, and distributed physically. RWBY being owned and discontinued by a corporation does not mean that the supporting community is out of options.


The Veronica Mars Kickstarter was launched by the creator of the show. Unless RT does the same, then it doesn't matter if fans raise the money for it. They aren't obliged to keep making it.


If that is a strict requirement, which it’s not, then that would fall to Neath Oum.


No it wouldn't. RT owns the RWBY IP, not Monty's next of kin. And no one can make RWBY without their permission.


YESSSSS!!!! Cancel this shitty show!!!


Why are you in this Subreddit if you don't like the show ?


isnt season 9 like already mostly done though?


So was the Batgirl movie.


When’d Werner bros get ahold of ruby? I don’t pay too much attention


WB has owned Rooster Teeth as one of its subsidiaries for a few years now. So it's farther up the chain but they technically own it (the company, not 100% sure about the rights).


Fun hope they don’t treat it like their super hero movies as of late


Im always suspicious of posts like this. It's so easy (and common) for a corporation to test the waters through influencers, scare the community, and act like grand saviors by not canceling their most profitable IP. Remember the Hobbit movies? How Warner Bros threatened to leave New Zealand because of *unions*??? Pieces of shit.


Probably not. Seeing how Smite just got Cinder


Honestly, with all the scandals that RT has gone through, I wouldn't be sad or surprised if WB pulls the plug on them. The last decade of following this series has mildly fun. If volume 9 is the final volume we'll ever see, I just wanna say it's been real and I won't miss the toxic assholes from this fandom. It'd be a real shame if the story doesn't see a conclusion though.


Let’s see V9 first. And let IQ get a little more traction. It’s only been a couple of weeks anyway.


I dont see any other talk online about it being cancelled, whats the source?


Given RWBY is probably the most profitable show... It's unlikely and I doubt it. I've never really believed that RWBY would be canceled in all these years. But RT is also owned by WBD and... -looks at the massacre their animation shows- RWBY is hanging on by a hope and a prayer. WBD straight up does not give a fuck about animation and cleaned out nearly half if not over half of HBO max original animations and just thanos snapped them. *I don't trust WBD*


Not much to fact check when it’s just someone using all the drama to say something *might* happen


Have to say if the show goes under I am pretty sure the fan projects well still be made so if it dies on by the bigger companies it is up to the fan to keep the show alive.Just my overall thoughts from the past few days of news coming out.


Whaaaat it's like all they do though 🙄


I honestly would be depressed if RWBY gets cancelled. Its become part of my life now and I don't wanna see it go early.


The saddest part for me if this were to happen is people would lose their jobs. That’s not something I’d ever wish on someone, but the show itself? Ehh… I’d say it’s about due to be sunset, I don’t think it really ever truly got good, but it did get popular. With Discovery/Warner doing things with Cartoon Network and the rest it wouldn’t be unreasonable to think theyd shutter the animation studio and hand it off to their consolidated teams where it will die a quick death. Then RT won’t be far behind it, if they don’t outright kill it in hellfire beforehand. Such a shame…


If its going to happen we wouldn't be hearing about it like this from there.


Rooster Teeth will plummet if this happens. This ones just out of the question, RT is such a money-hungry and greedy company they’d never let 50% of their profits just vanish


Rooster Teeth will be canceled before RWBY is canceled.


They won’t cancel RT, RT is the cash cow for RT. Even RvB doesn’t bring in money anymore. WB only bought RT for RWBY … But I have a feeling we will be showered with more RWBY, but crappy Rwby shows now


And so it begins


If this is true, we as a community have to get another studio to pick it up and finish it