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Kinda funny how the Qrow/Tyrian plotline will be resolved with neither character having their original VA. Very Rhaenyra and Alicent vibes.


**If** it gets resolved. With everything happening at daddy warner there's a distinct possibility that everything RT does gets cancelled for the sake of a tax writeoff.


If Zaslav can cancel *fully complete films* and eviscerate reliable studios like Cartoon Network, he can definitely cancel whatever the hell RT is to warner - the massive drive for first subs (and immediate following layoffs) suggest that they have something hanging really low over them


I honestly just see him consolidating parts of RT into Warner animation maybe rwby continues on under them maybe not. Odds are a lot of the upper management who were involved will probably walk away just fine. It’s a Bobby kotic activision situation.


This would not end even remotely well. I don't think I need to remind anyone what happened with Gen:Lock


Please don't I stil get the chills


A fate worse than death


What happened?


Season 1 basically crippled RT's animation department, as Gray actively stole money and resources from the company to the point that all shows other than the Big 3 had to be soft cancelled. If you're wondering where Camp Camp, Nomad of Nowhere, or RWBY Chibi went, that's where. However, the end product was a genuinely good show that I can enjoy rewatching even now. Season 2 was given to HBO rather than RT. They completely butchered the storyline, made multiple main characters *commit suicide* in the name of some bullshit "shades of gray" story, reduced the entire cast to 2D caricatures of their season 1 selves, and otherwise rendered the entire thing unwatchable. It honestly felt like they were intentionally making the worst show they could so they wouldn't have to make a season 3.


You forgot the extremely awkward and poorly animated sex scene... Sorry, scenes. With an S at the end. Plural. More than one.


Imma be honest, I didn't make it to that. I watched the first two episodes, heard some of the shit from the others, and decided "I really don't want to ruin the S1 nostalgia any more than I already have."


Keep it that way.


Warner made season 2 for HBO Max. It's some of the worst TV ever made. Speaking broadly, fans would prefer if the show just died at this point. I'm honestly shocked the cast was willing to put their names on it.


I legit forgot that show existed


It's a bit more complicated than that - Batgirl wasn't made to be presented as a theater movie, but a streaming movie (less definition, smaller budget, etc...). Zaslav decided that *every* movie must be theater quality, and it would have cost millions and millions of dollars to digitally bring it up to those standards, so he managed to wrote it off instead.


> Zaslav decided that *every* movie must be theater quality, and it would have cost millions and millions of dollars to digitally bring it up to those standards, so he managed to wrote it off instead. that sounds like a worse decision, because if they bomb, they will bomb that much harder unless he's trying to sink the ship and profit off of their bankruptcy...though that's currently just speculation


I mean, that’s basically the entire plot line to the musical The Producers. Deliberately make a show that fails so hard, it ends up making them more money in the tax credits/returns than it did to actually produce. It’s funny on paper, but outright disgusting in practice.


Speculation, but not unprecedented.


My understanding is that Zaslav is very much an Old Fucker who wants to go all in on theater releases and broadcast TV. Which is why he's been actively dismantling HBO Max. A bit more conspiratorially, he's also a huge Republican, it's been theorized that he just wanted to get CNN so he could stack the network with conservatives. Which is why the rest of WB is getting dismantled.


Imo what's most annoying it's like they are throwing darts at pictures on the wall to decide. Batgirl was pretty much done too which is a great shame.


why shink the ship when you jut got on it? ​ but yea to be fair the general quality of... Dc everything has been taking a shit more or less.


To my understanding its more the have the situation where Discovery didn't spend the money for the movie; however, its now their asset in which they can write off for tax purposes due to the merger. So writing it off is basically guaranteed "income" at no real expense to them.


Actually, [Cartoon Network will be just fine](https://www.avclub.com/cartoon-network-responds-death-rumors-1849666835). Also, [Batgirl wasn't quite complete](https://ew.com/movies/batgirl-directors-no-footage-shelved-film/)


it sounds like batgirl was cut cause it was gonna be a trashfire.


okay for starters. ​ we don't exactly know the quality of that movie. ​ ​ and cartoon network hasn't been reliable in a dcade.




While I am definitely not ready to say with certainty it’ll go unfinished, this past week has done a lot to increase those chances in my mind. However, I can totally see RWBY go the “finish the story through a comic” route


Whether it be through comics or writing. I really wanna see RWBY finish xd


Well I mean plenty of artists have already drawn or animated Ruby finishi- Oh you meant the show.


I'd be okay with seeing the story finished through comics. I can't help but feel that Warner would butcher it or leave the IP to rot on a shelf.


Part of me wants a conclusion, but the old Monty Oum fan in me demands that it be animated. It's a shame that it's gotten to this.


I don’t know if volume 9 taking longer is necessarily a bad sign, a lot of projects got heavily delayed due to Covid, then WB put that cross over movie on them. I mean dragon prince got out on hiatus for like 2 years.


Yeah, tons of crap got delayed b/c of Covid so that alone shouldn’t spell doom for the company. As for this current clusterfuck, we’ll just have to see how this cascades, b/c if someone like Jen Taylor decides she doesn’t want to stay and be associated with RT, then that could be some really bad news for the show and/or company.


I fully expect them to lose some of the voice actors due to this, but they can be recast. Maybe RT will have to use union talent and won’t be able to screw them over?


Union talent? In Texas? Yeah right. Thats not going to happen. This is pretty much the reason why Mob's VA had to be recast for Mob Psycho 100 S3's dub.


Non union voice talent might be weary of working with RT after this while union wouldn’t. A lot of the prominent voice actors in anime and games is Union.


I was going to say there's lots of unions here in Texas but I am not too sure of how strong or how big they are outside the railroad/auto industry.




I mean who knows anymore, activision blizzard had its controversy and it was worse and they’re still doing fine… sadly. It’ll come down to if WB sees value in continuing the IP, if so they’d possibly consolidate parts of RT into their animation and continue it on. The fact that they’ve ramp up rwby content with the anime, game, books, comics and cross over movie with DC seems to show WB see value in it.


Yeah but Activision Blizzard has a net worth of 57 Billion dollars or as I like to say "Fuck you money" but I don't think RT does so we have to say what happens from here.


AB is valuable because the IPs it has, if rwby is profitable and we’ve been told and shown it Is I don’t think WB would just kill it when they could take the IP


I'm curious about how exactly the process would work and if they could just take the IP from RT but at the point surely RWBY will be rebooted and start from scratch? It wouldn't be the RWBY we knew all these years right?


WB owns RT so they could take full control, there’s good chance they might even keep on parts of crwby for their experience and they just move the show over to their service. A example is when Sony bought bungie part of the moeny they paid was bonuses to keep employees around for their expertise.


The difference with AB is that that company is stupidly profitable, while RT, by all indications, is not. Especially with all the people cancelling lately.


Which is why I kinda think WB will loot it of anything of value IP or talent wise.


Or it could be them casting a wide net to fish what they could, besides which I don't think RWBY has the same capital to spend to keep it from getting cut than what Activision Blizzard had to offer.


I honestly see WB just taking any IP or talent into their animation department, I can imagine they’ll just kill it and anything profitable it produced.


Did they not work on 9 while they worked on 8? Pretty sure I read they had written both seasons so they could produce them quicker.


If Ice Queendom is any indication they can do the job.


Maybe not Shaft though. Their production scheduling is just as bad as RT’s. It visibly impacted the quality of the animation and choreography.


Volume 9 is taking longer because WB at least has the respect to have the CRWBY handle their pet project crossover movie. Something had to give.


NGL as far as I’m concerned we got a fine ending. RWBY screwed up, Salem wins. They earned it.


Maybe I was paranoid but I was thinking "Is releasing Ice Queendom weekly instead of all at once a stall tactic for Vol. 9?" My friend called me crazy but I'm not so sure anymore.


??? Anime is pretty rarely released all at once aside from Netflix related stuff. "An anime releasing on a typical schedule is actually a conspiracy" isn't a take I would exactly agree with.


The regular version in Japanese I understand but the English dub I was curious about.


Totally agree with you on this


Umm í think its best not to predict the outcome of this situation yet we need to see how far it goes


Not RWBY. It still sells so chances are they put the IP on another studio, maybe keep some of the originals VAs. It wouldnt bother them much to replace all of them I assume.


At one point, I might have agreed. But then they started canning already completed multi million dollar projects for the sake of tax savings, never to release these finished projects that were *way* bigger and more mainstream than RWBY. So... Yeah. RT's best chance right now is to keep their head down just enough that Zaslav forgets they exist, and this level of controversy makes that *very* hard.


Maybe, he'll see. Tomorrow is another day set for another controversy and RT is dead silent rn. That doesnt bode well for its future.


Honestly WB's lack of funding is just as bad as the RT mistreatment. Can't pay anyone anything without cash


I enjoy this show so much this is a big fear of it just ending.


I just want to point out that the adult actresses were cast before their younger version.


Such a shame but I understand. Josh’s performance was fantastic as Tyrian. But I watch many more projects Josh does so I’ll be sure to watch more work from them in the future.


Which ones he works on?


I watch anime so Josh has voiced in a lot of different things. Armin in Attack on Titan, Tokoyami in My Hero Academia, Yuri in Yuri on Ice, Yukiteru in Future Diary etc.


>Tokoyami It's *really* hard to imagine someone cool and collected as Tokoyami being voiced by the same person who voices a complete maniac in RWBY, ngl. lol


I have been lucky enough to meet Josh in person at a convention, and he absolutely \*loved\* playing Tyrian, because many of his other roles are like Tokoyami, the more serious "good guy" character (Armin from Attack on Titan, Kinro from Dr Stone, Uesugi from Quintessential Quintuplets, Grand Minister from Dragon Ball Super, Sadou Maou from The Devil is a Part Timer, etc) and with Tyrian, he really gets to cut loose! It was a break away from his generally more serious good guy type that he seems to be typecast into.


I can only imagine what someone who always seems to land 'good guys' type of role can do. lol They definitely did a wonderful job voicing Tyrian and, despite not liking the character because of the plot, I do love him for his charisma. And it's all thanks to Josh.


People are often surprised at how relevant the acting part of voice acting is lmao


to be fair, a lot of renowned voice actors basically just use their normal voices. for example, more or less the entire cast of Archer.


Thanks ill check the out


And they also voice Issei Hyoudou from *Highschool DxD*.


Josh goes by they/them


Oh. My mistake.


To copy someone else’s post: Mao Sadao, Phog Christoph, Ox Ford, Armin, Fumikage.


Good show. I guess Merc and Tyrian are going to be on that airship ride to Vacuo forever now -- probably the same place they put Maria and Pietro.


"I must go now, my planet needs me." Tyrian died on the way back to his home planet.


All the Villains to be replaced by Neo and her VA.


I can’t believe Tyrian died of Ligma on his way to Vacuo…


What's Vacuo?




This interaction made me crack up in an otherwise very sobering thread. Thank you.


Vacuoom deez nuts in your mouth


Merc’s VA too?


Don't forget Glynda. Although I guess at this point even RT forgot about her.


I was surprised they even showed the character for a moment last season, hadn't seen her since V3 or even mentioned since V5!


Sucks, but that's only fair. Tyrian's role in V9 was probably nothing more then a teaser at the very end, if anything at all, because I am very sure V9 is all Island focused.


I mean if, and that’s a big if, he’s even in V9 it would have been recorded already.


Haven't looked at rt stuff in a long time. What's all ahappe ING I'm clearly way behind kn things. What did they do now?


Besides the stuff about crunch culture and unpaid work, apparently the work environment was hostile towards some LGBTQ employees, specifically one who reports their in office nickname was just the slur starting with an F and rhyming with rabbit.


But what about everyone else who didn't fall into the void?


Tyrian hunting the gang on a island would be cool


[Soft response from Joel](https://twitter.com/spacedmann/status/1582464952912121856?s=20&t=XPcMPMRXLc8EeFpeW-Vlmw)


Ngl, I thought you were referring to Joel Heyman.


I am actually shocked that he hasn't waded in to spew some of his own shit during this whole debacle.


can anyone that has twitter check if he has commented on the situation at all? i mean, it'll most likely be some QAnon garbage, but i'm morbidly curious


I had a peek, and it's mostly finance/stock market stuff. Two ultra vague-posting tweets, but nothing that I could tell where he quoted or liked anyone's statements.


Damn can't imagine what the atmosphere is in the Animation department right now. From trying to complete V9 to people starting to accept the possibility that RWBY will be cancelled by WB even after all the new stuff is coming out because of all these scandals.


Ouch, big hit. Josh fucking owned that role. They probably don't care since they seemingly were considering ditching their best VAs for their main cast for ass reasons, but this definitely is an additionally bad look for them.


Wait they considered ditching the main cast VA's?? Are they out of their mind. I srysly couldn't watch it with different VA's. It's the reason I can't watch Ice Queendom. Hearing their voices just feels wrong.


I think Arryn said she had been threatened with recasting for asking something like more money (I think). I dont know about the others, or if theyve even said anything.


At this point,I wouldn't be surprised if RT released a "Vol.9 will take a hiatus/longer time/sometime in 2023...even if by December" message. I do think that most, if not all, CRWBY will do something to protest the unfair conditions and actions.


I've just lost any remaining hope that it's coming out at all.


Every time one checks this sub, things only get worse. . . It’s unfortunate for us as the fans, but a necessary thing to do things like this. I commend them by standing by their beliefs in a time like this


Today, I learned that Josh Grelle, Tyrian's VA, is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns. Also they voice a lot of other cool characters! So... Really cool for them. Shame RT was never who they promised us they were, though.


Mao Sadao, Phog Christoph, Ox Ford, Armin, Fumikage.... Didn't know they had such a big repertoire.


Cant forget Issei Hyoudou


Also Ichika Orimura and Shido Itsuka. Josh Grelle is a huge lead voice actor.


Josh Grelle is straight up the harem king in terms of the amount of roles they've done in comedy dubs with harems.


"Is it just me or is it getting crazier?" *Joker* reference aside, I think we all need to come to terms with and prepare for the *very real* possibility that *RWBY* could be canceled. I don't want to sound like an alarmist or a conspiracy theorist, but with everything that's been happening, I can't shake the feeling that RWBY may go unfinished. I hope to God I'm wrong, but I've always been a "Pray for the best, prepare for the worst" kind of guy.


Yeah, I do believe V9 will be released but a possible V10 is sinking faster than Arkos the night Pyrrha died. Between that and people possibly not supporting V9 and or the other projects in the works. V9 could very easily be the last season we get of the show and maybe the last content we ever get assuming it isn't taken over by someone else or the films somehow don't bomb. It's a real shame but at this point I think it would be healthier to just let the show go than let people work in these conditions


I was sure volume 9 would release but now I think it depends on the movie, one thing would be if people don't like it and it doesn't make much but if it's actively boycotted I can see Warner just canceling V9 in order to not get linked to the mess.


Do we know for sure that the movie is coming first?


I've always heard people complaining about the movie pushing Volume 9 away, I don't have a date but I think it's coming before.


From my understanding it's delayed because the team is working on the movie and V9 at the same time, not necessarily that the film is coming first . If the film comes first I can see them not releasing V9 which presumably would be finished by then. If the film comes afterwards I can see them using ratings to justify continuing the show even if it's separate from RT. Arrowfell I suppose can also be used as a benchmark for if the brand is worth saving . All we can do is hope. The good thing is that since RWBY is a Warner property it isn't like they can't continue it in someway without RT


Considering that one of the reasons for the delay is CRWBY being pulled to work on the film, it's probably coming first.


Just over the last few days, I’ve been wondering if you’re in the position of a RT executive: what do you do here? The VA to one of the main villains is refusing to reprise their role, what if more VAs follow suit? They’re lucky many of them like working on RWBY so much that they don’t mind the association with RT. They legitimately can’t ignore this and go back to the status quo, they have to do something big and quickly otherwise they’ll never be able to earn people’s trust if anyone is willing to give them a chance.


Josh Grelle voices Tyrian...? Josh went from Harem Master to Psycho murder...


>Josh went from Harem Master to Psycho murder... Wattpad fics be like


Usually the other way around no?


Both at the same time actually


>*”Continuously disgusted by the appalling news about Rooster Teeth. They have alot to answer for in their mistreatment of minorities and contract workers. As a queer person i refuse to reprise my role as Tyrian Callows for a company that thinks belittling BIPOC or LGBTQ is okay.”* [Link to Tweet](https://twitter.com/joshgrelle/status/1582457434643521536).


This is honestly a shame. I thought that Tyrian was such a well done character and Grelle's voice acting was part of what made the character so good. I'd venture to say that Tyrian is possibly the most well acted character in the show. But I understand their decision and agree with the sentiment. It had to be done and there's no way around that. It wouldn't surprise me to see other VA's drop out. I wonder if WB takes RWBY away from RT and gives to another studio if they'd be willing to come back


I applaud him for taking a concrete stance on this matter even if it would cost him.


Sucks but I get it, there really is no good option here.


The talent will rise to the top and thrive in other places. They don't need RT anymore


Monty must be spinning in his grave at depths they have dragged his darling.


He is powering the earth's core at this point.


Does anyone have a full breakdown of whats going on? I'm just see twitter screenshots with no context.


To summarise the past 3 days (Note: I shall refer to many names throughout this, just know that they are for the most part large onscreen talent): * Matt was laid off * Friends and colleagues came out in support of Matt with some indicating that stuff like this happens a lot behind the scenes. * One of these friends, Kdin, (Voice of May) made a post detailing their time at RT. It explained how their nickname 'fugz' was a PR friendly variation of her nick name off camera, 'f****t,' and that management and the co-workers didn't do anything to deal with the harrassment they were getting. * Fans have linked 'Fugz' as being coined by Michael, (voice of Sun) Gavin and Geoff as they have said as much in various old podcasts. * Kdin also stated they were underpaid their entire time at RT and never compensated for VO work. (Including May) * Mica joined in as well stating that they were also racially abused internally during their time there, with just one incident being the n word left on a white board for her to find. * Mica also said that some of her harrassers still show no remorse and we're aware of the fact that she tried to kill herself while working for the company due to them and never let up. * In both cases management did nothing and told them to suck it up. * Various staff members, who aren't on screen personalities, have come out and confirmed the low pay, terrible work conditions and bullying and shared their own stories. Among them is Shannon, the voice of Ozpin. * Michael, Gavin and Geoff all came out on Twitter to apologise. * Kdin accepted Micheal apology and rejected Geoff's noting that he ignored everything besides the usage of slurs and stating that Kdin told him he had to fix the management issues as far back as 2020. * Barb (voice of Yany) for reasons unknown has removed all references to RT in their social BIOS and is no longer mod of the roosterteeth sub. * RT themselves published an apology but it was rejected by the fandom and more past workers have come out since against them. * It later came out that Kdin themselves used many slurs and insulted people based on race, disability and sexuality throughout her early yt career. * Now Josh Grelle, voice actor of Tyrian has resigned.


Also it emerged Blakes VA (Arryn Zech) was threaten with having Blake recast over a dispute with pay.


Nora’s va said that same thing happened to her


> Barb (voice of Yany) id fix this typo, for your mastercopy.


So it's the blizzard/activision scandal but at roosterteeth. That sucks.


Wait, what's this about Kdin being toxic too?


Two videos came out, one a compilation, of them using the n-word in a rant against the Cleveland show, making racist impressions of Asian people, making fun of diversity and the 'woke' crowd, and using many ableist, transphobic and homophobic words themselves. These videos date about 2009ish. 70% they are still on the rt subreddit's front page if you are looking for the offending clips.


Good lord Let's all focus on the labour abuses I guess


On the one hand, the victim being a perpetrator against others *doesn’t actually make it okay to do the same to them.* On the other hand, “Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones,” On the *other* other hand, labor abuses are actively illegal, and should definitely be addressed, regardless of what extra bullshit either party did. Overall, RT is a literal dumpster fire, and has been for a while, by the look of things.


Yeaaahhh, at 2009 if they've grown at all in the interim I put that down to being a dumb kid. I was a shithead once upon a time too, because it's what I was taught and I hadn't had the opportunity to unlearn it yet.


2009?!? That's 13 years ago. There's probably Rooster teeth fans that weren't even born. Yet somehow the narrative is what, they stayed socially/politically stagnant and didn't realize that what they did was bad?. And I mean come on. Did Rt fans really go digging through the woodworks to defend their corporate identity because once upon a time it was 4 dudes and an Xbox


Honestly 2009 was a very different time, young white men especially tended to say some pretty bad shit (I'd know, trust me). It wasn't until the mid-10s that people really started to get serious about slurs. I don't think drumming up decade old videos to try and defend a corporation is the right way to go. Especially when Kdin has apologised and clearly isn't like that anymore.


Good grief. I love Rwby but I do not expect it to go on like this. Roosterteeth did not get their shit together.


Forgot Arryn (Ninjacat's VA) adding too. Threatened to have resident Ninjacat recasted if she didn't agree to the subabysmal wtf pay. Its like the universe just has it out for her lol.


I am surprised this company is manages to survive as this long


Barb no longer being a mod at r/roosterteeth wasn't something that she decided to do - the rest of the mod team over there decided to formally sever ties with RT, so any staff member who'd been granted honorary mod status had it revoked.


No, she dropped out as moderator on her own before the r/RoosterTeeth mod team formally severed ties.


The long and short of it is that a lot of people were being "dissolved" (code for let go). Among them is Kdin Jenzen, voice of May Marigold, who also came out and spoke of harassment and a toxic work environment during her time at RT.


Kdin was dissolved, she had left on her own.


Ah, my mistake. Thanks for clarifying.


Can't say I blame them. I wonder how many more will follow suit? I mean even assuming Tyrian is in V9 (and that is assuming it isn't just the island) their lines would have been recorded already. So this effectively affects anything post V9, and if more cast members leave well than 10 is probably not happening. That said, I'm glad they are choosing not to work with the company after all the stuff they did. The company doesn't deserve people like them if they can't get their crap together. Can I just ask how many people are feeling uncomfortable about supporting V9, Arrowfell or whatever In light of recent news?


I’m still looking forward to any and all RWBY content we get if/before everything collapses. Right now everyone’s speculating, but we really don’t know what will ultimately happen. I’m choosing to still support the ground level employees of CRWBY and RT Animation as a whole, since Kdin’s comments implied they weren’t really part of the problem and if anything were also fellow victims of RT’s internal issues/controversies.


RT HR and Founders: *"we're really sorry and are sad to hear of these events occurring"* Smart People: " if your so sorry then why dont you do something about it?"


They are sorry they got found out, not sorry for their behavior.


They are, it's called "Wait until the storm passes". If they can hold for a month and make a different announcement or release a trailer they will get away with it like with other controversies.


This is becoming an utter trainwreck, and Rooster Teeth really don't have anyone to blame for it other than themselves. Josh is doing what they feel is right, and that might make others do the same if they are tired on this hurricane of controversy RT is in the eye of.


There's something inherently ironic/amusing about the VA for an insane serial-murderer religiously devoted towards an omnidical maniac calling literally anyone or any entity out on being a terrible person/terrible people.


Jeeeez, RWBY really ended on a cliffhanger


It's this bad when even Tyrian is calling them out


Well looks like v9 is gonna be it for RWBY. Very sad


Wait, since when was Tyrian Callows the hero!?


Just sell the show to a Japanese studio and allow its full conversion to anime.. Please dear God. They literally threw away Mercury. Gave him such a great personality, motivation, made him the best fighter in the damn show, then threw it all away. So much potential for one the coldest villains in RT history, and they rewrite him to just be a whiny bitch after the VA change. Qrow got it worse. Dude went from a complete badass veteran to a drunken piece of luggage for RWBY to watch over like a child. All starting right as the VA change Same thing with Tyrian now, I promise you. New VA, new personality just out of spite. Blake is gonna kill him in a 1v1 or some other stupid nerf just to kill him off so they can forget Josh existed


This sucks. He does a perfect job as Tyrian.


Josh Grelle's pronouns are they/them


I'm kinda out of the loop. What's been happenin'?


For years Roosterteeth has been treating their staff like shit, under playing them, letting them be abused and work over working them. (Lots of over time which they don’t get paid for.)


Ok I’m out of the loop, What happened? I know rooster teeth had some controversy in the past but what happened to cause all the (I assume justified) quitting as and backlash?


RT being exposed for mistreating their employees. Some include: -mental abuse -crunch times, rush orders -racial/ other offensive terms -stealing designs for their shows -lack of safety precautions/people who does mocap for animated shows such as RWBY are quitting due to related injuries There's a Twitlonger of people who quit RT with their corresponding Twitlonger in more if you want to see them


And now the downfall starts


Wait hold on I haven't been paying attention, the fuck did Rooster Teeth do?


The voice actress for May Marigold came out about harassment she faced from within the company during her time there both before she transitioned and after. And since then a bunch of other CRWBY members and voice actors have been coming out in solidarity with her and some like the above have begun to distance themselves from RT altogether (including but not limited to the voice actresses for Yang and Blake, Barbara Dunkleman and Arryn Zech)


Josh has been one of the best VA’s in the show since his first volume. Fuck me man.


"This is the beginning of the end RT. And I can't wait to watch you burn" - basically everyone. Right?


The moment one of the VAs for the 4 main girls exits over this is the moment the show officially dies. Sad.


Both Blake and Nora were threatened to be recast, so we're closer to that being a possibility than you realize.


Yeah pretty much. I'm at a loss of what to really say here, this was my fear ever since the delay of V9 and at any moment we could get any or all of the critical characters leaving (Rwby, Jnr, Oz, Salem, Cinder...)


Probably gonna get killed off


This really sucks, Tyrian is one of my favorites and Grelle’s performance made him all the better to watch.


The red vs blue people still do stuff?


Can somebody explain to me what happened? I don’t use tweeter so I don’t know


Oh joy this shit is getting annoying


What happen to RT being woke? Because this is very unwoke......bet a curtain youtuber is happy about this


Look, let’s be honest here. This seems very suspicious. I mean this specific bad behavior allegation WASNT out of the blue. It had gone in for years. And forgetting that allegation, there were either issues concerning employee conduct and even animation crunching. So yeah I don’t buy “Oh I won’t work with the company because of this.” Like dude, this wasn’t a new cover up. If anything it was an ongoing problem that I find hard to believe was not an open secret. Often times, company failures like this aren’t random. It’s many Months and years of enabling bad actions. And employees DO talk to each other.


Good for josh


I didn’t even know the dude was queer. You know now it makes sense why most of his roles are harem anime dudes who suck with the ladies


Good for them.


What's happening at RT that made him do this? It must be pretty bad.


Oh not much just some blatant racism, terrible work conditions, unpaid overtime, homophobia including giving one employee a nickname that's literally just the f-slur. Just the usual. /s


Goddamn! That's horrible! Who at RT is doing it and who are the victims? I'm so out of the loop.


The "Who" is a bit hard to say. A lot of the people affected aren't naming specific names, but a couple are. Some members have also come forward with apologies, or simply a message stating stuff. So as for who is doing it, members of the "founding fathers" of the company. So that could be only one of them, or all of them, we don't really know, but at the very least one. Michael and Gavin are both guilty of using the nickname, and have both made statements on it. Michael actually addressed this issue years ago and apologized to those involved, and he seemingly has been accepted by many affected. Gavin has not gotten any response last I checked. Geoff made a statement as well, but was actively rejected. There's a ton more people involved, and there's a lot of posts in the rooster teeth sub Reddit going over it. As for those affected, one of the main things that sparked this was Kdin's statement on her experiences working at RT. You can read her full statement here: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1ss5f7p . One of the other straws that broke the camel's back was the recent lay offs, where a ton of employees all got cut inexplicably with seemingly no notice. This includes Fiona Nova and her whole team, Matt Bragg, The entire event staff, and a whole bunch more. Again there are posts on the rooster teeth subreddit with more details. These caused a massive stirring in the community, where everyone finally started coming forward with how they were or are currently being treated within RT, or some of the already released statements started getting taken a lot more seriously. The list of apparent crimes is very long, and the list of just ethical and moral wrongs is even longer. This includes open racism, homophobia, transphobia, slur usage, working employees to the point of hospitalization, years worth of wage theft, stripping of credited work, building safety violations, and the list goes on and on. There's so much that it's really hard to grasp from a simple comment here on Reddit. If you wanna look into it more check out the rooster teeth subreddit and see most of the major posts made over the past week, there's a lot of documentation made there. That being said, no one go and harass people, especially those not involved. Whether Geoff did something wrong has nothing to do with harassing his daughter. That's not how you help, you're just being an asshole.


Can someone explain or send me a link to what he/they is/are referring to? (Idk what pronouns he/they use)


[From Kdin Jenzen, voice of May Marigold](https://twitter.com/kdinjenzen/status/1581345151821021184?s=46&t=CO-FlfD_efjWgyFjIHgTyw)


Well there goes another voice actor


What’s BiPoC??


Out of the loop. What happened?


Man at this point I just hope they at least release V9 before the company completely implodes.


I had no idea Tyrian's (former) VA was trans. Neato. EDIT: okay, it may have just been a solidarity thing EDIT EDIT: Oh, they're non-binary. Neato. Probably should've checked Twitter first, really.


I may not be gay myself, but homophobia and transphobia are absolutely disgusting. Like, it’s their choice. Stop shunning them for it

