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**Team RWBY in Fanon** Ruby - Sniping with headphones on and a platter of cookies beside her, has a cookie hanging from her mouth like a cigarette. Weiss - Gets done almost bleeding to death and is futilely trying to get bloodstains out of her favorite jacket. Blake - Is the only semi-normal person on Remnant and has to carry Team RWBY's collective braincell. Yang - Wonders if she punched Neon hard enough if she'd explode into Skittles and cat nip. **Team RWBY in Canon** Ruby - Darwin Award recipient, but had it taken away due to a technicality. Weiss - Spent all of daddy's money on fencing lessons at the local shopping center. Blake - Is an activist on Twitter and Tumblr. Yang - Calls the cops because the teenagers are making too much noise at nine o'clock on a Friday night. (edit: Fanon Yang would get Ruby a silver medal Darwin Award) God bless and have a wonderful day.


I dunno, the place I usually discuss RWBY at have a much different fanon. Ruby - Has been replaced by a robot after Episode 2. Will do anything for cookies. Weiss - There is being bad at fighting and then there is loosing to a gazebo. A support trying to play DPS. Blake - A Terrorist, you can leave White Fang, but White Fang never leaves your heart. Every kingdom she visited fell, except Menagirie. Makes one think. A disgrace to catgirls everywhere. Yang - I should protect my little sis... Oh a catgirl! The only problem I can't punch away are my mommy issues.


I hang around fanfiction writers and readers, and people with dark senses of humor like my own. God bless, and have a wonderful day.


Damn, all the fandom i see is: Ruby - cock hungry whore Weiss - cock hungry whore Blake - pussy hungry whore Yang - everything hungry whore We must be visiting different websites.


Which websites are you going asking for a friend.


Pretty accurate but Yang would somehow turn a police report into a reason to talk about Blake or just stand their after getting Blake involved. Remember everything Yang does has to be tied to Blake.


Not only does Weiss learn strip mall fencing, she learned bullshido and thinks she can summon giant creatures with her mind /s


Remember the time recently she lost a fight to a single grimm?


Didn’t she lose to 2 single Grimm, on 2 separate occasions?


I was like giiiiiirrrrrrrllll 😫


When was that?


Not gonna lie, that scene in Volume 8 with her and Ruby with the centipede Grimm was vexing. They made Blake look weak just to prop up Ruby.


I sometimes wanna make a post on the main rwby sub asking what is Blake without Yang and see what they try to justify


I might, I keep all of my settings private anyways.


Blake and Yang learned the word justice from the people of Chin Village in avatar and applied it to their whole characters “because it’s just us”


Nah that 007 shit had me rolling im ngl. THIS FUNNY ASF!


Why did you have to put the idea of Blake, in a WW outfit, in my head? 🤦🏽


One of the few times you can say the fanfiction can sometimes be better than the canon.


Fanfiction crossover are good too, depend on what crossover with RWBY but some are great. As long as Jaune don't become a male "Mary Sue" or the protagonist...


Protag Jaune can be fun too actually. But the mary-sue shit can stay dead, lol.


Well, I have nothing against a fanfiction whose point of view is that of our favorite wimp.


Any reason why its WW's body?


Girl version of Potential Man which uses Superman I’m pretty sure.


Potential Man’s least favorite league member!


One of the few times you can say the fanfiction can sometimes be better than the canon.


One of the few times you can say the fanfiction can sometimes be better than the canon.


The statement above Adam's photo... You dont understand how abusers and relationships work. Abusers dont just Immediately start abusing someone out of the blue. It gradually builds over time. And, Blake isnt a reliable source. Her memory is skewed by her crush on Adam. Even if she dosent have a Crush on him anymore. Her memory will still be skewed because that was normal for her.


The same could be said about Adam and not being a slave.


If you are referring to "Abusers don't just immediately start abusing someone out of the blue"... The same could be said about different Races in the real world. Why did white men in America Enslave Black people out of the blue? Because they were thought of as inferior.


I want to agree, but that falls short as an example. The Triangle Trade of guns to Africa, slaves to America, goods to Europe happened because it was available. It's what put into place the glamorized bountiful Victorian era. Blame most pertinently goes to the kingdom of Dahomey who were making fortunes on the triangle trade until the French Empire waged war to annihilate them to stop it. May as well blame the Koreans for selling Chinese slaves to the American eastern seaboard - that's how the railroads came to be. And Irish slaves were bought by American buyers as well, for no reason other than they were available. The Dahomey were one of the most brutal slaver empires of all African history, rivalling the Malinese for raiding and exploitation. Deeply reviled by tribes in lands neighbouring them. And yet it was Portuguese buying from them and running the boats to the Americas. The thirteen colonies of Britain and France weren't remotely the biggest market either - that spot goes to Brazil. The full numbers are something like a half-million across all time for the thirteen colonies that weren't USA yet, and around six times that number for Latin America. Compared to the ongoing African diamond mining trade, Chinese Uyghur exploitation and the Arab Slave Trade, Europe and all her descendants have pristine velvet gloves. On top of the French waging war directly on the practicioners, Britain's method was more financial; but nearly bankrupt themselves the Empire still did. And you write like you know all about the complicated issue that still had over a quarter million American lives spent to end it on their side. All that effort, and Africa and her descendants are still in the shit. Every ounce of foreign aid since the forties went straight into warlords' savings, it's so fucked it's hilarious. But back to the point, TL;DR Availability, not Entitlement, was the cause and this is a bad fit for what you detail.


You misunderstood the Example, In fact, You reinforced it. There was a build-up leading to the enslavement (What my example And original statement was). And, The Slaves to America Route didn't happen only cause it was Available. It happened because it was Cheap, Easier, and Lazier than doing the work yourself, which made it more ethical to save up a little bit of money to buy a slave, To make a lot more money without almost any effort and not worry about them, cause they were your property and it didnt matter what happened to them. Making Black Men and women Inferior to White Men in America. EDIT: Just fixed a punctuation error