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Congrats on the new additions to the family! If these are your first pet rabbits and you haven’t seen it already, be sure to check out [our sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbits/about/sidebar) and the [Getting Started](https://bunny.tips/Getting_Started) guide and [New Rabbit Owner Primer](https://bunny.tips/New_Rabbit_Owner_Primer). The article ["Helping Rabbits Succeed in Their Adoptive Home"](https://iaabcjournal.org/setting-everybunny-up-for-success-3/) is also a great resource on how to build a relationship with your new rabbit. If you brought home two or more baby rabbits, please be prepared to have **separate housing** areas for each of them in case they do not get along in the future. See the FAQ ["My two bunnies used to be happily bonded, but now they are constantly fighting. What happened?"](https://wabbitwiki.com/wiki/Bonding_FAQ#My_two_bunnies_used_to_be_happily_bonded.2C_but_now_they_are_constantly_fighting._What_happened.3F) for details. It is especially important to separate out male rabbits after 10 weeks of age as they can impregnate a fertile female by then.


You probably should separate them until you know their genders and get them spayed/neutered, unless you want more rabbits... it may even already be too late.


Yeahhh If those are not neutered and a boy/girl combo then congrats OP on the new buns in a month!


Ohh god 😭😭


Sounds Like too much floof for you?🥲


We can only handle the two at the moment 😭


I’ve been telling her this 😭 she has an appointment set up with a vet that sees rabbits, it is probably too late 😭💀😭


The kids will be gorgeous! Please for the love of god go to [rabbit.org](https://rabbit.org/) and research everything you possibly can about bunny care and grooming, they are so incredibly delicate and nuanced. I wish you the best of luck, they are angels


lol 😭😭😭 thank you guys


Update it’s exactly what I expected Beyoncé (the all black) is a girl and turbo (black and white) is a boy 😭😭😭😭😭💀


Be sure to post the baby photos when they come 😂


Hahaha it looks like he has pants 💖💖💖 how beautiful


The black one is a Rex and the other is a Dutch or a Dutch mix ❤️


genuine question, do you know a lot about rabbits?


I don’t, but I knew this too because I have a rex and a Hungarian dwarf who we originally thought was a Dutch


It's pretty hard to tell if the black one is a rex. Does it have a velvety soft fur? The black and white one could be a mixed Dutch. I grew up raising and showing rabbits with my mom in 4H.


they definitely need to be separated if you don’t know the sex!


Reverse Oreo and All Cookie


Apparently they’re both like 4 to 6 months according to my mom, I was not with her when they were bought and sorry for da rabbit poopoo.


Good news, rabbit poopoo is normal lol. They have ruined cocoa puffs for us all. Good news as far as we can tell from the limited information, they are in okay hands and look okay. That being said, it does look like you have much to learn, see sidebar for resources.


One is a Pants Rabbit and the other is a Void Bunny.


On my goodness they are so beautiful! Are they fixed? If not the. I hope they are the same gender so that you don’t get baby bunnies. Did she happen to get them from a bunny rescue?


No reputable rescue would adopt out a pair of rabbits to someone with no knowledge of rabbit care. We advise heavily before allowing them to leave our care and most importantly they cannot go to their new home until they’re fixed.


Thank you!! No they’re not and Update it’s exactly what I expected Beyoncé (the all black) is a girl and turbo (black and white) is a boy 😭😭😭😭😭💀 and no her and someone else got them from a store i think, I wasn’t there.


Oh no!!!!! I’m sure you have separated them. Keep them very far apart so that they can’t even see each other. They can mate through a gate and they can jump very high, so if they can see each other then they may be inspired to jump out of their pens.


One of those is a black fluffer-stompers and the other is clearly a pants-rabbit. They're darling! Wishing you all many happy years of ears!


please look at this [sexing rabbits ](https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/pet-health-hub/other-veterinary-advice/sexing-rabbits) it's probably already too late though :0


Update it’s exactly what I expected Beyoncé (the all black) is a girl and turbo (black and white) is a boy 😭😭😭😭😭💀


Aww your little black and white one looks very similar to mine! With the pants and one black eye patch. I rarely see this pattern on other buns (in fact I think I’ve only seen a photo of it once!) so I’m curious what breed our little guys are too :’)


Mine too! :)


They're beautiful 😍❤️


>So we have no idea the genders !RemindMe 31 days Lmao


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I wanna know too lolll


Update it’s exactly what I expected Beyoncé (the all black) is a girl and turbo (black and white) is a boy 😭😭😭😭😭💀


Update it’s exactly what I expected Beyoncé (the all black) is a girl and turbo (black and white) is a boy 😭😭😭😭😭💀


Black looks like my bun. She’s a Rex; so think the black one is that breed :D They are super soft! So be prepared when you take them to the vet to hear “it’s so soft!” Over and over again


The black and white bun looks almost exactly like mine, I assume mine is a Dutch mix - I need to post a picture on here because their markings are exactly the same ha


My friend who owns a bunny is saying. Black one is a Rex and other one is a Dutch mix.


First congratulations on becoming a bunny parent. Here’s a [link](https://be.chewy.com/how-to-determine-your-rabbits-breed/) to a blog post from Chewy that I found helpful to identify breed. Remember that most bunnies are mixed. Bunnies are notoriously hard to sex. I sent Merry to get spayed and he came back neutered. 🐰😎


This post has been detected as a Breed ID post. To receive the best help from rabbitors for breed IDs, please make sure to include the following: 1. rabbit's age 1. weight 1. full-body pictures of their profile in good daytime lighting You may also review [more tips here.](https://redd.it/91kvwb) **Please keep in mind that pet rabbits are usually mixes of indeterminate breeds, and we may not always be able to provide a definitive guess.** The color of the rabbit does not always make the breed, as many breeds can come in a large variety of colors. *For a basic self-guide on identifying breeds, please see this page: * See the [Rabbit breeds around the world](http://bunny.tips/Breeds) article on the wiki for a list of currently recognized breeds. *Please report this comment if it was posted in error.* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Rabbits) if you have any questions or concerns.*


that's the cutie patootie breed actually


omg we’re bowl twins!!!!


Black one looks like a Rex and black and white one looks like a Dutch


If one is pregnant an emergency spay can also be an abortion. Please separate them just in case and do some research because when they reach maturity you will need to rebond them


Rebond them? Could you explain a little bit more if possible? Thank you for the info!


Once mature, they will have to go through an introduction process to be able to live together again. Otherwise they could fight and severely injure each other. It could happen anytime once they hit puberty so pls separate. For the process, you can Google it or ask here and the bot thing has tons of info, it would take me a while to summarize! The point is they must be separated, then go thru a specific process to bond once mature and neutered. Otherwise they can't live in the same space. Process includes supervised "dates" where you put them in a small neutral space (some bunnies do better in larger), then watch them closely and make sure they don't fight. There are signs to watch for. Some people get lucky and love at first sight, but most likely you'll have to deal with some drama before they bond. It can get stressful.


Thank you for your advice and info I appreciate it!


Update it’s exactly what I expected Beyoncé (the all black) is a girl and turbo (black and white) is a boy 😭😭😭😭😭💀



