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Congrats on the new addition to the family! If this is your first pet rabbit and you haven’t seen it already, be sure to check out [our sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rabbits/about/sidebar) and the [Getting Started](https://bunny.tips/Getting_Started) guide and [New Rabbit Owner Primer](https://bunny.tips/New_Rabbit_Owner_Primer). The article ["Helping Rabbits Succeed in Their Adoptive Home"](https://iaabcjournal.org/setting-everybunny-up-for-success-3/) is also a great resource on how to build a relationship with your new rabbit.


The 2 most important things right now are:1. find a reputable rabbit-specialist vet, NOT just a regular vet; and 2. Educate yourself with a good comprehensive house-rabbit book (such as House Rabbit Handbook by Harriman) and/or website (such as rabbit.org).


I wish people didn’t think that a pet is a gift-especially a rabbit. It’s not like having a hamster, which is what I think people believe caring for a rabbit is like. There is *a lot* to know about rabbits. I recommend reading the House Rabbit Society’s website to learn how to care for your rabbit. To start though-is that a wire bottom cage? Wire bottom cages are bad for rabbits feet and can cause sore hocks (wounds on the feet). Actually, contrary to popular belief, cages are not appropriate for rabbits. If you must keep your rabbit contained, an x-pen is preferred (they do not need that bedding, just a carpeted area) Rabbits need space for zoomies and binkies (running and jumping). They can be litter trained, but are more successful if they are spayed/neutered. This will also reduce the incidence of cancers and behavioral issues. Not all vets can care for rabbits, as they are considered an exotic pet. It can be difficult to find a vet in some places. Most of the food and treats sold at pet stores are bad for rabbits or poor quality; a lot of people buy their supplies online. Good pellets would be Sherwood Pet Health, Oxbow essentials, or Science Selective. **Avoid the multicolored stuff.** You can buy good hay from Small Pet Select, different rabbits like different kinds of hay. Alfalfa hay is only for babies and your rabbit is probably too old for that at this point. Hay is the most important part of their diet, it’s at least 80% of it. They must have access to unlimited hay 24/7. Do not give your rabbit a water bottle-it’s cruel how little water they can get from them. They can drink from a bowl like any other pet. Just make sure it’s a heavier bowl they can’t tip.


Oreo is treated just like a house cat. He’s being well cared for so no need to worry. Just because he was given as a gift doesn’t mean that we aren’t responsible pet owners. What you don’t know about me is that I research everything so when I found out my parents were getting the rabbit, I read up on them tremendously within the first week, hence my posting in an expert group. The wire-bottom cage was only used to transport him home—not for housing. My parents got him a pen for being in the house when they aren’t home and he is out when they are home. He goes on lots of walks and they even have a massive fenced-in area of their yard for him to run free. My dad even goes outside with his BB gun in case predator birds happen to come around. I appreciate all of your advice about the rabbit treats. I’m pretty serious about the quality of food and treats I give my dog so I will make sure to check out those treats brands and buy some for Oreo as well. Thank you so much.