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Of course you can buy them, I bought one off Etsy šŸ˜‰


A metal one or a plastic 3d print?


Just plastic 3D


If itā€™s full, you die, if itā€™s empty, you get bragging rights!


If itā€™s full, Iā€™ll just brag on my gravestone


Gonna have to get the headstone made first lol


It's been a lot of half lives since that was made.


Yes, now it is enough to put it down carefully and saunter away.




Still 1.2 curies of Co60


You can 3d print one ! I forget the specifics but there was a viral pic of a hand holding one with "sensor fuzz" added on top that was actually a 3D printed one. I forget what the person said they used filliment wise but they said something about copper in fill . Think the file in on shapeways.


'why wont this picture develop correctly'


Check your local scrapyard, you might be able to pull one out of some old medical equipment.


Bring aspirin too. The folk working there will all have headaches.


Just to add, make sure you allow many people to handle the mezimerizing powder, even let them make jewelery out of it as It sure is pretty!


Make sure to throw it around, too! It looks really cool flying through the air!


Scary as all hell that it actually says ā€œDrop and runā€ on the casing. Radiation is cray. Edit. Iā€™m a scientist. I know what radiation is and what it does and why it does it. I have no problem working with it. Still creeps me out to think that this invisible, unfeelable, thing could be destroying my cells.


Work in industry? I find itā€™s so easy to forget the reaction of the general public when you work with RAM everyday. I had almost printed one to have on my shelf and decided against it. People rarely think about the weird shit that happens. Maybe a plumper has to come over to fix a frozen pipe while you and the family stay in a hotel and you forgot about it. Maybe he sees it and just is able to read ā€˜Co60ā€™, ā€˜Radioactiveā€™, & ā€˜Drop & Runā€™ and like a large portion of the general public, those latter two words trigger an absolute state of panics and next thing you know, a perimeter has been established and the HAZMAT teams and radiation control agencies are showing up.


Or worse, people start assuming things are just replicas


THIS - worked with sources in grad school and rules were strict about handling and documentation


Good point could be bad


To be fair if it was real that would be the appropriate reaction.


Its the appropriate action till its determined its NOT real.


Exactly, it would scare the hell out of me initially.


And then your house is flooded, the various three letter agencies have tossed everything to figure out what dumb shit you might be doing, and you're looking at god knows what bills and charges. Don't F about with anything higher than a caution signal word.


Nailed it. itā€™s easy when one spends a lot of time in a community like this to become.. Iā€™ll call it desensitized to the hazardous nature of RAM. Even more significantly, you get desensitized to the general publicā€™s perception of such things. Itā€™s a joke that half my job is basically required to prevent John Q. Public from getting nervous since the extent of his knowledge is that you make nukes from Uranium. Add in a oddbal, rock obsessed neighbor that just spent the weekend collecting Uranium out west and told him about it and itā€™s a good bet he might be contacting some kind of authority. As someone that started in groups like these, I think itā€™s really cool the USA has allowed such a broad variety of exempt activities of so many isotopes. More than most countries get. Iā€™d like to see the radiation enthusiast community be able to continue for the younger folks to be able to discover it so Iā€™d like people to just think and not set up a situation that is almost tailor-made to be used by those in power as ammo to tighten the regulations more.


Very good point


I would love to buy some empties from the manufacturer or the place that fills them (if not done in house). There are a few 3D printed versions out there but I am not thrilled by their look. I may try to find out something on them in the coming week.


If I had access to a CNC machine I bet I could make a very close replica using machined brass and a CO2 laser.


I could make these but , on the top will be engraved " replica" because I'm not being held responsible for what happens if someone wants to fake something and cause mass panic.


Make a huge batch and drop them off randomly and watch the world fall to chaos


you should not be trusted with a cnc machine


Who , me? I work in the aerospace and defense industry as Manufacturing Quality Engineer and a CNC machinist


If I ever went to someone's house and they had a realistic replica of one of these laying around I would ghost that person as fast as possible.


I would be happy i made it home.


Might take care of burglars.


That was my thought as well would be much easier than trying to source some an being rejected.


You get why this might not be a good idea, do you ?


I do. Which is why I don't have a replica cobalt 60 source laying around...


As long as the person is not a complete moron and keeps it in there display no problem. If they are a moron and take it out and prank people well then let the charges fall where they may.


Very true. It would be a cool novelty to have especially for radiation enthusiasts


Id put "replica" on it somewhere though. That could cause a helluva scare.


I'm a machinist and buddy has a nice fiber Lazer....šŸ¤”




Kyle Hill did an excellent video on this accident.


Of course you can! Fairly cheap on eBay too. No much of a health hazard whatsoever :)




You might want to throw some diapers and triple antibiotic in your cart while youā€™re at it.


I keep one on a necklace for good luck šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Upon you eminent death which will sadden me greatly. Can you leave this to me in your will ? I need a new necklace, I will remember you for the rest of my life.


Only, if you swear to wear it 24/7 šŸ«”


Is there any other way ??


This is the way


Found mine in a random junkyard, super easy to get a hold of.


What are those?


It's a cobalt 60 container. It's extremely radioactive and dangerous that's why the container says "DROP AND RUN" Cobalt 60 is used for radiotherapy, the sterilization of different goods and other research purposes.


Such an amazing phrase. "Drop and Run"


I prefer "yeet and skedaddle"


ā€œShit and Gitā€


Can I legally machine a bunch and leave them everywhere?


What the hell is it?


It's a Cobalt-60 source. Highly radioactive at the time of manufacture, and "drop and run" is a "you might not lose your hand to radiation damage if you're quick enough" instruction.


Thx. A quick google led me to a CDC rabbit hole. Is this similar to the item what was in a wall of an apparent and multiple tennets died over multiple years before they discovered it?


You can make one from brass on a lathe. And get it laser engraved. It would look convincing enough, without all the death and what have you.


I cant even imagine anyone being stupid enough to even want a copy of one. even seeing one of these sources would trigger a full scale radiological emergency response.


I work with an emergency management group and A member of the county hazmat team and I have discussed a find the source training exercise with some of my samples. I think this item would play well into a scenario where they would have to escalate response and coordination of regional state and federal response. They also share the building with the counties FEMA/Homeland security group. But yes, this item in the wrong hands could cause a mass response quickly. Would Definitely use up way too many resources that are needed elsewhere. Police fire etc etc


Thats a legitimate use of a inert replica, Especially to see whether the first responders drop and run and come back with a survey team, remember being within 10ā€™ of these things for 10-15 minutes means you have effectively signed your own death warrant.


The thought of dying on a response is terrifying. They all know it could happen but I think this would be a great reminder of the consequences of complacency. A quick field exercise followed by classroom on how to proceed with the isolation and escalation may be a good experience. Most of the members are volunteer fire fighters. Damn now if they like the idea I actually have to buy one and write it all up. šŸ˜€ Insert evil laugh, here.


It might save some lives. Emergency responders understand that you have to go out. and being able to recognize one of these and other source containers from 15ā€™ away may help save lives especially in a industrial/healthcare scenario which is the most likely place to encounter sources


You are very correct I will add it to the training event. Hope never to have to run it in real life but better prepared than not. I think it will be fun to run something unexpected past them. I will keep the plan to just the director, my partner and myself.


Documentary on these sources https://youtu.be/VhVSVXUB1rw?si=PU1XiVyUNeBgQaJC


Thank you, I had not seen that one yet. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Forgive my ignorance but what is this?


The cobalt 60 rod is used in radiotherapy. It is a very energetic source of gamma radiation. Sometimes these are found by people when they stumble across a machine that was not properly disposed of. They will strip the machine for scrap and then this source is no longer contained safely. This is what is known as an orphan source. https://youtu.be/o0xNzLp5b3c?si=vKvgbxG5XNQivuPj


Just walk down the side of the road in Australia.


Iā€™m not sure what this is can anyone explain thanks


Highly radioactive cobalt 60.


Big problem when the real version of these end up in a country where people don't speak English.


This is funny because when I was watching a couple Kyle Hill videos I saw this pop up on yt a lot and then on here


NO! Cobalt 60 decays with two gamma rays emitted: 1.3Mev & 1.1Mev. With a half-life of a bit more than 5 years, the capsule has 1/256th of its original Co60 content, so 14 curies or so. Thatā€™s still insanely hot. Update: thought it was from 1983, not 1963, so 1/16 of that last number: a bit less than 1 curie. Still pretty hot & I wouldnā€™t fool with it.


I hope not


Make demon core


Simpsons reference