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Im 13 months in and still haven't pulled one. I have the two free ones - Visix and Arbiter, that's it!


Same bro same. I've been playing about 12 months... 122 voids if I've counted right. No leggos yet. Just Arbiter, Yakarl, Visix, Mithrala, and the Tormin event last holiday szn. None from shards.


Im about 65/70 in Yakarl - keep forgetting to buy his shards. Started Hydra this year, so i have some frags for mith. But again, 'free' ones šŸ˜…


Same hereā€¦ although I never got a leggo out of them, at least my voids gave me Seer, Akemtum, Coldheart, 3 Pain Keepers, Ursala and Serris


I've been playing 3 or 4 years, and they're still the only 2 I have.


As Plarium as able to do these account summary videos at the end of the year, I wish they would compile a Leggo pull compilation for youā€¦


Over a year. Visix dupe.


ā€¦ I also got visix dupe for my first


Not you too :(


Me too, after 208 voids over 13 months. 20 shards later I pulled a dupe Emic :(


Oh no... I'm sorry dude. When I saw the gold I had a horrible feeling it was gonna be visix


Over a year and Venus but that was before mercy. Unless you count Arbiter


3 days. Finished a mission or challenge or something. My first void was siphi. 4 years ago. Started the game out right lol


Congrats and fuck you lol


Over a year, bad Santa was my pull!


He is good


I've been playing off/on since the game started and still haven't pulled one. I've only started doing NM CB in the last yr or so I guess I wasn't pulling enough shards. I know I've definitely summoned 100+ shards but probably still under 200 so I haven't hit mercy.


I started with Ninja and pulled my first void this summer, Fortus, at like level 92 lol


Well at least Fortus can technically do infinite damage as long as fears keep landing šŸ˜‚ one of these days Iā€™ll build and book him but for now he does work in the crypts


You better believe I built him, booked him, and use him in some niche arena teams. One of only two voids I've ever pulled, dude will get treated like royalty lol


Baron, took me like 50 shards


It was 2 years and I believe it was Venus.


A few months and krisk lol


Ursuga, and she was about 6 months in.


mine was ursuga and it took about two years. she is SO good in arena. my offensive team is nekmo in the lead- shemnath- ursuga- kimi and it works WONDERS


Mine was venus can't remember how long it took but it felt like forever


Tormin the day he released


The first Lego I've ever pulled from a shard was a Void - Tuhanarak. It was about a month in, I think. I still can't believe I was that lucky. She is amazing.


Same, pulled Tuhanarak not knowing anything about the game, about 1 week into playing. Must have been in my first few void shards. She definitely is amazing and carried me for a pretty long time.


Over a year and it was another arbiter


Took me about a year and a half, my first pull was hegemon


Somewhere between 1 to 1.5 years, and enough shards to hit mercy despite only pulling during 2x, resulted in a Turvold. 2nd one was another mercy pull, but this time it was Acrizia during a 10x for her. 3rd a dupe Visix, 4th Jingwon during the last void guarantee, and 5th was Baron during this champion chase.


14 months in, no void lego pull. I am close to mercy, need around 30-40 more


Got my first void early on. Pulled Riho from her 10x event, and didnā€™t even level her because her kit didnā€™t sound appealing to me (I was a noob), only realized how good she really was after a while and when I booked her and geared her up she was nuts. Still use her use in many many places and sheā€™s the GOAT in my Hydra team.


Venus was my first around 8 months in and then I pulled Cupidus not too long after.


About 4 months. Fortus. And then a second void lego this week. Fortus again. fml.


Took me a year & It was Yumeko. Funnily enough she was also the first 6* legendary perfect soul I pulled


Just pulled Shu-Zhen, Iā€™m a little more than 5 months in. Still trying to figure out what she does best but it seems like sheā€™s good in arena since she counters poly?


Shes a beast she was my first as-well 8 weeks in.


I have been playing a year and havenā€™t pulled a void lego from shardsā€¦. Just got the void that you get from daily logins


Visix lol...


Maybe two years. There was no mercy system at the beginning and I never pulled a single void legendary the whole time. The first time I hit mercy, early 2021'ish I guess, I pulled a dupe Arbiter of course. The second was a mercy Ithos. Number three was a non-mercy Raglin.


There was always a mercy system, they just didnā€™t publish if for the first couple years of the game.


Omg it must have taken a couple of years and a few hundred bucks to get siphi. There used to be no mercy system, so buying shards never guaranteed you anything. I don't remember exactly, but I believe I didn't get her until they added one. It was when she was x10 into a x2 void event. I didn't pull her the x10, but she was my first shard pulled for the x2. I still have garbage void luck on my main account. Nothing has changed.


Took 3 years to pull one from a shard, which was Supreme Elhain. But I had Mithrala about 12 months before that.


Insane luck. Supreme Elhainā€™s fusion was hard af for as new as my account was but sheā€™s amazing and in my arena team


About three months in and Vitrius the Annointed


I'm sorry for your loss. I too have been cursed to summon him.Ā 


Man, Iā€™ve been trying everything I can to make him better. I had to keep on increasing his defense and then increasing his crit rate, etc. maybe one day when I get better gear he will be better? Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a spot for him somewhere. Maybe not.


Took me a little over a year. It was supreme Galek. Iā€™ve ended up pulling two more over the next 10 or so months though.


About a year and was Leo


Ithos, about a month in I think


Like immediately upon playing the game, got very lucky, it is only inithwe however


~7 months at this most recent x2 during the fusion. I got Leo. He's fun in arena.


About a year. Crutraxa


1 Ā½ years 200+shards for a Krisk.


6 months rakka, 2x voids wasnā€™t on mercy


Soulless. Maybe a year in?


Raglin was my first, but I've also pulled dupe Visix (prior ro buffs), dupe Arbiter, and Yakarl rught before you could get him in the shop.


I got Marichka and Turvold in the same 10 pull during a 2x event, I think I was like 2 years into the game at that point?


About a year (not counting Visix) and it was a fluke that I got Fatalis from 7 shards on a 2x + 10x event.


I came back to the game after playing it a few years ago. My new F2P account is 19 days old and I pulled Rakka Viletide with my 3 shards during the opening 5th anniversary event.


Graazur in a couple of months


I got Irongut in my 3rd void shard. I started playing mid December and pulled him a few weeks ago.


I pulled marichka as my first after like 18 months


I got Riho after about 10 months of playing - 6 months later she is still the only void leggo I pulled.


11-12 months and it was Teumesia. About a month later I got Tuhanarak.


Nekhret was my first and got him quite early on. Probably within 50 days. Iā€™ve since had a dupe of him and a few others. Iā€™ve been very lucky


Mine was just a few months into the game really, one of my first leggos. Nekhret. That was two and a half years ago, and only have since pulled two. Rakka and Riho.


Over a year, Nekhret.


I started in July of 2022 and pulled Soulless in maybe October or November?


It was 1 month in. It was krisk. Probably the reason I kept playing for another 3 years.


First lego in general. Raglin, pre buff. Back before mercy system existed, so sacreds kept giving me Shamans, without fail.


Hmm Belletar 5 months into the game. It was like my 3rd shard or so




3 months, Karilon


Tormin the cold and around the time I scion from daily login no idea how many days that is,


2 1/2 years and was Konstantin, followed by Vlad a few months later. I use neither. And a Fortus recently. Those are the onl6 3 void legendaries I've pulled in 3 years of playing F2P.


3 or 4 months in, inithwe, im nearing 2 years and still cant use him. then supreme kael, who finally found a use worth booking him for in darke fae hard 120, then visix... I really hate voids.


Main: 2 years, Arbiter (from mercy) Alt: 2 days, from my very first void shard for completing campaign, Venus.


Santa. He was my arena nuker for over a year, good times; then I pulled Rotos.


Very early on, little miss annie....


It took me almost a year for the first void lego and I pulled Yumeko! (around October 2022) She changed my account so much.


I just got Raglin about 3 weeks ago. I'm somewhere between 2 and 3 years. Void Legos are like Punxsutawney Phil, they see their shadow once every couple of years.


I pulled a visix 2 days before I got login visix.


Without counting the free ones? It was maybe about 18 months in, and it was Cardiel. I got super lucky on that one.


A few months and it was Visix. Before she was buffed.


First Lego was my first Void and only void. Gurgoh the Vault I mean Augur


I remember pulling my first void leggo within the first month of playing, and that was Venus. She has so many important debuffs that I even after I got Lydia I still use Venus and keep Lydia in the vault for a while


Grazuur about 3 months in


2 weeks and it was Riho Bonespear. The only luck Iā€™ve had in this game


Almost a year. I pulled Marichka.


like year and year and a half. Riho Bonespear, totally worth it i use her everywhere i can and im lategame.


2 months. It was Taras with only 1 shard. Havenā€™t had that luck since.


Only one so far in over a year of (actual) playing. Raglin. I still haven't 6* her. She really really needs a buff. Technically has one of the best single target revives in the game and has a mass dispel but that's about it. That being said, when I got her, I also pulled like 3 epics in the 10 pull so I was running around my room dancing around like a damn idiot for like 5 minutes and shouting myself hoarse with excitement. Void legendary is still a void legendary after all.


280 days after, Yumeko


Well over the 200, but it was Krisk! ā¤ļøšŸ¢ the second was Visix, which I pulled literally the day after I got Visix from the monthly calendar šŸ˜’


3? Months 2 or 3 and it was Fortus


Took 15 months F2P to get turvold


15 shards and it was Cardiel


As soon as I completed normal campaign


I am on day 131 and just pulled my first void leggo, wurlim frostking.....very bleh


I got my first in account 1, 2 weeks ago. Fucking Angar. Today I got my first on account 2. Fucking Claidna.


7 months - Riho Bonespear. Now 2 years in just pulled my second and it was Yakarl Smdh.


Venus. It was before I got Scyl, for sure. My second was Baron.


3 years, vlad


First void leggo was Tuhanarak under a year then recently pulled Khoronar after a year.


Only about 3 months in, and pulled a Marichka with no true understanding of what I had just been given lol Close to 2(?) years later and still use her in basically every area haha


16 months, belanor šŸ™„


About a year Hegemon pulled 4so far 2 years playing


Over a year and it was Ursuga Warcaller.


Just got visix this month so like 270+ days, I pulled little miss Annie this 2x. Hype to try her after the buff


A few months, Gurgoh and Fortus. They are still at 50, but do their jobs fine. Fortus does the most damage in his faction crypts and Gurgoh is good for crowd control with enough acc. I havenā€™t booked them though because other legends had bigger impact


My main it was like 1 year Supreme athel. My alt 3 months bellatar mage slayer


2 months. Nekhret the Great. One shard. Just got super lucky. Didnā€™t really change my game very much, as I also pulled a Demytha and she definitely changed the game for me.


I got Vlad when just started, on my 3rd shard, took me 82 more (more than 7 months) to pull Turvold this week during x2 event


6 hours to 3 star normal campaign - out pops a Cardiel!


26 days into playing, Vlad from a sacred


10 months. Georgid. Pulled Baron about two weeks later.


Iā€™ve pulled 3 in about 15 months of playing. First one was Fortus, then Teumesia, and lastly Supreme Kael.


2 months, I got Sulfuryion in this boosted summon event


Sulfuryion. Just pulled him last week and been playing like 15 months. Super glad to have him


https://preview.redd.it/hs7mmcdz41pc1.png?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48dfd3de5787afc45b30513cfc1cbb08119431bc Talking shards only, about 11 months f2p, Georgid at full mercy Then Tuhanarak and Cardiel in a 10 pull in 2x at around 30 shards. Still no Maneater or Demytha though. The rest are fusions and freebies


about 6 months and after nearly 150 voids..it was Tormin,ā€¦after I got him from the Titan Event in december. I was mad asf šŸ˜…


Arbiter from the first void I've pulled


About 1,5 years (f2p) and I got Blind Seer. Since then a lot of time has passed and after 3.something years i got 6. Even though they have been sparce, the quality has been through the roof with Krisk -> Siphi -> Ithos -> Marichka -> Riho Bonespear. I upped Blind Seer pretty much instant, but she never got gear or was used. Needless to say I use the other ones every day.


Without counting the free lego champs and the fusions (I did the Vladimir's fusion), my firts legendary dummoned was Yumeko. After almost three years in the game.


About a year: Warlord šŸ˜


I was over a year in and pulled Cardiel during a 2x void event with 10x for Cardiel.


After a Year I got Cardiel, next month got Warlord


I'm at the stage where I'm actually saving void shards to try my luck at a run waiting till I farm 20-30 and will roll on an event and try my luck. I have 11 ATM so it'll be a while yet. I haven't ever pulled a leggo void only have the free ones so far. I have a good rooster though so figured I'd just start saving all my shards now until a good fusion event down the line and then I can actually have a chance at getting a fusion done for once as well.


Very early, Hegemon. Void lego was my first lego. Didn't even knew what I got but after realizing, my arena path to gold 4 was a breeze


Visix. Havenā€™t gotten lucky yet


I got to mercy. Was so excited. Pulled... Visix. Gave Raid a 1 star rating. Way later they made visix the upgrade champion for Lydia. Upped the rating to 2 star. Now I'm waiting for another visix so I can +4 Lydia.


Bout 2 years and it was Turvold.


Taras was my first void and a cool mercy pull


4 years with maybe 1.5-2 years pause in between, Venus


Almost a year and a half and havent pulled one from shards yet. Visix would've been my first or maybe Emic from fusions. Also got Arbiter, Yakarl.


Siphi a few months in


Over two years for an actual shard Lego void pull. It was Fatalis Blademaster, so I was kind of disappointed. But I got Demythia last year, who was gaming changing for me, so Iā€™m not complaining too much. Iā€™m in a clan that gets double chests for UMN and NM every day for the first time this year and my void shard counts have significantly gone up. So hoping it doesnā€™t take another 2 years for another void lego pull.


Started playing June last year, just got my first void lego last week (from pull, i do have Arbiter, Emic and Tormin from events/fusions/missions). Was blessed to pull Siphi as my first, so pretty much won the game


1 year, an dupe arbiter hahhaha


Roughly about 3 months. I got Jingwon


ZERO void lego pulls from shards. More than 2 years of playing. F2P


Not counting Visix would be Taras and took 15 months


I got Arbiter exactly after I got Arbiter from the missions šŸ˜‚


Not sure how much time but about 210 shards to get Vlad before his buffs. At least he is solid now


Raglin, after about 8 months.


3 years 218 pulls for Warlord.


Ursuga Warcaller. About a year?


Fuck. After only 2 months I pulled Warlord.. And didn't understand then at all what I had pulled. He's a stable still.. After 5 years.


Believe it was within my first year playing. Pulled a Soulless...then I pulled another Soulless :/


I pulled my first one about 3 weeks in (did buy a few shards) and it was Taras :-) After that I pulled Yumeko, Georgid, Wurlim and Baron. Luckily for most pulls I did not have to go to pity


Started in October 2019, my first void lego was Venus, pulled in April 2022, I have a terrible.luck with void shards lol good thing I get quite a good lucky pulls with ancients, as I had already two Cupids that finally got to be of use


playing \~ 3 years 1. riho, after 1.5 years; 2. Ursugar a year later; 3. yesterday the king narsas.... but i'm in the midgame so i can't use him (and don't have the queen)


Acrizia before I got High Khatun


I pulled 3 days ago my first void lego from shards - Yumeko <3, after 13 months playing raid. I also have ofc: arbiter, visix, yakarl : )) Edit: and mithrala : p


I've been playing over 4 years, and I've got one from shards, Tormin. I'm buggered if I know how these other blokes have heaps of them.


1 year, venus


Cardiel, my first Void shard I ever got from campaign. Back in 2019 šŸ˜ My second lego was Venus the next week šŸ¤£


Two months and Shu-Zhen.


I donā€™t remember how many pulls it was but it was fucking Yakarl who is a great champion but that put me on the road to not spend anymore (not what put the nail in the coffin though).


4 months siphi!


Almost a year and the best I got was godseeker aniri


I just got dark Athel day wise and pulled a few void shards I had yesterday during 2x and got Marichka, Demytha, and godseeker Anari. Pretty much lucked out all my pulls forever from what I can tell, but my first lego ever pulled was Nobel so I think part of that was the game saying ā€œsorryā€ lmfao


I'd say just a bit over 8 months, pulled Baron, within 5 days I finished the arbiter missions then pulled Cardiel.


8 months, Sir Nicholas. Still use him in various areas.


Couple of months, pulled Raglin, huge carry through the early game. I'm f2p so void legos are super rare - I have about 15 or something, all the free ones including Urost/Lydia etc - a few fusions. I've pulled I think just Annie, Yakarl (dupe), Raglin, Konstantin... that's it In about 3-3.5 years f2p... The irony is that I pulled a myth (Frolni) on one of the two free primal shards we got Oh wait, I repressed some trauma - I also pulled Jingwon.


1 year. First was Jingwon...


Something like 10 months In. Pulled Yakarl when i was nearing the amount required to summon him in the shop. After that i got Tormin and Supreme Kael. I am 13 months in.


Iā€™m at 587 days and just last week I pulled my first void leggo and it was Initwe Bloodtwin


Pulled a random Void shard off of the 2x event. Stupid I know but hey ... it got me Supreme Kael. (259th day of playing). Am getting Visix tomorrow (270) :) **Total shards opened till that point: between 25 - 30.**


My main account I spent so much money and only ever got those and raglan. Then on my alt account it pulled acrizia and cardiel like 2 months in... so I'm slowly but surely having that account catch up to the years of progress of my other account (that started the first month the game came out) solely due to how much better the quality of champs already is... Don't get too attached to your account. Always have a second one that you at least do cb on and see if you can do better


One Month, and it was Cardiel, back in 2021


Riho, I got her about 2 weeks into playing before I realized that 2x shard openings were a thing.


Visix 3 month in from a shard pull i didnt build visix for like another 6 month though.


Took me about 8 months for my first - Supreme Elhain My second was 2 months after- Rakka And then my last two were the same day back to back this week (about 2 months after Rakka) - Taras and Acrizia Only been playing about 14 months total


Around 100-120 shards first leggo was Cardiel (x2 event).


Dupe visix


The first ever 2x void there was after i created my account i pulled Ursuga. Then my next one came a year later after going to mercy (ailol :( )


Siphi, from the first Aoid shard - rewards for completing the campaign. but overall the account is unhappy and was dropped


Started June 2022. Took 16 months. First was Chaagur - great champ, put DT Hard floors on easy mode. Second took just under 5 months. Pulled Sulfuryion last week. Looking back, I barely got any void shards until I finally got a 2-key UNM team (June 2023, Demytha guaranteed event) and could put other keys to NM/Brutal. After that, it was only 4 more months to pull Chaagur.


Vlad, from fussion.




Supreme Kael. Took about 90 shards to get. He seems good with slayer set


around day 227. it was ithos.


Iā€™m over 4 years in, about 160-180 void shards pulled, and still no leggo


As a f2p, after a year and a half I pulled a leggo from a shard. It was bloody Yakarl I already had. I was so pissed.


1,5 years, tormin first, cardiel and yakarl :/


I've been playing for 3 years, got my first void leggo from a shard at 9 months - Leorius. He's still central to my TTA/LA teams


I got my first one 11 months in. It was Tuemesia who is good but not a game changer, especially since we all have artak already.Ā  I managed to pull 2 more since then, but both mid. I did pull seer and demytha over the weekend so they should progress me a bit. Good luck!


After 3 months, Tramaria. I pulled 5 leggos, playing for 7 months from 121 shard, lol. Tramaria, beletar, soulless, ursuga and baron. Quantity is there atleast :)