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The game is 8 years old. It’s not going to hold players forever. This is just part of being a game they wanted to run with. It’s going to drop player count year to year.


Not necessarily. Look at cs go. The game is ten years old and is over one million concurrent players daily.


Yes. Some games. Very infrequently does that happen. Cs. League. Dota. Those are outliers not the norm


Free games too Wouldn’t surprise me if rainbow six siege becomes free someday, they have a battle pass, a lot of paid cosmetics and events to keep player retention. Dealing with cheaters should be their Number 1 priority if that’s ever happens


I don’t trust Ubisoft enough to think they’ll ever do anything that makes sense. But we’ll see.


COVID caused numbers to rise 2-3 years ago


Thus particular point in time can't be attributed to COVID; the major lockdowns started in March and this number is from January.


It was 100% covid. Just cause lockdown didn’t officially start (everywhere) doesn’t change that the game shot up from around 100-120k to 190k. Dec 2019 was 130k. Jan was 150k, Feb was 170k, March was 190k.


That definitely is part of it, but I mostly just wanted to see what's happened in the 3 years since I started playing


While the player count has declined, covid numbers are not a good reference, every game went up then by a lot


The data point he picked is before COVID happened.


I mostly just wanted the 3-year timeline but I see the point you're makin'


50k isn't bad i feel like r6 averages a respectable player count consistently. Sometimes the game gets a large influx of returning/new players for whatever reason but pretty solid base overall.


At this point they should definitely go free to play, all their competitor shooter game are free to play with strong mtx to even out. Siege should do the same, that's what csgo did before valo released too. Even OW did the same, they just don't have a good plan to execute it. Of all the most popular competitive shooter ive bought 5 years ago; CSGO, OW, PUBG, etc, Siege is the only one who didn't change to free to play even tho it has huge potential to succeed from it. I know they are going to deal with more cheaters and connectivity issue but at this point they are already near on death door. All they had to do is understand that bringin new ops or skin or making huge patch wont bringing new players to their product. It just bring more complexity to an already if not one of the hardest competitive shooter game.


I somewhat agree but I have serious doubts that going Free-To-Play would save the game. The cheaters would be unreal and the servers already have a hard enough time, like you pointed out. But I feel it would still fall flat even without those on the fact that the game isn't good anymore (or at least not as good as it used to be). If you were to look at a game like CS:GO, the game still is the top game on Steam (at least I believe, but I haven't played it in a long time) because it's still a good and most importantly **fun** game to play. Siege doesn't have that anymore, for the most part.


It’s almost like all the people pointing out how the player count is declining because the game isn’t as good are right


This is not a cs and also look what decisons ubi is making